Weathering With You is the first Japanese production since Your Name to top 10 billion yen at the Japanese box-office...

Weathering With You is the first Japanese production since Your Name to top 10 billion yen at the Japanese box-office. Press T to thank Shinkai for saving anime again.

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>literally me boy meets literally me girl

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The love that destroys this world. Thanks for giving us another timeless classic. T

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Heard one of the MCs have their birthday today?

It's her day to shine.

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Abe needs to promote more cute hetero romance.

Does it have a happy ending or is it the usual Shinkai bullshit?

He already moved on after 5cm/s.

How about kotonoha no niwa? If im not wrong the MC and sensei separated in the end

She came back to him

VEG movie is finna boutta do it as well. Just watch Shinkai fags!

How does Shinkai do it? How can one man be so great?

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>literally me boy meets cute anime girl

Why do kyoanifags are butthurt about this guy making some money?

>pity sales
just wait for Shinkai to donate 1% of its total earnings to Kyoani instead of releasing this.

>10 billion yen
So like 4 freedom dollars?

Shinkai is such a Kyoanifag
why don't he buy out Kyoani instead?

I hope her name is prettier than Mitsuha(yikes). When bluray?

divide by 100 for (about) the usd price. since math is hard for burgers i'll tell you it's 100 Mil usd.

>I hope her name is prettier than Mitsuha(yikes).
her name is 天野陽菜
>When bluray?
next year

I'm gonna see it tomorrow evening
93 million? That's pretty huge

>Angry Miyazaki noises

And take in consideration it's way, way cheaper than a Hollywood production

less than half of a typical disney animation budget

I don't read moon, hope you wrote "the feeling if being cummed inside"
damn that's a lot of time.

Why seethe?
Spirited Away is still at the top

bless this weather child

Attached: 100% sunshine girl.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

>hope you wrote "the feeling if being cummed inside"
her name is closer to squirting/being wet than that

>executive producer
>has a master's degree in japanese language and literature
>former video game producer
>voice actor
>manga artist
>best-selling author
>acting coach
>storyboard artist
>background artist
>professional photographer
>director of photography
>director of animation
>digital painter
>graphic designer
>character designer
>sound designer
>color designer
>has an asteroid named after him
>married to a retired actress and tv producer
>9yo daughter is already a child actress
>is still in his mid-forties
How can other "directors" even compete?

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They're screening the movie in India

To think Shinkai would be the Miyazaki of our generation. The only other director even close to him is Yamada. Then again, VEG is the most beautiful tv anime ever made so perhaps Ishidate can eclipse them both in the coming years.

I never expected Shinkai to become this big when I first started following his work when Place Promised came out. Voices of a Distant Star is still one of my favorite shorts.

I still prefer his sad endings. 5cm is so brutally and unforgiving miserable and depressing I love it.

Just got back from watching it.
Amazing soundtrack and animation. The two minutes McDonald's ad at the start was kind of on the nose, though.

Shinkai movies are soulless and taste like fake vanilla flavoring. Just pretty colors for simple people.

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I feel like it broke into song at a dramatic moment one too many times. I know that's a Shinkai trademark at this point, but keep it to once, max twice, a film.

Weren't there only like four insert songs? I felt like it was limiting itself as to when they played. The first and second one had too much dialogue over them, and an instrumental song rather than an insert over the scene in which the MC's running to the shrine was a miss for me. Only memorable one was during the climax - sad affair compared to Zenzensense, Nandemonaiya, Sparkle which all fit perfectly with their scenes.

Based Shinkai

Congrats on having the most surface level popular opinion on Shinkai post-knnw.

I hope we get to see more of those two in Chadkai's next film.

Maybe it was more that they didn't quite fit. Either way I was too invested in the characters by that point that I didn't mind. I think the characters were some of the most engaging Shinkai has done, along with the 5cm and Garden of Words cast.

Why are Yea Forumsedditors so obsessed with fanbase wars?

it's amazing how shinkeks always bring up miyazaki in their threads. Rent free.


What's it about anyway?

Modern folk lore.

Tokyo got fucked up by never ending rain

A boy falls in love with a girl...

unable to find a job, he is gifted by deus ex machina with a Big Mac®

>40-year-old Precure Fans

Hina's enkou adventures. God I want to rub my dick on her sexy pits.

goddamn based as fuck


天 sky
野 field
陽 sun
菜 vegetable

>He doesn't watch precure with his family
Missing out hard, user

The other precure fags on this board are not your family.

Just saw this.
I love how the side casts were developed much more this time around

>busy as fuck with no regard for family
>married to washed up actress who only tolerates the relationship because of his money, name and herself being used to being a slave to her own productivity
>child is already a child actor because parents know nothing else and they're too busy/ don't care enough to be parents

He's got all those "titles" because he's the boss and has dabbled here and there. He's by no means qualified to do all of those things himself, or else that is what he'd be doing. Its the same as any CEO labeling themselves as something they're not because they are the final say on things and have their own, more skilled and professional workers to make sure they don't fuck up too much.

With such "great" parents, I guarantee you that child actress daughter will be doing official porn as soon as she's 18, and not because she likes it.

I don't care. I'm gonna forget it exists until 12 months from now when it comes out on BD.

I don’t think it’s as jarring as Your Name.

Gonna watch it for the second time tomorrow. Happy to contribute lads.

>tfw missed the kimi no na wa+tenki no ko double screening in my area
Feelsbad, i'm in the mood to go back to it after watching tenki

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It was 10 months for Kimi no Na wa.

I know right? CGV should’ve aired Your Name again.

>tfw went into the cinema with these on
>literally 10% of the whole cinema is filled with these EXACT shirts
Based. Your Name was an experience though, i wasn't ready to go into it twice during the time it was initially airing and now i feel it's something i only want to watch in a cinema.

