ITT: >professional translators

ITT: >professional translators

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-22 12.59.48.png (1366x768, 934K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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How do her bangs work? Are they growing through the fabric of the headband?
Can she take it off?

?? looks normal to me

It would be extremely painful.

She's a big girl

Aren't they occupying the same space? Right at the top of her head.


>How do her bangs work
Like this

Attached: 1950753b4debca6ede3bc350b88f6d961420961707_full.png (640x360, 212K)

I don't see it user, am I just retarded? I even tried it myself and it looks more or less the same
this rustles my jimmies though.

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Fan translations

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I didn't realize google translate was a fan of Ghost in the Shell.

Is the joke that she cut it into 6 instead of the 8 on the card?

The disk of destiny.

a classic

The humor comes from the mistranslation of the card being the “circle of fate” which is close, but not the same, as the actual phrase on the card which clearly says “Wheel of Fortune”.

Also "five pieces" when you can clearly see six. It's completely fucked.


she has a widow's peak

I remember that mistranslation was quite a topic in Yuuki Yuuna threads where people speculated that Takahiro is taking us for a wild ride and speculated the future ramifications until someone who knew english came and revealed it was a simple fuckup



Wrong show, you dork

i don't have a screenshot of it but OP's point stands
> professional translators


Attached: Rancor Inc, for all your rancoring needs.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Fan translations

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this is actually ok


>professional translator
come on, you would get better results by using google translate and no translator worth a shit would work for CR.

Ueno in general had trash TL. There was like one dude listed as TL in the credits.

Why not? What are they paying? I suppose the high time pressure is a bit of an issue. Doesn't give you the luxury of proof-reading a third or fourth time.

Attached: crapola.png (579x853, 517K)

>The Vizgin professional
>The Chad fan translation

the grand blue translations seem decent

And this is not even all of it. Fuck the translator for this series

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.52_[2019.08.01_17.54.06].jpg (896x1510, 327K)

Post the unit conversions

I don't know what's better or worse, this or
>rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub

>Hajimete no gal
>english dub
thank me later, ignore the last 3 episodes.

Why would anyone do that?

just occasionally it works, the english voice actors went full valley girl

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Lolicon is pedophile, whether you like it or not.

>tried it myself
Pics or it didn't happen.

That's correct, and I'm a lolicon who knows Japanese myself.

Wait what

what would you substitute with lolicon?

"Man of excellent taste"


fellow little girls enthusiast

The problem is that laypeople trying to stuff everything into boxes they can "understand" without effort resulted a conflation of the terms for attraction to children from 6 to 18, real and fictional, even young-looking adults, platonic and sexual, all under one word per language.
Now you have people using pedophile clinically and people using it as an insult, people being offended at being labeled as such and people being proud of it. And for lolicon additionally people can never agree on whether it includes real children or not.


Do you think Epstein's lolita express just had drawings of little girls or something?

flying around with your billionaire buddies and marathoning lucky star at one of their mansions sounds like a good time.

...shit, it does. Epstein fucked up big time.

Did you even read my post?
Various people have started to use the same words to mean different things.
Some people think it's fine to call real little girls lolitas, others will screech at them for abusing the word, but there's no objective right and wrong.

Attached: 1566085406591.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Lemme guess, VLC? That thing always digs up translator notes.

It looks like the translator forgot to close the {. Not sure if any players can parse that as a comment. (not defending VLC by any means)

Lolicon, while pedophile is technically an accurate translation the use of the word lolicon carries different connotations than if she had used the word pedophile, especially given lolicon is a widespread enough term outside of japan that most of your audience knows what it means, when talking in a medical context the japs will still say pedophile

Nourin, it was great, go watch it but Funi fucked up the official subs

Attached: bekki_sushi3.gif (480x270, 2.11M)

But yeah, that's the case with most scanlations nowadays. Just GoogleTL some shit and reword it to somewhat readable English and you can open a Patreon to steal money from gullible idiots.


I mean, it's not like it winds up that far off the mark. I've done a couple of google translations of manga that I've kept to myself and then later compared to legitimate translations (That I know for a fact were not google-assisted) and the difference between the two was hilariously minor in almost all circumstances.

I've also learned that I'm better at editing complete garbage to come out as nicely flowing English than most people who genuinely know both Japanese and English. But I guess that isn't that surprising.

Every frame is so dense.

This is fine you retard.


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This one is perfectly grammatically sound.

What's supposed to be wrong here? I'm guessing they used a not so translable japanese phrase so cr subbers just conveyed the point.
The unnecessary unit conversions are million times worse, especially because you can literally here the character say 'kirometa' when the subs read mile

Underrated post

classy shinji

Been here all summer.

