Why was it so fucking bad?

Why was it so fucking bad?

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your taste, faggot. fuck giorno and fuck whatever part you like best

Part 6 is the third best jojo part. And Jolyne is so hot she made me a cuckold.

Setting was boring.

Fights, writing, villain, retcons. I can go on and on OP, but SO was what happens when you have a writer that doesn't give a fuck anymore

all of these are betterv than they were in 5

Fuck, I put the wrong cover by mistake.

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based. Thank god all 5tards will be gone by the time part 6 is adapted

Like what?

Vanilla Ice gets cucked

I thought you were talking about part 6.

How? He was just a dog in a man's body.

Why would you trust a woman to save the universe? GER would've destroyed Made in Heaven no problem,

He really loved DIO unlike Pucci who wanted to use him to attain Heaven.

It was Jojo

giorno is shit and everyone knows it, thank god he didnt sully a good part like 6

A boy saved the universe

Can't take constructive criticism user? you jojofags are more sensitive than hunterfags.

DIO being a chuuni philosophical mastermind instead of a wacky saturday morning monster.

>GER would've destroyed Made in Heaven no problem

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You're fucking retarded. Look at the way he talked to Polnareff and Hol Horse in part 3.

>Look at the way he talked to Polnareff and Hol Horse
Look at the way he talked to Joseph and Jotaro, now that was saturday morning cartoon DIO we're used to seeing.

yes he talks differently to different people. It's not a retcon

This desu. JoJo is better suited for soap opera villains than this generic pseudo-philosophy schlock. Part 1 Dio was the best, part 3 while iconic, didn't do much and was more of an end goal for the protags, 6 is fanfic-tier.

>6 is fanfic-tier.
It's not fanfic tier for him to act like he did with everyone xcept joestars. A fanfic tier character is giorno.

He's a 15yo boy too

Pucci >>> DIo

Shit pacing and shit fights. Pucci was great though

Stone Free is probably my favorite protagonist stand. Simple powers but many creative ways to use it.

spent way too much time in the prison, the best parts of Jojo involve adventures. Some of the minor antagonists had really convoluted Stands that didnt really amount to anything (looking at you, Dragons Dream.)
I also didnt like Emporio until the very end, he is just Hayato with a Stand and mostly just narrates Jolyne's fights or provides exposition.

>constructive criticism
>its fucking trash lol
speedreaders really have great arguments

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It has my least liked cast in the series and I found the fights not as good as 5's one. Pucci was better than diavolo and Dio but I still found kars better. Jolyne was meh

Dragon Dreams was (imo) a pretty entertaining fight. What I didn't like so much was the part with Jail House Lock. That felt pretty bothersome.

dubs of truth

We may very well live to see Weather Report vs Jumping Jack Flash in action.

Definitely, dp won't drop their cashcow no matter how much vatists seethe at part 6

I don't want to drop it too even though I don't like 6. I want to see 7 animated

going by vatard logic, 7 isn't much more popular than 6 in japan

You seem very bothered by part 5. You keep spamming it in the thread even when little people mention it

Is this the new "Part 4 was bad" meme?

>It's not fanfic tier for him to act like he did with everyone xcept joestars.
It's still pretty different, and the Heaven masterplan is retarded.
>A fanfic tier character is giorno.
He is. Unfortunately.
Ofc when Dio's been reduced to wise armchair philosopher at that point.

It's a fighting manga and there were only 3 good fights in the entire thing
artwork is very clearly the worst of the series, most of the action is near illegible, especially in black and white
writing and concepts are straight up ridiculous.
Jotaro and Polnareff had physical attack only Stands and they managed to be more clever and inventive with them then fucking Hermes.

the villain is god tier and I like some of the characters but Part 6 was just a fucking boring painful mess and it is not surprising that Shonen Jump tried to force him to cancel the series and start something new.

well Anasui being female for one
hell the prison being a women's prison gets dropped almost right away

Anyone with a pair of eyes can see the enormous butthurt eminating off you people, knowing that 5 was inconsequential at best,and that 6 will take the spotlight.

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>It's a fighting manga and there were only 3 good fights in the entire thing
There were only three bad fights in SO [Goo Goo Dolls, Highway to Hell, Yo-Yo Ma]

Are you retarded? They established that there's a men's and women's section.

Let's be honest part 2 best part

>expecting part 6 haters to know what they're talking about
You're talking with the jojotuber crowd you know

no, only 3 good fights.
Jail House Lock which made amazing use of the prison concept and was clever
Under World which is an awesome stand and had a really interesting battle
and of course the entire final battle with Pucci which is the best last fight in the series

aside from that each fight was banal, uninteresting, or too fucking stupid to care about. Part 6 is boring as fuck. The ugly artwork doesn't help, some of the fights might be more enjoyable if I could tell what was going on.

