
If you summoned her, what would your first order for her be as your servant?

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lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 238/

Hug me, hold my hand.
I'm 30yo virgin.

Do a flip, on a bike.

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Is there anyone stronger than Nrvnqsr-arc in Nasuverse?

Dominate me

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>I'm 30yo virgin.
Wow so you would be an actual legitimate candidate in the grail war

Grail war is for the magis not wizards.


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I'd slap her for not being euryale

I would ask for a lap pillow and for her to sing something cuz I love her voice.

how do you get rider to like you?

user, sorry to say this but Euryale can never be summoned.
Even in Grand Order, they shouldn't be there.

You can thank Medusa for eating them both.

Play vidya with me during the day. Also to use her ridiculously OP eyes to fuck up masters before battles even begin.

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Give her the D

Be autistic.
Honestly, Rider is very difficult to get to like you.

Outside of doing something like saving an innocent girl that is being turned into a horrible monster or something, she would like you if you did that.

Be Sakura’s ally till the very end.

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Why does rider likes sakura so much?

Spend all of your cash buying her the best bike money can buy.

Mana transfer 24/7

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She sees her as a kindred spirit. Also because the plot demands it.

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Probably sees herself in her in quite a few ways.

I thought t was because she relates herself to her somehow.

Yeah. That's what I said. Rider sees Sakura as similar to herself. That's what perceiving one to be a kindred spirit means.

Be my waifu

Sorry for being a dumb esl bro...

She got royally fucked over
>get raped by a god in a temple
>turned into a monster by the god from that temple
>treated as a monster by everyone
>killed by a hero
So she relates.

Thigh pillow.

>why does Sakura's servant like Sakura so much

FSN Rider wasn't raped in a temple.

There's also how Sakura's personality is the whole reason she summoned Rider instead of literally any other greek hero.

Reminder that Rider's VA streams

Not quite how Medusa's backstory goes in Fate, but not really that far off.
Basically, she is defective for whatever reason and somewhat ages so she has to protect her two eternal loli sisters from would be kidnappers, eventually she kills so many people she becomes a monster and eats her sisters.
Then /ourguy/ Perseus kills her for being a bitch.

In a closer manner. Like a really strong bond. Come on you know what I mean. Rin still keeps her relationship with archer as servant-master but for sakura and rider its way too close.

shirou's servant doesn't like shirou

Chill. Fuck the Grail.

Honestly, most Servant-Master bonds in F/SN are super close
Shirou and Saber (in Fate)
Kuzuki and Caster
Bazett would be with Lancer but is kind of dead
Sakura and Rider as you mentioned
Rin and Archer is an iffy one due to Archer being a cunt.
even Illya and Berserker have a super strong bond, and Berserker is mindless.

Except she does though.

Berserker is the only servant that was 100% satisfied with his master by the way. He had no single complaint about Ilya.

except she doesn't

>Rin and Archer is an iffy one due to Archer being a cunt.
They're both tsundere

Caster's original master had terrible compatibility with her. Sasaki and Medea didn't like each other much either. Also Rider doesn't like Shinji who was temporary her master.

Wasn’t Archer summoned by Rin because of his strong connection to her in his past life?

He was summoned because he had her pendant on him.

>Don't get enough affection points
I mean yeah.
A single moment of weakness does that.


Which is because she saved his life, and he kept her pendant (i.e. had a strong connection with her).

>i-it's shirou's fault if the servant who puts honor above all else betrayed him
the king is a monster who doesn't understand the human heart

Can Rin summon other servant if she brings a catalyst with her or she's always doomed to summon Redman?

She used a pendant he carried his entire life as the summoning catalyst.

Medusa in Fate was just cursed by Athena because of jealousy, she wasn't fucked in the temple or some shit.

She and her sisters can turn into violent, giant sea monsters on a whim and she eventually did before getting beheaded by /ourguy/. It doesn't matter which version of /ourguy/ did it, yellow /ourguy/ was just a true Chad while red /ourguy/ did it to save people.

>Rider plays Dark Souls™
>is told her to open the chest

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Just treat her like a beautiful lady. And tell her how you love tall woman. It's not that hard.

I refuse to believe that Nasu and the rest hired her only to NOT give her character a proper route

This is a crime bordering on anudda shoah

Medusa like the rest of the female servants can smell fake flattery from a mile away.

She only tolerates Shinji and Shirou because of wormslut, without her they'd be mincemeat.

Caster is the best purplehair.

I mean she's only tall compared to Japs.
Compared to Shirou when he has his GAR growth spurt she's a womanlet.

Nasu didn't hire her, the company doing the ps2 port did.

Why does the flattery have to be fake? I'm a giant by most standards, and I would love to date a tall woman like her.

she's small

She too tall for land of manlets called Japan.

Shirou becomes 6'2", is ginger, and has gold eyes.

Is this fucker even Japanese at all?

>HF adaptation
>she's barely in it
>no merch while F/GO chicks get at least one
>unlike the newer Servant VAs who only do it for gachabux her VA is equally dedicated to her character just like the OG FSN cast

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what a flat ass

Square-pupiled freak.

It's not fair

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>tfw you will never get to sit with a giggling rider as you play Dark Souls 3 for hours.

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Bully Shirou

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>why does an introverted purple haired woman who was raped by Poseidon, turned into a monster, and with an idol-type older sister(s) like Sakura?
I dunno man, them mysteries.

Would you be able to contain yourself if you came across this while you still had a command seal?

