Dr. Stone

>Previews are up for more than 3 hours.
>No thread.
What killed the show?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Willing suspension of disbelief.

everyone is busy fapping to crossdressed Gen and Ginrou

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Will Senku fuck this loli?

>stonefags are indeed fags

>implying you wouldnt

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Kill yourself tranny


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i prefer to be called fujo

I just bought the first three volumes of the tankoubon and am enjoying the hell out of it
genuinely good manga and anime
Feel like it's a revival of Jules Verne's Robinsonades, or a modern version of Tom Swift.


Bad release date, it was released same year as Kimetsu No Yaiba. Just unlucky as fuck

But they are both different things. The only logical explanation is that one of them is dogshit.


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Will the anime do justice to legs and thighs?

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>editing her lips


Disgusting, fudanshi bros are superior.

>nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

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Don't enter the MHA threads

>reddit-tier meme

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If I pull those lenses off, will she die?


>chapter 1: "i'm going to defeat fantasy with science"
>chapter 2: picture relevant

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It would be extremely ugly

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Dr Stone is a Mary Sue, everything he does is always perfect and everybody likes him, he's an utterly boring character and nonetheless the best character

That pretty much says it all

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>chapter 1: declare main goal of fighting against fantasy
>chapter 2: establish antagonist who represents fantastical strength and power
I don't see the problem here

this, i really hated reading that chapter where his (adoptive) cuck dad kept fellating his dick from the distant past

i hope he takes a huge L one of these days

you will once they introduce other OP characters with bullshit strength or talent (the old man comes to mind, manga readers know who)

Is this the "writing critique" equivalent of symbol drawing?

Shut up nerd.

he's also the goku of science, his enemies always end up sucking his disco stick

I'm a manga reader, I'm aware of how it goes. It's pretty standard for writers to condense a skill into a single character (especially in scifi), so again, what's the problem?

>everything he does is always perfect
>that's how he managed to accidentally a smoke signal when getting pursued by anti-science chad when hes suppose to be dead
His character is suppose to be an autistic genius. Its not far fetched he would have a vast amount of knowledge about chemistry.


What are you a fucking zoomer? Bane is a wholesome meme.

That was Taiju's fault though

Who the fuck cares about your wholesome meme fucking redditor. Go back and don't return fucking cancer.

Fug let me correct my self, he wasn't suppose to be dead yet he died shortly after right? Due to the smoke giving away his location?

I'm pretty sure the fucking nerd approved of him smashing it with a rock and mistakenly said it wouldn't give off a spark.

There will be threads once it airs.

>dr flop is a cancer
>dr flop threads are also cancer
>no cure for cancer in modern age
like pottery

Bane is a Yea Forums meme, summer spawn


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I want fujos and trannies to die

>What killed the show?
Prolly the main girl looking like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.

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So, how could her headband thing survive 3000 years without any damage?

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UV resistant plastic

Literally an inbreed. be grateful she doesn't have extra or missing parts.

That's bullshit, but sounds like science so I believe it.

well I mean some plastics can last for thousands of years, her headband is likely just made from one that is able to
I'm sure there'll be other relics of the old world that will show up occasionally for the same reason

holy shit

This is a stupid comeback. Why the males look like some asian pop idol while the females look retarded as fuck? Just admit Boichi can't into women.

Why are there only 8 episodes?

>dr reddit

His women used to look normal, I have to think it's a deliberate decision for shonen

The loli is for the capitalist pirate

Nah, I don't think so.

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Feels good to be the king

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I thought that some plastic should still be around, but it turns out that it could be all gone in a thousand years. Styrofoam could still be around 3700 years in the future, as well as glass

>Dr. reddit isn' reddit
>posts reddit rank
You have to go back

>What killed the show?
That the genius didn't know how to make a sextant.

>You have to go back
I don't watch kimetsu so I'm staying here. Go tell them to go back there along with yourself

>everything he does is always perfect
yeah like how he almost dies to lions with no chance to fight back
>everybody likes him
Literally the second person that he revived tried to kill him

His father was just being wishful, he had no way to effectively know that Senku's statue wouldn't be broken, or that his descendants would carry his story even after forgetting more basic stuff. He was just trying to cope with his new shitty reality, he was super close to Japan and yet unable to look for his son's statue.

So, if he does everything well he's a Mary Sue, but if he doesn't he sucks?

>reddit rank
go back

fpbp and the astronauts I am still readinng it though. Its dumb but dumb fun.

but you see there is not fantasy but turning to stone.

Well, of course. He is a science man and science is the best and can do everything, therefore he is also the best and can do everything.

He's made out to be Mr. Science and Logic, yet often fails to use either properly. His balance was meant to be that he sucks at manual labor, not also suck at Science.

they got to the astronaut part

I want to ravage Kohaku's round rump

the big eye uguu look

>dr reddit
>posts reddit list
go back


eeeehhhhhh since so many times he is looked at as a creep when he gets all scientific I would disagree. They appreciate his wizardness and reliability but that goes so far. He relies on others too much to be a mary sue

Dr. Stone sounds like stupid rapper name.

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No thats Dr. StoneD

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>go back go back go back
Why are you samefagging, child? Are you that mad that I proved your forced meme wrong?

But you watch dr. reddit. Sry your kind isn't welcome here.

Can I fuck Suika?

might not be a good idea

>being this assblasted
Not my fault others think you are a retard as well.

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yeah they did inbreed from 3,700 years huh. Oh shit their gene pool is poop now.

>guys, this show I didn't like is the most popular on reddit despite the contradicting evidence! Why is no one paying attention to me?!
Obsessed much?

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Yes, she won't even be able to tell afterward because she has bad eyesight.

even after he left that glass message for him

I enjoy the series a lot and am excited for Fridays.