I like this one

>you can literally here the character say 'kirometa' when the subs read mile
See this is why the anime translation and dubbing industry needs to move to Australia

Wait, they weren't already full valley girl?

two words "onsen chapter"

>shitting on the most iconic hat and hair in manga
Yare yare...

That's not even close to the most egregious mistake in the Ueno-san crunchysubs. Post some pictures of the typesetting.

>I didn't know you have a lolita complex

What's the point of an English dub when even english speakers cant understand your shitty accent

How can 'pedophile' be the correct translation you retards? The context doesn't match at all. The scene clearly was a
>Eh I didn't know you had this fetish nii-san
Do you fuckers really think they will be releasing erotic magazines aimed at 'pedophiles' publicly?

>Do you fuckers really think they will be releasing erotic magazines aimed at 'pedophiles' publicly?
But that's what they do.

>"I didn't know you had a thing for little girls."

Attached: Horrorifics.webm (1280x836, 2.88M)

I always forget Aneue

Can't I just pay somebody else to do it?

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>dubbing industry needs to move to Australia
Only if everybody involved drowns along the way.
Including you.

That makes me so fucking mad

i wanna eat her cunny.

its just an in-joke of the translators at CR
>all those teens watching have no idea what sissy means lol

there is no distinction between the use of pedophile and lolicon in japan much like there's not distinction between cartoons and anime. Those are western concepts to distinguish the origin or type of the media, but lolicon just means pedophile

>500 yen
>500 pennies
Thats pretty close to accurate though. Yen basically equals pennies if your not autistic enough to check daily exchange rates.

sissy is context correct historically, degenerate homos only picked it up comparatively recently
same with the word gay

rubbish, are you going to call a person going after a young boy a pedophile?

Its context correct only in a historical setting where people are talking in ye olde english.



fucking typos, I meant lolicon

I deserved that

i dont think you have the c-word pass, lad
ready for jail?

Attached: c-word pass.jpg (1008x550, 220K)

"ye olde english" it's not that long ago

I miss TL notes and translators who actually tried to help you understand the original dialogue (as opposed to Commie's fanfiction) even though people love cherrypicking the DUWANGs and Hadenas of the time.

well i always considered sissy a diminutive for sister too, only few years ago it became what it became, at least to people that have wandered far enough on the internet im sure you could go out to the street and ask someone about sissy, they wouldnt see anything bad about it

That's a hag

exactly the only reason I found out was browsing /gif/ for the first time and then quickly learning to use word filters to hide shit automatically

In most cases, a human translation of the story is unnecessary: A story that gets technical may require an very accurate understanding of the exact meaning, but Anime and Manga are not high brow when it comes to writing detail.

Of course, then you get something that's deceptively complex when it comes to the Japanese wording like Symphogear, Fate or the like and you're fucked.

>Do you fuckers really think they will be releasing erotic magazines aimed at 'pedophiles' publicly?
Lurk more, or at least see pic related. Japan is not the west.

Attached: 1436169906527.jpg (985x1400, 355K)

Sissy has been crossdressing-related for at least 15-20 years now. Even outside of those who fetishize it, it's been a common synonym for wimp.

Pedophile has much stronger negative connotations than lolicon, even if it's technically accurate you can't pretend like it isn't completely incongruous with the tone of the scene for her to casually refer to someone as a pedophile

>common synonym for wimp
that an old usage, easily goes back a century or more

>The word sissy in its original meaning of "sister" entered American English around 1840-1850 and acquired its pejorative meaning around 1885-1890; the verb sissify appeared in 1900-1905.[9] In comparison, the word tomboy is approximately three centuries older, dating to 1545-55.[10]
Whilst fetish fuckwits are recent it's been a pejorative for a century and a half now.

Attached: A very limited thing.jpg (1280x4320, 1017K)

The biggest issue is that in english it's extreemly rare to call your sister 'sister' when talking to her, so it's even harder to come up with synonyms for something that doesn't work in the first place.Sure they should have kept the original, but I wouldn't hold it against them for using sissy

>that an old usage, easily goes back a century or more
I heard it used a lot in cartoons like Ed Edd n Eddy.

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they just picked up a thesaurus. It's not that hard to explain

The fan typesetting is so much better and the fan translation is not only funnier but also elegant and to the point. Perfect?

Because both have exactly the same connotation in jap/english language.