Could a Hollow Ataraxia adaptation be possible?

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For gods sake my sister was taller than her at 14, come on. This is almost as bad as the fact that ainz is 179cm.

Remember during the mid-00s when Yuu claimed she gets pestered by faithful nerds asking her to voice Rider in random places and she did it until it became tiresome and borderline creepy?

What a champ, Rider should have gotten a route.

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No jolly cooperation?

YOU are a freak.

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Yes but after worms its obvious Saber will get an adaptation. No fucking way Saberfags get nothing.

Probably a shill movie too heavily centered around LE. Saber didn't get a proper Fate adaptation while Rin already had 2 chances and they blew it.

Only after that they'll do F/HA.

Asakawa is a magnificent Seiyuu that makes a piece of shit like pic related sound cool and fun. It really is a crime.

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HA is garbage
only the bazett/angra scenes are good

>Would you be able to contain yourself
If I was met with that smile?
As a man, using a command seal in this situation would disqualify me from my very own balls; and I would prefer to have them available for what is about to happen.

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I mean, she has blinded herself here.
Also, you're partially paralysed.
The situation is kind of a mess.

rip deen

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That's surprisingly honorable for somebody on this site.

Have her set up the Bloodfort immediately. I'm here to win.

The voice cast of Fate/stay night were originally hired for the 2004 animated adaptation. Nasu and Takeuchi were the ones who had the final say in who got picked.

Rider actually puts out unlike other servants

She wouldn't mind being bred on the spot or being dragged to bed

Don't most servants in the original Fate Stay night put out? At least the female ones.

Messed up, but still very sexy.

Caster's original master cast her out, so she found a new master who accepted her. Sound familiar? She was cast out in life to follow a stranger and was betrayed for it. She was summoned to her first master so that she could be saved by Souichirou.

Sasaki's real master is the temple/mountain, Caster simply bears the seal as a byproduct of summoning him. The temple is representative of his singular mastery of swordsmanship, comparable to a monk's dedication to their faith.

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Have steamy hot sex with her in various positions

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>tfw you can never truly look Rider in the eyes unless you have B/A rank Magical Energy


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>what is medea
>what is artoria

Rider please stop.

artoria is not a slut

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Tell that to her futa dick that was used to impregnate her sister.

she'd let you do it if you were her master

Take off that blindfold you fucking idiot, you look like a mong.

I only need two positions, honestly.

>"Pleased don't run away screaming in disgust at me."

Shitty lock / master key

Excuse me...

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"Get a haircut."

Shut the FUCK up Nisio

>"How short do you want me to cut it, master?"

Read me a story.

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Please win, I don’t wanna die to all these assholes

I don't know about you guys but I would go to the church and resign immediately.

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Say Sakura gives Rider to you instead of Shinji. What's your strategy to win the war with her?

Medusa really loves sakura, don't project your hate for her character in her


Why? She's quite strong.

Because I'm a coward who doesn't want to die.

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>ainz is 179cm
That entire anime just turned into a comedy skit with this piece of information. Thank you, user.

I'd ask her to sing the Hunter x Hunter opening.

>Rin and Archer is an iffy one due to Archer being a cunt.

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>ainz is 179cm
Oh lord

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Anime Ainz is tall

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>If you summoned her, what would your first order for her be as your servant?

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Mana transfer 24/7

>they didn't fade in the ending song in the last scene
I swear I've seen someone post a webm with the VN images of that scene with the movie ending song fading in that was better than the actual movie ending.

wtf he towers over almost everyone

>"I'm going to level with you, the grail war is a scam. The grail isn't omnipotent and usually there's some condition that makes it impossible to actually use. So I don't really know what you want to do now."
Fuck Grail Wars I'll just ruin the stupid fucking ritual by leaving.
If she can't sustain herself outside of the city then bloodfort assholes for mana.

Anime Ainz is 200cm tall
LN/Manga Ainz is 177cm tall

>The tall imposing skeleton sorcerer is only 179cm
Is Ygdrassil also Japan?

Does Medusa even care for the grail? I believe she'd be fine just spending time with you and her newfound life after you just told her that there's no prize. Like
>Alright no need to keep acting like this anymore, there's no battle here let's just have fun and try not to die


She could wish her sisters back, maybe. Or just wish that she never ate them.

Honestly, with meta-knowledge you could really fuck over other Master-Servant relationships.
Especially if they are a member of the founding families and it isn't the 5th war.
>"Oh by the way, you're all being tricked into fighting so that your master can order your death to completely fill the grail to open a path to the root. That's the purpose of the grail. Magi are assholes."

I like her Angospeak accent.

Lay low and spread rumors. Let the other masters and servants kill each other and then gank the last man standing when they're worn out from fighting.

Did Archer know this and didn't bother telling anyone? At the very least Servant!Kiritsugu knows that something's wrong with the grail, but ironically he's one of the less talkative Servants in the entire Fateverse so he's likely to ignore his Master and go on a killing spree anyways.

Archer totally knows this
Archer also knows that the Grail has Angra Mainyu in it so it's even more fucked than usual.
Archer is a cunt.

holy fuck the new Strange/Fake translations

"He unleashed magical energy in a third band of light.
The golden king deployed shields beneath him and blocked the attack, but he was pushed higher into the air.
Then came the fourth band of light.
Saber gave his opponent no time to recover and followed it with a fifth and a sixth slash of light aimed skyward from the church roof.
Even more frighteningly, the interval between strikes was steadily shrinking. By the time he got past his twentieth slash, they had become a massive, continuous band of light firing from the earth into the night sky.
As if to say that this, too, was both an infinite series of blows and a never-ending single strike."