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>demon slayer
that anime look like trash, why is on the first place?

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>Suika this week

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How did the astronauts never teach their descendants how to write? Why didn't they tell them the truth about the world?

they probably did, but it was lost after several generations of prioritising survival

First generation kids were already rocking caveman hairdoos. Only way Byakuya could teach them anything was through fun songs/stories.

Their kids wouldn't be born as caveman retards, they would have the same level of intelligence as modern humans.

Wrong, they were born in the absolute wilderness without contact to the modern world. Nothing advanced to see and get fascinated over.
This is also shown when we see Byakuya collect rare metals and his children simply did not understand the point and thought he was crazy

because the author is incompetent or is planning a reveal that kept humanity in the dark for 3,700 fucking years.

I mean their potential to learn would not be neanderthal tier and they would 100% be able to learn writing.

no you are wrong. Even in a wilderness the adults could teach them of the modern world. The modern world wasn't just suddenly gone.

>the adults
You mean adult. He's the only astronaut that made it to old age.

maybe the bitch should speak louder then

How are there no leftover materials everywhere from modern society? Would plastic/steel/etc really turn into dust after 3700 years?

I mean in modern enviroment. Noone learns to write overnight. There's quite some practice involved. They have to worry about survival and some squiggly lines in the sand don't feel like a priority when tummy is rumbling.

doesnt mean the rest died right after child birth. Hell it takes 1 teacher to teach you to write simple words

They aren't hunting 24/7. Half an hour per night would suffice. I mean they sure as hell had time to learn 100 stories.

glass and plastic are the only things that could survive that long. everything else would turn to moss and crumble leaving some tainted ground.

There was no interest because no practical appliance. Like previously said, whenever Byakuya did something they did not understand, they thought he was crazy instead of asking for an explanation.

Buried. Also next ep they'll collect materials that could have been from the old world.

>There was no interest because no practical appliance.
that is the dumbest answer I have ever heard. There was tons of practicality especially when they leave the fucking island. The stuff senku knew is shit these astronauts knew. Astronauts arent retards they are made up of all kinds of scientists that have practically many uses. Thats what makes them scientists.

Our things survive because we don't let mold, plants, and vermin tear them up, with no caretakers things are more fragile than you think.

like I said before there are few things that can survive that length of decomposition. Brass can survive, glass, and plastic.

Because the stories were interesting and fun. Byakuya made them with this in mind. It takes less effort to remember a story than learn a skill. After a full day of survival kids want to play, not "work" more.

They literally designated a person to completely memorize the 100 stories because they were told they are actually important instead of "stories for fun".

I am starting to feel like this is dan slott tier writing when he made superior spider-man. Everyone was retarded but SpOck

they also had time to record a message in glass, but teaching children the world isnt flat would have been too much to do.

>when they leave the island
They were still on the island without any modern practicality to catch their interest to learn. You're really trying to hate it with all your might. You're wrong.

And they were remembered easily because they were fun. What about this logic confuses you? Also this designation wasn't Byakuyas idea, the children turned it into a religion

im not wrong because the eventually got off the island retard. I dont hate it, I just can tell when a writer doesnt know what he or she is talking about. Especially when they write themselves into a corner and not realize it.

if dr. stone is so smart why didn't he count backwards

Indeed, it takes quite a while to teach kids to write, let alone in absolute wilderness. In comparison the recording took a few days at most when they still had some modern equipment.

why is simple logic so hard for you to follow?

So you're telling me that kids can only learn language when they're having fun.

The stories were made on tbe island and Byakuya died on the island. You are wrong

This is my question to you

takes about 3 years more than enough time especially when you have other children who can help with the younger ones.
none the less there were no wild animals attackinng them, they had shelter and you act lile they had nothing on an island when they were able to record a goddamn pop song.
So yeah its really easy to teach children and leave shit behind because kids themselves are the easiest to teach since they soak info like sponges.

I am not qrong they leave the island eventually with the fucking message with them. They knew how to build boats to get back to japan. So no you are wrong and being autistic because you think that a teacher cant teach nothing but manga stories.

Helps greatly, yes. In absolute wilderness where survival takes up most of your time. During that free time kids will choose fun instead of squiggly lines.

what is your logic here? Astronauts cant teach children how to write? Astronauts can figure out how to record on fucking glass but not teach their children how to read or write? Yeah your logic sure is solid
since you are autistic I was being sarcastic.

Again, they had the free time to make them memorize 100 stories. Learning the alphabet would take significantly less time.

>In absolute wilderness where survival takes up most of your time
they werent they had their supplies. Even then surviving in the wilderness isn't 24/7 thing. I mean you may think so since you never left your room.

Except it takes place in japan. So they have to teach them 2 different alphabets + kanji.

>3 years
A very long time, not even considering survival skills were top priority and writing had no immediate application tbus was not interesting in the first place. having a mic doesn't shoot them into the modern era. You are trying too hard to hate it.

Byakuya knew english. He could have taught them but it was too hard.

>not interesting
maybe not to a 1st world baby to you but kids who had a hard life fighting would love to learn this shit. It makes little to no sense that these kids wouldnt want to learn. Especially the girls who had to learn the 100 stories.

you seem to try to hard to defend it. I dont hate it, but it is still dumb all the same.

Byakuya taught them survival, which was priority on the island and the wilderness. Writing had no application. Even if it's shown he did teach them, having them be disregarded from 2nd generation onward would be completely in-line with logic. You are wrong, on every level.

How are the stone world humans not inbred as fuck?

The logic here is that kids will not carry on information that does not interest them or is not useful to them.

>Dr Stone is a Mary Sue
well of course he is, he's fucking soap after all

They still had to secure food. The supplies left behind by the hermit were enough for 1 person.