I like this though. I hate having to mentally convert yen to dollars every time anyone ever mentions an amount in yen.

so what happens when they translate it into pounds or euros instead of dollars? Or god forbid, canadian dollars? What happens in the future if the exchange rate is so different that 500Y =/= $5 anymore?

The overly terrible loiberal translation and needless memeing of non meme lines? Should have added the "jonesing" to the screenshots.

I've only recently started trying to get into a lot of different anime instead of watching/reading long shounen series like I normally do, and I was really upset to find out that MyAnimeList used to have a section for fansub recommendations but decided to delete all of them last year. Like I'm watching Nichijou for the first time and I decided to use the official subs, but I'm not sure how accurate they are. I noticed at one point they decided to sub "tengu" as "goblin."

>I'm guessing they used a not so translable japanese phrase so cr subbers just conveyed the point.
And you'd be wrong for all but the last one. That one is still terrible though. Turning a cat pun into a line you'd expect in some amateur western smut is more immersion destroying and out of character than the rest.

Nichijou has some of the best fansubs going what are you doing user

How the fuck am I supposed to know that?

Never gonna make it.

Search ロリコン in Google Images, half of it is photos of real little girls.

>Do you fuckers really think they will be releasing erotic magazines aimed at 'pedophiles' publicly?
Ever heard of U-15 junior idols?

Yeah why would a country that has no problem with CP and only made it illegal a few years ago because of western pressure make magazines aimed at the statistical majority of men? H-haha

Attached: 1428033269583.jpg (385x375, 35K)

Sometimes it's used to define different age groups with loli being JS/JC and pedo being JY.

Hol up, is that meant to be 2D of 2D (i.e. 1D) or realistic 3D of 2D (i.e. photorealistic 2D)?

It can be inferred from the stylization of the character (IE blue hair and anime clothes) that it's fictional, probably eroge. If you want anime characters getting mixed up with their environment's 3d then Welcome to the NHK.

AniDB has fansub rating and comments

Adding to this, there's no distinction between pedophile, hebephile and ebephophile in western cultures. They're all called pedophiles which is where people overreach when talking about people like Jeffrey Epstein.

In the original novel version he downloads gigs of junior idols (softcore CP) if I recall correctly.

stop spreading this bullshit, any cursory examination of the evidence would prove that the japanese is much more nuanced, pedophile is just the closest one word translation

why? dollars is piss easy you just divide by 100

They're all 2D to us so lolicon should be used. Anyone traslating it as pedo after decades of the sub scene using lolicon is just trying to use the anime to make a statement.

Yes, because google translate is the end-all-be-all for cross-language definitions.

oh well didnt know that, not that i really need to know but well

>statistical majority of men
Most gravure magazines had big tits even in Japan though. There's a reason it's called lolita 'complex', because it is considered a psychological complex (psychological problem).

Pretty sure Yamazaki gets him into hardcore stuff too, there's a manga page where Sato's commenting on foreign content but it's been a long time since I read the series.

Lolicon is used in the west to refer to 2D. It's a loanword we've taken from Japan as we've explained to Hiroshimoot. When we use loli/lolicon we are exclusively referring to 2D and our usage of the term.

The point he was trying to make is that the terms pedophile and lolicon tend to get conflated together in the English speaking anime community specifically, and that the nuances between them are often overlooked.

Remember when subs actualy explained a joke or reference instead of poorly adapting to a western crowd? Gimme my wall of text back, fuckers.

>the terms pedophile and lolicon tend to get conflated together in the English speaking anime community specifically, and that the nuances between them are often overlooked.
That's completely wrong.

all this discussion of terminology for attraction to different age groups is somewhat esoteric and distracts from the fact that epstein was a mossad spy master running honey pots on powerful people but really I can't expect tarnslators to really attempt to make nuanced distinctions since it would take more time to explain to a general audience the official subs are targeted at

>decades of the sub scene using lolicon
I think they use the word 'lolicon' because it sounds cute (and funny).

Those people are the type of people who use emoticons and say baka and hentai in everyday conversation.

Elaborate then, faggot.

The "psychological" industry is a largely western creation and almost nonexistent in Japan (with what is there being western derivative). There are multiple studies as well as all history as well as entire existing cultures in front of us that the vast majority of men find attractiveness in girls at the very beginning of puberty. You don't not let your 10 year old daughter out at night because some 1% of men pedo might be wandering around, but because almost all men are viable pedos given a good enough opportunity.

Elaborate what? The English anime community has used loli for 2D only since before you were born.

isnt there a separate japanese word for pedophile that exclusively means being attracted to young boys though?

man, I guess itadakimasu has a lot of meanings.

