Ban battle shounen.
Ban battle shounen
JoJo is fun.
No, they should ban anything I don't like. Okay mods, I'll send you a list of stuff I don't like later.
It's shit.
ban moeniggers
Give them a containment board and then ban shounenposting on Yea Forums.
Ban anime
ban both shounentards and moetards
ban kyoanus
Best post ITT
And manga!
What would be left? 2deep4u shit?
Legalize lewding lolis.
the board would slow to an 8 hour bump
Shoujo and josei are mostly untouched
I'd be happy if they just ban DBZ and Boruto/Naruto shit
Yes please.
You are second-class citizens, shounenshitters.
Bec no one reads them.
and One Piece too
>implying that slow boards are bad
fuck off to /pol/ or Yea Forums if you want to have 100 posts per minute. sometimes Yea Forums feels too fast with "only" 30ppm
Ban Idolshitters
Shonen was there way before you were born, moenigger.
>people complain about shounen for years and years
>conveniently forgetting that the owner of the site was a shounentard
Add MHA and we have a deal.
He was also underage, but that doesn't mean we should allow them.
you seem to be chasing a paper tiger, I made a simple statement not an opinion
Over the past 10 years shounentards have proven they are unable to behave like proper human beings thus should be treated no differently from bronies.
>OP is a newfag
what was moot's favorite shounen?
>he doesn't know
ban both
I only know him for liking evangelion
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Believe it!
I am the cute things of my cute girls
Kawaii is my body, and sugoi is my blood
I have watched over a thousand SoL's
Unknown to shonenshits
Nor known to normies
Have withstood pain to read many 4koma
Yet, those hands will never hold my waifu
So as I pray, Unlimited Moe Works
for real? thought it was troll
fate is normie-tier
Don't believe it, moot was a Bleachfag.
Not as normie as shonenshit
>eren-tier mc
Ban HxH
>moeniggers acting all high and mighty
Actual subhuman
Most of the problems with Yea Forums (and with Yea Forums) would be solved by rangebanning Mexico and South America. Even shounen threads would be less shit without all these spics polluting them.
Also Australia, but yeah spics are particularly bad for Yea Forums.
If you're reacting so violently, I guess you spics really do consider HxH a shounen
Kill spics.
This guy must be clever and handsome
This but unironically, nice photoshop.
ban frogposters
100% agree.
Ban all spics and SEAmonkeys, shaves off a lot of yurifag and idolshit niggers.
Imagine if shounenshit, gainaxshit, & triggershit were banned. These worthless threads wouldn't be spammed 24/7 and maybe threads for less popular anime like Yami Shiba wouldn't die 15 minutes after they're created due to being drowned out in the endless shounenshit threads
Know the difference
Yami Shiba is shounenshit
Please, Yea Forums's problem isn't shounenshit. It's that everyone here is a shitposter.
You fags have your own fucking board to shit up
>calls shonen threads worthless
Nigger, have you ever been in a moe thread? Literally 95% of the posts there have something do with sex.
for example:
do not say that at all. leave them out of this
Ah I see, thank you for posting a neo-rage comic face in defense of shounenshit. I now see people posting anime & manga pictures are just as bad as you normalfags from Facebook. Keep up the good work.
t. Cumbrain
Now it's the "everyone I don't like is [group I don't like] shitpost complete with more facebook memes. I hate moeshit now!
Have you been to a shounen thread? 100% of the posts there are shit
for example:
There is literally no reason why shounenshit shouldn't be relegated to /trash/, it's literally what that board was created for.
Ban Yea Forums
And shonenfags have theirs
There's been a dozen "ban shounen" threads over the past week. Sometimes they get moved to /qa/ and at the moment there's 2 of them up. I'm starting to think this is some sort of raid.
Where's the problem? They're talking about which characters they like, how they compare with others, how the current arc is going, and more.
Much more captivating than anything here
>ctrl f
>39 based
Yea Forums is raiding itself again.
That's just exclusive to D B though, moe threads being shit isn't exclusive to Wataten.
Or are you seriously telling me this thread:
that's filled with posts like
>x character is soooo cute!!!
>wonder what x characters armpits smell like
>i want to anally fuck this character soooo badly :(((
is better compared to this thread
where they are actually discussing what is happening in the series, instead of just coming up with sexual fantasies with characters
>Literally 95% of the posts there have something do with sex.
That's just the usual Yea Forums.
+ Bnha and one piece
Shounen threads are filled with waifu posting and there are constantly threads about wanting to fuck some shounen character.
Remember when Naruto used to be banned
No more Evangelion for you,then. Teh Rei is b&
Why are replying to me when I already acknowledged that DB threads are shit? But that's just exclusive to that series.