>opponent tells you that the competition is rigged and that you get nothing for winning
>tries to convince you to give up because it's pointless
Probably a bit difficult to get people to trust you.



Wait, I actually remember Archer saying his memories weren't clear so maybe he doesn't know. Though he reacted pretty handily in Heaven's Feel to the shadow and said he's seen stuff like this before so maybe this is one of those vital things you don't forget.
At the very least it would have been an important point to bring up while Rin had an alliance with Shirou, and maybe even get Shinji in there by explaining that the grail is cursed. Shinji would reject it, but Rin and Shirou & Saber would at least stop clashing with each other and try to tell Illya

Oh no, Archer is just a tricky motherfucker who conveniently only had hazy memories for like a single night.
Then he remembered everything.
That's why he never targets Illya.

It's also why he never interacts with Sakura and Taiga, they'd figure him out way too quickly despite his best efforts.

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>and try to tell Illya
Illya wouldn't give a shit, she's just there to kill Shirou.

>archer cold've just hrunting illya and be done with it

>Archer never interacts with Sakura
Wait.. is this true? It seems real, let's see. Sakura isn't relevant in Fate, she also fucks off in UBW, and in Heaven's Feel she goes on a rampage and Archer dies to the shadow..
What the hell.
This feels like a big revelation. Somehow one of the main servants never interacted with the 3rd heroine.

He could have yeah.
He never would though.

They wouldn't figure out anything. It's too much of a stretch to think that Archer is Shirou unless you knew how the Throne of Heroes worked. Sakura only has incomplete knowledge and Fuji-nee couldn't know shit. Why the fuck would she go "Hey, you're Shirou from a the future!"? That's completely ludicrous.

The reason he doesn't interact with them during the Holy Grail War is because he doesn't need to. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, he avoids pretty much everyone besides Shirou, Lancer and Saber.

Natural enemies:
>Fate/stay night: Rin, Sakura, Illya
>Fate/EXTRA: Meltrylis
>Fate/Extella: Saber

A lot of Servants never interacted with Sakura in Fate/stay night. Archer, Lancer, Caster, Assassin. Well, Lancer was killed by the shadow, so he meets her by proxy. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, the only Servants Sakura has any scenes with are Saber, Rider and Caster. Archer avoids damn near everyone.

>implying Taiga wouldn't mistakenly think that he's a long lost relative of Shirou's

Sakura is way too perceptive and would easily recognise something was up.

Glad that cut off before she headbutted him.

Ask her is she's any good at anything at all.

Yeah but she'd just be confused. Even proper magi wouldn't really make that connection. Heroic Spirits from the future are obscenely rare. Emiya is literally the only one we know of so far.

No catalyst meant Sakura summoned a servant like herself

Ask if she wants a drink.
I kind of only have tea.
or water.

There was a catalyst. Zouken has a lot of catalysts. The catalyst used for Rider was said to be fairly weak, though.

let me nap on her lap while she strokes my hair

Why does Archer say that by cutting his arm he saves at least one person instead of 2 ppl dying?

I mean she probably could have wished that Athena never cursed her or that Athena's curse backfires onto herself or something.
Especially seeing as how Medusa was never raped in Nasuverse making Athena cursing her 100x worse

>that time moot proposed to her

imagine if instead of summoning this weak piece of shit sakura summoned berserker lancelot

Ask her to be useful

Prototype has a Master use all three of his command spells at once to give his Servant a corporeal form.
Ironically, it's also Rider.
Perseus, specifically.

I tell her the war is a scam, do that and then tell her to live her second life how she wants.

>sabers just whoop ass because supposed to be OP
>lancers can generally fight Saber until they fall on their spear from bad luck
>Berserkers are like saber but edgy
>different casters do different degrees of fuckery and then job
>asassins kill masters and sometimes casters
>archer is a hack with meta knowledge of everything and other spirit's weapons
>Alexander is pretty cool

What the fuck can medusa rider even do?
Can she realistically chase down an assassin defeat any other servant?

Because the both of them were going to die.

No, but she can chase down your dick.

She could immediately kill Berserkerlot by looking at him.
Same goes for Gilles, Diarmuid and Iskandar.

>Muh magic = instakill meme

>imagine if instead of summoning this weak piece of shit sakura summoned berserker lancelot

Imagine if Diarmuid was a Berserker instead of lancer?

She can technically work as a budget assassin. Her eyes would petrify and instantly kill any master with her mere vision. It doesn't have an activation switch or anything, just look at the enemy master and they'll die unless the enemy Servant blitzes her but I'm not sure that'll stop the petrification after she saw their Master.

In fact.. she can combine her petrifying gaze AND her magical pony which travels at impossibly high speeds. She can run circles around the enemy looking at their human, it seems like an OP combo if the Master is out in the open.

He'd probably be weaker.

Get petrified, Fagolot.
Go ruin a kingdom somewhere else.

Literally stated to be bullshit since nasu stated cu would BTFO medusa

How does luck work in Fate?

Does lancer's bad luck men he doesn't get crits so often or does it mean misery and misfortune follow him everywhere?

Did this happen because of his luck?

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He has runes to protect himself from her eyes.

Because that's exactly what happens. He saves Shirou by giving him his arm.

Use the puddle to turn her into big tiddy snek wife.