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Also that's not how the nips use the term "complex" in the first place.
>sister complex
>height complex
>chest complex
It's not a medical term, it basically just means a particular fixation.

all fertile girls are a target as recent genocidal wars have demonstrated, the idea of sex slave auctions seems abhorrent

I remember him in the anime getting a rare mysterious DVD/video for "reference material" (for the eroge they wanted to make) but you don't ever see what it is. And he looks really guilty and shady saying it's hard to find or whatever.

That's a tad exaggerated, user.
Surely you wouldn't commit anything nepharious if you were to find a qt 12 year old wandering at night, teary eyed and wearing a semi-transparent sundress, right?
Wait, that's actualy pretty scary.

True, this would be the simplest way to translate for a general audience. I believe they're catering to the wrong people considering this is a super niche anime already but I'm not the sub director.
And damn, Mossad cleaned up their mess real good.

Shotacon, yes. So lolicon would be more precisely translated as little girl lover.

Oh, okay, thought you were against the concept and it's clear definitions.

Honestly, I'd look around for a woman to deal with the girl. I'd be too terrified of being labelled a pedo to even approach the kid unless there appeared to be an emergency.

is it just me or is there more /ss/ stuff recently?

>What happens in the future if the exchange rate is so different that 500Y =/= $5 anymore?
then you make sure you aren't an idiot and realize that it's a product of it's time and it equaled five dollars when it aired?

I mean you only need one dude. You just need a good dude, not that dude.

then you can argue you shouldn't be an idiot in the first place and realize that 500Y is 500Y and it doesn't need to be converted for you since it's in Japan and not America

>Search ロリコン in Google Images, half of it is photos of real little girls.
Are you trying to get me v&?

It's a false dichotomy. Men like both developed women and young women, but they dislike aged women. For example both a full breast and a developing breast is highly attractive to most men, but a sagging breast is highly unattractive.

Loli is niche comparatively but that's like calling manga niche compared to the entire worldwide comic medium.

With your logic I can argue asking what if they got rid of the 500 yen coin or stopped using yen altogether.

>they dislike aged women
speak for yourself, cakes are the best.

>a sagging breast is highly unattractive
[citation needed]

You know that 500 yen isn't worth the same amount it was 40 years ago, right?

Look at how often richfags get caught for being involved with 3d. Either something is bullshit or there's a major correlation between being a billionaire and liking young girls.

The fact that such a supposedly rare condition is such a widespread paranoia is a product of demonizing what is inherent to all men. The label wouldn't stick if there wasn't truth to it.

He means like wrinkly skin, veiny, saggy breasts. Someone who's past their childbearing age.

What if we converted to crypto?


yes and the same could be said about $5. My main point is that it shouldn't need to be converted in the first place cuz it takes place in Japan and your entire audience isn't entirely Americans from 2019.

So? Does that matter at all? Does currency from feudal Japan need conversion as well? What would you convert 5 ryo as?

No 25 year old is going to be sagging. If you're a cakefag who likes 35+ year olds with spoiling eggs and a sagging body as anything other than a fetish, you're in a very small minority.

Look up "The Lolita Syndrome" by Russel Trainer, the Japanese translation of that book is what inspired the word "lolicon".
I should have pointed that out in my post, it sounded like I was taking a cheap shot at lolicons and saying they're crazy, which isn't necessarily true.

But, look at the girl on the cover. She looks about 15 or so. Definitely considered an old hag by you. "The abnormal obsession of the middle-aged man for the adolescent girl". She's still a teenager girl that can feel love, desire a boyfriend and give birth, so it's not unnatural.

But nowadays, loli has degenerated to refer to preadolescent girls and even toddlers and babies. They're infertile, so what's the point of putting your penis inside them?

Attached: The Lolita Complex.jpg (298x500, 30K)

I'll take saggy breasts and being past child bearing. None of that matters to me as long as the face is good.
>No 25 year old is going to be sagging
You'd be surprised.

Attached: fgsfds translation proudly presents.jpg (640x360, 47K)

Will Japan ever discover the letter L?

>it's not even consistent within the translation


>They're infertile, so what's the point of putting your penis inside them?
This. Also, condoms are degenerate garbage, and if you use one, even with an adult girl, you are no better than a fucking pedophile.


What I was getting at is that the distinction (or perceived lack thereof) between the terms is an issue that exists, at the very least in modern discussion. In fact, many of the replies in this very thread are evidence of that.

Damn Jojo trying to avoid copyright.

10 year olds aren't pubescent unless you live in Burgerland with fat kids

>Definitely considered an old hag
I already addressed this in .

