Carole X Tuesday
Other urls found in this thread:
What does that mean?
Tuesday likes dicks.
don't be an entitled cunt, give them time
Likes adult dicks?
I thought this was a yuri
>choosing negress over Tuesday's pink butthole
I wonder if /u/ is having a meltdown
Update: They are. They're all dropping the show
>They're all dropping the show
First time they did something that isn't total degeneracy BUT for the wrong reason.
Ugly lesbians.
>[PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 18 (WEB 720p AAC) [7FB08725].mkv
Time for more pink butthole.
>Mars was actually dropped
>Cannabis Cold Brew
>I bet he means domestic terrorism
>5 minutes later, domestic terrorism
They have only 1 station for an entire city? The main city of mars?
Have they learned nothing from sadpanda?
>when she reads her fans posts
Angela a best
Tuesday a second best
Carole a shit
I don't know what to make of Tuesday's crush plotwise. It seemed like they were setting Kyle up as being a scumbag, with him looking shady and Carole warning Tuesday not to trust him too easily, but from what we could see, he simply has a girlfriend. It's not like he tried getting into Tuesday's good graces by seducing her or anything, in fact he acted pretty professionally around her. Maybe they just needed Tuesday to have a frustrated crush so she can write a song about it?
What did Watanabe mean with this?
not racist?
She needed to be disappointed by a man to realize she's gay.
Refugees welcome!
Pink buttholes welcome!
hot racist
What do you think about this show?
who is racist?
they are cute and tuesday looks Japanese in this pic.
They're seriously dropping a show just because a character showed feelings for a guy? That sounds kinda unrealistic.
Tues needed to flush the het out of her system. Carole is ready to strike.
They aren't, it's just troll.
>tuesday looks Japanese
How? Japanese wouldn't have eye folds for one. She's just a crying autistic white girl.
That sounds like your own headcanon, unlike the post you're replying to.
Tues' mom.
>Choosing one real and pretty woman over one useless bonde teen
Good decision mate!
That's my main gripe. Have a backup you morons.
backup from earth?
>I don't know what to make of Tuesday's crush plotwise.
She's sheltered and these kinds of interactions and experiences are novel to her. Like someone going through puberty.
She just said that she isn't though. It's all Jerry's idea. The real racists are the masses, hence why it would work. Or I guess we'll see if it works. I fully expect music to unite the galaxy in the end.
So, the first cour of the show will finally be up on western Netflix in a week. What do you expect will happen? More, less shitposting?
>the giving of the glowing umbrella
Also I miss the old ED.
Absolutely nothing.
More love. It's difficult to shitpost this show it's just too wholesome and comfy. What kind of shitposts do we really have? Just some random /pol/ shit?
>pink butthole
>muh watanabe
>US politics
>netflix ruining anime
We had our fair share.
So we know that Tuesday is at best bi, but is Carole gay? Couldn't tell if she was just concerned or jelly.
>implying Kyle and a black woman together isn't foreshadowing Tuesday and Carole together
>saying false flag terrorist attacks actually happen
I didn't expect this to go full /pol/.
Did they have a guest animation director or something?
It was literally a false flag terrorism. Jerry all but admits it before it happens.
It won't end with a romance sub plot endgame at all. Just with them being famous musicians and shit.
Of course they happen. Just look at history.
How is he not dead?
Family friendly show.
fuck off /pol/.
She's just being a normal girl, leave her be.
Go het, get cucked.
there was no blood
it's rated R on netflix
They're all pink on the inside, you know.
It is? Nothing R-rated happened thus far. There's not even nudity.
The fucking bullshit song is probably enough to rate it as mature for burger audience.
this yuri ship is cannon
Shocked the het right out of her, thanks Kyle.
I have a gripe with this. The whole romance was practically happening inside Tues's head. I understand Carole worrying because Tues wasn't coming home but from her perspective she just left to give a present to the guy for being so nice and then she never came back. She doesn't know what the fuck happened. She doesn't know the guy was kissing someone and that hurt Tues. Yet she's looking like she perfectly understands the situation. Unless she was doing some actual /u/ level soulmate mind reading throughout the whole episode she should be seriously lacking any contextual knowledge here. And I mean, I accept that but I don't feel like it was portrayed that way. This conflict felt a bit rushed out the door.
Awww, they are such good friends.
>Ertegun, Tao, and Angela make a song together
>Hillary Trump wants to enlist Tao to do some mind control(?)
>Carole and Tuesday are supposed to perform some sort of 7-minute miracle
I have no idea where this plot is going. Are we going to go full macross at the end?