>d-doesn't count
Get BTFO medusatard

Servants with low rank in luck are weak against fate. They're probably especially susceptible circumstances that mimic their downfalls in their respective myths. In Diarmuid's case, that would be betrayal by his lord.

Rune magic is bullshit.
Cu still becomes statue if he's unprotected.

yes also it seems that archer heracles does have god hand
>If he only possessed the Noble Phantasm that gave him twelve lives, which had been left before his metamorphosis, he would probably have given little thought to the possibility and drawn his bow with all his might...but his present did not merit leaving such an opening.

That didn't happen because of luck, I mean the events going on were all part of Kiritsugu's meticulous plan. In fact, bad luck would have been not reaching Kayneth in time and him getting executed by Kiritsugu at the castle.
He also had good luck with Saber letting him go.

It's something more abstract like him not managing to get along with Kayneth I think. He chose the wrong words when talking to him and it never clicked on Kayneth to trust him + Sola Ui falling in love for him despite having magic resistance, because she wanted it to happen. Those are ambiguous things that could have gone differently I think if he had a higher Luck rank.

But stats aren't really important except for stat checks like Gae Bolg. I mean Gilgamesh has the highest luck but he always manages to ruin it.

Luck is defying fate in the nasuverse.

Gil, by all means, suppose to win with his sheer power.
However, thanks to his abilityh to defy fate, he lost everytime.

What the fuck kind of retarded prana capacity does Richard have? Why the fuck is Richard this strong?

I hate the fact that artoria who was once a top servant is now mid tier at best
the powercreeping in fate is bullshit

kek, never thought of it that way

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It's from his master who's an anomaly. Also, that Excalibur is far weaker than Artoria's by mats.
Artoria is stronger than ever and has one of the best showings among all classes.

>stronger than ever
avalonless saber atoria is mediocre as fuck

I think Gil will slap the shit out of you even if you tell him he's gonna lose against seiba, shirou or wormslut. He'll fucking double down on going full retard on them.

What If Gil was ordered to get his shit together and fight seriously?

I think Gil will slap the silly shit out of you if you tell him how will lose against a seiba in fate, shirou in ubw and wormslut in hf. He'll fucking double down in going full retard against them.

Doesn't matter, it's still an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Do you really think Cu Chulainn would be able to the thrown Gae Bolg over and over?

He'd get really sad.

this is fucking hillarious

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Isn't Gilgamesh supposed to be dying?

Is gil the ultimate jobber?

consider cu got a fucking rune for "1v1 me faget", i don't think he cares.

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>fight serious for a second or so
>you'll most likely burn 2 command seals using that
You never stated how long he'd fight seriously, you'll get REJOICE'D like Tokiomi.

It's an issue of capacity. You can't just spam an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm over and over. Who would have the capacity for that?

gae bolg doesn't cost that much mana

I tell her to say "sneed."

Thrown version does.

He's allowed to fodderize anyone not important so that's something I guess unlike Caster. Caster is actually heavily OP in my textbook with her magic beams being able to one-shot Servants with Magic Resistance lower than A and various spells and rituals, I legit wanted to see her fight Gilgamesh with magic spam... and the fucker pulls out a sword able to go through any barrier and ends the fight right there

Where is my Taiga stay night route?

>not important


I'd ask her to hold hands
I'm 29yo virgin, I've never had physical contact with another person so that would be nice

Is the subs out yet?


Here is your servant
do you get along?


I got typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Servants_by_place_of_origin

Just gotta watch out to make sure I don't get turned into a cute animal by her.
I suppose there are worse fates though.

my dick would definitely get along with her and my heart as well since I am a sakurafag

Ride me/ let me ride you.


Maybe he can steal my broke ass some cash from an ATM.

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I got a super sexy bastard.

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"I'm pathetic, useless and am probably going to get us both killed! So let's face this war head on and do our best! Let's go, Rider!"

I think so. I'll pretend to have read the Little Mermaid and talk to him about it while in reality I just watched the Disney movie and read something about the mermaid dying at the end of the real novel.
I also think we'd enjoy talking about stories and showing him my drawings, though he might be a harsh critic I want to think he has no reason to truly hate me.
Wait, this is a Holy Grail War? I hope not because we're the fucking weakest duo ever.

I'm fucking invincible.
And I don't think getting along is a factor, since he's going to be loyal regardless.

"Have sex with me nonstop"

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>hans having to put up with an autistic master showing him his drawings
I'd watch that

>I'm invincible!
In daylight.
Grail wars are conducted only at night.

A piggy-back ride

gawains is still artoria tier at night

>Hans in constant agony as he is forced to look at anons anime art.

Unfortunately I'm not Shirou Tokisada Amakusa.

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>Loses to Nero, Tamamo, Emiya

He's probably inferior to Saber.

She's cool right?

--> typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Archer_(Fate/stay_night)

we kill first
then we fuck around and see the other incompetent anons struggle to survive

next you're gonna say buddha is weaker than nero

I'll trade you my saber for her.

C*** and f***** hag


Power of Love baybay.

you're the mordred guy?
if so no thanks i'd like my servant to not kill me

Pretty please? I want the tight granny.


Well... dont think we'll get along too well. Although as long as i pay him proper respect I dont think he'll kill me.

Ask her to reenact some positions from her doujins.

the mana consumption will

I'm sure mordred's tight too

Gil is one of the least taxing servants. As long as he doesn't have to use Ea i'll be fine.


Nothing can't compare to the tightness granny.

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Am I fucked or am I fucked?

Cute and funny.

