Why are dialogues in heaven's feel movies so fucking quiet? Especially compared to effects

Why are dialogues in heaven's feel movies so fucking quiet? Especially compared to effects.

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Sakura is just too cute, sisters.

Sakura a cute, she is craving for the fish in that picture


This scene was great. Is it original or was it in VN?


Princess Sakura is so cute

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my fish

Original, though there is a scene its based on, but it was just creepy in the web novel while the dream in the movie was creepy cute and kino at the same time.

It's a movie. Movies are always weirdly quiet.

Why don't Westerners appreciate silence?

Because you're listening to 5.1 surround audio on stereo speakers.

It was definitely the best anime original scene yet for any of the anime adaptions. It's a real shame the first half of the film was fucked with weird pacing.

Yup, the movie doesnt really pick up until the confession scene happens.
Also while sakura is my favourite I would also appreciate to see more illya, hopefully they fix that for the third movie

Sorry dude, If I remember correctly there's only one or two more important scenes with illya, I remember her being in alot of the "filler" house segments but as it's an anime adaptation they've been trimming alot of the fat.

So, whats the optimal way to watch the movie?
I heard the official subs are pretty shitty and some user fixed them. I have this, I don't know if they got updated further
Also I downloaded the BDMV file when it came out, can I even manually add subs there or should I download another version?

Who wants Ilya? She has her own franchise for fuck's sake. Ilya extra scenes in UBW added by shameless Ilyafag direcrtor were cringe and super forced.

Miura said he is a sakurafag in the UBW interview though


I don't remember any love for Sakura in UBW.

I mean, he straight up said that in an interview. I guess he just wasn't biased in his work

But there was definetely some Ilyafag among staff

Probably this.

>Movies are always weirdly quiet.
I don't get why they do that. Movies are always fucking annoying to watch when the audio is a retarded roller coaster.

Attached: f25633fa.jpg (790x698, 44K)

>be Sudo
>want lots of princess Sakura fanart
>make a great original scene in the movies that ties in to the plot with princess Sakura
Blessed timeline.

You are mentally ill.

I didn't notice such a thing. The biggest flaw in the movie I think were the fight scenes. They are way too flashy. Especially Saber VS Berserker. It looked like some abstract art piece half the time with all the flashy shit going on the screen. It feels lazy and uninspired. I get that they wanted to show that Saber is now being super flashy since she's swimming in mana but I'd have much preferred fewer explosions and more sword-fighting.

Attached: Illya_and_illya_are_having_a_good_time.jpg (1500x2000, 2.05M)

HF update ideas
>Sorry for party rocking instead of party rock anthem
>Look at the top of his head syncronized with headless gil

I really appreciated the small details around illya in this movie

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Because Heaven's Feel is Back to Karano Kyokai
Karano Kyokai also have queit dialogues

I thought the fights were pretty good, it was a nice change from when the movie was quiet and slow paced

Because movie directors are obnoxious and they think screentime wasted on silent scenes where nothing happens is (((art)))

God where did all these disgusting wormfags came from?

Sakura was super cute in all scenes she appeared in UBW

your head

Sakurafags have ruled Yea Forums for years now.

Epic bait user. Have you been in a coma for 5 years?


The comment section is just like a mini Yea Forums

This video was created yesterday and you posted it like 7 times already

Oh, the title got corrected.
処女(shojo) != 少女 (shoujo) after all.

The audio in movies are mixed and mastered with theaters' surround sound in mind, and

I updated the subtitles from that link and stole subs from another release for the PV but I can't be fucked timing the ED song lyrics


>Who wants Ilya? She has her own franchise for fuck's sake
Unironically not my Ilya. Kaleid Ilya and FSN Ilya have practically nothing in common, and prisma throws out a lot of what makes Ilya a compelling character.

We do not need an Illya route, because we are already in love with her anyway.

Thanks a lot user!

Attached: best route.jpg (1943x1729, 463K)

Basically this. Comparing kaleid illya to sn illya is like comparing sakura to mashu

I don't get why people are so upset with the subs. It's a translation that keeps all the weird Japan-isms intact. That's why people watch subs instead of dubs in the first place.

If you want a proper localization, that's in progress with the dub. Just wait until November.

What a complete retard take. Does this look like a japanism to you?

Attached: med.jpg (2560x1440, 260K)

Or how about this? I suppose this totally accurate translation is just another Japan-ism?