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Noice. A buddy I went with wear the one with the red chord print, and I see some other dude wearing the white Tenki no Ko shirt.

Shinkai peaked with 5cm per Second.

This is cringe

Disaster needs to happen again for him to improve

His OST peaked.

They always have good soundtracks and visuals, but this ordinary boy meets ordinary girl and there's some sort of supernatural shit going on sakuga is as rinse and repeat as it gets.

Love those shorts. Hope we get some good leg shots.

There's a delicious leg shot of the older girl.

>Sunvegetable Skyfield
What a silly name

t. named after a biblical kike

What's wrong with it? It's a pretty name.

Based Shinkai. BTFOing the capeshit menace.

eww she's ugly

Any lewds yet?
Hina's pits and Natsumi's everything does things to my dick.

There was a promo image with the MCs both naked in a tub, featuring lil bro's feet.
Posted in one of the previous Tenki threads.

>Comet fragment impact
>Eternal rain
I'm sold if Shinkai adapts another love story with impending disaster (seasoned with folklore) again.

Tsunami/Earthquake/Nuke Meltdown is too sensitive for the Japanese.
Forest fire?

Fuck mysticism, go back to your bittersweet 5cm/s shit +Tenmon melodies

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Where the fuck is Tenmon anyway

Shinkai started doing animation by himself, later his staff was small so he did everything he could (check out the staff credits of 5cm/s) and now he does like 2 or 3 other things besides being director

Dragon folklore is heavily implied in this movie. If Your Name's meteor can be loosely tied with fire birds, then the next movie may be connected to either tiger or turtle one.

Shinkai is good but Sugaru Miaki is the king of bittersweet romance stories.

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Yeah, I was wondering about that. What's up with the Precure cosplayer cameo? DId he get money from Toei for that?

OG Precure too. Best taste.


Man still waiting for user to deliver on this. Since they don’t give us this in the movie.

>wanting bittersweet shit
Fuck off. Just watch Okada’s whore bait then. We in this for some cute romance shit nigga.

>NOT wanting these kinographies to come back
Zoomers sure are spoiled rotten by the happy endings these days

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Okada is too melodramatic on her writing to pull it off.


>no one even mentioning Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
feels bad

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I feel this movie is Shinkai warning about climate change. Tokyo is one of those cities that would get swallowed by the rising sea level after all.

I feel like these early artworks of Shinkai's work are almost lost to time now, more than a decade has passed

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Yup. That's what he said at NHK interview.

Bitch I watched all Shinkansen shit pre-5cm. I stopped watching after that since I’ve had enough of sad shit. I watch this shit to be happy man. I was on the verge of getting pissed off by Your Name’s ending, glad Shinkai wisen up and don’t pull yet another 5cm.

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Just like Your Name was actually about transgenderism and gender identity. Right, fellow redditor?

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Isn't he like 80 years old now?

I thought they have the same age

The best part was that when it was still premiere in here (Tokyo) it was always raining every day even though it's already 4th week of summer.

The immersion man.

Lies and slander

Your Name had a better soundtrack. Way better.

While I have to admit that the climactic rescue sequence coupled with the music was amazing, it didn't even hold a candle to the feeling I felt when I listen to this song.

They massively underlay animators and make them all work overtime. Which is the same as what Disney does. The difference in budget is money laundering.

But he's shit at most of those.

Because Radwimps was actually trying back then.

>Weathering With You is the first Japanese production since Your Name to top 10 billion yen at the Japanese box-office
What? It's not. Did you mean to say the first in this decade or first to do it in a month since Your Name?

Its out already?

BDs when?

Yeah, it's out in about half of SEA plus Australia and Zealand.

>european education
It's the first Japanese movie after Your Name came out to make over 10 billion yen at Japan's box-office. Is it really that hard to understand?

next year
or wait for the Chinese screenings

First Japanese film in the Reiwa era to cross 10 billion yen

The thing isn't even screening yet and you people are already seething at the support it'll get. God a forbid popular thing from a popular studio make money.

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>studio literally needs to burn down to make profit from any of their production

too bitter for me

You believe what you want to believe little man, I'm not about to waste time explaining things.

Attached: 2018 BD earnings.png (640x729, 75K)

no need to be insecure
I'm sure Kyoani will make something that will cross 10 billion yen someday
I'm looking forward for VEG to be actually good this time around
let's just enjoy paying movies of actual value

I don't mean to crush your ignorance but K-On and Free exist.

>movies of actual value

Are you saying they should make a movie about boy meets girl?
I'd rather not have another one of those desu.

Or are you perhaps implying what makes the most money is the better creation? I hope not.

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>screencaping twittertranny
you fucking serious?

Data is data and the tranny has 'em.

>a silent voice
>giant hit

Shinkai OSTs sound exactly the same to me. I can tell the difference between Beethoven, Schubert, Haydn and the Russian greats, but all the teen girl feels music is identical to my ears.

and? where's the data? any links? report?

What a thigh gap

Speaking of Kyoani, this movie was romance kino.

Attached: Tamako_Loves_Story_Poster.jpg (1818x1920, 522K)

10 billion report on ZIP

>they should make a movie about boy meets girl?
Kyoani already did this
can't remember which one though

>"""""""a giant hit"""""""
>outsold by a watercolor movie with kickstarter budget
>even after Shinkai helped them shill their movie by shitting on his own

Do I have to watch the full TV series?
I only watched the episode with the dad's serenade
I also hate the damn bird

The show itself is pretty mediocre and you should be fine watching the movie without seeing it.

I wish it showed more than the credits

Can anyone tell me the actual fetish this time?
Shinkai didn't do much about the previous fetish