>For it's 9th anniversary coming up later this year, µ's will be releasing a brand new single, along with a new PV. Aqours will also be releasing a new single and PV in September titled "DANCING WITH MINOTAURS". Don't forget to participate in Love Live: All Stars twitter campaign to receive additional rewards upon the game's official release!


Attached: Love_Live%21_%3F%27s_3.jpg (2000x1412, 465K)

jav hags

dead franchise

only one, user.

the rest are pure.

Attached: 1460975685017.jpg (700x900, 226K)

who grubble here?


>All Stars
>Official release

TL note: "Dancing" means "having sex"

Sounds like a doujin title. And with the addition of Muse in GBF, maybe we ca actually get a MusexMinotaur rape doujin.
Maybe even from the Japanese Shadman himself.

wtf, ruining the comeback with this disgusting rape meme garbage.
fucking retards


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Shut the fuck up about the minotaurs part and be happy µ's is back

jesus christ

The JAV whore should apologize for disgracing LL and Muse

Did a minotaur hurt your family or something?

nozomi fucks old men!


Attached: usag.gif (387x220, 133K)

Eyy I wouldn't mind being one of them minotaurs they're dancing with if you know what I'm saying

She has nothing to apologise for. Fuck off.

Stop shitposting.

>tfw just wanna chill and talk LL with frens but the threads are always full of mentally ill shitposters
why cant we all just be nice?

Attached: 1549133391767.gif (428x600, 276K)

Because mods are incompetent and we can't have nice things. There'll never be a good LL thread on Yea Forums again much like there'll never be a good Madoka thread again, or whatever other series suffers from the same old, constant shitposting.

>Yea Forums killed LL threads
Nah your JAV porn star did

>Dancing With Minotaurs
Remove the "with" and you've just perfectly described these hags.

>move over fat loser fuck, these delicious girls are all over chads like myself

Attached: minotaur-1484121852-1552244563350.jpg (595x300, 44K)


what the hell did they mean by this?

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Aqwhores being aqwhores.

Literally only nip expats in Brazil care about nip idolshit. Nobody else in the West does.

We need Okada cameo!

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No OrcTaku. It is your shitposting that killed it. When you and every last one of you OrcTaku shitposters are gone we will have good threads again. You must be exterminated.

who cares about westacucks?
you are irrelevant

I want A-rise. fuck moose

Two of the seiyuus are retired AFAIK.The best you'll get are Saint Snow singles.

>fuck moose
Gladly. I will take Umi.



idolshit killed anime

You'll have to fight for her.

Attached: Okada.png (1024x683, 670K)

flopfags btfo

I said Umi not Mimo you retarded seiyuushitter.

Probably jealous floptard continuing to cope with the fact u's are coming back

Umi is Okada's bitch

Attached: tumblr_okwuibZQ5v1rumiojo1_640.jpg (563x551, 31K)

Keep coping flopturd

Good on them for getting married.

Who cares if it flops. She got all that wrestling champ money now.

Seething Berserkfag

>everyone in this thread speedreading this much
Aqours will be releasing this "DANCING WITH MINOTAURS" shit. Muse will release something different

Nobody said otherwise.

You do realize nobody gives a shit about flopqour single now that µ's is practically back making songs? Yesterday's twitter trends went off the charts for the first time since µ's Final Live and literally every other non-µ's projects are being overlooked thanks to these news.

me too, I hate this.
Is full of schizphrenic neet spammers.
I don't know why all of them are musefags?
It's always the Honoka samefag, and NicoNozomi crackshipper.
Normal muse posters are nice though.

>anyone caring about what ameriturd english only peasant thinks

Now that flops are officially dead and irrelevant what do you want µ's to do now? More niconamas, OVA or quarterly singles?

Do you tolerate the shitposters? If you do you are also part of the problem. Don't tolerate evil. Confront it.

Aquors is unironically better just because of Honoka being shit
they samefag so hard in their minds it's like they are never losing, just report them don't even reply like I sometimes do. They are niggers crawling for replies from their neetnest

wtf is this jav shitposting about, the only thing i can find is about a honoka and it was 3 years ago

>flopfags continuing their jav shitposting spree from yesterday

These are your idols for tonight.