Carole knew she had a crush on Kyle and her not coming home or responding to calls/texts made it easy to figure out she got rejected or something like that. Probably to show they are close enough to understand each other.
She probably realised already that Tues has a crush on the guy. Then she goes to give him a gift, all blushing and flustered, without announcing it to the guy first. They she doesn't return for a long time.
Carole is worried and goes to search, checks their usual places, and meets Tuesday in one of them. Tues is not hurt, her clothes are not damaged, but she looks sad. it's pretty easy to surmise that her gifting venture was not victorious. Offering a hug is a natural extension of their friendship in this situation.
I love Cybelle!!!
Jerry talked about moving the water to create ripples and the attack very tellingly happened in an unmanned facility so it would cause no victims.
Maybe a song, maybe writers just wanted to give her some "personal development", like Carole had with her father situation.
I, personally, do not like such developments, of a "newly introduced character becomes MC's love interest" kind. It's rarely done well and is mostly used to quickly set up drama, and that new character is basically disposable.
I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, I trust that Kyle's actual worth as a character will be discovering that the terrorist attack was a falseflag operation and reveal the truth about Jerry. There's been too much surrounding his role for him to be just meant as Tuesday's one-sided love interest and to disappear now.
I think he's gone now. Or he'll be politically assassinated.
Will she ever come back?
The new ultrahacker stalker is crap.
He might be killed because he knows too much, and become a SUMITHUUUUU!!!, and Tuesday will be like: "Oh no, he died because of me!"
Additionally, what's Jerry's angle on recruiting Tao? How's that gonna jive with XAKEP-STALKER subplot (he obviously is using AIs to spy on Angela)?
Honestly with just 6 episodes left i'm afraid that the conclusion can't be anything other than stupid
Depends on how fast shit hits the fan. Best case scenario is riots and burning cars and Carole and Tuesday singing some song that calms everyone down. Main villain clearly not Valerie but Jerry. Valerie is going to be redeemed when she hears the song. If that happens then the ending is at least the same as the show, not any stupider. It's not like there's an overarching plot, this is basically a chill slice of life.
I feel like that's very stupid though
Never ever.
What's your take?
He could've at least remodeled Tuesdays pink butthole, talk about wasting a girl in her prime.
Considering Aaron got smashed by a speeding car and didn't die, I doubt this will have actual deaths in it.
this episode triggered my PTSD from 9-11, where do I call to complain? Netflix?
Papparazi writing about possible jew connection to Tuesdays family was the highlight of the episode
This anime is made by a american loving Jap.
It's filled with american movies code, and unfortunatly, pozzed with muh diverstity
Tuesday wants the dick.
How tight did Tuesday's pink butthole pucker up from that explosion?
The show will now Tuesday becoming Punished Tues and going on a genocide crusade against all Earth refugees, culminating in a final showdown between Carole & Tuesday. The miraculous seven minutes is just their fight to the death being televised
Tight enough to damage your tongue
As final message in this story Carole will sing with her dad and Tuesday will sing with her mother all together a song about everyone being connected as humans right?
Yes but without the parents becasue they can't sing, obviously.
all brown girls must die
Ass to ass.
>no handholding
I wish japs gave a shit about this show, the netorare would be great. Tuesday walks in on Kyle fucking brown whores and just sits there silently watching and crying
NTRfags deserve the rope.
Tuesday is too busy touching herself.
Every leader need his Pearl Harbor/911 be able to impose your political agenda
>I wish japs gave a shit about this show
>implying they don't.
Last I heard it's tending. And there are several amateur jap covers of their songs on youtube.
>9/11 was a falseflag
Fuck you japan
When is Carole going to get a Stan?
Steel fuel can't melt jet beams.
Don't tell me that Tuesday will turn gay for Carole because of a broken heart?
Also, if Carole does something wouldn't be taking advantage of a vulnerable person?
Carole & Cuck
What if Kyle is actually working with the jew adviser and they are trying backstab female-trump?
Tuesday is going to hate brown people because she lost to one.
Angela will hire Cybelle to track the new stalker.
She'll pay her back with her body
A quick question user.
In the acronym "LGBT", what does the B stand for again?
>There is a part of Mars called Ares
I see what you did there
Little Gay Benis Transplantation
you're posting on Yea Forums
It says Jerry, /pol/brain
Fucking really? They've talked to each other like 3 times and now she loves him?
I find it suspicious how they've shown the stalker last week, and he's a character we've never seen before. My guess it that there are two stalkers and the one not shown is an estabilished character.
