Good Subtitles

I've been looking for years for a screencap from some late-90s-to-early-2000s-looking anime where a man (maybe in a suit) clutches his fist and says something like "I love Japan more than anyone."

If you have this picture, please post it and I will love you.

I'm dumping my folder for now.

Attached: 1330556217546.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Also I think he was crying. I don't remember if he was looking up or down.

Attached: 10704030_10152736956039182_4916033858520047210_n.jpg (640x480, 23K)

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Rich Chinese buying all properties and renting them for fortunes

Attached: 1330557427158.png (384x287, 156K)

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Attached: ss (2019-07-23 at 08.56.32).jpg (1600x900, 304K)

I kek'd

Attached: 1564684028326.jpg (1024x576, 35K)

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Attached: ss (2019-04-23 at 01.24.29).jpg (1600x900, 337K)

Attached: 1330558122022.jpg (1279x716, 102K)

Show name?

Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan

Attached: [NBA&] Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS - 05.mkv_snapshot_17.27_[2019.08.21_20.02.28].jpg (1600x900, 297K)

Attached: [NBA&] Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS - 06.mkv_snapshot_01.23_[2019.08.21_20.04.01].jpg (1600x900, 320K)

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Attached: [NBA&] Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS - 11 [653A3B1B].mkv_snapshot_00.42_[2019.08.21_20.09.07].jpg (1600x900, 207K)

Attached: 1330558879343.jpg (550x309, 109K)

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 02 [6DB60438]_001_30728.png (1280x720, 769K)

Attached: 1330558887001.jpg (856x644, 88K)

I miss Sky Girls

Attached: tumblr_p2slmlebia1wl8pslo4_640.png (639x474, 436K)

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Attached: BRNRPoMaqcZkKxaT93O5oY_2Avjz3FJ79EHdHh7OeA_FeBb0aV8iInU1h9dTRxVG4aNIwBq45U8=m22.jpg (1280x720, 195K)

Probably the same people that would frost a cake with their butt.

Attached: cia2.jpg (640x480, 40K)

Attached: 1330561208444.jpg (720x480, 62K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2011-04-08-20h36m26s215.png (1280x720, 615K)

Attached: ss (2019-06-14 at 11.48.51).jpg (1600x900, 97K)

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Attached: ss (2019-05-21 at 03.50.35).jpg (1600x900, 158K)

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Attached: ss (2019-08-12 at 07.11.47).jpg (1600x900, 199K)

I said. Get IN.

Attached: 1330566967642.jpg (468x265, 16K)

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Attached: ss (2019-08-11 at 05.23.49).jpg (1600x900, 213K)

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mazinger crabsticks

Attached: hITePgI.jpg (4283x2446, 2.22M)

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Attached: sBYeFWd.gif (624x480, 1.35M)

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He makes a compelling point. The best orgasms, in fact, stem entirely from the imagination--made of no lines at all.

Attached: 1361550311380.jpg (720x480, 47K)

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