The "hate" for battle shounen on Yea Forums

Is it a weird form of love, or do we legit think all these anime are crap?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Most are moefags & haremfags.
Who cares what they think.

Just shitposting,but well not everyone needs to like shounen after all.

HxH is god-tier, the rest belong on reddit.

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half of posts on this shithole is 90IQ spics spamming generals about shounenshit where they say the same things over and over


You have to go back Paco

Fuck shounenshitters. All of you are niggers and spics who enjoy watching capeshit and battle faggotry.

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is Gintama even a battle shounen? always thought it was like 95% just comedy

It's the shitposting threads

Even though I fucking hate HxH fags this cherry picked post is based

if you've watched any one battle shounen you've watched them all. why would you waste your time on shounenshit.
sasuga nu-Yea Forums

Who cares, I love me some cool, well thought fights and cool powers.

Nigga, Dragon ball super got a few threads with 2000 posts. Battle Shonen is actually loved here and that's a good thing, honestly I find Shonen good to combat degeneracy in a way since it's all about empowering boys to become good men and teaching core values people on this shit hole might have not gotten at their own homes. Moe and ecchi anime are for people already beyond saving. Just protect your friends and waifu and fight for what's good, defeating evil and all that jazz. It's the best thing ever.

It's not loved "here", it's loved by spic immigrants who don't belong here.

mostly because of stuff like
>shoehorned tournaments
>powerlevel wankery
>too many characters which result in unbalanced screentime/their own episode or story arc

i like it when city hunter is kinda one of the odd one out, since it's just hollywood movie inspiration compared to anything else on that list

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Anyone who has such a generalised opinion that they could lump everything of a given concept as bad or good is dumb.

That said I do understand people not appreciating the community for a lot of these as they inherently attract kids, normals and ESLs.

I'll judge the shows on their own merit regardless, though. Some I like, some I don't care for.

Fuck off nigger. Shonen shit has zero value and is watched only by niggers who love to watch men fight each other because their shitty 14 year old minds can't handle anything besides gay men doing battleshit.

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>good: jojo, full metal, death note, kenshin, hxh, one piece, fist of the north star, yu yu hakusho
rest are shit

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I don't hate battle shonen, I hate shonenspics who keep smearing their shit on the entire catalog while feeling proud for acting like the subhumans they are.

>I'm a 16 year old ironic weeb who thinks of myself as above shows like pokemon and naruto
Go back to discussing pokemon you fucking shounenshitter.

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>full shit alchecrap


>it's the fullmetal hater again
seethe harder

This. Once you have three threads up at once it's past time to learn when to stop.

>its the dubnigger again

go cry me a river over your shitty mic dumbgnogna getting destroyed

Nobody else gives a crap about Full Shit except dubfags

they're all shitty but if you end up liking the characters and their dynamics they're fun to watch and no one can tell you otherwise.

What happened to the author of World Trigger to make it a monthly series again?

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nahh dude FMA is so different from the rest!! its mature and srs!!! i dun like Naruto but mann that FULL METAL was cool!!!

see, this is what that shit tier fanbase thinks of themselves

worst one from the list, worst anime to ever exist

He caught the death.

>Fuck moeshitters. All of you are niggers and spics who enjoy watching ecchishit and waifu faggotry

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hxh being the best shounen is a meme hunterfags make me laugh they claim it to be the best shounen but it just copies the plot of planet of the apes but with ants

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>Implying moeshit and haremshit is original

>using bnha pic to trash other series
Stop falseflagging BnHA.

What a stupid comment. Might as well say that once you've seen one moe/harem/romance/sci-fi/sports/mecha/adventure/fantasy/ise-oknvm/sol/comedy then you've seen them all as well

t. low iq shounenshitter who equates all SoL/iyashikei with ecchi and idol shows.

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still doesn't invalidate my claim that hunter x hunter is just planet of the apes but with ants

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>Hunterfag falseflagging as jojofag

>he doesn't watch every genre
Having a laugh at the expense of all you retards in this thread, even myself for posting in this bait thread.

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see? they're literal apes. even in this thread shoneanderthals fight each other for no reason

>they're literal apes
Hence the term "shonen nigger"

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I will watch everything but Fullshit Alhecrap
Overrated trash series with no reason to exist

Ruining anime fandoms while everyone shills for it thinking it did "nothing bad"

I've seen the truth.