>Byakuya taught them survival, which was priority on the island and the wilderness. Writing had no application.
wrong it has every application especially teaching others survival, they had no problem surviving, and that doesnt take up their live 24/7. Only a retard would think this, and you seem to lack common sense how survival and tribes work. Especially when they were born from a modern era when theu had many shit figured out already when they had these kids. You just cant get past real logic that if they had fucking time to make a recorder for 3 fucking years they had time to teach children how to read and write.

>The logic here is that kids will not carry on information that does not interest them or is not useful to them.
that is terrible logic because thats not true. You have to be a real fucking idiot to believe that.

>they would love to learn
Where do you base this assumption from, because it's not from the story. You are trying way too hard. Admit defeat.

they also knew how to fish and hunt, not a fucking problem this was also capable for Senku who isnt even an astronaut or an adult. So this makes no fucking sense why Senku who is able to teach shit, that you said kids have no interests in, while astronauts couldnt!?

I'm not even defending it, the logic behind it is sound. There are other things that don't seem 100 percent accurate. This is not one of them.

middle eastern children who want to go school instead of fight extradition. Do you know children at all? Or are you underage and have no common sense?

have you not seen their faces?
they're inbred as heck plus survival of the fittest weeded out the weak with bad birth defects

>that doesnt take up their live 24/7
yes it does, they have no agriculture

They are, look at their eyes and some have freak bodies.

>"i can't disprove it so it's wrong"
Shitposters on suicide watch

it isnt sound. not in the slightest. You never finished school did you? >yes it does, they have no agriculture
Agriculture would take up more time, they had time just surviving and building a fucking glass record! They could have recorded more than a fucking song, like basic shit. Taught them how the machines around them looked while they built fishing nets. You know fishing? Something that they had to have done? Well there was more than enough time to teach while doing that.

i just did you fuck, you ignoring it isnt a victory its you being retarded.

they did teach them fishing that was pretty much all they taught them

thats pretty fucking stupid because none of them were fishermen.

Because curing Ruri interests them enough to learn. Senkuu also baits them into creating new things and as cavemen they like seeing flasy things. Byakuya could not do any of those things.

>byakuya could do those things yet he made a record from glass

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They are on an island "fighting" to survive. Middle eastern kids know (to some extent that there is a better world out there, these kids did not, they only had the message to go there, they did not know what to expect there)

Mhm, sure you did buddy.

From an old bottle bottom. Didn't interest kids cause it was not used, but preserved. Please read slower.

>They are on an island "fighting" to survive. Middle eastern kids know (to some extent that there is a better world out there, these kids did not, they only had the message to go there, they did not know what to expect there)
and the astronaut kids wouldnt after all those stories they memorized? fucking what?

I know logic is hard for you to graps beyond what a comic book tells you but every one else is figuring it out rather quick how fucking infantile your logic is.

do me a favor child and go out side more, since you can comprehend the idea of basic human curiosity. Kids as how do things work and adults tell them. You dont have kids and i can tell with most of your infantile answers. So here is some thing you can understand: kids have no problem learning, you do since you are probably on assisted living for the rest of your life, but other normal people could learn to read and write even when they dont want to. You did.

Because the stories were primarely about survival. Everything remotely modern was fiction to tbem, because they had no knowledge that the old world exists.

>everyone else
So just you? You just don't want to accept simple explanations because you want to hate it. It's ok.

eight days until gen's cute toes

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Look at the panels when they made the recording. No kids, they were playing elsewhere.
Also using the kid meme really downplays your argument.

L-lewd and soon

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Need to buy cola to celebrate his debut
I hope to God they tease us this week
>everyone eating ramen
>"oh, this really makes me wish I had a bottle of... Colaaa"
>Senkuu shook
>closeup on Gen's smile
>cut to black

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I know they'll probably end at the chapter end cause they have done it this way so far. This would be so much better.

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Shitposters are too busy shitposting about flop land saga.

They're here too, but in manageable amounts


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Ginny best girl

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No I love all characters, including Ginny. I don't think people only have 1 favorite in this series

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>Yea Forums can no longer understand simple concepts
burn it down

I'll be honest with you fags. I was actually hooked on Dr. Stone at the beginning cause I thought this was some Primitive Technology tier shit but after reading the manga, it became an absolute bullshit and mary sue tier crap.

Like who in the living fuck can make a huge ass boat made by 3-4geniuses and 40-50 people with little experience in building shit.

And some faggots who got out of the stone didn't give a shit, in shocked or depressed about the whole stone shit and the civilization ruin.
I honestly believe these people are autist.

its all to make senku look good. Thats how this writer thinks, make everyone dumb but his oc.

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plants an animals based on reality. They should say loosely based on reality since a lion wouldn't be 1 punched by some faggot higjschooler.

>primitive survival
>100 chapters of building underground swimming pools
>he wants this
Gonna call troll on this one

Your brain is mush user. The lion is real, the highschooler is OP. Let's be real if these were normal highschoolers they'd die in a few days in the wilderness. Is that what you want?


yes, you have to have a brain of mush to believe any human being can one punch a lion. Takes a real moron to think its possible too when a human cant exert enough pressure to even cause a minor concussion to a Lion. So learn real science and animal life and you would know the truth that this manga bullshits its way through shit and tries to pass it off as science.

>he still doesn't understand the concept
Think hard user, the highschooler is fiction, the lion is based on reality.
>inb4 he still doesn't get it

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>building underground swimming pools
I was on implying on the original primitive channel user. The chad who actually gives insightful notes and steps on how to build shit on the wild not some underground pool tier shit.

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oh I get it, the problem is that it makes the story less believable. Not only that the lion wasn't even close to reality since it dies to one fucking punch from anything.
Its called being consistency with your story, you can't do that you might as well pack it up.

>faggot complaining about childrens manga watches half naked man rub sticks in the woods on youtube
big shock.