The big lie that fags love to push is that young girls are somehow in the same category as post-menopausal women, when in fact they're the exact opposite. Young girls have the full breadth of their reproductive capacity ahead of them. A young girl IS A FULLY DEVELOPED WOMAN-TO-BE IN TIME, and there is no reason you can't start developing a bond with them before the reproductive clock starts ticking (as humans have historically and in some cultures currently show via arranged marriages).

>But nowadays, loli has degenerated to refer to preadolescent girls and even toddlers and babies
That's just slang and doesn't have much to do with the conversation.

>They're infertile, so what's the point of putting your penis inside them?
If you define the start of sexual readiness as first ovulation I'd consider you pretty typical, but the west will consider you a pedophile.

565673 was it, right? That was a cute slip-up.

They should also translate Tokyo to New York, that way you don't have to think how big of a city it is.

Shit-flinging aside, why do any translators feel the need to translate honorifics? It seems so retarded to me. Anyone who has even a slight interest in anime will pick up on them in seconds. And normalfags who don't just watch dubs anyway.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.24_[2018.09.17_10.22.17].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Fuck you burgers. I'd be fucking dead at 102.

>burger measurements

Attached: 1453754725817.jpg (621x506, 34K)

100 degrees hot water is hot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sounan desu ka - 08 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

Why do you want to fuck little kids so badly?

Funny how we used to have threads that make fun of fansubs, and now we have the same kind of threads about official subs.

Attached: loltldr.png (696x438, 490K)

This kind of shit has made me pick up on Japanese numbers at least.

Sorry the children in your country are too malnourished to develop properly. Maybe if you lived in Burgerland you wouldn’t be below the global average height.

>funimation corrected their error

Attached: [HorribleSubs] HenSuki - 07 [720p].mkv - 0006.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

TL Note: eww...

>statistical majority of men
Imagine being a pedo and projecting this fucking hard. You will never be accepted in society.


But the kids and women are shorter, slimmer and smaller (more loli-like in appearance).
Isn’t that what lolicons like, not premature maturing kids? Kids with breasts, isn’t that what lolicons call “legal hags”?

I really don't understand what's the point of burger units. 0°C - the water freezes. 100°C the water is boiling. You can't go simpler and more convenient than this for real life usage. For burgers, it's 32 and 212 - completely stupid and arbitrary numbers unless the freezing temperature of ammonium chloride means anything to you.

Do you like infertile girls?
What’s the lowest you’d go? 10? 9, 8?

It's a huge pain in the ass to change the systems you're used to. Duodecimal is more convenient than decimals and yet we don't bother converting.

No, but there isn't a man on the planet that's concerned about the age of their sexual partner outside of social norms.

Of course, this just walks right into the conflation of the sexualization of pre/post adolescent individuals, and really isn't relevant to the discussion of fictional material.

Too fucking much. God, I hate it.

It was a better time...

Pounds = euros = dollars. Who gives a shit if it's $5 or $10 worth of money, that kind of a detail is basically never important for the sake of the anime.

Yes their audience is Americans from 2019 paying a monthly fee to use their services. The average Japanese viewer will be hearing units they are familiar with so the only way to translate the same experience to American viewers is to convert the units, this obviously doesn't apply to feudal or fantasy currency, in such cases even the author often assists the viewer/reader by having the characters say lines like wow, that is a lot/I could buy a house with this/whatever. If you're so bothered try using your ears and listening to the dialogue, it isn't that hard; I don't know how much a Fahrenheit or a mile represent and I would hate to convert them but fortunately Japan uses units I'm familiar to.

This is not CR, it's Sentai Filmworks

>But the kids and women are shorter, slimmer and smaller (more loli-like in appearance).
Alright, user, I'll bite. Where do you live?
I've been looking to move out of burgerland for some time...

I shuddered at the amount of shows that Hidive got this season and this is why.

I checked the other language subtitles and discovered that:
3/8 of them were in Fahrenheit (100)
4/8 were in Celsius (40) and
1/8 was unknown for me

Attached: water temp.jpg (1280x1283, 267K)

Also 40. Russian has a special word for this number for some reason.

It's fourty in russian.

Shame. I was hoping the russian would be some bizarre localization with comparative temperature.

Lmao only the american and british ones were in retard measurements.

Why is Italian and Arab using 100? Are they just using bad enough translators who translate from English and don't give a shit?

This seems absurd.

Russian is just written with letters instead of numbers.

Yes, only Russian has a special word for forty. French doesn't have quarante, German doesn't have vierzig, and Nihon certainly doesn't have 四十.