It would take a few times for me to get comfortable, but it would eventually end with sex. If I got any attractive female servants, I'd do it. It's just nature to do so, otherwise I'd ask for historical recounts of their glorious deeds in first person

Artoria has high-tier stats and Excalibur blew up a meteor, without even its full seals. Said Excalibur is also the strongest holy sword, so it shits on stuff like Galatine and Balmung. What are you smoking?


I got monkey. I don't know what class he qualifies for besides rider, but I think that'd be enough to win considering his abilities in the story.

balmung is stronger than excalibur faggot
it's EX ranked now
and spartacus also blew up a meteor that's not impressive

>It shits on stuff like Galatine and Balmung
Just on paper. In reality battles are never equalized and the Master makes or breaks the Servant.
Rin, a highly talented magus as Arthoria's Master? She's booster beyond her "usual" stats. With Kiritsugu she's her normal self. With Shirou she's actually not the strongest at all and people should give her a break, she was fighting with a half empty tank. Unless the enemy master is your clone, it most likely will be the deciding factor on an Excalibur vs Galatine or Balmung clash and not the Noble Phantasm's hypothetical strenght. Which mind you they aren't that different, they're all in the
>really stronk sword with a beam
realm. Even with equalized Masters it probably depends on the mental and physical state of the Servant, which can vary through a fight.
Ea is the only one which can actually win at any scenario.

A++ Anti Fortress > EX Anti-Army

>it's EX ranked now
Balmung is a holy sword. Excalibur is the strongest holy sword
Needed to be at his maximum setting NP and also died in the process. Is there any proof that meteor was as large as Bennu's? (it wasn't actually a meteor, it was just a chunk of Qin's skywall falling from space)

What's if it's an army of fortresses?

not anymore it ain't


I just win, I guess.

Where does Anti-World come into the equation?

>Balmung is a holy sword. Excalibur is the strongest holy sword
balmung isn't strictly a holy swod so it wasn't ncluded in this comparaison
sorry artoria kek

Generally, "Anti-Whatever" just explains what the weapon targets. An Anti-World Noble Phantasm targets the world, so they all have some quality that allows them to degrade the world in some way. Ea tears apart space and reveals the "truth" of the world in its primordial state. Hanging Gardens of Babylon overrides the world in a limited space, creating a boundary that isn't bound by the world's rules. Same with Ramessium Tentyrus. Generally, "Anti-Whatever" doesn't necessarily denote power.

Except Anti-Fortress. Anti-Fortress is basically pure power. The power to blow away fortresses. While Anti-Army Noble Phantasms are usually powerful enough to blow away entire armies, what separates Anti-Fortress from Anti-Army is sheer power. No matter how powerful an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm is, it's probably not gonna atomize castles or flatten mountains. That's the difference between Anti-Army and Anti-Fortress.

Merlin could most likely chill at home with you playing videogames after making both of you entirely undetectable with some spell.
Maybe a magical bound field or something? They do use those in the Fateverse, that's why Kiritsugu was never able to find Ilya again without his magic skills in the Einzbern forest.
At Merlin's Grand caster level he can safely make the best magical field in the world so that no other Caster would get in, and well, Servants summoned outside the Caster class are unlikely to even have a way to detect or disarm his spell.
And we know he's well versed at illusions. He really has no need to fight the war, you can both hide until the rest run out of juice and get de-summoned after a week. Merlin can probably sustain himself. We don't know any limit to his magic spells

It's both a holy and demonic sword. So yeah, it's still inferior. Featwise as well.

It was called the strongest in Grand Order itself, user. Fully unsealed, it can kill Sefar.

I guess they don't call her Rider for nothing

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How did killing a madman in a bath tub make you a heroic spirit?

nope, anti fortress just gives it a wider range of targets than anti army. In a 1v1 it doesn't matter what type of NP it is the one with the higher rank/damage output will win.

I probably just go red in the face and faint like an autismo.

>fully unsealed
We never see it fully unsealed though
it only happens against godlike threats

Nope. The difference between Anti-Unit and Anti-Army is area of effect. The difference between Anti-Army and Anti-Army is raw power.

These clarifications get more confusing by the day.


says fucking who

Ranks are a dumb fucking meme. Enkidu can match EX Ea with A++ Enuma Elish. Tesla has an EX ranked NP that is weaker than Arjuna's A+ Pashupata and Lancer Alter's A++ Rhon. Fuck Karna's A++ NP can get stalemated by that same NP.

The ranks are worthless.

don't forget B+ stella matching godess rhongomyniad's NP

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Mordred is still a teen, right?

Sounds like a Gachashit problem to me.

Ea is a special case because Gil doesn't ever use it's max power.

Says Nasu. The differences between attributes are as follows:
>Anti-Unit: Targets a single unit. No matter what kind of effect it is, no matter how powerful it is, as long as it's designed to target a single body, it will probably be categorized as Anti-Unit. Some Anti-Unit NPs can target multiple bodies, but that number is usually limited to four or five at max. Incidentally, Caliburn is designated as an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm not for its ability to harm others, but due to its property of "selecting a (single) king".
>Anti-Army: Targets a large number of bodies. No matter what kind of ability and no matter how powerful or weak, as long as it is has a wide attack radius, it will probably be categorized as Anti-Army.
>Anti-Fortress: Targets fortresses. In terms of actual range, there isn't much of a difference from Anti-Army. Lu Bu's Noble Phantasm, God Force, is categorized as an A-rank Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm, but its actual range and applicable targets are overall inferior to most Anti-Army Noble Phantasms. What separates Anti-Fortress from Anti-Army is sheer destructive power. An Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm will cause far more destruction than an Anti-Army Noble Phantasm of similar rank. Excalibur is the most powerful known Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm.
>Anti-World: Targets the world. The Noble Phantasms are designed to degrade the world in some way, such as the Sword of Rupture Ea's ability to tear apart space and expose the "truth" of the world. Anti-World Noble Phantasms aren't necessarily the most powerful, but their effects are generally unquantifiable so most of them are ranked as EX.

