Code geass

been rewatching. lets have a comfy thread

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when the actual fuck are the movie subs coming out


has it been released physically already?

so If lelouch told kalen his identity during the shower scene do you think she would have actually killed him or would she have heard him out?

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i dont know nigger. dont ask me hard questions


I've gotta get back to Code Geass one of these days. It was the greatest thing when I was first starting out, but I kinda grew out of it. Even back when I first watched it though, I thought season 2 was jam-packed with stupid shit. Does the first season still hold up?

One of the best anime of all time.

yeah season 2 has some stupid moments but for the most part season 1 at least is fucking great. the whole thing is on netflix I think

its kind of sad that theres like rarely any original anime anymore like code geass to shitpost about everytime a new episode comes out. I think the closest we came was darling in the franx. hope we get something original soon

I wouldn't go that far

R2 being filled with stupid shit is a meme. It has about the same amount of retardation & plotholes as R1, but because lot of the shit that happens in R2 was set up all the way in R1 it can come off as sudden unless you're marathoning both seasons.

She would have attempted to, but R1 Lelouch was Chad enough to flawlessly Ukemi into moving truck and fight off Aryan Ubermensch Suzaku in the first episode so she would have gotten wrecked hard.

me too user. currently on episode 20 of season 1. I forgot so much it's like I'm watching it for the first time again. pretty comfy

Episodes 22 & 23 are going to be fun user.

lelouch was actually pretty chad with women in general too. wish more main characters were like him

I've binged through the first 14 so far. I've pretty much forgotten everything too. I really should do this with more shows so its like I'm watching them for the first time again. I remember when I first watched it I was so hooked I watched the whole series in like 3 days

why did he order the officers during the first episode of second season to die when he could've used to them to kill other brittani soldiers?

well I mean he just got the power and wasn't sure the extent of what it could do

omegalul didn't he already have his memories back at that point?

Based and Geasspilled. Has shit taste

shit I'm retarded I thought you meant the first season

its the combination of his daddy/mommy issues being the driving force of his life + the genetics from his turbochad daddy that had 100+ wives. Lelouch is still at his best whenever he loses his fucking shit since its such a contrast to his normal controlled demeanor.

My advise is to watch both CG seasons in one go, it drastically improves the experience with the second season.

Remind me again how did Kallen figure it out when she was just in the dark as everyone else?

Because Lelouch acting rashly when driven by his emotions is key character trait & his biggest flaw. It fucked him over repeatedly in both seasons with highlights including the failure of Black Rebellion in the first season & his decision to slaughter the Geass Order in R2 because Shirley died. Meta explanation would be that they wanted to reference the first season for fans since the scenes are similar.

Figure out what? If you mean Zero's identity, Lulu slipped up in R1 after using his Geass on Kallen by mentioning Shinjuku, but he managed to successfully bluff his way out with well-timed phone call until final episode of the first season.

Kallen was baka for reason, only black knight with lower INT than her was Tamaki and that guy was joke character.

what was the most kino moment in your opinion?

I always love that scene where suzaku calls lelouch and tells him he's going to become a murderer in the skies of tokyo, then its followed by lelouch collapsing the whole city and laughing maniacally

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was CC jealous over the kiss lelouch had with shirley? she mentions it several times out of the blue

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Definitely the scene where Lelouch rejects his parents in the world of C and he uses his freshly evolved Geass to commit patricide by Geassing the God.

Virgin Suzaku stabs his daddy with a knife, Chad Lelouch feeds his father to God

looking back on it, lelouch erasing shirley's memories was kind of a retarded decision. probably could have just worked things out without having to use his geass

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Stage 25, C.C.'s memories and all what followed with Lelouch and C.C. in this episode.

Possibly since she started opening up to Lelouch after Narita.

I always pitied Shirley since she was so hopelessly friendzoned. Like when she finally manages to ask Lulu on date, his reaction is to instantly think about ditching her because rebellion awaits. Even her ideal husbando was just act Lelouch himself detested.

yeah I always felt really bad for her, even when she finally got her kiss with him everything quickly went further to shit for her after

Kallen is best girl. CC confirmed pile of shit and trash in my eyes but not technically worst girl. Just 2nd worst girl bcs Nina is the worst of all.

If you're Lelouch, what command should he do to Shirley (after Mao's mindfuckery)?

>uses her father's death to get pity kiss since boy she loves feels guilty about being responsible
>find out that boy she loves killed her father
>becomes murderer to protect him anyway
>gets mindfucked by Chinese twink with mommy complex into shooting her crush
>get your memories modified by your crush
>regain them only to get them modified again by your crush's daddy
>suffer existential crisis & get killed by your crushes Yandere Brocon "sibling"

Being Shirley was suffering.

isn't she alive in the new movie though? like they changed some stuff or something I think right?

Suzaku calling out Lulu for killing Euphy after Charles and mom is killed and Lelouch replying with what is tantamount to and what are you going to fucking do about it?

Nah, she was trashed in the movies. Same level of Rivalz relevance.

How can you have shit taste like this? Kallen is disloyal whore whose only good quality is her body. She constantly gets rekt by Suzaku as pilot especially when it matters, shes such a self-centered bitch that she turns her own mother into druggie & she always abandoned Lelouch when he needed her the most while only caring about her own needs. Kamine? lets abandon him to Suzaku. Lulu about to Refrain himself? Sperg about how he should act like her ideal Zero & run away.

Nina may have been ugly & crazy bitch, but at least she was loyal to her waifu. Kallen can't say the same.

Movies make her suffering even worse since despite her death being retconned she's sidelined to irrelevance and she gets cucked by Pizzabutt as Lelouch chooses C.C.