>one piece
Oda is a hack and his designs are dogshit. Faggot can't even make a sexy girl despite pushing conventional sexiness to the most comically exaggerated proportions - it just makes them disgusting freaks.

Pic related

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Fuck off faggot. I bet you like Fullshit Gaychemist with forced romance from the start and shitty height jokes


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>oh no, you can't like more than 1 series

story > art

battle shonens are the exact same thing as CGDCT. they are just scratching different itches. if you can't appreciate either for what it is you're retarded

user you sound way too mad

Gayest thread I've seen in a while, all of you.
Anyway, know the difference.

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They're all shit along with the brainless Hispanics who come here and act like this is Twitter.

>Implying there's really any difference between spic excrement and nigger excrement.
At the end of the day it's still shit.

Because I fucking hate FMA and I have personal reasons for this shit

If not that crap, that rapist dick mignogna wouldnt become popular. He'd be forgotten shit forever, as deserved.

Now he hypnotized people into thinking he's some superhero who did nothing wrong. Fuck him and fuck Shitward Shitric

Some of them are great manga, but I absolutely hate the way battle shonen gets treated as the second coming of console war shitposting. The difference in post quality between shonen generals and other threads is staggering. I just want a dumb vanilla battle shonen to take me back to my childhood sometimes. But that doesn't mean I have to act like a literal child.

Stages Of An Anime Fan

Stage 1: Is introduced to a popular, entry-level anime film such as Akira or Ghost in the Shell by a friend. Proceeds to explore the most famous anime films such as the above, Ghibli movies, etc.

Stage 2: Discovers shonen series, likely Bleach on Adult Swim. Briefly becomes an IRL version of Rikka from Chuunibyou. Does not yet understand why MAL trolls shonenshit threads. Will hate self for the rest of his natural life for this brief phase.

Stage 3: Mature / deepfag phase. Once he begins to realize shonenshit is shit, begins to seek out “deep” and critically acclaimed anime such as Tatami Galaxy, Evangelion, Lain, etc. Starts debating the meaning of these anime on MAL, as well as starts trolling shonenshit threads, suddenly feeling superior to the plebes in said threads.

Stage 4: Moefag, the final phase. Decides to try a moe series which Yea Forums and MAL seems to love, such as Aria, or more recently Hidamari Sketch, etc… justifying it to self as for “purely academic reasons,” e.g. so they can troll or shittalk these series with an informed viewpoint. Ends up discovering that nothing is more peaceful, relaxing, and enjoyable than watching cute girls doing cute things. Ends up realizing that all “deep and mature” anime are actually pretentious bullshit.

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There's no global hate on battleshonen.
It's just warmongers hating on everything that has better ratings/reviews than what they like. As a result every thread is 99% shitposters.

>Great manga
>dumb vanilla battle shonen

decide on your own opinions instead of trying to take both sides you fag

Kill yourself tacomeister

Making a blanket statement about the quality of all battle anime aimed at children is foolish.
However it is not foolish to say all retards who come to Yea Forums in order to discuss shounenshit are cancerous faggots who would be better off on Facebook.

>the one moefag trying to make people think he has some sort of superior taste
Stop trying to look for validation, user.

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>if it isn't shounenshit it must be moeshit
Are all mexicans this retarded?

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its burgers and their obsession over shitty "omg im small but dont call me that!!" character with shit design, appearance and name. "Ed" LMAO

All of them unironically suck. I'll probably make an exception for rumiko takahashi

>story > art
You're right but Oda's art is off-putting enough to make suffering though it something I have no intention of doing. But if you can stomach it more power to you, I guess. I mostly responded that way because that list is ridiculous and the narcissism of fans like that pisses me off.


Rumiko Takahashi also sucks and only gets praised because nostalgia

Go back teen

>all of them

generalizing faggot thinks he can throw everything under one bus to try and sound intellectual. Ok, i can do this too:

All of them are unironically based. I'll surely make an exception for Full Trash Alchecrap

Did mom let you out of the basement?

>idiotic shonentards attack each other instead of answering OP's question

>Saint Seiya
>Gash (Zatch) Bell
>Yu Yu Hakusho
>Ushio & Tora
>GeGeGe no Kitaro
>Dragon Ball (Assuming this is just what's in the original manga)
>Karakuri Circus

These are the only good manga present here.

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Are you serious? That's your reasoning? Are you really that much of pansy-ass faggot? Let me make this clear to you: Fullmetal is good. The manga is good, the anime is good, and ,yes, the dub is good. That doesn't prevent me from also acknowledging that Vic is a creep and brought this shit upon himself. 3D isn't anime fag. His behavior affects neither the story nor even his performance. Conversely my love of the series has nothing to do with him beyond his cursory involvement. Get over it.