Maybe GER only autoreacts at any hostile action against Giorno and universe reset is not an hostile action.

>some of the fights might be more enjoyable if I could tell what was going on.
Did you read color or black&white?

You seem more butthurt user. I'll just leave it at that since I don't hate both parts

GER was a mistake, and so was part 5 as a whole.

i accept your concession, fencesitterkun

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The first time I read it in black and white and the art is so shit that I may as well have been reading a novel

second time it was in color which definitely made it easier to sorta tell what was happening. but remastering sloppy, awful artwork with color only helps so much. Also Part 6 is the only one I've read only twice. It's also the only one I haven't read more than 7 times. I hate it that much.

Part 4 is bad but 6 isn't

Oh, you seem to be mistaken. Part 6 is the next in line to be animated, which makes it the best part. We're supposed to be shitting on part 7 now.

It's the other way around actually

no, Purple Haze Feedback is the next in line to be animated



ohnono ahahahaha imagine actually beliving this, we'll get 30 rohan ovas before anyone in dp might even consider that noncanon shit

I have a theory that the people who rank Part 5 highly also rank Part 3 highly, where as Part 6 fans rank 4 highly.

I prefer Part 4 to both Parts 3 and 5, and I absolutely despise Part 6. All 3 of the former are at least good though.

not true, 5fags have small dick syndrome towards part 3 and acts as if its the same but butter (the opposite is true)

5 has better fights but 3 has better character interactions.

part 5 fights are overrated desu, second is very true, 5 has the worst team since 2

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Nah this is how I would rank them


green dolphin st prison sucks, jolyne’s allies feel underused, the minor villains are shit

2 doesn't really have a 'team', just Joseph, Caesar, and Stroheim. And Joseph and Stroheim obviously rule.


I suppose. Stroheim was underused, and ceasar was a bit undercooked. A similar issue is present in 7.

Japan’s indifference to part 6 is going to reflect in the anime, probably will have more QUALITY than the part 4 anime.
>part 5 fanboys will disappear
You do know when Pucci gathers DIO’s sons, everyone will ask why Giorno wasn’t there.

I like to break down good JoJo fights into 3 criteria: Fun, Creative, and Scary
Part 6 has a lot of Creative but almost zero Fun or Scary. Instead it has a lot of Boring and Stupid.

part 4 is one of the more popular parts so popularity =/= quality
I don't think anyone unironically likes giorno, user.

before Part 8 existed I could at least see people liking Giorno because he's pretty ruthless in terms of murdering the shit out of his villains in cold blood.
But Gappy is WAYYYYY better at that than he is.

The plant part was pretty scary for jojo, and c-moon is a very creative and cool stand

>main character kills multiple antagonists
That will always get a character some fans.

C-Moon (and Made In Heaven) are god tier fights and the peak of the Part.
That said, invisible zombies? controlling flying rod cryptids? Feng Shui? Whatever the fuck YoYo Ma was supposed to be? Meteors?

I'd agree but it still has more of that classic JoJo ''Fun'' to it than 5, which is the most generic shounen of the lot.

meh, it just makes him seem like more of a brat who places no value on lives of people who oppose him, jotaro was a dickhead but you could at least understand he's good deep down because he doesn't kill anyone

The most generic shonen will always be Part 1 with its bland hot blooded honorable protagonist and obvious near law suit level Fist of the North Star ripoff.
Even then Part 5 rules more because almost all the fights are intense and hardcore. It's also refreshing after Parts 3 and 4 to see most of the minor villains are not incompetent mooks who spend too much time gloating but are assassins hellbent on killing any member of the main team they can as best as they can, often only barely being defeated.

Part 2 was the most generic shounen.

Part 6 has fewer stands than I remember. The fights that are good are really damn good, but there are more mediocre and forgettable fights, with dragons dream and yoyo ma being two of the shittiest arcs in the entire series.

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I want to like Dragon's Dream because the concept a Stand user having a near useless Stand but being a highly trained assassin is really neat, but the fight really is bad.

>The plant part was pretty scary for jojo
more like dumb

>Purple Haze Feedback
Non canon light novel shit.

Stone > Diamond > Gold > Platinum > Tusk

>Non canon
>light novel
absolutely not. It's better than Part 5 itself and Rainy Day Dream Away is the coolest stand in the franchise.