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>uses an actual disclaimer
>still thinks it works.
ok retard enjoy the meme fest

So the guy that builds sheds and doesn't actually live there because he'd die of low food supply and can't even make it to iron age?
Boring, lost interest in himbwith the recent video
>burned down his own shed
>"needs" to make a video building new one causevrun out of ideas
Dr.Stone is a civ game, they said this on ep1, did you miss that?

No, the lion is real, the highschooler is OP
>inb4 he STILL doesn't get it
Based retard

pretty awful civ game when the premise requires cavemen born from retarded astronauts. But its a shonen. So retardation will be abound.

if the show was about wizards who shot lightning out of their hands but also did science sometimes, and it still had that disclaimer, would you still act like this much of a faggot if a kid killed a lion by shooting lightning?

>no duh lion was real
>but my donut steel caveman isnt
>you see how my not real story works because I nit pick what is real and what isn't!?
if the lion is real but the anime character isn't then how did the lion die? The caveman isn't real after all.

>"waaah I don't like it"
Bye user

based retard

not at all, my problem is the fact you try to create a realistic world only to fail in that realistic world with a dude who is fucking superman in the first place. Kinda makes the believability of this series shit it self. Just wait till you get to the astronauts though. You will be pleasantly surprised.

>waah can't take critisim like some tranny
after fag

The lion died cause the character's power is OP (fictional)
>inb4 he still doesn't get it
Based retard

It feels like, at this point, even the author regrets the lion punch thing. For me it seems like he tried to insert wild dangers as a factor to block Senkuu during his journey, but after realized that this wasn't the best course of action. For a human, another human will always be the biggest threat.

>wait a fictional nonfiction lion dies by a non fiction fictional human
>its so simple!

>"You need to hate it even if you understand the concept cause I hate it waaaaaa"

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i think he wanted to bring back the old debate. Caveman verse Astronaut, problem is it doesnt work if you make humanity stone.

at what point did it seem like it was trying to be a realistic world? was it at the beginning when everyone turned to stone? or when a high schooler stayed coherent and sane for 3700 years by sheer presence of mind? just because the show has elements of reality doesn't make it a wholly realistic world, this is basic fiction shit, stop whining about consistency like you know anything about writing faggot

>create OP characters
>put them in the real world
>people have fun seeing them accomplish great things and BTFO everyone
The horror, I'm having fun.

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>waaah critism is too much for me they must hate the series!
you are too much user
frankly deal with the fact it doesnt work and the author just fucked up his owb story for a bit and go back to enjoying it. I am. Just you need to realize that it is pretty fucking stupid.

>at what point did it seem like it was trying to be a realistic world?
I think it was the realistic science that it was trying to push os what does it.

Only people that expected this to be documentary got BTFO by it. So autists aka people that don't matter.

yeah I am not surprised you are having fun. Any real struggle and you scream autistically about some character jobbing or something.

>"waaaa you need to take my - not- understanding the concept seriously"
I am laughing

>everyone stupid but me
naw dude, I would think that lions was a bad choice to bring I'm to the beginning. Why not wolves? I am sure Captain Caveman could have one punched a wolf.

no sounds like you are crying

Why are you projecting? I know you're le ebin trolle user. I find it cute how hard you're pretending to be retarded.
So tell me user, let's say you got thrown in the wilderness like Senkuu, but you don't have a brain or power, how will you survive?

There's enough Dr.Stone fans that know you miss the point, don't worry about that

but I will admit you do bring up a good point in terms of fantasy verses science. Its just with captain cave man punching a lion then him fearing that Senku could get his hands on guns defeats the purpose of his badassidry. This man literally 1 punched a lion but against a primitive gun OH NO! seems like the author just makes things too convienent

Yet I'm not the autist screaming about muhblion. Why are you crying user? We already explainex the concept to you, you just refuse to accept it.

Think how fast a bullet flies. It wasn't even the gunpowder in itself that worried him. It's the possibility how much he could advance it. Along with more revived people joining Senkuu's side. It was a bargaining chip from the start. Worst case scenario they make a bomb out of the gunpowder.

first off learn what projecting means sweat pea. It doesnt make you sound smart when you dont understand the meaning.
Next I do have a brain and power, I dont need senku which is what makes me laugh as to why you think ypu need your anime character to survive because I am sure you prefer him doing all the thinking for you. Next I would rely on my survival training and stay the fuck from any wild life until I got their patterns down because that's how dangerous they actually are

You forgot you're butt naked user. What do you do on the first day? Remember,, you have no tools either.

>half naked man rub sticks in the woods on youtube
He actually gives full fucking tutorial and steps with tons of fucking SCIENCE which the manga should have been known to be.

>Dr.Stone is a civ game, they said this on ep1, did you miss that?
You're a retard, stop.

I could forgive the mary sue of the Mc and his friends cause it's shonen but I can't believe no one is either shocked or depressed by the whole situation they are dealing with now.

Also shouldn't the tribal men be in the modern era by now? Did those astronauts only taught them only stories and the japanese language? What the fuck are they retarded?

Also the amount of coincedences in this manga is insane and the plot is going too fucking fast
>Oh no we need a material that is very rare
Oh the kid has it
>Oh no we need a person known for his experience in the seas
Oh he's here

Also the Mc sidekick and the oldman must be absolute geniuses to be able to take in the amount of science shit and how the hell is the Old man still alive? Since he is the only one experienced in crafting? fucking hell

I really lost my interest throughout the way but I'll just keep reading cause the science related shit is fun but I'm not invested to the characters and the story anymore.

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>no don't insult my favorite youtube survival faggot
Fucking hilarious

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Cut out the le ebin memes and post your reply again and I'll take it seriously

I aint crying user you are the one losing your shit over critisim

>Haha what a fag
Thanks for proving me right.
This manga is hot garbage along with the retarded fans reading this.

