Eureka Seven

>best girls movie still isn't translated

Even Beatless got subs, come on Yea Forums

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>Translating Nu-E7

If you're watching the movies for anything other than sakuga, you're wasting your time.

You say this but the original series isn't even canon so fuck off. I'm trying to watch the actual story not the fanfiction.

>Original work isn't Canon

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The people who wrote Eureka Seven already confirmed it in the movie that it was all just a dream. Keep coping

They're also responsible for these shitty movies in the first place so what the fuck do they know? The only worthwhile bit of Eureka Seven is the original series, so who cares what they try to say about any of the other stuff?

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Look, I don't have time to get out my dissertation on Strong Anthropic Principle and SSSA to explain how little I have to care about E7 Rebuilds, but if you want to talk about the "People who wrote Eureka Seven", you need to read more Greg Bear.

In the meantime, your attempts at trolling are admirable, but an utter waste of time. E7 will always exist, and no amount of Mari Okada wannabe tragedy porn is going to change that.

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Anemone is easily the most well directed thing E7 has ever spawned. Not even a competition.

Based and pinkpilled

I agree, it's a feast for the eyes, and has some amazing music as well.

Shame about the writing.

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What a slut.

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the movie is shit

I'd rather see Eureka like that.

You're a man of poor taste.

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Tf Kyoda and Bones put CGI in one of the most based sakuga show of all time ?

Why does Bones keep raping the corpse of E7?

They made something way too happy for this world, so they need to soil it.

>rewatched OG E7 and actually payed attention
wtf dewey was actually right

No he wasn't. Dewey was literally making the immune system attack itself in a last fuck you to everything. He is defeated and Eureka is saved, the scub coral literally leave the planet entirely, wish humanity good luck, and things seem fine. It isn't until AO that they retcon'd that Dewey was right.

Manga > Anime

good one user, next you're going to say the LN is the best of them all

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