Heaven > All

> It's also refreshing after Parts 3 and 4 to see most of the minor villains are not incompetent mooks who spend too much time gloating
But they are tho. La Squadra jobs over the course of a single day, they are worthless. Grateful Dead/Beach Boy was the only good one, and I'll give a shoutout to Little Feet because it's more of a cat-and-mouse chase from baddie's perspective. Rest are just screeching retards including Diavolo's ''elite'' guard, and mostly get beaten by dumb asspulls rather than the team actually working together creatively. We get some glimpse of this when Giorno and Mista are in the car chased by Frozone, but that quickly goes to shit when they hit the docks and it's just Resolve no Jutsu crap for the rest of it.

>yfw no horribly offensive Arab stereotype named Sheik Yerbouti
>yfw no battle couple Stand Users named John and Yoko with a clearly abusive relationship
>yfw Tonio's Stand is named Pearl Jam and not Cibo Matto

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I never noticed all the main character stands had names around hard materials until 8.

No one has any real criticisms for part 6

>Resolve no Jutsu
this is literally all of Part 5 and it's a big reason I enjoy it. All the Bruno gang are badass as fuck and continue fighting through anything. Mista in particular is more of a man than every character other than Jotaro.
Bruno is so fucking hardcore he refuses to even die when he's actually killed and just continues on.

I thought 5 had more fun fights than it

as much as i like part 5 i genuinely fucking DESPISE giorno. what the actual fuck is his god damn problem? he seriously is such an asshole, joins this gang and over 5 days becomes its fucking leader, all while pretending to be attached to bucci's group. actual fucking manipulative bastard "I HAVE A DREAM" - yeah you fucking do, a dream to be a complete fucking gary stu sellout who culminates the worst aspects of every previous jojo into one piece of garbage character. seriously giorno fuck you for what you did to abbacchio, narancia and even fucking diavolo. you stupid fucking faggot.

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Autism speaks.

Is it the pink suit?

>Part 5 anime ends
>the board is flooded with Part 4 and Part 6 hate threads for weeks

I don't mind the Part 6 hate because Part 6 is horrible and deserves it, the sudden influx of Part 4 shitposting did annoy me though.

sorry giorno fan number fucking one, didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch you fucking cunt.

no its probably his fucking stupid idea of 'justice.'

>Abbachio and Narancia
and nothing of value was lost, my two least favorite characters in the gang, I felt much worse about Bruno
Diavalo deserved it for being the worst villain in the series

I have major issues with Part 6's story, characters and fights/stands. The story has a great main goal that is setup excellently, only for it to just kinda fumble. The setting is well utilized sometimes, but other times it can feel boring, underdeveloped and not even that prison-like. The way plot progression is handled is also undesirable, as for a significant portion of it felt more like things just happened to Jolyne rather than her making her own progress. That worked in Part 3 because the whole point is they're always moving. It worked in Part 4 because the whole point was that Morioh is a weird town with random people and occurrences. It doesn't really work with Part 6.

As for the characters, every one of Jolyne's allies feel like they are missing something. Some just needed more screen time, some needed that and more character building and some needed motivation. They might be mostly good characters, but aren't up to the caliber that Araki had and would go on to write. The minor antagonists are also not great, with only a few of them being good and fewer of them being great.

The stands in Part 6 aren't all bad. Some are too confusing, some are simple to the point of being boring, but every JoJo part has had those kinds of stands and they could make them work because they were well utilized. The problem in Part 6 is that a number of them aren't well utilized. You don't get many stand fights where the enemy comes up with a bunch of unique applications of their abilities. It brings down the fights, and it also brings down my opinion of the stands since some of them don't have many memorable moments.

It's not bad. I think the first couple arcs and the last couple arcs are 10/10. If someone called it the best part I would very much disagree, but be able to understand where they are coming from. But it's the part I derive the least consistent enjoyment out of and I think it could have been better in many areas.

Part 5 had the most fun Stands I feel, but I still think most of them were criminally underutilized. GE, for example, is a great idea and change of pace from previous mostly punching ghosts MC stands, but good lord Araki can't make up his mind on what it can and cannot do, and ultimately just makes a more convoluted Crazy Diamond with vague ''life'' powers.

>every one of Jolyne's allies feel like they are missing something
The number one thing they're missing is screen time. Jolyne despite having not much in the way of character development is used almost every fight, probably because her Stand is the only one that's interesting without being overpowered.

Hermes has the worst Stand I think any good guy character has ever been given and seems almost useless because of it.
Foo Fighters is almost MacGuffin tier of 'gimme water to win fights'
Anasui fights how many times again? 3? He has a Stand that should be MC tier overpowered and he's barely used. Also why is he in a prison if he can just walk through the walls?
Weather Report again has a godly stand but isn't in it much and doesn't have enough personality.
Emporio I'm fine with since he's an exposition machine and support buddy and isn't meant for fighting.