Go ahead and call me a retard or a fag cause that's the only defense mechanism you have to criticism.

now ask yourself how long it takes a working gun. He could make maybe a musket, those things were horribly inaccurate. Captain Cave man is no dummy, and the time it takes senku to load a shot his head would be lobbed off.

You're a retard and a fag, and you get off of faggots rubbing sticks together in the woods for youtube money.

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no worries, shaping tools out of stone is something any cave man could do.

Is that what you made yourself believe? Because the way I see it you were given enough concepts to understand what the series is about. But instead of realizing it's not for you and leaving you keep screaming how much you don't like it. What's up with that?

He didn't make a gun. I'm going to assume you only watchex the first 3 eps. They made a bomb out of the gunpowder in the following episode and wanted to use it as a bargaining chip.

Someone pointed out you cant scientifically 1 punch a lion. You acted like a Retard saying they can its just fantasy but the lion is real. You got called out for having your cake and eating it too. And you got mad.

>youtube money
He isn't doing it for youtube money you retard it's just a hobby. He post videos rvry 6-7 months you really think he makes money off of that shit?

Fucking retarded Dr.Stone fags sad and pathetic.

I meant being bare naked in particular, you need clothes, how do you go about that?
What type of rock would you use for shaping tools?

>nooo my youtube faggot is cool you are dumb!

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none the less it was considered a threat. Its why captain cave man wanted to kill senku, I read all the way to the current chapter and what the series does is uses science to its convenience but ignores logical points because it would hurt the story its try to tell.

No, I said that the characters are fictionally OP in one way or another, to make the story flow faster. Also regular highschoolers would not last a day in such an enviroment. There is a disclaimer stating just that. You're still not satuisfied and still here. It seems were at an impasse.

I dont need clothes, I would rub my nutsack on your petrified face. Thats the first thing I do.

no you lost your shit for being called for having your cake and eating it too, to the point of sheer stupidity and bad story telling. thats what happened.

>guy builds sheds for fun
>user wants to watch 24 episodes of nothing but building sheds.
I'm so happy you're not a writer

>I'm going to post jpegs and keep mocking him that will get him mad
>Also implying I'm some dick sucking fan of primitive technology
I'm not a big fan of his but the fact the you kept giving me (you)s kind of proves who's really buttblasted here.

Go ahead post a jpeg again. The fact that no one here is having a discussion regarding the anime proves my point again that this anime is garbage.

Let's keep doing this till this thread dies out.

The way I see it, while it might not go into great detail on every invention, you can still look up the processes if you happen to be interested. They're all plausible to some extent. But like it was already stated, it's a fictional story, so they won't always take the most optimal route and in that way it's not like a survival guide.

I don't give a shit about the anime. I just entered this thread because I love laughing at you wannabe-survialist faggots. Go on, keep defending the honor of rubbing-sticks-half-naked-man.
Just keep giving me (you)'s about how cool and awesome this youtuber is.

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It's probably not pandering to anyone hard enough. More than half of Yea Forums only cares about fapping and being pandered to, good characters and storytelling comes isn't a priority.

And then you'd get eaten alive by bugs. I'm going to stay comfy asleep in stoneform, I don't even know what's going on outside. You'd do more damage if you revived me and I had to survive, that would suck.

In your imagination, no doubt. It's a fictional story user, makes complete sense.

oh no I am not done, I would shit on your face and then pour miracle water on you, yeah its a fantasy after and you wake up with shit on your face.

haha imagine slipping and kissing Ginrou on the lips by accident haha

thats fine but lucking out with a 1 punch cave man was a bit much. He might as well have fucked it and became the new gilgamesh of the lion pride.


>getting mad at images on an imageboard
reddit should be more up your speed

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A fictional story that relies on actual science. if you want to make a scifi scenario have shit more believable than punching an apex predator to death.

But Dr. Stone has hot girls and much hotter boys too

>I d-don't give a fuck t-this anime
Sure thing fag.

>Implying I'm some /out/ faggot
I watch his videos cause it's relaxing. No obnoxious faggots talking, no background music and I don't like going outside.

I just want some answers about why this series is shit and you faggots choose to point out the primitive technology shit is pretty hilarious.

Also I'm really seething right now user I think got me. Keep posting more images user this will really rile me up.

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You still need to be able to make it, despite it being fantasy. I'm going to cast some doubt on this. Get eaten by bugs first is what I gamble will happen first

Haha, yeah, imagine kissing him and then realizing he is a dirty caveman and never brushed his teeth in his entire life!

I ship lioness with Senkuu only.

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no worries I will simple say I am an mma fighter and fuck a lion into submission.

>stutterposting after he got btfo as a youtube kiddie
>starts posting images after complaining about it, like a total hypocrite

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Yes, I really hate images user please give me upvotes.

I'm going back to my fellow redditors right now to tell how bad Yea Forums is

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Making a gun is far above Senku tech level. To make a gun he would need bronze (he could get some from the statue) carve a wooden mockup to make a sand casting form, iron drill and water wheel and drill out the bore and ignition hole. Tsukasa could throw javelins with more power, accuracy and pace than some shitty firearm. This whole weapons of science "arc" was retarded, all Senku could make was a Jihadist bomb but that would require Tsukasa to come into point blank range.


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nah I will fuck her and put some new genes in to their breeding pool of urine

The characters are fictionally OP, you'll have to deal with that. Senkuu is fictionally smart, Taiju has fictionally limitless stamina etc

Leave lioness alone

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>lyme disease

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Also casting is not easy but this show is basicly lol take X invention from wikipedia, name the inventor, bash 2 rocks togeather and boom within few hours you have X. Fuck the the whole process is pretty complex and nuanced, requires tools mroe advacned than a rock etc.

the dude is made for making crude shit like that, it just wouldnt look good, he made cross bows so I am sure he could make a grenade at least.

user did say Ginrou, not Ginny.