Attached: mpv-shot0045.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

why would musefags shitpost about Honoka?

remove nozoshit and add Honoka and Maki

Attached: D3oP7jIU8AIWXu_.jpg (2048x1601, 659K)

Nozomi is better than Honoka, not only as a leader but everything

keep sperging, fatty

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Nice, its good to see a lesbian couple trying a threesome with a man.

Shitposting, nothing more. Nothing less.

They are all shitposters. Not fans. I wouldn't call them fans. Tell them to fuck off.

there's a ton good japanese musician and singer and what you choose to follow is fucking lovelive shit.

literally what wrong with all of you ?

seethe more falseflagging flopqour

Attached: C6n_u4QVwAEJKv7.jpg (480x640, 58K)

Is very cute.

Attached: C738EBB2-D080-42E0-842C-CA9FBF10E624.png (400x400, 263K)

Cringe hagcel.
Based Aqourschad.

Idolfags are the bronies of otaku culture

Cringe underaged shitposter.

Seething javcel.

didn't that one girl do jav though

The only one seething here is you for being called for for the underaged faggot you are.

Her or not doesn't matter. She did nothing wrong.

>new Single
as if ae cares about themmusic nnynyonyonnyonnynyonr

>defending whores

Sad underaged faggot shitposter.


She did nothing wrong.

a best

You /vg/ niggers are the ones raiding the board

>defending literal whores
Doesn't get more pathetic than this.

there's those two magic letters again!

Attached: ECgS30ZUEAExwdP.jpg (2048x1317, 631K)

Who would've thought that the news of µ's comeback single coming out would reveal the true nature of hypocritical, self victimizing flopfags.

Attached: ECkqI74U0AACrZg.jpg (1024x756, 142K)

user the 4th single is called Mitaken Horizon, dancing with minotaurs is a coupling track.

>hype up "graduation" of Muse resulting in one of the biggest otaku event of the decade
>bring back when franchise is dying
If anything they should be the ones doing the apologizing

The only pathetic person I see is you. You're a underaged faggot with nothing to do but shitpost. Some of us have values. You don't. You are a retarded waste of life.

Attached: JAV Idol Project.jpg (1778x1892, 839K)

99% Similarity I don't care.

I stand with EMTN.

Yoshiko best girl

You lost me at
>They both have elbows!!!
>they both have 2 ears!!!

Attached: 1566175748826.jpg (1898x1540, 637K)

flopfags really are getting desperate

oh nonono

Muse remake please.

Attached: 23c6929d61e6c7697b65a08675d5083f.png (853x1000, 883K)

Fucking based.

Honknigger cope.

My only exposure to LL has been a friend having me slowly watch Sunshine with her over the past two weeks.

This thread is terrible.

go watch the original series, it's 10x better

user we all know you don't have any friends let alone female ones

Who's your best girl?

And then do you fuck her afterwards haha

>baka zonbii aidorus already made a bigger impact and more memorable than these losers did despite not having anyone's previous success to piggyback off of and Aqours had a whole two year lead
Flopfags are SEETHING

Attached: 1407421828043.gif (640x360, 723K)

Was the girl at least worth it?

>slowly watch Sunshine
I think she hates you user.

I've heard the chinese use it as a replacement for water torture

Please bath properly

I like aqours music more

At least you are honest with your abysmal taste.

Attached: 2018 LL.png (555x625, 26K)

Breaking news: every idol had sex. Every single one. And most of them with old men. Your favorite idol ate semen of some fat old producer.

And who the fuck cares?

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Everybody does.

I bet its going to suck

Unless they've been singing weekly for the past 4 years since they stopped, their voices are going to be so out of tune.

○ラブライブ! The School Idol Movie
巻数  初動   2週計  累計   発売日
限定 193,769 206,441 224,278 15.12.15
通常 **8,528 **9,797 *11,523 15.12.15

ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!The School Idol Movie Over the Rainbow
巻数  初動  2週計  累計  発売日
限定 75,095 85,708 93,954 19.07.26
通常 *1,729 *2,054 **,*** 19.07.26

Some of them still have solo career or anime roles.

Apoglize for what? Black nipples?