Why would the lion concern themselves with the opinion of the prey?

I'm Mexican and I don't watch DBS. I'm definitely in the minority though.

By this logic, Yea Forumsbsolute classics like Rozen Maiden are "shit" because they have conflict and an overarching plot. Go fuck yourself you retarded braindead stage-2 newfag failed normalfag nigger.

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i think youtubers would make you more mad, specially that one guy who i remember saying that fma is better than most seinen

Learn your place, moepigs

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see , you beans for brain

But Evangelion is a most classic entry point.

God you sound pathetic.

he goes into literally every thread even remotely related to fma. I think he's a little obsessed

I unironically prefer normalfags to unnecessary contrarianism and pretentious narcissism. At least normalfags can learn to appreciate what's around them, whereas the other group is all intentionally obtuse assholes.

Off yourself Pablo

>whereas the other group is all intentionally obtuse assholes
That's called Yea Forums prior to 2016


Yea Forums is not your personal army

i'll reward myself with some toddlercon after i kick your fucking teeth in, dumb generalizing niggerlicious subhuman.

Cervical Spondylosis. It was so bad that he initially planned to end the series right after the invasion arc.

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get wild and tough

Imagine being able to enjoy more than one kind of anime
Wouldn't that be wonderful

trips of truth

Rozen Maiden main popularity came from DESUDESUDESUDESU, not the exquisite plot.

imma post this on /r/animemes

There's a clear divide on this board between people who like shonen and people who dont like shonen. these groups clearly don't like eachother so why keep them together and not make a separate board so they dont have to interact

Battleshonen has the bad habit of falling back on a lot of the same tropes, especially the popular long running series. I can't say how much is editor meddling vs bad writing, but when you see "Tournament, special mode, evil special mode, mega punch special attack, giant anime laser special attack" for the 20th time it loses its appeal.
Personally I'd rather just read only the more acclaimed classic titles, and some less popular stuff that does something fresh.

>There's a clear divide on this board between people who like adolescent boys and people who dont like adolescent boys.
Are saying Yea Forums is full of shotacons?

Stage 4 is for the lonely and mentally ill

I'll let you in on a secret, the thing some people hate the most aren't the series themselves.

you do realize that your favorite shounen and seinen magazines also have moeshit in them, right?

I wish, but no.

a shonen/a/ is absolutely needed. No one else wants to see your console war shit flood the board and you would be happy without seeing moeshit

So, Yea Forums?

Shonen brings in the worse retards and normalfags into any community. It's why shonen shit was banned in Yea Forums until moot left. They pulled lots of retards who can't stand or respect other people's taste. They're like /u/fags, but with everything that isn't shounen, while /u/fags are like that to anyone who doesn't subscribe to their bullshit shipping.

That's Yea Forums.

I'm tired of people referring to battle anime/manga as "shounen". Stop calling it shounen retards.

I like Jojo, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, and Soul Eater. There's so much good manga that isn't battle shonen though, I've found little reason these days to follow any (I've only recently started catching up with One Piece after having dropped it for several years). And I like monthly manga more than weekly and the bigger battle shonen are in WSJ. Most of the shit I find that sound interesting to read are monthly seinen manga.

Who do you think posts "THE GREAT DEBATE" Threads?

>was banned in Yea Forums until moot left
Nigger it was moot himself who allowed naruto to be discussed here again

Shounenshit generals should be banned

This, but moot really gave up on Yea Forums by then.

It's as normie as anime gets. If you mention anime to a normie the first thing that will come to mind is either a battle shounen from their childhood or a current mainstream one.


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>not putting hunter x hunter on the chart at all

This HxH is so great that it’s a Shounen that is also a Seinen and can change demographics just like that.
How does Togashi do it..

is there anyone on this board who exclusively watches shonen?

It goes on the left.

It's full of niggers and spics, autistic fanbase wars and urr durr based, cringe, redpilled, cuck, tranny dilate, cope, incel, etc.
It's pure Yea Forums

HxH is trash.
Togashi is a hack.
Gas HxHfags.

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your shitty battle shonen really does suck major ass

Probably, and those people probably are faggots with shit taste. Watching shounen in addition to other shows, on the other hand, is perfectly reasonable.