Yea I agree with you about the cast being underdeveloped which was the reason I did not like part 6. The side characters in 4 and 5 we're much more developed and had more fights while 6 didn't. This did cause Giorno to be not as developed as the other JoJo's though since the rest of the members got like equal amount of screentime as him unlike 6 and 3 where Jolyne and Jotaro got most of the fights

Apart from YoYoMa and the green baby chapters part 6 was by far the most fun part.
Part 7 is better but I've read part 6 a few more times.

Also I made this a while back and I'm pretty sure now I like Star Platinum more than Cream. And I stand by everything else.

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I-is that Joseph as the least favorite Jojo? Are you retarded? Are you mentally ill?

That's Jonathan

Okay my bad. I'm not super familiar with the weird noncanon fashion pinup artwork.

actual criticisms of SO not written by a mumbling retard, holy shit this is a first timer. part 6 is my favorite part but i can get behind all of your points except for stands being not memorable, everything else comes down to personal opinion. your criticisms are valid but i think other parts suffer more from them than stone ocean

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I don't agree with them being underutilized but I do agree with GE being badly done though it has my favorite stand design. Part 5 also had my favorite stand so far sticky fingers since it's soo versatile and it's fights we're really great

Where can I buy one of those?

The Evangelion tier ending ruined everything, making what other heroes did pointless, what was the interest of defeating Kira in Morioh if the world ends 11 years later?

to teach you that women fuck everything up

Fucking this, not even able to defeat the villain, Jotaro could have won if it was not for her.

his fucking grandpa could beat him with hamon alone

Zemes are the worst.

>so his name is Giorno Giovanna he is a JoJo but he is different because it's spelled GioGio also he is 15yo and the youngest JoJo and he is the son of Dio and is the only son who isn't retarded and also is a Joestar and he was born japanese but he moved to italy and his hair changed color and everybody likes him and his stand is golden and he can punch and say muda and also create life and also you can't hit what he creates or else you will be hurt too and also he can punch you and make you feel pain super slowly and also he can heal anything even himself and also he is chosen by the stand arrow and can reset literally every power and he wants to become a gangstar and he will and he is the boss

It's like you're not even trying to hide the fact that you haven't watched/read Jojo

>the son of Dio
hes not the son of Dio, Dio did the fucking but the body is not his remember?

well part 5 and Giorno definitely sucks ass, I was more focused on Mista.

His genes were able to somehow mix with Jonathan’s.

What happens to the JoJo universe at the end of Stone Ocean? I just know the series gets rebooted afterwards.

>memorable stands

part 7 and 8

It has to be his body partially, or else it would have decomposed. Jonathan was not immortal and he couldn't regenerate.

Pucci literally created the SBR universe.

Everyone in the universe is combined into a large human centipede.

They are more creative than the majority of stands from part 3 and 5

>Jonathan cucks Dio from beyond the grave

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Don't really know what you guys are saying or if it's a happy or sad ending. I was just thinking of jumping from part 4 to part 7 because it seems like a part I would really like but I don't know if I need the backstory.

>if it's a happy or sad ending
a literal faggot ends the world and kills everyone, you figure out if its good or bad

People on the internet will get mad at you but technically you can skip to Part 7. It's a fresh start so you don't need to know any backstory.

White Snake reminds me a lot of Gold Experience, just does goddamn much that it takes me out of it.

>more creative than 3

cope harder

What I found refreshing about Part 5 is that the fights were to the death. I was annoyed with Part 4 allowing all those sociopaths running free after one beating and the slice-of-life format didn't make it for me, and apparently didn't make it either for the Japanese readership. Part 5 fights had real tension by comparisson, Giorno left clear since the beginning that both the protagonists and antagonists are ruthless and they're betting on their own lifes for fulfilling their dreams


Don’t blame Jolyne for Jotaro’s failure.

your taste is actually so bad i feel endangered. imagine thinking part 3 dio is better than diavolo and thinking abbacchio is worse than giorno or fugo.

Evil stand users shouldn't have been so common in part 4, ruined the vibe of "evil lurking beneath".

>imagine thinking part 3 dio is better than diavolo
He is. Anything is better than Diavolo who's just a discount Dio/Kira nonsense abomination of a villain.

Because there were no incest undertones.

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Diavolo is Dio and Kira done right.


This but unironically. Diavolo is what I was hoping Kira would be, while being a mirror of Dio.

although I really enjoyed Kira I still think Diavolo is the best villain in the series. He is a DIO-like character but his actions actually make sense, all while caring about identity like Kira but not being completely retarded like Kira was.

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