They'll get a master craftsman for difficult projects
MVP Kaseki

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>implying Ginrou wasn't a tomboy all along

Its all fictional, but thats not the problem, its the lack of common sense.

I a fucking her in the butt

Black powder isn't only useful for guns. Bombs are the problem for Tsukasa.
Tsukasa can be as quick and strong as he wants, but he can't sense mines underground. Senku isn't the type of guy to go into direct confrontation with a gun, he probably would miss all the shots anyway. He would set up traps and lure Tsukasa into his doom/into a stalemate.

Can you elaborate? Is this going to be about Senkuu being smart but sacrificing himself for his friends waifu?

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i already have you have to get over the fact that this form of story telling is terrible and claiming its about science you will get legitimate criticism for how stupid it is.

She does have a cute butt, but no, too stinky. Pick one of the village bimbos instead

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But we already went over this and proven you false. It's ok, not everyone will like it. There's nothing wrong with you.

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Too bad Tsukasa can throw a javelin many times further than Senku can throw a grenade. Grenade won't explode on contact and doesn't travel very fast. Tsukasa can take cover in time. In the open it's even worse.

I feel he planned to go Allahu Akbar to take both out. Taiju and Yuzu being lone survivors.

>throwing the grenade
Brainlet move. Obviously you would use it to make a booby trap.

Which is even more retarded when Tsukasa is basicly a superhuman who can observe them from a distance and throw javelin at olympic level which is 70 meters or so lol.

If Senku was evil, killing Tsukasa would be fucking cake. All he has do to is to sacrifice a single person that is petrified.
>choose one person that Tsukasa would kill
>put grenade in it
>wait until Tsukasa smashes it
>problem solved

How is that retarded? He's an top athlete, why wouldn't he be good at throwing spears? I'm not following your logic here, if there is any.

Surprise attack, the ol' coup de etat. I'm betting on planting a bomb. It went haywire cause of that smokesignal anyway, so we can debate forever on the best way to use it

This requires him to get close when he has no reason to get close.

Bombs are retarded not Tsukasa but you dumb stonefag.

How so? Try to write more than a sentence. I know it's hard on your phone.

Tsukasa went close to Senkuu when he killed him the first time. I'm betting they wanted to go for a 1 chance kill. Tsukasa doesn't want to kill and is a merciful murderer and that would have been his downfall. Specially cause he's so strong he wouldn't think anyone would actually struggle against him.

Tsukasa has the initiative, he can track them and engage them from 70 meters away. He is also pretty smart. Also bombs needs to be detontated in some way, you would need some king of preasure mechanism etc. or gunpowder trail which would need to be ingited first, delay the explosion and be visible to Tsukasa.
If Senku is so smart why didnt he predict the weather and put a stone on a branch of a tree under which Tsukasa would sleep and the wind would shake the branch dropping the stone on sleeping Tsukas'as head? We can debate forever if this is not the best startegy.

And bombs are still infinitely easier to produce and detonate then to make a gun from scratch in the wilderness.

Which was lazy plot because Tsukasa didn;t have a reason to get that close. They could talk standing 20 meters apart or more. But shitty writing demanded Tsukasa to get close to a lump of gunpowder so the OH MY STONE NECK scene could happen. Real quality writting.

You guys defending Tsukasa need more pictures of him. Let me help.

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He came that close because he didn't believe Senku to be a threat and that he didn't already produce black powder. Why would you stand far away from a faggot half your height? Especially when you have a hostage?

you come off as a total brainlet

Tsukasa respects Senkuu, he shows this multiple times and wanted to give him a painless execution.
Tsukasa is not a bad guy, he has trouble killing just like every other good person

This is the birth of Tsukasafags. I never expected them to appear this way. Have somrme more of him.

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They wouldn't show a girl naked like this.

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More like Tsukasa became a brainlet when writing demanded it. He found them because of their blackpowder misfire in the first place.

Javelin trough the heart wouldn't be painfull either.

Yes, because you can only create smoke with black powder.

Here's some more, I don't have plenty of his images, hope Tsukasafans like and save these

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He didn't want to shed Senkuu's blood, he even gave him a last chance to join him. He really likes Senkuu, that's also why there's so much TsukaSen fanart.

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Ah yes they went to a place full of ingridients for gunpoweder and decided to light a bonefire so i can find them easily. Senku is such a nice guy i am sure it was not an explosion becasue i am deaf lol or the bonefire was lit on purpose to lure me into a trap haha.

Still there is no reason to get face to face with potential enemy on the ground of his chosing.

He got a hostage before showing up. Even if Senkuu had a bomb he wouldn't detonate it cause it would hurt his friends. Tsukasa knows this. He's very perceptive. He's never dumb.

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He was the least popular villain in the voting contests

people like the masked fag more

He let the hostage go later hmmm? Also Taiju wasn't there which could be seen as suspicious.
Not to mention that he could aim a Javelin at them and keep them hostage this way, he is superhuman after all no way Yuzuriha or Senku would dodge it.

No you're completely right, if this was between random people. But between these two characters you need to consider their backgrounds, desires and feelings. Both of them want their cake and eat it too. No stonefag thinks Tsukasa is dumb. There was even an extra showing how well characters would perform in School according to Mecha-Senkuu and Tsukasa was just a tiny bit below 10 bil IQ leek.

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Not in the most recent poll, Tsukasa was top 10 and spearboy top 20, below a pig

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He let her go after Senkuu provided the formula, as per the deal. He saw Senkuu had no weapons and was sweating buckets. He had nothing to be afraid of. Also
>Thinking Taiju is smart enough for a coordinated ambush

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n the series, Tsukasa is represented by the metaphor of a pure white seashell and compared by Senku to a White Lily Flower. These symbols also have deeper connotations implying Tsukasa's known ambiguous androgyny and might hint at further character developments as the series continues.