Attached: zouken wtf.jpg (1280x1440, 153K)

Even if the official subs didn't have accuracy issues, if what you want is a completely literal translation to the letter, you should just learn japanese. The purpose of translation isn't just to literally translate word for word, but also to convey the meaning of the original statement most effectively and equivalently in the new language. This may be what Shinji is literally saying in Japanese, but the purpose of language is to convey meaning. If Shinji spoke english instead of japanese, this is absolutely not the wording he'd chose. Languages aren't perfect equivalents to each other, it's not as simple as matching the words 1:1. What separates an ok translator from a great translator is their discretion in choosing the words that more accurately convey the original intent of the statement, even though there are many that would do a good enough job.

Attached: shinji intercourse.jpg (1366x768, 87K)

One more for the road.

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>Why are dialogues in heaven's feel movies so fucking quiet? Especially compared to effects.

Gotta play it on your 5.1 surround sound system

>no madder red town ost + sol with sakura
>weird pacing
I'm a bit dissapointed

Subtitless for this movie sucks but you don't need to rely subs to understand the whole thing

I need subs to understand what you're saying you ESL shitter.

I can't speak to the other two examples, but if somebody prefers subs, I can't see why there's a problem with this line.

There's a fine line between changing "intercourses", and changing "onii-san". That line's in a different place for a lot of people, and they're going to get pissed off if you step over it.

You want a good translation that localizes "intercourses" and "onii-san"? Wait for the dub.

>Implying Yea Forums isn't just a international Version of 2chan

I love sakura

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She found some fishecandies!

was it rape?

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Kind of, he thought he had the right to do it and she thought he was right in thinking so. Also she enjoyed it even more than he did.

FSN Illya would be Prisma Illya if she'd had a better and more loving upbringing.


No, Shinji only satisfied Sakura's lust.
Shinji is just a pitiful boy who did nothing wrong.

Cute! CUTE!

Oh is the movie finally subbed?
How much of it was wormshit and fanservice?

>he thought he had the right to do it
No, he just did it because he wanted to hurt her. He was jealous of her, after all. Humiliating her was his way of feeling superior.

>and she thought he was right in thinking so.
No, she had just given up on herself. After all, even her family had abandoned her. She thought there was no point fighting back.

>Also she enjoyed it even more than he did.
No. You can see her dead eyes after years of taking that abuse, which only started to change after she started helping out at Shiro's house.

Sakura is always super cute though

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Sakurahaters can't into subtext.

only thing sakura craves is senpais dick

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You get cute pods and offscene fug scene


she raped him

Cutest Sakura moments.

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So "sex = mana transfer" is now canon again?

It was never not canon, they just had a different method employed in the censored versions.

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Unironically yes

That's always been the case. The other stuff is all-ages so they obviously couldn't use sex

This. 5.1 -> 2.1 conversion has been completely fucked for ages.

reading the vn. shirou lost saber to shadow and hes working with rin (day 9)

how much days do movie 1/2 cover

The first movie ends right at Shirou losing Saber. The second one goes all the way up to day 14.

Those dead eyes were due to her Training and the worms made her extremly horny all the time. She experienced a lot more pleasure during it, that's what I mean by she enjoyed it.

You have a pretty weird concept of "enjoyment."
Also, when Shinji was about to rape Sakura in the movie, she thinks "I just have to bear it like always." She never wanted it or enjoyed it. She just bore it. There's a big and clear difference.

Yes, she could have stopped it at any time though. She didn't, because she thought she deserved it.

She is bearing it mentally not physically.

>she could have stopped it at any time though
Like I said before, she had given up on herself. She had nothing, so she saw no point in fighting back.

To add to this, the reason Sakura felt kinda pissed off when she saw Shiro trying to make the jump so many times without giving up, it's because it remained her of how she had given up on herself.

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The art is great, the story suck

Heavens feel in a nutshell, the most boring route with the most pathetic and annoying heroine, at least we'll get kotomanly vs shirou fist fight with that sick soundtrack

The art is great the story suck, is all.

You'rer a fucking idiot.
Heaven's feel has always been half Illya, half Sakura.
It's just there can only be one.

kinda weird that recently, Nasu has been cleaning up Shinji's image and making him more of a complex character but its hard to sympathy with him when he raped Sakura for years

>Why are dialogues in heaven's feel movies so fucking quiet?
Because you didn't watch it in theaters.