Same as there also shitposts in shonen threads, but the difference is that they don't make up majority of posts, unlike with moe threads.
Seconding both of these.
But harem threads and isekai threads are the same? Ban them as well then.
Ban Sho Nuff.
Why do people say this? Browse threads on desuarchive from 2008 and you'll see at least 2-3 naruto threads per day which were never deleted.
And yet they never will constitute the majority of the discussions, unlike your abyssmal moe/harem/isekaishits
They don't make the majority of posts unless you have some retarded definition of what moe is.
They don't make up a huge part of Yea Forums and constantly shit up unrelated threads.
That was before it became popular.
Notice how all of that is mainly in DB threads? Dragonball shitposts are completely contained the general. You'll never see DB in shitposting threads between series such as HxH or MHA.
Furthermore everything related to the wageslave fight was offtopic and was the first time it ever happened.
DB threads are not high in quality, but they do discuss the series. Actually they wring out the series for everything that can be discussed.
How many times was gateway pasta posted in them?
Post-2010s aren't that long ago.
>They don't make up a huge part of Yea Forums
Thank God
>and constantly shit up unrelated threads.
That's some prosecution complex you have there my dude.
Containment was always bullshit and just encourages cancer to grow with impunity and infect everything around it.
>You'll never see DB in shitposting threads between series such as HxH or MHA.
>being this delusional
>infect everything around it
It's VERY rare. HxH, MHA, AoT, OP and BC to a lesser extent have the more aggressive fans. DBfags just shitpost each other until a Hunterfag posts for banter.
This. Just look at /pol/. Ever since the mass shootings, there have been way more unironic Nazis and fascists running amok on all the boards.
Ban battle shounen, delete /pol/, and revive /l/.
Make Yea Forums Great Again.
>HxHfags actually believe this
Holy shit, you guys are pathetic.
because it's anime same goes for moeshit
lol even moot detest your behavior it got deleted
moot isn't here anymore, and the faggot had shit taste.
Like similar low quality posts across several other threads. Obviously they don't only ever post in one thread. It's just giving them a little clubhouse and encouraging them to stay, rather than their retardation being constantly called out as it would otherwise. This isn't complicated. Same thing goes for any other form of "containment", all it does is reinforce their shit behavior by giving them a place where it goes unchallenged. It was naive to think they would always limit themselves to one thread or one board and never shit up anything else. It was always the goddamn opposite. Just becauze they aren't talking about whatever in other threads doesn't mean they aren't going to be bringing the overall quality of posting down by posting the same way they're allowed to inside "containment"
He's not wrong, the most profilic shitposters are HxHfags, who shit up /snk/ and /bnha/ quite often. I never seen DBfags shitposting in those threads.
>They don't make the majority of posts
Okay then, show me a moe thread that doesn't have abysmally low post quality, because I cannot seem to find one.
I can only find low quality ones like these
where majority of posts are just image dumping, talking about sex or cuteness, almost no actual discussion about the series at all
>It's VERY rare.
Please leave.
/trash/ was created to house threads which are too cancerous for their homeboards. Like SU from Yea Forums or GOT from Yea Forums. I don't see why the same shouldn't be applied to HxH or MHA or whatever.
true and based
>where majority of posts are just image dumping, talking about sex or cuteness
How new and different on Yea Forums.
That's actually because 8/pol/ was nuked
But what behavior are you specifically calling out? Buzzwords like "cope", "seethe", and "chad" etc? Okay mods should be more strict with that, though I don't know if the origin of that was specifically shounen's fault.
>/trash/ was created to house threads which are too cancerous for their homeboards
Trash is a furry refuge.
>How new and different on Yea Forums.
english please
It wasn't meant to be, it only became a furry board because we literally have furry mods now, and they let it happen. Still doesn't stop them from using /trash/ for it's original purpose though.
You must be retarded if you think the quality of that thread is lower than shounen threads that are filled with based, cringe, and dilate.
You're just lacking in reading comprehension.
its is though, most shonen threads have actual discussion instead of just image dumping/talking how much you want to fuck a certain character
>based, cringe, and dilate.
these make up less than one percent of most shonen threads
because mods don't think it's too cancerous?
you just hate it because it's not moe
>just image dumping/talking how much you want to fuck a certain character
Those threads should be moved to /c/. Shounenfags also have those threads
I get how you're trying to call me a newfag, but I don't get why you put the word "different" in there.
Anyway just because the posting style of moe threads have always been the same, doesn't change the fact that they're still extremely low quality.
is this real?
All you need are better mods who are more dedicated to getting rid of bad behavior and offtopic shitposts. It's like those retards who say just delete /pol/. The users themselves won't actually leave, they might even shitpost even more on other boards. You can nuke every shounen thread, but the posters will just switch IP and remain, potentially shitposting in retaliation in the threads that remain or continue making shounen threads out of spite. Kicking down the beehive will just get you stung.