There are also other attributes like Anti-Purge, Anti-Evil, Barrier and Fortress.

"Enuma Elish: O Humans, Let Us Bind the Gods" is an Anti-Purge Noble Phantasm powered by both the Counter Forces of Alaya and Gaia. It probably has an affinity advantage against Anti-World Noble Phantasms like Ea.

>Gil doesn't ever use it's max power.
because he can't

>"Enuma Elish: O Humans, Let Us Bind the Gods" is an Anti-Purge Noble Phantasm powered by both the Counter Forces of Alaya and Gaia. It probably has an affinity advantage against Anti-World Noble Phantasms like Ea.
Enkidu sows up space. Ea rips it apart. They are both conceptually effective against each other and the defining factor will naturally be power.

He specifically does, because Enkidu is his equal.
>Sounds like a Gachashit problem to me.
Pashupata vs Vasavi Shatki was in Extella Link, and a cutscene at that. Karna was also BUFFED!

>moon vasavi weaker than earth vasavi
>weakened by charle's NP
wow pashupata is incredible

Sounds like a Musoushit problem to me.

>Sounds like a Gachashit problem to me.
EX Balmung is in that gachashit, lmao. It's A+ everywhere else.

No, you speed reader.

Moon Vasavi Shatki without the armor is A++. Karna was getting massive buffs from Karl's castle. He uses his true VS against Charlemagne. Then uses the other (His CCC version) against Arjuna, and that version is A++. He was not weakened at all.

Being fair. Karna is the ultimate jobber. Especially to Arjuna

Gachashit does it again!

Why is UBW not an EX rank "NP" and Ionai Hetaroi is?

EX doesn't necessarily denote power. It just means that something about it is unquantifiable. Mujin Tawara is ranked EX but it's not particularly useful in battle. It's EX because it provides a truly limitless amount of rice. Literally unquantifiable. Nursery Rhyme is also ranked EX, but she's hardly unbeatable

because hatairoi actually accomplished something

Because EX isn't about power comparisons. It means you're incalculable at what you do. There's an EX fucking rice-maker.

Ionai Hetaroi is EX is because it summons 10s of thousands of heroic spirits with proper stats due to its mechanism. Grails can only summon like 7.

>reality marble that targets the self
A master that uses nursery rhyme well has little chance to lose

You summon her.

What do you do?

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UBW summons a nigh unlimited number of Noble Phantasms though

Die, because that if you fuck that thot, she will mindbreak you, and no Yea Forumsnon would resist hitting that.

The doujins told me I can tame her with my cock.
I mean a fucking shota could tame her by trashtalking her. Its not that hard

Nursery Rhyme's shape and abilities are dependent on the Master. If you were Nursery Rhyme's Master, it probably wouldn't have the Nameless Forest.

is there anything you can do?
aren't you her slave as soon as you see her or something?

that's her beast form. She's just really attractive as an alter ego.

Unless you've got a mind of steel or some sort of Personal Skill that messes with mindfucking stuff, yeah.
She'll probably just eat your soul though.

oh in that case I should be okay
I'm not an ara ara fag

Nope, everywhere I look I see nothing about anti fortress being stronger than Anti army. I only find stuff about fortress just being able to effect more targets than anti army which leads me to believe it just has a wider attack range. If you want to so otherwise post something to back it up.

Depends whether it's her Beast form or Alter-Ego.
If it's her Beast form you're about to get fucked to death and absorbed.

you can't just summon a beast right
so it's her alter ego form

>I only find stuff about fortress just being able to effect more targets
This is a lie.

>you can't just summon a beast
Tell that to Manaka.
Though in her case she's probably a bigger danger than Beasts.
Fucking Psycho Bitch.

ask for a decent servant, im dead meat with jobder

Not him, but there's never a stated difference in range. That's only for anti-unit and anti-army/anti-fortress. As for anti-fortress being stronger. That's stated during the fight against Gilles' monster, IIRC.

who's the best caster you can summon that isn't a grand?

Manaka in FGO when?

Tamamo with all her tails?
Honestly you're fucked.

Skadi without a doubt. If not her, then Sanzang for Buddha bullshit.

I got five servants already, sasuga Ore, i am a Chad Master.

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Hopefully never.

>Though in her case she's probably a bigger danger than Beasts.
No she's not manakafag. The beast is the only reason she can do anything meaningful and she needs a grail to get it out.

It's a personality thing.
Most Beasts and villains have a reason behind their evil.

Manaka is just an evil cunt with a connection to the root who surpasses AoG magi.

Have sex with her, consequences be damned.

Bullied endlessly by her sisters.

>Concerning Tiamat's motivation and attitude towards the Master, he/she is one of seven billion humans. Naturally a target for obliteration.
q k d e q k d e
g @ ' f f f f f f f f f f f

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>sisters kept sucking her blood
>in response, Medusa eats them both

I guess the command seals can delay your death by a few seconds

Pfft, if user can swim in the Sea of Life maybe.

