>Yea Forums says a series is a masterpiece
>it's actually fucking garbage
Yea Forums says a series is a masterpiece
Name three (3) times this has personally happened to you, I will wait.
Any "deep" anime this shithole lauds as being true art is not good at all.
Flan is garbage
Utena is unironically good, at least the last 10 episodes.
kill la kill
code geass
the list goes on....
>Evangelion is bad
it doesn't even need to be explained you summerfag
I can't speak for Lain though.
>Lain is bad
it doesn't even need to explained you summerfag
I can't speak for Evangelion though.
What's bad about it?
I hate Flan so fucking much
So fucking much
And all of you as well!
>kill la kill
>didn't like these
kill yourself holy fucking shit you have no soul inhuman emotionless animal
deep anime=anime I thought was deep when I was 16
That's the bad part about being over 16, something like half of anime is only watchable while drunk because so much of it is SHIT
>reddit zero
Literally no one said that any of these were deep when they were airing, because they're not.
Ohh, one of those thread huh?
but people say that these are masterpieces
is hyouka pretentious? i thought it was pretty basic. just light mystery and light romance
Code Geass
Your Name
>taking Yea Forums seriously
that was your mistake.
No. Fuck off with your shallow bait. KlK is widely acknowledged to be /FUN/ but it isn't well written. People despise endless 8 and the haruhi alien-faces UGUU looked extremely dated animation-wise even just 5 years after the original season aired in 2006. Hibikek is the most watched anime about music and got a movie and I want to fuck the one with the ribbon and Kumiko but that's about it. Code Geass was widely panned in R2 for being a total train wreck redeemed only by the final five episodes, it was truly a ride and if you weren't here when it was airing you should kill yourself and hope your soul reincarnates back as a baby in the 1980s so you can grow up and watch it with Yea Forums. Reddit Zero is reddit zero.
desu you have to be pretty high iq to understand lotgh
This is a garbage image
Appeals to pretty much any adult male who likes space and wars- which is all of them.
Literally not pretentious in any way
Japanese puns and cute girls, what's not to get?
Image should have mawaru penguindrum if you really want to be pretentiouscore. Maybe umineko since the anime was shit but the VN crowd swears the VN is a masterpiece (it's shit too)
tl note
desu means keikaku which means t b h you faggy admins
>dr. pepper's gate
In what way are any of these DEEP?
Those were deep?
No you don't. It beats you over the head with the same entry-level political philosophy for 100+ episodes.
Reread the OP, faggot. No one said anything about those shows being DEEP.
Hyouka is a very straightforward story with really pretty visuals how anyone finds it pretentious is beyond me.
>No you don't. It beats you over the head with the same entry-level political philosophy for 100+ episodes.
It's still entertaining and enjoyable. I don't really need higher level of politics than what is already present in lotgh.
I bet you don't even like dune.
Stop moving the goalpost. You just said you needed to be intelligent to enjoy LotGH.
Shame on me for falling for the KyoAnus cult's lies once again
Naw I stand by my post. Fuck you and fuck all the faggots coming in saying "I watched X anime and didn't like it for Y reason". Kill yourself, literally no one cares except to pass the time by calling you a faggot in your shitty thread.
You think most of Yea Forums is intelligent enough to enjoy lotgh?
It's a meme you fucking dipshit, saying "u need 2 b verry intelligent to understand THING" is a meme.
He failed the intelligence test, it's obvious why he didn't enjoy LotGH.
Oh, you’re just a brainlet. Gotcha.
>Yea Forums says a series is fucking garbage
>it's actually a masterpiece
Every time
>he can’t tell the difference between real Yea Forums and newfag hypebeasts
>Worse than the source material
Yep, it's fucking garbage.
>he lacks reading comprehension
>he can't into basic grammar and punctuation
>he gets upset when people point it out
So cute I could pinch your cheeks. Care to try again?
>merely pretending
Own your statements like a man or get off of my imageboard. Both of you should off yourselves immediately.
>Own your statements like a man or get off of my imageboard. Both of you should off yourselves immediately.
>when you and another user make a lotgh hater ass blasted
>Worse than the source material
That's where you're wrong. It was a near perfect adaptation. The only thing thing they screwed up was casting actors that were way too old.
t b h u need 2 b very niche to like rotoscoping
>>when you and another user make a lotgh hater ass blasted
Don't project your petty rage onto me, child. I'm simply thinking about what's best for everyone.
>near perfect
>they screwed up
There are plenty of adaptations which surpass already great source material. It would have to be among them to truly be considered a masterpiece in my eyes.
>He didn't like Boku no Pico
What's the matter too deep for you?
>Yea Forums hates something
>it's actually good
Every time.
>Ping Pong
Even people with single-digit IQ can enjoy Ping Pong, fuck off.
I personally separate my life to pre-VEG and post-VEG periods, as watching it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to watch it even if it’s the last thing you do.
Waste of my life
We just love tricking you
That one with the angel chicks but none of the plot goes anywhere, Haibane I think.
all of those are good
What is Hunter X Hunter?
>Even people with single-digit IQ can enjoy Ping Pong
More like only people with single-digit IQ
I legit hate lain
>Yea Forums says something is good
>it's shit
>make thread about it
>everyone says it was always shit
Goddamnit. I thought you guys were one person.
Yeah and then they shit on actual good shows like Pop Team Epic
absolute travesty
When has Re:Zero ever been hailed as a masterpiece on this board? I remember tons of shitposting when it aired
That Yea Forums guy? He's a real jerk!
And you don't seem to understand.