You just selected the wrong sub

Attached: Fate ⁄ Stay Night Heaven's Feel II - Lost Butterfly [1080p][x265][AAC2.0].mkv_snapshot_00.45. (1920x1080, 669K)

Probably because of the top tier VA he's got

He's been doing that with Shinji for a long time now, all the way back in old mats.

Sakura enjoyed it so it wasn't rape

then why the fuck did he make Shinji a rapist what the fuck Nasu

>she was raped
>HUUUURRR Realta Nua is the real canon
Make up your mind wormfags

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Shinji was a character who was supposed to be an asshole, but also someone who was supposed to be a product of his environment, which is why he gets better in UBW when all the magi baggage goes away. This is why there were originally plans for a "Shinji route" of sorts that would have made him more sympathetic.

The problem is that Nasu cut all that shit and forgot to write anything else to compensate, so he's backpedaling on Shinji's portrayal for years.


Attached: Shinji and Sakura hospital.webm (750x420, 355K)

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Attached: Fate ⁄ Stay Night Heaven's Feel II - Lost Butterfly [1080p][x265][AAC2.0].mkv_snapshot_00.40. (1920x1080, 852K)

realtanuafags have been deluded for years, just let them seethe till they kill themself

You can make a rapist that isn't a 1 dimensional evil person. Pic related

Attached: Episode 2.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

Moral of the story

If it wasn't already clear enough to any sane person out there: Never, fucking NEVER try to "save" a rape/abuse victim girl even if it's the best pussy you'll ever get in your lifetime, they're soiled and broken for life.
Nasu was kinda based by doubling down on her psychotic shit even when her loved one is trying to get her out of her mental hell. She just doesn't function like a normal girl anymore and will fuck anyone up.

yeah that makes a lot of sense, but i kinda doubt Shinji would be a rapist if he got his own route, no way in hell would Sakura not have some focus in Shinji's route and no way that Shirou wouldn't break Shinji's neck for doing that

Except they live happily ever after in the end

That's just pure fan pandering, and even then that particular ending is retarded and a stretch.
People hate Sakura for a reason, she's a shit person period.

Nothing about Shirou and Sakura being happy together is a stretch. She's not a shit person, and 90% of the Sakura hate is purityfagging

An happiness built upon the corpses of hundred.

Just because someone is broken doesn't mean they don't deserve love
Nobody can be saved but people can be helped and spent time with

They literally shat on an entire city just to bang and be together lol. It's not about purity either she's a straight vile psycho in the VN after she breaks down.

Yeah, she's pretty (gloriously) evil AFTER SHE BREAKS DOWN, but she turns back to good later, even when she didn't have to.

And I'm telling you that that's the fucking stretch and 100% fan pandering.
HF shits on Shirou's main appeal as a character just for some crazy pussy lol, unfortunately it's too ideal and fictional to relate to.

Why would you even try to reason with peoplr who don't know HF at all? Sakura literally pleads Shirou to just be by her side and stop putting himself in danger. A bunch of faggots here just want to shitpost, and one of them even feels compelled to write lol in every post.

Fan pandering? She turns back even in the Normal end, and that's certainly not pandering to anyone. You're too attached to your little theory that rape victims are all irredeemable.

>pure fan pandering

In the true ending that serves as a logical conclusion to all of the ideas that the entire VN had set up from the very beginning?

Because making a field of infinite swords, defeating Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh and fucking King Arthur (female), also fighting your own future self from another timeline is all so realistic and non-fictional

That makes absolutely zero sense.
Each route conclude the ideas of that route.

Your opinion is needed

HF True is the conclusion of the entire VN, as shown by Rin narrating it just like she did for the prologue of the VN.

It doesn't work as one thematically.
There is a reason there are 3 routes, and just not 1 continuous route.

>It doesn't work as one thematically.
The VN as a whole is structured around Shirou growing up and becoming more of a man for each route.

Attached: fatestaydeep.jpg (800x1800, 113K)

Last Episode is the conclusion of the entire VN now

Nasu just confirmed Saber never went to Avalon.

So Realta Nua is the canon version of the VN, and Sakura is a virgin?

Maybe that makes sense if you have an incredibly odd way of perceiving growing up.