I just want to look at cute idol girls, carefully crafted for my maximum enjoyment.

only Mimorin, Ucchi, Pile and Soramaru's voices matter
The rest may as well be backup dancers

>Releasing music instead of a new season
Their music is shit. I always skip her song scenes. I just want more cute Umis

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All the Umis are cute.

You know they have careers of their own right?Sunrise doesn't lock them in a cuboard until they need more muse content

>actually calling them by their nicknames
>actually KNOWING everyone's nicknames instinctively
A real live cµmbrain

Attached: 34213431312.jpg (318x315, 21K)

Stop lying. Nobody actually likes this music.
Love Live is about the girls - not the songs.

>jolno and emitsun
>backup dancers
Why not have Kussun instead of Mimo. At least that way we would've known you like the sounds of dying squirrels.

>OVA kickstarter reached its goal in a few hours
>VR game kickstarter almost failed but was saved because of at least one retard handing out all of their life savings
LWA never recovered ever since its piece of shit director ruined the anime. Yuru Yuri OVA reached its goal in a few hours too and look how much it earned.

Attached: YuruYuriOva.png (480x281, 12K)

Imagine if Yoshinari was never a self-insert cunt and didn't make Akko a cockslut. LWA would have been in LL's spot instead.

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Dude all LL songs are autotuned to hell and back. They even auto tune the concert BDs

At last, an user of taste ITT

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based and canon


dead thread
dead game
dead sales
dead series

do you even liked it in the first place?
I've been on this for a few months and I like it.
Stupid shitposter

>Granblue collab
>Shadowverse collab
>now this

They are going all out with this anniversary.

Attached: Maki_Nishikino_A.png (960x800, 194K)

First movie was a phenomenon. Don't act like selling 50% better than Heaven's Feel movies while Fate is at it's all time peak is bad you retard.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.09.19_19.56.39].png (1280x720, 1.45M)

Then the JAV incident happened.
Then Aqours happened.
This franchise hit rock bottom a long time ago

You fucking retard Sunshine movie just came out and raped Fateshit. And Sunshine is by far the top selling 2018 anime.


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I unironically wish they made an isekai anime out of GBF collabs. This shit is great.

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So are we going to get a Muse College days anime? Or one focusing on Hobo Honk jumping through time at various important times in the School Idol world?


It was nothing more than a bullshit scandal caused by the delusions of the OrcTaku and purityfag. Love Live is stronger than ever.

Shitposting. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Fucking samefagging retard.

looks like falseflagging knightfag will have to work overtime now

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Guess this is a good time to get back into LL and SIF.

The OrcTaku is filled with rage and streaming out of Mordor. A barbaric horde. No need to worry though. I, the Knight, will hold them back, stem the tide, beat them back like the glorious Few who held the line at Winterfell for the living, so that we may live. I look into the darkness and say 'Not Tonight.'

Fuck off and kill yourself OrcTaku.

falseflag more you sunshinenigger or whoever the fuck are you

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Doesn't matter what she did OrcTaku I will always stand by and support her. As her Loyal Knight.

imagine being a LLfag in 2010+9 holy shit

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You should apologise to your parents for being a waste of space, a waste of life OrcTaku.

I never understood those memes, how can you tell most japaneses apart? they arr rook the same


No OrcTaku. You are seething. Seething that someone does not tolerate but is willing to stand up to your bullshit. That your shitposting isn't tolerated.

>Love Live fan in his natural habitat

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Today I will remind them.

Attached: sore_de.jpg (1280x720, 323K)

Your replies never get old.

Aya Hirano and Emi Nitta in Blacked.com when?

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Have you seen all the LL related generals in this site? The one in /vg/ is filled with braindead Yea Forumsedditors and the one in /trash/ is filled with pee-obsessed freaks. This fanbase is doomed.

I do what I must.

What you need to put a bullet to your head.

Keep fighting the good fight. You're not alone.





We can be good again. Tell off the OrcTaku. Remove them. Exterminate them and we can have good threads again. They say the world doesn't need a Hero but every day I hear it calling out for one.

I will save Love Live threads and I will ride to Victory.

So, when is that PDP game coming out?

All part of their job. Don't judge them for that.


Sad honknigger.

what does diagonalization of matrices have to do with love live?

Bukkake festival with Aya Hirano and Emi Nitta in "That Pool' would be absolute kino.

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You drowning in a pool would be kino.