Tenki no Ko

Opened in Australia and New Zealand today. Did you see it? What'd you think?
Opinions from other countries welcome too.

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I really liked it but cried when Hina died at the end


I went to see it. It was one of Shinkai's best character pieces. It was interesting seeing him make a film with so little countryside or green in it. Hina a cute. Cute!

How does it compare to Kimi no na Wa?

Kimi no na wa is far far more superior. Who expected that taki and mitsuha swapped body in different timeline?

This one, tho. This is literally just a boy meets a special girl, shits happen and then bam. They hugged, the end.

Appreciated how it had enough of its own things going on to be distinguishable from KnnW and his other stuff, as well as having a more direct message attached to the ending which was otherwise very abrupt. While the characters themselves and their interactions were incredibly likable I did think the film overall was lacking as far as development goes. The MC's reason for wanting to leave his hometown was very brushed over and barely even touched upon, and I couldn't help but think of Mitsuha who's also sick of her random town in the boonies and wants to get away, but the entire prologue of KnnW is spent showing us why that is. My main thought besides it being pretty good overall was that it should have been longer; it'd benefit a whole lot from an extended cut.
Same, but I cheered when Hodaka inherited the weather powers and journeyed to the underworld to bring her back.

I went in expecting a pop romcom flick that looked pretty and had some chuckle moments. I got that, but the narrative was still disappointing. Also Shinkai made it pretty clear that he doesn't believe in man-made climate change which I thought was a strange political agenda to try to sneak into a movie like this.


takes time to dub

North America release when?

until they gonna be great again

Would sink New Zealand if I could get waifu like Hina lads.

So never?

watched it last Sunday, will probably watch it again to solidify my thoughts. Overall I liked it but thought it was too short, and some of the thematic elements felt underdeveloped or odd (the gun, the detectives and especially that ending). The songs are a bit out-of-place at times but the song that accompanies the climactic scene is the best I've seen in a Shinkai film.

Also the cameos from the knnw cast were cute.

Yeah it feels the “happy” ending was a bit unearned.

there is no man of culture in America

Coming for a "meh on Shinkai" user this was a complete trainwreck and I kinda loved every second of it.

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Saw it at IMAX a few hours ago. Soundtrack and insert songs were top-tier.
Fireworks scene was k i n o.

It made no sense. How did they not know they were in different timelines. Don't they have calendars, phones, tv or interact with anyone. It was a huge plot hole that dimmed the experience. Shinkai made characters retarded to create events. Not good writng.


It was the only option at the Auckland cinema.

Just watched this one hour ago. I think I like this better than Your Name. One of my biggest complain with Your Name is that they kinda glossed over many of Taki and Mitsuha's interaction when they're switching body. Here Hodaka and Hina has been together since the beginning so their chemistry was more solid and it makes Hodaka's action on the final act feels more justified. Also the story feels more personal compared to Your Name.
One thing that I really noticed is that visual wise, it's a bit of a downgrade compared to Your Name. Some scene looks kinda janky, so many reused shot, and quite amount of 3D. It's still looks good but not as good as Your Name

>visual wise, it's a bit of a downgrade compared to Your Name.
First time hearing about this opinion.
Majority of what I'm hearing is that if Shinkai did anything absolutely right in this movie, it's the visuals.

Bump before I go to bed. I'm sure some people are holding off seeing it til the weekend so there'll probably be more discussion then.

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That's a good thing, a wholesome romance.

Shinkai had fucked Japan up with meteor and flood. What will the madman do next?

I really liked it, even if I thought Your Name was better. As always, Shinkai's visuals are top-notch. If I have a complaint, it's that I think that the story of how Tokyo adapted to being underwater should've been expanded upon. Also the 3D fireworks scene was jarring and took me out of the movie. Is it ever explained how Hodaka and pals avoid more serious punishment? I watched it in Japan and I'm wondering if I missed something.

There’s no obvious money shot like Your Name’s comet or crater.

Well, it is still the movie's strong point as many of the scene were drop dead gorgeous. It just that in some scene, the visual doesn't feels like it is Shinkai's movie like when Hina fly in front of Kodaka and this Also they used this shot at least 3 times in the movie