The only thing I could hope for, is having a handgun to blow my brains out before I meet a fate much much worse.

> typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Circe)
Get hitched.

You probably get corrupted into a hideous aberration before you even get to pull the trigger.

All you can hope for is that the Servant-Master link between you and Tiamat has already made you cease to be human whilst maintaining your current form.

for me it would be more like
strangle me to death

Get on my level scrub.

>liking Meduseless

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So, this is the non shit thread right?

>"Can I have a hug? It just dawned on me that we're probably both going to die because I summoned an Upper-Mid tier servant in a grail war and I fully expect Heracles or someone to turn us into pancakes, so I could do with some emotional support."

Rider is seriously the hottest servant of all time in the Fate series. New bitches sucks.

>"Explain to me all of your abilities and how you can use them so that I can better aid you in your battles from a safe distance"

>deciding the best way to support your younger sister turning into a monster is to do nothing and let her eat you
Is this Femme Fatale?

I want to have SEX with Rider.

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Against Gilles monster they just needed a powerful strong attack like excaliburs beam or Gil's ea. No one else in that war had a beamsword and gil sure as hell wasn't going to pull out ea. That's the only reason they needed sabers NP.

Let me see
>the other thread: bait OP with purityfags and unironic MoSfags coming back from the cave thinking they are still relevant, also a lot of the worm word.
>vs a fucking rider thread with currently random servants funposting
Such a tough decision...

They needed enough raw power to completely atomize the monster to keep it from regenerating. You won't find any Anti-Army Noble Phantasms that can do that.

Is there any possibility she could have stacked up to a servant like Gil?

Kek no wonder medusa and sakura are so compatible

No. Gilgamesh would have seen through her identity instantly which would allow him to defend against Cybele. Bellerophon is way too straightforward to beat him.

Medusa's greatest misfortune is being summoned in a war filled with heroes famous for taking down monsters.

Animation in this scene was so kino

Is there any NP out there that can Pearce Karna's armor?

She'd be pretty chill.

That's because EX isn't S-Rank, it's "Why is the scale going sideways" rank. Shit can't be measured properly for any number of reasons.

I was thinking just the other day that doing the HF true end will be cool for Ufotable since they'll be able to animate Toko again, bring everything full circle. Which made think about how Mahoyo is like the perfect next project for them. It's the newest prettiest Nasu VN, it's really straight forward and won't require 3 adaptations over 14 years to fully cover, it's the beginning of the Nasuverse which will make it really welcoming to new viewers who aren't invested in Fate, and it features Toko as the main antagonist.

Perseus was a weak as shit Servant and Shitber needed Sir Gawain, Kay and Lancelot to kill Vortigern

The only real monster killers were Girugamesh and Heracles


nothing personnel kids

Vortigern was a dragon who embodied Britain as a whole. He's on a whole other league from the Gorgon. To fight Vortigern is to fight an entire country in the form of a dragon. Even Gorgon cannot destroy an entire country on her own. King Arthur felled many more monsters than just Vortigern. If anything, a large chunk of the enemies she fought were monsters.

King Arthur, Cu Chulainn, Heracles, Gilgamesh, all of them are great beast killers. In fact, Nasu explicitly singled Cu Chulainn out as having an affinity advantage over Medus for this trait. Emiya's also fought a few monsters in his time, though unfortunately he's had to run away from some as he couldn't handle them. Not that a hero with zero fame would benefit even if he could beat them.

Go to Waka Waka Splash with me.

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Would rather summon Atalante.

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chad man zelretch

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based and redpilled

you're getting fucked

>anudda shoah

Based. That fucker can also be a Grand Caster if Alaya gets hold of him. Alas, that man is too much of a chad.

This is exactly what Kirei did to acquire Gilgamesh in Zero though.

This hits too close to home for me

He's just metagaming because he learned his lesson after raping the maids and getting a dead end.

No, he only jobs once in the original visual novel.

>Oda Nobukatsu
I'm fucked. But probably not for lack of getting along.

Mordred only kills you if you act incredibly stupid around her. She's pretty loyal otherwise.

That, ironically, depends on if you treat her like a woman.

Well thankfully he's more of a behind-the-curtains guy.

Mentally, yes. Physically, no.

Tell her to stop dressing like a whore.

If you summon Tamamo with all of her tails. Then you are indeed fucked. Figuratively and VERY literally.

Why is Skadi so broken? Is it because she's essentially a god?

NO ONE cares for the grail in FSN except maybe seiba
>Shiro wants to be a hero
>Kotomine just wants evil shit to happen
>Lancer just wants a good fight
>Rin just wants to win for her pride
>Archer just wants to kill Shiro
>Shinji just wants to be relevant
>Rider just wants to be cute for Sakura
>Caster just wants to be cute for Sochiro
>Sochiro doesnt really want anything
>Assassin just wants a good fight
>Illya just wants to be cute for Shiro
>Berserker just wants to be cute for Illya

>Upper mid tier.
Eh, I would say you still have a chance. People have canonically won with less.

Isn't Cu prototype better at fighting beasts though than regular Cu? Or is that just a FGO gameplay thing?


>pls don't kill me
>ride my face for the next hour
Rinse and repeat.

They just gave him that skill so that he's different from FSN Cu just like they gave male Arthur giant beast hunting despite him having charisma B in lore. In lore they're the same character.

In ubw route when Archer takes Shirou home after Rider fight at school, Shirou asks him about his wish and Archer tells him that "evil treasure box called the holy grail" can't grant it. He totally knows about its corruption.