In Hanakotoba, the Japanese term equivalent to the Language of Flowers refers to the ancient art of assigning meanings to flowers. In the Japanese culture, presenting flowers to another is not limited to women, and is not done lightly. The underlying meaning of the flower determines the message sent to the recipient. This allows one to communicate feelings and emotions without words. Senku compares Tsukasa to a White Lily Flower which in Hanakotaba means "Purity or Innocence"[6]. This also foreshadows the character development chapter focusing on Tsukasa titled The Pure White Seashell. It implies that the Pure White Seashell is the metaphor used when addressing Tsukasa and his "child-like innocence". His heart's in the right place but his antagonistic and persuasive behavior contradicts his values. The white lily is also commonly referred to as the Madonna Lily and is strongly associated with the purity of the Virgin Mary, especially in Roman Catholicism.

The Victorians assigned detailed meanings to all common flowers and used them to communicate with each other. In her book "The Language of Flowers", Kate Greenaway listed the white lily as representing purity, modesty, and sweetness. Because of the strong cultural link between the white lily and the qualities of purity and modesty, this flower pops up in figurative descriptions (sometimes including negative or sarcastic ones) of people as pure and innocent. "Lily-white" is the most common phrase used to describe people in this way.[7] This probably correlates with Tsukasa's background history of his innocence being taken when he was violated on the beach collecting shells for his sister. Since this happened in adolescence, Tsukasa's purity was tainted and leading up to Mirai's revival, Tsukasa was a "Good Guy" and a "Murderer". It reflects his psychotic behavior despite trying to remain as far from violence as possible (which he uses to his utmost benefit when others don't agree with his motives). He is very much a double-edged sword.

Tsukasa is commonly referred to in the story as the Pure White Seashell and his background history revolves around this crucial totem. Along the coastlines of the world, a great variety of shells can be found. Seashells are made by the animals that live inside them and all shells grow steadily outward. Shells are among the most remarkable designs found in nature. Examples are the chambered nautilus, the sundial shell, and the triton shell. Shells are usually perceived as feminine; a symbol of birth, good fortune, and resurrection. Bivalved mollusks represent the womb and fertility. This is probably a direct relation to Tsukasa's known androgyny.[8] And also potent revival from his cryosleep which he is shown holding a necklace full of white seashells.

The white seashell necklace Tsukasa holds in his cryosleep is made completely from cowrie shells. These shells represent rebirth and the female Gate of Life; used throughout the world as a charm for healing, fertility, magical power, or good luck. Romans called the cowrie the matriculus, meaning little matrix or little womb; among the Greeks, the word kteis meant vulva, a cowrie shell, a scallop, or a comb (an attribute of mermaids and sirens); Gypsy women valued the cowrie and wore them as amulets to focus on their feminine powers. This is probably a nod towards Tsukasa's physical ambiguity and the possibility of him being Intersex, a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit the typical definitions of female or male. This can also be an inference to gender identity controversy.[8]

Being that he holds cowrie shells as he enters cryosleep, this can also be an implication towards Tsukasa's charismatic nature being like that of a siren or mermaid. This key characteristic was what led to the Empire of Might's strength and Tsukasa's mass followers because of his charming beliefs and compelling argument. This can also represent his background history with making a seashell necklace for his sister Mirai so she could become a mermaid princess. When Senku puts Tsukasa into sustained slumber, Tsukasa is shown that he was given a seashell necklace--though, not by Mirai herself. Senku is the only character that knows of Tsukasa's past connected to seashells and was also the sole person in the cave as Tsukasa transitioned into cold sleep. Gathering subtle but cogent details like this, we can infer that Senku most likely made that necklace for Tsukasa to cope with his comatose state just like Tsukasa tried to do with his sister Mirai, and also implying that Senku knows about Tsukasa's ambiguous sexual anatomy and/or gender identity.

What's wrong with her eyes?
Man punches lions to death.

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And here I thought I was top 5 autist of this series. I've been BTFO. Feels bad man.

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I'm honestly tempted to pick up the manga just so I can read this arc, it sounds hilarious but apparently it won't be in the anime until season fucking 3

>Tsukasa's ambiguous sexual anatomy and/or gender identity.
a tranny wrote this right?

Of the 3 asspulls that week in anime that was not the worst
Everybody loved O my ancestral sun dance and hated O my right hand which left O my petrified neck largely ignored

>Huntertards are newfags

I'm betting this is from the wiki

It's actually amazing how Baneposting hasn't really spread outside Yea Forums at all


there's nothing compelling about "tsukasa's argument", his ideology is retarded and doomed to fail

sooner or later he will die, someone else would take his place and then decide "hmmm you know, this science thing is actually a good thing" and that's that for muh cavemen paradise

Really really nice animation

It's a good show but the animation is what truly elevates it to its extreme popularity

You're correct. The rest of the show will be visual proof that Tsukasas plan was doomed to fail.
However he had emotional motivation behind his plan.

Dr. Stone is Primitive Technology + Cody's Lab.

Just pick up the manga, the art is better, the presentation is better aswell.

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A streamer said he liked it

I believe it was in fact THE streamer

Finally we're getting some new art

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>inability to fight lions bare handed is considered a character flaw

>citations with no link
Is this from some blog?

i'm a mature otaku and want my shounen anime to also have hentai scenes for plot development.

this blonde thot is too much knowing there will never be a penetration scene.

The wiki

Symbolical penetration only

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Where's the pixelated edit?

Someone made it in the manga thread, I forgot to save it, chapter 114

Thanks, this is some deep symbolism

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For more you'll need to settle with the fanmade stuffs.