/ar/ - retro anime when so i dont have to interact with seasonal shit eaters

You can stay in the shithole that is Yea Forums while I go hang out on /ma/ - Manga.

Right because limited color palettes and art-over-animation makes yous o superior to everyone else. Accept it oldfag, the average quality in the past was much lower and barring a few stand out shows the maximum was as well.

how about /sh/ - Shonen so we can both enjoy this board

>inb4 he responds with a very cherrypicked chart of screenshots comparing old vs new anime

Would it be just battle shonen, just Weekly Shonen Jump series, or both?

I made a thread on /qa/ about this asking for a /va/ board to be made to dump these fanbase war fags into, but they told me "/qa/ isn't a suggestion board, go message the mods on irc" like wtf people still use irc in 2019?

>like wtf people still use irc in 2019
No, the moderation team unironically uses Discord now. Look at the Janitor applications

it would overlap with /m/, not to mention you'll get cancerous stuff like
>muh retro is better that modern anime, am i right my fellow anons?
>aesthetic wankery thread
>MAL-tier bias autism about why every 80s ova is shit

What would that mean? All manga and anime targetted at adolescents? That's a pretty broad catagory. Plus, a lot of anime and manga don't have a specified demographic.

It's not just battle shonen. It's also shonen romcoms (basically most manga romcoms, the LN ones don't get cancerfags), anything made by Kyoani/Trigger, sales threads, stalker threads, and 3x3 threads.

shonenshit is held back by the fact that it's written for literal 12 year olds. you can't have anime titties and characters have to be relatable to middle schoolers. anything you like about it could be improved by not having this restriction. manimefags don't even reply.

based, redpilled, and /thread

Stop fighting guys!! ;____;

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>No, the moderation team unironically uses Discord now.
That's it. Fuck this gay earth.

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>anything I don't like

Someone just posted a new one shot in Jump+ that has nudity in it. Not to mention the Franxx manga. Not to mention all the shit in the past that had nudity, like Ranma. Just because WSJ has stricter (these days) rules than other shonen manga doesn't mean all shonen manga is like that.

>no tits = no good
>there are no experiences relatable to both middleschoolers and adults

>138 posts in, like, an hour

Holy christ, this level of salt

Weekly shonen series, the monthly ones can stay

>/qa/ isn't a suggestion board, go message the mods on irc
that was one of the resident spergs of /qa/. just tell them to eat shit and die and create a second non-2D/random thread to spite them.

Shonen are alright for what they are. Unfortunately they attract a very special type of people.

>no tits = no good
This is truth.

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I bet you're a frogposter.

The small-chested cutie is easily the hottest one in that image. Also I get that you just wanted to post tits, and I respect that, but you don't need to jack off to everything you read. Plus covered tits can be pretty damn good anyway.

no, although it's fun to troll both groups of spammers at the same time

Just literally read of those threads, they reek of Yea Forumsuzzwords and catchphrases, shitty stock responses
>{{noun}}chads BTFO the {{other noun}}cucks once again (posts pic of someone dabbing)
Fucking underage b& trash threads. It's not the subject it's the fucking anons in the threads.

>It's not the subject it's the fucking anons in the threads.
Literally this. They could choose to do the same with any type of anime/manga.

Jojo, Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball X are pretty good. The rest is immatation crab.

but they mostly gravitate to battle shonen and shit like SnK

Christ, I haven't seen that bunny since the last decade. That shit was merchandised to hell and back and then it just disappeared from my consciousness.

I dont think anyone I have talked about fma with says it is flawless, it is just one of the first shonen ANIME that got a complete run with minimal filler.
I have not heard anyone that ever thought it was funny with the "lol short" or "haha my brother is actually the fullmetal, not me in big metal suit" jokes.
Also what is up with saying you wont watch it and in the same post saying its trash like you knew what it was without a watch.
>The girls are not to my liking so the series is shit
Wow what a moronic comment.

Which they do. SAO is well known for being afflicted with the Yea Forumsirus and early Shield Hero before it went to shit too. Ironically after Filo showed up, all those fags dropped it and suddenly the threads got slow and comfy. Then they got TOO slow and we were heavily reliant on the infamous tripfag making a thread on airing day because no one else ever did.
I've seen some of these underage cancerfags try their hand at CGDCT and the first thing they do is go "Hinako Note is way better than Slow Start, fight me" like holy shit, no one cares, you're missing the entire point of why we watch this genre.
Also they snuck into Sounan/Tejina threads, however they have nothing to shitpost about so they actually camouflaged themselves for once and enjoy the tits.

