>already august
>still no girl hotter than rikka
Did she set the bar too high or is 2019 just a shitty year?
Already august
rika is mediocre
What would it be like to have sex with a girl like Rikka?
is this animated remy lacroix?
Just from this season you have:
Wise, Quiterie, Hibiki, Tejina, Sugawara at least
Rikka was never hotter than Kirino, retard.
But 2019 has just begu-
>already august
W-what the fuck?
Literally who?
Leg lock would be really damn squishy.
Why do my eyes always focus on her thighs?
Based taste
Yuta is SO lucky to have a girlfriend like Rikka!
this bitch is ugly
literally fucking who
except Akane was in the same anime?
>already august and six years later
>Austin is still obsessed and consumed with shitposting on Yea Forums because he has nothing else in his life
Did my summoning spell work? Is it really you?
She'd destroy your dick and crush your pelvis.
She'd be another one of these small, cute basic bitches with a FAT RUDE ass that's 4/10 at the act but 10/10 just to look at, handle and hear. Such a gem that you record POV with your phone, but so lazy that you can record POV with your phone.
she would just lie there looking at her phone while you fail to pleasure her
You never "summon" anyone, Austin. You're just a cringy pathetic loser who's obsessed with shitposting. You're even more pathetic than those dime-a-dozen shounen general shitposters.
Okay this is based
Rikka is only hot if you have a thigh fetish
Ask Yuuta
Ok, I saw this shit in the other Gridman thread as well so what are you guys' "history"?
Who doesn't have a thigh fetish? Homosexuals, that's who.
I would last like 5 seconds
You just proved him right, because traps are gay.
Happens in Madoka threads too. Can't remember his name, but if you ever mention the concept of heterosexual shipping (((he))) comes and shits up the thread with his delusions that "Austin" is doing it just to troll him.
Blessed image
Soft, I'd imagine
Insane yurifag that hates hetero and "crackship", was bullied hard by a troll in Madoka threads to the point that he lost his mind and now believes that every person who doesn't agree with him is his nemesis.
Trips of truth