They just need to step up the moderation. We need more public bans and visible sage would be nice too.
Shounen generals and Yea Forums might as well be considered the same fucking thing.
I fucking love shitposting so much
Look at this thread:
and tell me it's of lower quality than this one
Faggot, he wasn't even comparing it to moeshit.
How are these quality?
A blanket ban on all battle shounen is pretty stupid, if you need to ban something, ban all Shounen Jump series. Any outlier series can be taken care of individually.
>le containment board theory
Fuck off retard, if anything continuing to house cancer is more damaging over both short and long term than straight up kicking them out. Name 1 (one) instance in which a containment board has ever worked.
concentrated based in one single webm
Open your eyes. It's easy as fuck to ban evade. Anons even taunt mods over how easy ban evasion is. Kicking them out will never ever happen. This isn't real life where you just deport someone out the country. They're leaving on their own terms only.
Based OP worked shounentoddlers into a shoot.
Jesus christ, I stopped posting there around 2015.
Thanks for reminding me why.
You are an idiot. Banning a topic would at most cause a week long surge in shitposting, but do you really think people would continue to do that instead of fucking off to their homeboard or another website? Plus mods are really generous with issuing rangebans recently, and they do a lot to stop ban evading.
Even without all that, telling cancer to fuck off and deleting the occasional rule breaking thread they make is much better than allowing it to fester.
I repeat, containment boards NEVER work, heck, most people who still say they do are unironically /pol/tards who use it as an excuse to not have mods delete their precious board (not that they were going to do that anyways).
Every media board on this site has become a homogenized /pol/ cesspit.
>Banning a topic would at most cause a week long surge in shitposting, but do you really think people would continue to do that instead of fucking off to their homeboard or another website?
I don't see why they wouldn't. It's not like they cared about the rules beforehand.
>Plus mods are really generous with issuing rangebans recently, and they do a lot to stop ban evading.
they'll just turn on airplane mode or activate the VPN or switch ips or however the fuck they do it. I don't rangebans alone will stop them. It's really up to their interests.
>I repeat, containment boards NEVER work, heck, most people who still say they do are unironically /pol/tards who use it as an excuse to not have mods delete their precious board
/pol/ is too fucking big to delete. You will make Yea Forums as a whole suffer a huge fallout of shitposting if it just goes. Combine that with how easy it is to ban evade with tools like phoneposting.
There's a timelimit to when these things can just get dealt with. Maybe the cancer could have been contained better when there was less shounen generals, but mods allowed it to go on way too long.
execute """manime""" fags
/c/ is an imagedump board
On the other hand, Yea Forums is an actual discussion board, so please go back there
Lay off the estrogen pills.
shounen game?
If you have yet to develop an appreciation for cute girls you are underaged or gay
Go back to whatever board you came from
Might as well post a fucking wojack or pepe
Literally do this
>Make /pol/ a separate site
>Give the reigns to a lunatic
>Lunatic allows radical posting
>Radical posting leads to incident
>Incident leads to feds deleting /pol/
>Yea Forums is safe
I'd also say to separate Yea Forums and Yea Forums into separate sites as well. Keep everything anime here where it belongs, kill everything else.
this is the only I have ever used. That's why I'm motivated to expel trannies so they dont shit up my board.
>Yea Forums is safe
lmao you absolute retarded speed reader.
Yeah, that will work. Good job, you figured out how to fix Yea Forums.
Including Yea Forums
Give it a few years and they'll forget their parent site and move onto gab or some shit like it.
No place on the internet is safe. Everything will be sanitized you retard. You think they're going to let you discuss toxic anime that spreads "white supremacy"?
You wouldn't talk like that if this is the only board you had ever visited
Nobody who has been here for more than even a short time like 3 years would believe your bullshit for a second, let alone an oldfag
I don't know which shithole board your faggot ass is from but we don't want your kind here, fuck off and die
At this point, I just hope that /pol/ does something incredibly stupid that gets the feds to finally party-van this whole site so I can finally be free from it.
You people keep saying shounen shit is cancer but I have never seen anyone talking about shounen shit in the threads I go, I rather have that one vegspammer banned, now he's everywhere and only ruin everything he touches.
Honestly we should be the one to leave, exile Yea Forums from the rest of Yea Forums, call it "achan" or something
Would give us freedom from fag mods who think they can control board culture and would let us try making boards dedicated to stuff like shonenshit or a yuri board that isn't a bunch of tumblrfags
Would never happen though because there is no way we'd be able to convince everyone to migrate together but it's nice to dream
Agreed, unironically. Those faggots ruin the board
The replies to this post say everything you need to know about shonenshitters. Ban shonen.