Violet will never write and deliver your letters personally

>Violet will never write and deliver your letters personally
Why live?

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so you want a mechanical metallic handjob after she winds them up, you sick fuck?

Touch fluffy ruffles and pat heat.
Give choccy.


I'd rather be literate.

being literate is for homos.

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If she did deliver you a letter, then someone close to you died.

spencer didn't have someone die when Violet delivered his letter.

Just sometimes then. Still, better not risk it even if the chances are low.
Can't I ask brown girl, a readhead or a cute glasses girl to deliver it instead?

God she looks so gay.

No, Violet only. Leiden is Violet's turf

I don't even have somebody to write to.

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We're here for you, user, to read your writings

You're here to read my shitposts, not my heartfelt letters.

A shitpost can be heartfelt, too.

make her do the Naruto run!

I'm watching this now. All I can say is that it would be a lot better if Violet was just a regular soldier who built a relationship with her commanding officer and not le super powerful wEaPoN oF wAr

>Violet will never brap in your face
Why live bros???!

I thought it was a father-daughter type of love, no? Regardless, you're the dumb one for not expecting the weapon of war thing in an anime.

Relationship doesn't necessarily imply romance. My problem is that it just adds nothing to the story, and it feels like the one very typical "anime" thing that they just had to throw in there. I know it's in the novel but still, it all could have been done in a more believable way.

Anyway it's fantastic. Other than that small complaint I am extremely impressed. I'm enjoying it so much that the sadness of what happened to KyoAni is really hitting me.

I still have a Texas sized hole in my heart from it. Post-anime heartache x100.

They're gonna make it. They must.

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>You have no Baioretto to do Naruto Run with

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All of the references to burns and burning bodies are very fucking eerie, I might add. Almost prophetic.

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It would have to be completely rewritten in that case, as the different visits would no longer make sense. Dietfrieds animosity wouldn't make sense, and honestly Gilberts care/love for Violet wouldn't make sense either. Violet will also have her emotions, so it's be a completely different anime.

I'm up to episode 11 and honestly I don't get the hate. This saber clone's show is making me cry every other episode, it's very good.