Some guys have that effect on girls
>believing they don't happen
What do you expect? Look at Sakamichi. The forced drama in this shit has been as awful as that and the worst parts of both anime
This show has some nice visuals
>what is a crush
I like Angela and Tuesday
Why do people always forget that Tuesday is a sheltered autist? This is likely the first time she ever had a crush.
I mean, he's not some kind of monster who would fuck his own daughter.
A sheltered girl crushes on older more experienced a bit rugged guy who shows ehr attention, I wonder why.
And actually a very common thing used in fiction.
I'm more interested to see what they plan to do with Carole "romance" since they can't use the same gimmick again.
>They're seriously dropping a show just because a character showed feelings for a guy? That sounds kinda unrealistic.
Well I bet many anons on Yea Forums would drop a show if a girl would be shown to have interest in older woman next, right?
Maybe it was a father love crush
I would pick it up.
Begorrah why couldn't the anime be 18 episode of Cybelle being a lesbian stalker
Yea Forums doesn't work as a opposite to /u/, they're their own thing and I don't know why people bring them up all the time
Well, the songs trending more than the show is a more accurate statement.
I want to have sex with Angela
Whatever happened to manager-chan?
She's the puppetmaster of Black Knight.
Forgotten by the writers like Angela
And by Angela i mean Cybelle
Whiiiiiiiiiiispering my loooooooooooove~
Cybelle went to jail
Whispering My Love and Milky Way are the best songs in this show
Tuesday’s mom is a feminist ?
I can move mountains I can move mountains!
Cybelle is Tao in disguise, just like Black Knight.
Believe it or not that's basically how it works. It just never happened to you.
Why are people forcing the pink butthole meme? Isn't that a Sakura Quest thing?
Because Tuesday has a pink butthole.
It's just one person.
It's !Akemi from Madoka threads. A tripfag who got his trip perma banned for saying he wanted to fuck children.
He's extremely autistic. Which is why he repeats himself so much.
>How? Japanese wouldn't have eye folds for one. She's just a crying autistic white girl.
Looks Japan to me.
This anime isn't yuri, go away.
>This anime isn't yuri
Can that person really function relatively normally and limit themselves to just posting basic memes? I witnessed the full extent of !Akemi's autism, and I always felt like everytime they entered a thread, it would go irreparably go to shit immediately.
Is this the famous hacker Anonymous?
I've noticed !Akemi is really obsessed with anal for some reason. Was probably raped by his father or something. Any threads he usual shitposts with shipping in, he'll also spam about anal in his other non-shipping shitposts.
You can test it. Just call the posts !Akemi, and when he has a mental break down over it, you know it's him.
What's with that shot? Did she pee a little because of the explosion?
It's really Akemi that posts that?
>perma banned for saying he wanted to fuck children
When did that happen?
She’s horny for Kyle but not Carole
what did they mean by this?
Years ago. And yes, it's actually him.
Look, here is the start of his melt down in this thread.
There's another thing to check for. Ack.
Yeah, see? It's clearly you, !Akemi. You're the only person who thinks 'ack' is real.
Is it really happening? Has ACK started latching onto C&T? I tried baiting him some time ago with the scene of Cybelle biting Tuesday, but I didn't expect him to really show up. Or is it just an imitator?
See? It's so easy to tell when you're in the thread, !Akemi.
Thanks for proving people were right about you being the insane retard who spams that "pink butthole" thing.
Whenever anyone calls you out, you literally have a total mental break down.
Kill yourself.
Dude, Tuesday likes cock. Do you really want to be BTFO so badly?
>Or is it just an imitator?
Either way, you can say goodbye to these threads for good.
I literally couldn't give a single shit about this show.
Why are you replying to yourself?
>guy was born in 1989
>still alive and looking for a job in mars
what year is this show supposed to be set in?
The songs are actually getting better and they are going full in on that reactionary right wing angle. I honestly kinda lost hope for it around and shortly after the tournament arc but the last 3 episodes were pretty strong. Let's hope they stick the landing
>I literally couldn't give a single shit about this show.
Yeah, you aren't him.
Same year as Cowboy Bebop and 50 years after the terraforming of Mars, 2071.
Did they just doxx someone real?
There is no "him" in the first place.
Tuesday's lips!!
maybe they thought it was some random gibberish and unintentionally doxxed someone. That resume looks like it belongs to an actual person, and if it was an in-universe character he would be way too old (~90 years old).
>I literally couldn't give a single shit about this show.
Then why are you here ? Pedo troll
It's a bit distorted but it absolutely isn't enough. I can almost reconstruct the original word by word. Funny they went for Spanish.