A lot of men would. Men are sexual omnivores, which makes the western assertion that biology is a lie and men specifically don't like literal fertile young female mate candidates with their entire motherhood ahead of them all the more absurd.

You could create a lovecraftian horror and there will be a relatively substantial number of men out there willing to try to find a soft hole and a prospect for procreation with it.

Attached: 1455707918460.png (1107x1077, 733K)

The word 'forty' is inflected and writing it with digits would be kinda stupid.

Name me a single time since grade school that you've absolutely needed to know what temperature water freezes/boils at, and also didn't have your phone with you to look it up if you forgot

Doesn't this make all men guilty in the eyes of modern society?
How does this fucking society keep working at all?

It's very useful to know when water freezes because there's this thing called winter. You may have heard about it.
Having the boiling point is useful too if you use a thermometer.
This makes these reference points better than what F uses.


You look outside recently? There's a reason a bunch of us are in here.

Attached: readthefuckingEULA.jpg (640x365, 69K)

I don't need to know that actually, those are reference points. You probably instinctively know how cold it is at the point where water freezes and how hot it is when it boils. Then you can easily tell what 50 degrees feels like, or even 25. You can do this with burger units as well, but I was talking about convenience.

Using Fahrenheit is preferred in HVAC systems where the comfort of a building's occupants is the primary concern, therefore a more granular meter based on the way humans perceive temperature (Based originally on the rough estimate of our core temp) is useful.

There's a purpose to both measurements. F is better when dealing with humans, C is better when dealing with water, K is better when dealing with matter. Rankine is pretty much the only scale that's truly depreciated.

Nobody outside the USA sees any use in F, though. And if you're truly sensitive to temperature, you need fractional parts for F too, anyway.

Are fractions a concept difficult to grasp for a typical burger?

I'm not talking just about scaling, I'm talking about Psychometric charting: C charts are virtually unreadable based on the gaps between temperatures and enthalpies. This doesn't matter when I'm doing it on a computer, but it's a shit load harder when I'm field testing.

Then I have no idea what you're talking about. If the scaling doesn't matter, why the fuck would it matter what numbers are written on the start and end of the chart?
My point was that nobody outside USA and UK uses F, because nobody finds it adds anything over C. Sometimes, imperial units are used internationally for various reasons, but you never see this with F.

Slavery is how. It doesn't matter how much ignorance and misery is rendered onto the common folk so long as they continue planting and harvesting crops. Societal faults are compensated with control.

Also depending on who you ask society literally is NOT working because debts keep rising and populations are in decline. The huge pushes for immigration exist because it's a literal fucking crisis that first-world nations are effectively self-genociding.

dont do that
if you go to psychiatrist and say you like kid drawings your dog will die

>The huge pushes for immigration exist because it's a literal fucking crisis that first-world nations are effectively self-genociding.
As cause, consequence, or attempt to mitigate the crisis? And are you a /pol/shit or do you have something substantial to say?

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mike check

Imagine that, villifying people for needing medical or psychiatric help creates monsters.

I wonder how this dovetails into all the "evil" shit going on in the dark corners of the 1st world.

>not cunnysseur
Fix your edit user

LoL, what a faggot.

JC are not hags

tru, I'd totally fuck Cthulhu

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I'd fuck everything that moves except black people, absolutely disgusting

>unclosed parentheses

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there are two cups

хорошы постов)))

"-san" is the only honorific that translates

The problem is that pedophile is much more specific. In the west pedo means people who get aroused from prepubescent children, while in Japan lolicon means both pedo and people jerking off to drawings of child-like characters. Also don't forget that for most people pedo also means child-rapist.

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>as cause, consequence, or attempt to mitigate
There are theories for each so like I said it depends who you ask, it's not like I or anyone else knows what actually goes on in our monolithic, nontransparent super-governments anymore. Our senators sure as fuck don't, even professional lawyers just study a sliver of the law in its totality and try to leverage that knowledge for a living.

And really, there's nothing stopping all three from being simultaneously true as well. If you ask the average boomer though they'll say 'immigration is important, we have to pay for social security somehow!" The younger generation is both smaller and economically crippled, expecting them to be able and willing to fund the same extent that their predecessors do is an incredibly dangerous assumption to make. Tax money has to be gained somehow, and considering the position most countries are in it's entirely plausible that spending even more money to try to avert the oncoming crisis is the preferable course of action.

And no, I have nothing to do with /pol/. Nobody knows how to have a conversation on boards above a certain activity level.

They hated her because she spoke the truth.


