I have a confession to make

I'm becoming a total fatefag.

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Who do you blame for your low IQ? Is it just genetics or do they plastics in the water and food really affect children and make them more retarded

Me too. I even subbed to BLACKED to prove im the biggest Saber fan


Literally only watched Prisma/Illya and I'm good with that. Not even a loli guy. But damn.

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Time to kys, my man.

>fatefag but only for FGO

I used to be a massive Type-Moon fag. But since Nasu became a greedy jew and ruined everything with GO I'm a JoJoBVLL now.

why and how?

Any newfag to the series isn't a fan, you're a bandwagon redditor

I've read the VN last year and sinking that ~60-70 hours into it was absolutely worth it. Watching UBW and Zero now, I don't think I would've gotten into the series if I started with either one.

this is the true POWER of fate

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Fate sucks
The only thing it's good for is porn

Holy mother of gatekeeping


You're actually right

Don't bother with this crap.

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I almost became a type-fag because of the girls and the designs, but after slogging through all of KnK for ONE good movie I'm through.

>tfw still waiting for the third HF so I can finally drop it all.

i dont get into the series I mean there are so many different continuities why bother

Best fate vn I have ever read

>saying to not bother after the Sakura Rider threesome

test for you, how many people did shiki kill?

Considering the competition is Fate and F/GO it's a very low bar to beat.
Out of all the porn that isn't 3rd party, that scene was the only good one. Because the rest are meme shit. I can't say that it was worth reading all of this just for that. I got a good wank out of that and many Rider doujinshi but there's plenty of other good porn out there. I can't justify spending almost 60 hours on this stuff.

Hell, so there actually is something wrong with me.

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Which scene did you replay? Or are you a slow reader?

There absolutely is. I completed almost every scene I could find. I admit that I skipped some shit if it had too much Rin in it but I did read the vast majority of scenes.

Fatefags confirmed brainlets

All of them, probably. The ones I really liked, a couple of times. Mostly Bazett and Avenger stuff.

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>Completion: 98.8%

enjoy your discount shin megami tensei

Discount JoJo you mean.

Wlecome to the club, user.
Now read the VN

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>tfw you got to enjoy Fate the first time completely blind
I'm willing to bet it's a completely different experience to all you folks who went in knowing just who the red man was.

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To many letter. Can't you just whisper me the plot in my ears as we cuddle?

Only if you promise you're not gonna ask here about shit that could've been answered if you read it.

Good enough.


I'm so glad I avoided the Deen anime long enough for the visual novel. It was really worth it.

>tfw you got to enjoy Fate the first time completely blind
Almost the same but I knew who Saber was-

Okay, here goes the plot: read it, you don't have anything better to do anyway.

I read it with the realta nua patch once a year, user. Just wanted to cuddle

Well i like it because of vn. Now im thinking if i should read continuation...

Whatching DEEN/Stay Night back when it was new was one hell of a ride

fgochad here, are you talking about Emiya? What about him? He's the kid that fused with Muramasa, right? Why is it such a big spoiler? Should I watch Fate/Zero to understand it?

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We all want to.

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No shit user
You liked cute girls, "designs" and probably the action scenes.
Nasu's older works are much more subdued than that.
But don't hurry TM itself also forgot about the other works, not it's just the fate franchise. The chance of you being exposed to anything else is almost nil.
Go collect your .jpgs and listen to your bond lines I guess

Read it, it's worth it.

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It's the main twist of UBW my guy. Understanding WHY is the more important spoiler, though. For the entirety of the Fate route and Unlimited Blade Works route, Shirou prides himself on trying to help everyone. Archer Emiya Shirou is from a future where he sticks to this ideology and ends up with a terrible future, which shows Emiya that his way of thinking is completely flawed.
Fate/Zero isn't required.

it's bait, user

Fuck. It's honestly hard to tell when a lot of people have only have played F/GO and not touched anything else Fate related.

Why are you trying to help them anyway, instead of telling them to read the VN?

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Not that user but one right?

Yeah, pretty much. I still don't get why Araya doesn't count.

Can’t spell fatefag without FAG. You get to the part where you learn Arthur is a canon dickgirl yet?

I've read the VN and it's honestly drab as fuck the majority of the time. Plot points are brought up over and over again, as if Nasu is spitting in your face and calling you a goldfish memory fuck. Shirou is cringe as fuck for the majority of the Fate route. The girls are cute, but the actual romantic interactions are mostly mediocre.
Not to mention, the average zoomer weaboo probably wouldn't have the attention span to make it through the prologue.

>Not to mention, the average zoomer weaboo probably wouldn't have the attention span to make it through the prologue.
So, what you're doing is making zoomers like that come and shit up the threads? Smart move. I know you feel like you're better than secondaries and have a need to prove it by going all "oh, you see, that's the reason, I've read the VN, so I know", but it would be better for everyone if you just told them to read the VN, because if they don't have the attention span to read through it, then it is better for them to drop the VN and go to Yea Forums instead of asking retarded questions on Yea Forums. Unless you want this place to become Yea Forums 2.0.

>tfw no cute fate user boi to cuddle and pamper with my love


Okay user, it's time to go to hell known as FGO

glad i was able to figure out how cringey it is just by watching the anime and didnt waste tons of time playing the eroge or spending money on gacha

I never told him to watch the anime. Just explaining the significance of Archer's identity. You're right about filtering zoomers out of Fate, though.
>Unless you want this place to become Yea Forums 2.0.
It's way too late to stop this. Sorry, user.

Same, I'd read the VN if it weren't such a slog to get it translated and then actually read it.


fuck this
i reinstall it few times download different one and still has this error when i want to get ubw good end nad 13th tiger dojo. kill me

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Set locale to Japanese.

I am reading Heaven's Feel for the first time right now and so far the only things I think I know are

>sakura is evil for some reason
>saber is evil for some reason
>herc jobs to evil saber
>gae boy jobs to hassan
>medea jobs to hassan

Now I'm out before some fag pretends to be funny spoiling me.

I started the VN without both knowing about the red man and Sakura's past so it quite fun to see those twists the way it was intended.

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Saber is King Arthur

By posting this image you mean you're reading the original visual novel as well right?

Already done that

I did watch DEEN/Stay Night first but I had no idea about the other routes and what happened in them when I read the Fate VN about a decade ago. It was still a fun ride

Fun story, when I read Fate route, instead of just using the walkthrough like a normal person, I tried to make the choices based on what I remembered happened in the anime.

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Are you me? Finished Last Encore past sunday, currently watching Zero and rewatching Stay Night and Apocrypha.

>It's way too late to stop this. Sorry, user.
We still talk about anime 95% of the time in the catalog and we don't have threads starting with twitter drama, clickbait and e-celebs (and the ones that do get deleted). We're bad but weren't that bad yet


Ok so it was like something like this
fate/stay night2006 dropped after 4 episodes
i'm pretty sure i watched ubw movie at some point
and now few years later i read vn and after that watched 2014 ubw and now both hf movies.

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only fate zero was good teh rest is garbage filled with fanservices for the most braindead semenheads

Also what should i read next?