If you want that old Yea Forums feel just go to ota or gnfos
It's unrealistic to expect this board to not eventually turn to shit. Every website turns to shit after a period of time.

Shonen haters and lovers, atleast we can all agree that fairy tail is by far the worst battle shonen ever.

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Cute r*dditor! Upvoted!

only after season 2

didn't they just make the phone reader for jump+ 17+? obviously some magazines allow more than other but the worst shonenshit is made for preteens.

>experiences relatable to both middleschoolers and adults
series about these are all ages ones like yotsuba and aria. on the other hand crap like naruto and one piss appeal exclusively to 12 year olds.

Series are a package deal.
Otherwise bleach would be top tier with only soul society.

Good someone who knows what they're talking about

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I can't enjoy moeshit and shounenshit

Who says I jack-off to it?
To-Love-Ru is a thinking man's manga.

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It seems more like an Apple thing than a Jump thing since the age hike only happened on iOS.

If you cannot fap to the teachers, I have to say you are sexually inept.

I didn't say they weren't attractive. I just pointed out who the cutest one was.

The teacher sucks!
A true mans word here.

> anything I disagree with is l*ddit
pic absolutely related.

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>do we legit think all these anime are crap?
I do, anyway. There's like 4, max 6 good series in that image. Rest is garbage for plebs.

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>ousting himself as a Yea Forumsedditor
You glow in the dark.

Manga I like:

One Piece
Shaman King
Dragon Ball
My Hero Academia

Anime I like:
Full metal Alchemist : Brotherhood
Digimon Adventure & Tamers
Yu Yu Hakasho

Rest are trash desu

Okay, time for some truth bombs.
I'm not a fan of Hunter X Hunter, but I've been here for a while. And I know people have been making Hunter X Hunter threads forever. It's only been around, what, 2018 that they got kind of bothersome, around the time Hunterchad posting started, but for the most part before that they were just kinda lazing about in their own threads.
Shounenfags have had their generals when shows/manga threads happen, and honestly them being daily occurances isn't a new thing either. It was just that there used to be less people who'd talk about the same thing here, and now that there's more, younger anime/manga fans here, especially with the rise of crunchyroll and it's sisters (amazon, netflix etc) it's not too suprising that it may seem like an infestation. But really it's just par for the course.

I'd suggest more leniant rules, personally. Part of the reason that shounenfags were less prevelant (and generals were less prevelant) was because of the old leniance in the first place, more bizarre threads being made and thus less cancer, because most of it was pushed to page 10. Moot leaving wasn't the nail in the coffin, but he was definately a sign of a factor keeping this place fun leaving. Now all we can do for fun is have 60/70 shounen/romcom/moe generals in the catalog and nothing else.

Yea Forums mods, if you're reading this (which I know you won't be), please know that we wanna keep this place fun. Don't be such prudes as you've been.

> r-r*ddit!!!
> Yea Forums!!!!
pathetic. pull the trigger user. no one will miss you.

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>The best
One piece
>Okay tier
Soul eater
Dragon ball
Black clover
Death note
>Shit tier
>There is nothing worse than this one thing tier
Fairy tail
The rest I have not watched/read or missed.

objective truth

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You using Yea Forumseddit terms and phrases. I dont fucking disagree with anything. Why cant you understand? What makes you unable to comprehend? The only way you could make it more clear if you said something along the lines of "cope and seethe".

>Pokemon and InuYasha
>No One Piece
Whew lad, your "truth" is just shit taste.

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So majority of Yea Forums then.

all trash except fma

Underrated post

The problem with battle shounen is they fall into too many of the same tropes. Bland main character, typically very shallow plot, too many characters, lack of substantial development for most characters as a result, and pacing most of all. The last one is what historically have led to most shounen anime getting very poor quality anime adaptations. It often feels like you get almost no substantial plot development in an episode of these shows compared to any other show since they spread it so thinly across too many episodes.

The worst is WSJ though, they've forced too many series to continue well past when they should've ended instead of just letting them end with dignity while at the same time prematurely axing decent series that didn't meet their thresholds of popularity.

>muh nakama
>over 300 chapters
>child/retard protagonist
If it has at least three of these it's likely garbage

> Yea Forumseddit terms and phrases
and let me guess, next you'll be bitching because i used too many spaces and proper punctuation. there's nothing being misunderstood here. i completely understand you're just another spastic sperg who thinks throwing buzzwords like "l*ddit" and "Yea Forums" gives them legitimacy. this isn't my first time dealing with low functioning autists. So please, off yourself. Your kind disgusts me.