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>Guy fantasizes about shit
>Moralfaggotry causes him to think it's a bigger problem than it is
>Goes to a therapist and drops that bombshell in first session about how he likes kids without establishing trust or building a working relationship
>Asks straight off if the therapist he's just met is going to call the police on him
>Doesn't make it immediately clear that he isn't in possession of CP, just that he thinks about it and is disturbed by the fact it arouses him. And that he wants to be cured of these tendencies
The irony of it all is that I think this guy actually was fucked in the head, if he had stopped to think about what he was doing for even a second he would have realized how shady he must have seemed to everyone

How is the first world genociding then and why?

This is not exactly wrong, but notes should be kept related to the translation and not the plot.

The dude thought he did the right thing. He behaved like he thought society expected him to behave in the best way - going to a therapist to fix it. Why shouldn't he state his problem in the first session? The therapist behavior is beyond stupid. He came on his own volition, why immediately distrust him to an extreme degree?
If they thought he was dangerous, how did they not think that he'd immediately go raping little girl now that he was exposed? Who knows, maybe he's a homeless child rapist now.

By me.

>I'm so glad I spent all of that time defending pedophilia on Yea Forums

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Becazse this is not an idealized world. He was a retard to trust people.

exactly, I though it was literally a therapists job to be your friend

HiDive did that for the whole show. For some reason they translated this part where CR and Funimation didn't (despite Funi already rating the show TV-MA). The early Gintama CR subs also explained all the references.

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That's literally what sub-replacement birth rate is. If your population isn't growing it's dying. If that trend is not stopped then the population will through inevitable mathematical reality die in its entirety, thus genocide. Even if you bring in immigrants the population still dies, you'll just have found a replacement.

The most fundamental necessity for a nation is its population and thus decline of the population is synonymous with decline of the nation. Therefore modern first-world nations aren't even operating in a state conducive to their own continued survival.

>doesn't see the worth inherent in discussion of a controversial topic
You're too old to be posting pictures of old people, boomer-kun.

Neither slowing birthrate nor small population means there's no population.
A lower population is a good thing if you look at it from a resource point of view. It might even be that mankind won't survive without genociding India and China a little.

If I am watching a samurai movie I shouldn't have to be told what a samurai or katana is. I hate it when books do this too, 4th or 5th book in a series still explains everything again.
Maybe a for dummies subtrack with explanations would be fine, but anything that's not translation related explanation should be kept to a minimum.

This is a similar one but with all variations of "Brother" instead.

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By law, therapists are forbidden from sharing information from a session without the patient's express consent, unless:
1. The therapist is providing information about diagnoses and prescribed treatment to an insurance company, in order to be compensated for their services
2. The therapist is compelled to do so by a court of law or to aid in a police investigation
3. The therapist has a reasonable belief that the patient poses a clear and imminent danger to himself or others

The fact that the guy made the therapist feel he was an imminent danger after only a single session means that either he was lying about the details in his post or that he was presenting himself to the therapist in such a way that he was legitimately coming across as a degenerate kiddie fucker. If the guy was found innocent and ever bothered to explain in court why he had gone to seek help in the first place, the therapist could potentially lose their license to practice for recklessly reporting something like that.

>Pedophile has much stronger negative connotations than lolicon
Gee, won't somebody think of the pedos? They are people too, we shouldn't hurt their feelings

>wanting to actively piss off your viewership
>wah I don't to be called retard

Tbh, it's the jews who are pushing for the "everything under 18 is pedo" thing.

google translate isnt even good half the time, its trolls and its based on popular suggestions, some words are straight up wrong.

Try translating erotic text, it has build it censors and alterations for things google deems wrong, such as rape and more sex related things and insults. Sometimes normal words too

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Farenheit is based around the human body and ease of use. 0F lets you know you will be getting frostbite with average wind gusts. 100F lets you know you will be gretting heat stroke in the sun

>Do you fuckers really think they will be releasing erotic magazines aimed at 'pedophiles' publicly?
No way that would ever happen.

>google translate as a source

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I said what I said, and it's not what you're talking about. A nation shrinking is a trend toward death unless reversed, and statistically a decline in prosperity relative to other nations. You have to fuck up big time to make something as productive as a human unable to secure survival for itself and progeny,

Maybe you believe literal genocide is a good thing, but in my opinion it's an egregious failure to utilize perfectly viable human resources. Progressing society to space is vastly more important than trying to maintain our existence on this tiny and miraculous little deathtrap of a rock hoping that our circumstances won't abruptly change on us no matter how many trees we plant.