Is this yur-
oh no no no no
>5262 #
>Well, the songs trending more than the show is a more
Ertgun was treading on Japan Twitter last episode
It’s pedo
Blade runner umbrella
>Looking for work at 90 years old
Fuck Mars
Are we really going to colonize and terraform Mars, just to live our superficial 2019 lives of being glued to smartphones and being addicted to social media (plus self-driving cars and phony AIs)?
At least there's Psycho Pass next season. Who needs machine learning if you can hook up a farm of super brains.
Tuesday (the girl with the pink butthole), and her fans.
>At least there's Psycho Pass next season
>At least there's Psycho Pass next season.
Never understood why that question became a meme, people can't just check the official sites to see if the show has a yuri tag?
Since when have official sites ever had genre tags?
No this is actually not Yea Forums here, not anymore
There was even a movie earlier this year.
There are several reliable sources out there for new anime
But what site would know a characters sexuality before it is revealed in the show?
I thought that was the hacker known as 4Channel.
Yuri couple
Will this show get any doujins?
It's not about the character's sexuality, but the show's nature and its intended audience. People read tag: isekai and they know what they're getting into, same goes for yuri. People asking if x show is yuri every fucking series makes no sense to me, it's like going to every thread asking if x show is a harem since it should be obvious if you do a bit of research.
It's worth noting that Mars Brightest was on its 49th edition in the show, meaning a talent show is something they established as soon as Mars was colonized. And don't forget that Earth has been fucked up beyond repair due to an incident while establishing a warp gate on the Moon according to Cowboy Bebop, which is why there are Earth refugees on Mars now. So just a few years after that tragedy, Mars already developed into a frivolous modern Earth-like society.
I really wonder how people on Mars make a living. AIs do everything.
Fixing the robots and programming the A.Is.
We've seen a bunch of people doing service jobs.
So what's the moral of the story? Don't trust fake news reporters?
I still have absolutely no idea if this will turn out yuri or not, I wonder if Watanabe is doing it intentionally.
The moral is that Carole will always be by her side because she’s in love with Tuesday and her pink butt hole.
It’s a yuri!
Attractive news reporters probably have brown girlfriends so don't get your hopes up.
Tuesday looks pretty Japanese here
Tues has a brown girlfriend too and her mom is racist probably the only female politician on Mars
I'm sorry but Tuesday's most attractive feauture is not her butthole but her big and mighty butt cheeks.
Imagine kissing Tuesday's lips after licking her luscious pink butthole
>Filthy Earther pleb that needs subs
Why don't you go back to your meteor infested hellhole, refugee scum?
>refugee scum?
fuck Earth
Fuck immigrants!
Make Mars great again!
Literally fuck Earth.
Fuck Tuesday’s butt hole
damn she was really qt here
She’s probably never had a conversation with a guy other than her brother. Can’t blame her for developing a slight crush on the first good looking guy that showed her kindness and some empathy. The moral of the story here is Tues was too naive and innocent about the whole thing but that’s fine, because we have all been there. She’ll learn and grow because of that experience
Why don't we get spoilers for this show even though it airs a day before we get subs?
Carole could beat you up.
But she can't beat the cock.
Didn't she sperg out a little too much about the explosion?
Am I forgetting some ptsd from past episodes or something
Het: Not even once.
She just did.
Again, sheltered kid. She knows nothing about the world.
Because nobody cares enough for it?
Actually she's very different from Trump. She's not a conman who lucked his way to the white house by being pit with an unlikable bourgie of a woman, she's a politician who's making all her decisions and statements based on public aprobation algorithms. That's actually an interesting sci-fi concept.
No she didn't, no one can.
She is no one.
Not really.
Yes really.
By the end of the show everyone will be defeated by it, it just started.
Even Gus?
Not, not really. But she's gonna be fine don't worry, victims just learn their place and then lead a normal happy life
She's a free spirit, she has no place to learn.
It's not her choice.
She's right here:
She has a lot of place to learn, she's still young. Getting beaten will only give her a new pleasure, that's all.
That hetero people can't be trusted, donald trump is bad, and that everybody is in a biracial relationship
Tuesday is very trusthworthy.
I'm still on the "Kyle is Tues' dad" train, and Tues as the sheltered kid she is mistook his belated and kinda clumsy attempts at being fatherly as more romantic affection and developed a crush.
Carole is such a supportive friend.
>everybody is in a biracial relationship
Talking about that, I want to plunge my dick into Angela.
Get in line.
Carole fell in love with him? What. She barely fucking knows him.