>ota and gnfos
>old Yea Forums
haha what? Those are /jp/ spinoffs, and gnfos is like Yea Forums but with 1/4 of the speed

Maybe if you stay here a bit longer you will see.

Good taste.

>Zatchbell crossed out

>Length determines if its good
This is a stupid "argument"

Is SD a shounen?

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some of them are good? like which ones?

It's not an argument, it's an observation based on the worst kinds of battle shounen.
A long-runner isn't necessarily bad, but when combined with those other traits it's unlikely to be good

>message the mods on irc

LMAO the only mod that is active on the IRC is I_AM_ABIB and he'll respond to your every query with a "lol?" and "cool story bro" until you tire yourself out.

Many of them are "crap" in the same way fast food is "crap". It's clearly not refined cuisine, but if you're in the mood and know what you're getting into it's pretty tasty. People grandstand and act like it's some affront to humanity, but in reality almost everyone has a joint or two they'd happily get a burger from once in a while. Consider, however, posting about fast food on a foodie forum. If it's an occasional thing people might enjoy it, naming their favorites and defending them with exaggerated zeal. Make it a frequent occurrence and the shine wears off. Fast food is borderline off-topic when talking about cuisine. It's shitty food, and nobody who cares about food would actually *recommend* it to anyone. By extension, the sort of person who would focus on discussing fast food of all things is probably someone with bad taste, and not really the type of user a foodie forum wants around.

>hxhfags are my boogeyman

It ran in Weekly Shonen Jump so yes.

>a decent food analogy

So Hunter X Hunter is the McChicken of manga, is what you're saying.

>dude food analogies lmao

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Yea Forums is doomed. If only modcat were here.

Childhood is liking battle shounen.
Teenage/young adulthood is becoming a contrarian who hates battle shounen.
Adulthood is coming home to battle shounen.

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One year I asked for more chapters and Togashi gave me three. I said "wow three for free!" and the nice friendly mangaka laughed and said "i'm going to call you three-for-free!" Now Togashi greets me with "hey it's three-for-free!" and always gives me three chapters per year.

In that case is the best shounen ever made

best post so far. I remember my hating shounen fase. Now i just watch shit that i enjoy, and then shitpost about it for laughts. I truly stop giving a fuck about what others say a long time ago

>im not like the other shonentards


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this hits home

Go big or go home.

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It does not matter, length of a piece of media does not validate it nor does it make it bad.
So then the other factors still rule if it is good or not.
The only thing that changes is that it is bad for a longer time.

Hating a piece of media because of its fanbase is as dumb as your shitpost.
>Dabing gon.jpg

The shows are varying degrees of quality
The fan base is undeniably shit

gonna need sauce in this please



>OP crossed out
Stopped right there

Eat shit.

Shounen are all the same concept so no originality but the concept has been done so many times that the format is good, not great but you know that each one will be about on par with one another

user you sound genuinely autistic

Are you fucking retarded?

Really? I am not mad that you ask for sauce, but because you must be so damn new to manga/anime that I cant even.
>Learn to image search you fag.

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>Now i just watch shit that i enjoy
Same. Which is pretty much never shounenshit.

>HxH shitposter
Of course he is.

Yeah it's awful.

>only mod that is active on the IRC is I_AM_ABIB
Lol I recognize that name from another site. If I'm right he's a huge OP fan. Good luck getting shonen banned on Yea Forums.

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that's cool. I don't enjoy moeshit so i don't watch it. That's how it works. Have a good one user

Then why does he keep delorting shounen threads

Are there really people that dont just watch what they want, with the exception of checking something out to know if it is good, and stuff like garzeys wing that is just so bad its good?

I watch/read a chunk of them but the western fanbase for shonenshit deserves to be bullied. They're the modern equivalent of 90s toonamitards, except more annoying due to the large presence of SJWeebs among their ranks. They screech like maniacs the second a hint of sexiness pops up in shit like MHA, they reek of insecurity and misplaced puritanism.

Yea Forums has been a glorified dumping ground for r/anime and anitwitter since 2014, unfortunately.

I'm glad that you can find value in shounen anime teaching you morals and justice

Stage 5 is realizing that shounens are meant to be wholesome and simple and appreciates the cultural impact they have and uses them to give you hope in life