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>contradicting evidence
Stop being a contrarian. Being number 3 doesn't make this garbage less reddit. Plus it is outdated.

>imagine knowing this much about ******
Go back

>What is reverse image search?
Stonefags confirmed brainlets

>he actually went to ******
Sad, there's no amount of money you could pay me to even doublecheck how reddit something is. Stay there, you have been infected.

>I would rather talk stupid shit like an underage than do some research.
Dumb stonefag. Someone with a brain would accept the money tho.

>he has no pride
>would sell out
Fuck off back to ******.

>watches Dr. reddit

>he knows this much about ******
>talks shit about others
Pottery, go back.

What is Senku`s opinion of "social ""sciences"""?

psychology, economy, politology, sociology etc.

Does he accept them and rely on them in his "kingdom of science" or rejects them as they are blashemy of scientific method and should not be called Science?

So by your logic seeing the reddit chart, which was the only thing I did, makes you automatically reddit. You saw it as well. You are reddit. Everyone here is reddit.

Scam artist Gen appears next week, hell do the psychology bit
He believes currency has a way to bring people together for a common goal. Enter Ryusui the chad capitalist

Stonecuck thinks he is better than reddit.

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You're the only retard that went reverse image search it even tho it has ****** plastered all over it
Go back

>knowing how "good" ****** is

There is nothing wrong with that, dumbass. Does doing some research affect you this much? Grow a brain

>doing research on ******
C'mon user

>being ignorant
C'mon user

They're treated like any other tech, Gen is usually the one to do it instead of Senku though.

>ignorant about ******
I'll take that as a compliment

Stay ignorant then, your shitshow will always be reddit-core garbage.

I like when other characters appear so the skillset is distributed among the cast, rather than Senkuu being good at everything

Time to go back, quads speak the truth

>no argument
>wasted quads
Just saying the truth. Not telling you to cope, but you should.

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Why is this ****** guy still here if he loves to do research on it?

Because he makes you made, and I like that.

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Someone probably downvoted him and now he needs to vent.

>he thinks writing ***** instead of reddit makes him better
Your show stinks of reddit. Go should boack to your fellow redditors.

Are you guys ready for the worst charcter design?

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>he even knows what ****** smells like
Laughing at this guy

Ftfy and yes

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>he doesn't recognize the smell of trash
You should use that soup user


I'm ready for child labor and swimsuit gorilla

>swimsuit gorilla
Imagine the smell of that buttrope

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Will you take the responsibility of protecting Ginro while his older bro is stoned?

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Legitimately love Dr. Stone
Best written shonen in years
In the spirit of Jules Verne and Tom Swift

>Anime gets more inconsistent every episode.
>Characters are unlikeable and one dimensional.
>Anime threads are the worst of this season.
>Manga threads are full of fujo and gayposting.
>Fanbase is pretentious as fuck.
>Sales didn't improve even after anime.
>BD/DVD sales are nonexistent.
>Asspull at episode 5-6
What killed the hype?

Attached: sencuck.png (735x413, 119K)


From right to left right? I agree. Ruby (the pigtails one) is the best.

left to right, so black hair is 1.

Yeh, left to right I meant, the way we read manga is screwing with me.

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>fetal alcohol syndrome
No wonder they look alike.

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Part 2 of the villager names

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>not being able to fight lions with your bare hands
Get fit, user.

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A good chunk of the victory vs the Luddite empire was psychological warfare.

I love this picture, makes me smile every time it's posted.
Tsukasa a cute

>ywn be his gf
Imagine the protection

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>you will never fillet a freshly caught shark on the beach with mega tarzan
It hurts.

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science cant compete with demon slayers

I want to see him smile and be happy. It hurts that he had to suffer so much. He just needs a hug.

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this allusion to tourmaline is nice
I like these names

It apparently isn't her real name, it's a nickname cause of the melon she wears. Makes sense since the other names are geology related.

I like how they left Soyuz's name out on purpose. I wonder if they planned to follow that path with him since the beginning.

Also, a bit of a shame that we haven't seen anything yet from that Titan guy. Seems like wasted character design if you ask me, but he does look a bit too much like Chrome, so maybe that's why.

>Sunken Rock

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Why is he so hot?

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when Soyuz was introduced they even did a throwback to this panel. Also Titan was shown fishing in the anime


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Ganen right? Ganen is a fatty. Kind of comical since there was a famine a generation ago and their primary food source is fish. How did his family get so big?

Not what I was memeing about, but yeah. That guy's strangely a fat cunt. How do you even get fat eating just fish?

En being his mother is fat too. Apart from fish they eat any animals they find around the village radius. They never venture far out. They even eat rats when times are tough. I'd like to think it's due to inbreeding like Namari who just has a puffy face but isn't that fat.

Fatty kinds of fish, lots of shellfish, fruits, nuts, not moving around much, etc.

Got caught up to all the episodes even though I took it as slowly as I could. When does the new episode air?

t. hothead

His smile will be saved one day and he'll get lots of hugs from Mirai, user.

Attached: tsmile2.jpg (588x333, 245K)

Friday. So, tomorrow.

no more statue scars when he gets petrified and wakes up
I can't wait until the moment when he and Senku nerd out about science together.
you can tell he loved science when he was a kid but had to take his path as a prize fighter to support his sister

I hope so user

Does e=mc^2?

when i heard there was a science show I really expected so much better than this garbage, it only is getting 12 eps right

Actually not really, there is the full algorithm which E=MC2 ignores or handwaves as its impractical to do the full operation unless it really matters. It should be said that e=mc2 in a closed vacuum and assuming the object is not moving



you know, it actually kind of impress me how the manga manages to be entertaining with an ovbious mary sue as the protagonist