Its true. But lolicon literally means "he who likes Prepubescent people", which is literally a pedophile. Whether it has a more negative connotation in the west or not is irrelevant to the fact they are translating it correctly.

>a sagging breast is highly unattractive
speak for yourself, faggot

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>But lolicon literally means "he who likes Prepubescent people",
Wrong. Even by Nip usage you are 100% wrong

it doesnt, they essentially have 1 word for 2 things which we differentiate in the west.
The accurate term would be to translate it as lolicon.

Much like the blue/green thing, you dont use blue/green for everything, you either pick blue or green based on what is correct
Basic translation stuff

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>ye olde english.


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>Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a type of severe heat illness that results in a body temperature greater than 40.0 °C (104.0 °F) and confusion.
Nice try. The only good thing about the upper °F reference point is that 100° is body temperature, so you can immediately tell whether you have a fever or not. But even that doesn't work, the body temperature is 99° not 100°. Your explanation for the lower reference point sounds like bullshit too. It sounds like your only argument is that you're simply used to °F.

Thinking that mankind can go to space just makes most people be less careful with Earth. It's mostly bullshit.

Jesus Christ, speed-translation user's subs for School Days were the best.

I still remember some of the great lines, such as, "Something about something needing maintenance."

Mankind getting into space is literally the only way to avoid most extinction events. If you want the species to live long enough to achieve post-scarcity then space is already a necessity.

>Brother darling
Fuck off. If you're gonna translate it to appeal better to retards, you have to translate it to something that people actually say, otherwise what's the point?

> You can't go simpler and more convenient than this for real life usage.

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it's quite the opposite, user. look up some /pol/ threads about lgbt, tranny kids and that kind of stuff. shit that 5 years ago would have been literally unthinkable nowadays is considered stunning and brave.

>outliers sensationalized by the media and gloated over by /pol/ as general "proof" that everything is degenerate
It's amazing how /pol/ is so consistently retarded.

>3rd worlder too stupid to understand.
The temperature given is only the air temperature not accounting for windchill or sunlight.
A 100F day mean you will be in over 115-120 degrees in the sunlight, more than enough for heat stroke or death. As for windchill just look at pic related.

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None of this shows that F has any advantage over C whatsoever.
At the end of the day, F is defined by C too, just a different scale. The metric system owns you.

>n-no it's not better even if both ends are more informative for the average person than the freezing and boiling point of water

F was invented long before C. How are you this retarded and still able to breathe?

American education. How much is 20 kilograms in fat units?

If you have a degree in anything give it back you fucking illiterate moron.

>lolicon literally means "he who likes Prepubescent people", which is literally a pedophile
>literally a pedophile
Ephebophile actually.

Yeah, they did that with the official subs of Kimitsu no Yaiba as well, pissed me off enough to just wait for Pig Assault subs for the new eps

Could be be wani'ed or Fakku'ed

Little girls are sexy.

Pretty sure lolita wasn't prepubescent.

That reminds me of a news story in my country in which multiple men just left a kid that was crying in the street because they didn't want to get called a pedo. She ended up getting kidnapped and killed.

I don't blame them. If there was a little girl crying outside, the most I could do is call police. There's no amount you could pay me to go out to her.

Checkmate, what he did is actually an illegal move in Chess...

Nothing wrong

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There's literally no reason not to have heavy TL note usage now that MKV and subtitle tracks are a thing. Just have a couple different track variants:
>integrated TL note sub track
>TL note glossary at the start of the episode so viewers know the words or expressions loaned track
>no TL note track
The phobia of letting viewers learn some japanese things on the fly to enhance their understanding of the content is poisonous. You will be literally getting less than half the intended understanding otherwise.

>he hasn't learned nip yet

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The more nip I learn the more I realize that translations are even worse than I initially thought.


I just want some cunny for my tummy

Sounds like someting Tomino would write

>muh body
People live in climates outside of those temperatures and danger starts before them. Completely arbitrary.

I haven't used subs in almost ten years. Probably the biggest loss in translation is absolutely no representation of how characters are talking.

This thread is about bad translations...

The media obviously tried to shame the men that had left her alone, even though a crying kid wasn't their responsibility. I wish I could say that I would've helped out, but I'd probably get arrested if I tried.

Most won't even put honorifics as a separate track, so it's not gonna happen

Professional subbers are lazy and don't care. They're just going to keep doing the bare minimum.

I usually found TL notes to be 'what the fuck am I reading' tier.

This, since the only fight they have to do right now is securing the rights to simulcast specific shows there is no incentive to try harder since people will just buy their subscription services anyways so they can watch anime the "legal" way.

By me.