Is there some magical mpv config that fixes the sounds? Dialogue is too quite and effects are too fucking loud.

and Shirou never had a threesome with Rin and Saber yes

>Fate: whiny kid who rambles about wanting to be a superhero, but needs Saber to protect him
>UBW: rebellious teen who stubbornly clings to his superhero nonsense just to stick it to big old mean grown up Archer, taking Rin along with him as a cheap teenage fling
>HF: mature adult who realizes how silly wanting to be a superhero is and focuses on protecting his wife Sakura

So the problem is your retarded interpretation of the routes themselves.

>Nasu's interpretation of the work he himself wrote is retarded

damn, i imagine you can give us a link where Nasu says the interpretation you give us is the correct one

If that is indeed his interpretation, then it is still retarded.
Just like with Anno thinking NGE is some sort of comment on Freud's psychological ideas.

Subhumans hate sakura because she is not a virgin and not an action heroine like saber and rin

Nasu had each route as a different approach to a question, but he never outright invalidates any of the routes like you fucks insist on extrapolating.

based intellectual user

All of the routes progressively build off of eachother. If they were as self contained as you say, then they could simply be experienced in any order, which is entirely not the case.

They build off each other by adding new stuff.
But Fate conclude what is brought up in fate and same for UBW.
What happens at the end of HF doesn't make thematic sense as a conclusion to the Fate route.

Not to the Fate route, but Shirou's character arc. He literally doesn't change at all in the first route. It's only when you get to UBW that he begins to actually deal with the consequences of following his ideals, and it isn't until HF that we see him move past them.

>He literally doesn't change at all in the first route
He would be a linear extension of Archer if he literally didn't change at all, which isn't what happens.

he would've turned into Archer if he didn't change user

Is that not the entire point of the Fate route? It introduces us to Shirou's slanted ideology while primarily focusing on Saber's story and setting up the premise of the HGW. The Shirou of this route is fated to become Archer, as he never altered his ideals. That's why UBW follows it up, as his ideals are actually put into question there, hence he doesn't become the cynical, jaded version of Archer.

>The Shirou of this route is fated to become Archer
Fucking hell, no.
>Q: During the last part of Sakura’s route, Shirou was saved by the tiny bit of residual mana in Rin Tohsaka’s pendant. Also, it seems like Rin knew about the difference in residual mana between the thing he got back from Archer and the thing he was holding, so could Sakura’s route be the one in which Shirou becomes a Heroic Spirit after all? Or could you tell us the route(s) in which Shirou doesn’t become a Heroic Spirit?

>A: I’ll just say now that he doesn’t become a Heroic Spirit in any of the routes, but the possibility is still present in all of them as well. Basically, the probability of it happening is almost zero.
This is Nasu, straight from CM III. Even if you completely ignore Realta Nua and Last Episode, Fate Shirou does not become Archer.

Nasu straight up said that there's no route where Shirou becomes Archer

Damn, it's always been my interpretation that Fate route Shirou becomes Archer, and barring the word of god, I don't understand why this wouldn't be the case, both in-universe and in the meta context. I can't think of any reason why Shirou wouldn't simply follow through with his untainted dream of becoming a Superhero after the events of the Fate route, whereas with the other two routes he is explicitly faced with scenarios that completely force him to re-evaluate his path.

No, what nasu said is that the route where shirou turns into archer is very simmilar to the fate route, but it isn't the fate route

I think you just don't get that Shirou does develop through Fate route as well.

>Q: What was the Fifth Grail War that Heroic Spirit Emiya experienced in his lifetime like? Was the Archer summoned there also Emiya?
>Nasu: It was a world where the conditions at the beginning of the war were mostly the same, but something was missing. Shirou summoned Saber and fought until the end, didn't save Saber's heart but understood her, and they destroyed the grail together and parted... that's the image I have.
>Takeuchi: Ahh, so something like a Fate route Good End we didn't make in the game?!
>Nasu: Yeah, probably. After that, it is believed he cooperates with Rin who survived, and heads to London.

Archer and every Shirou we see in the VN are the same up until the prologue ends, at which point, their respective paths diverge. One of the key points here is that Archer does not save Saber, and in turn, is not saved by her. Fate Shirou follows through, and instead of wandering aimlessly in what he thinks is his father's footsteps, he's been given the goal of pursuing Saber. This is what ultimately culminates in Last Episode.

What am i looking at