"Don't job."


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I want to stroke her hair.

How would Rider respond to her Master immediately trying to hug her or something?

She will just be confused, that's all.

Really, why?

Figured as much.

Although, Cu Prototype does have slightly higher stats than normal Cu lorewise.

Probably Elizabeth. She's basically on permanent god-mode.

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I give her headpats.

I just tell her to kill me and look for a more worthwhile Master.


Don't play anymore but she seems nice enough.

Eventually got Karna (4th roll, 1st was another Lancer, 2nd was a joke servant) but I also got Rin from Extra once. What's up with that?

Not used to positive feedback

Her smile is something to behold jesus

Do you think in bad endings where Shirou is killed by Rider, her and Sakura have a talk after that goes something like "yeah, sorry I killed the guy you loved"?

wasn't there a bad end where, after crushing Shirou's eye, she says she came? nvm lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/Update 238/


Getting the peobably more badass and non memw version of sigfried. Surely will be fucked up by some asspulling protagonist tho

Shirou is her favourite target to drink blood from. After Ayako of course.

If she would throw away that pendant for some random reason. She still had Gil‘s catalyst. Wonder how Gil vs Gil would go.

Let's read a book together

Did HF pt 2 BRRIP is out or something ? theres a lot of HF discussion lately.
But i rather wait for all 3 movies to released btw. Already finished the VN so i didnt miss it really much

I think I'm getting conflicting messages here.
Isn't she basically crazy?

weaker than siegfried


Nah she‘s just really dumb and autistic. Just follow some simple rules:
>Do not bad-mouth King Arthur
>Do not praise King Arthur
>Do not treat Mordred like a woman
>Do not bluntly treat Mordred like a man
>Do not behave in a stiff manner
>Do not be infatuated with other Servants
>Properly hear Mordred’s opinions


Idk if you can really summon that without having illya first but hey, I got me some Illya


Mordred has issues. A lot of VERY big issues.

As for the mixed messages, I unironically think being loved by somebody would do a lot help her mellow out. I also think she wouldn't be opposed to sleeping with her master, if only out of curiosity and because it sounds fun. But you still shouldn't treat her like a woman until the moment it's in.

1. Have sex
2. 3. Kill me

Easy peasy.

She's basically just a edgy teenager with massive daddy issues. Definitely a hard mode servant, but pretty compatible with just about anybody if you have a decent amount of tolerance for childishness.

Is Shinji a god confirmed?

What are some servants YOU want to see in the Fate franchise?

Willem van oranje and Michiel de ruyter, just because I want more Dutch Servants.

how do you get mordred to like you

Gimme a high five since we both love Sakura

wtf Taiga is a secret muslim Heroic Spirit?

What book?

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She can relate to the idea of slowly transforming into a monster as well as having abusive siblings.

Because she did what Medusa wasn't willing to do, try to keep living even when the world pretty much threw you away. She says it during her freak out when she almost transformed into her Gorgon form killing Avenger ghouls in Hollow, when she talks with the actual Avenger.

>"Ah, how much I loved the girl who clumsily tries to keep a smile on her face"

It was when they were talking about what it means to be a monster and how two fellow monsters made a contract in this world. Which ironically proved that neither were monsters from what Avenger was saying, heh.


be my semen demon

Fuck this crest, i order you to obey me an unlimited amount of times.

Will she kill me if I call her a monster?

I don't see her killing you no matter what
she's too much of a pussy

Would making Medusa go Gorgon during a HGW effectively change her class?

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Nah, she's very loyal even to dicks like Shinji.

She'd be able to resist that, as the order is too imprecise.

>Sherlock Holmes
Is he any good?

While this would be fucking awesome, it would be equally as depressing that we would be that much further away from a proper Tsukihime adaptation. In fact introducing animeonlys to Aoko for her to then cameo in the beginning of Tsukihime would make perfect sense.

Except Zoken, and assasin wanted to gain immortality(infamy).

Yes. He's also speculated to be alien god.

Extremely powerful.

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What about Bazett and Caster's original master?

Roller with like 50 qartz, was my first gssr and first ruler. Still won't use him, for he's mostly useless

Bazett wants to be cute for Lancer
Atrum is just a stupid faggot.

You have just cheated on Mordred with Artoria. How fucked are you?

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why didn't caster just bail on the war withh kuzuki then

I'll just have Artoria kill Mordred

She would've disappeared if she didn't suck magical energy out of people and as she's a servant, she's target for other participants so she decided that her best option is to win the war and live happily ever after with Kuzuki.

For real. Hell, even Rin, the only other person who found out, didn't figure it out until pretty damn far into UBW.

I don't see how I coculd get in a situation where I would be able to cheat on mordred

Illya would presumably follow through with the wish of the Einzberns, and Kotomine technically does care for the grail, though only it's contents.

It's also impossible to summoner to associate their catalyst with heroic spirit from the future since they wouldn't know about that connection.

Who would Alucard's Servant be?

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The vast majority of female servants are tremendously easy to get along with for the Master.
A few notable exceptions exist though, who will rip your jaw off and eat your soul.

Medusa, Medea and Arturia are all very easy to get along with and that's just the fifth war.
Just don't treat them like garbage and you're golden.

Other than this

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I want to impregnate Medb!

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Vlad, I would assume

The reason Medusa could along with Sakura so well was that she reminded her of herself.
Only if you're kuzuki. She would at best disrespect you and at worst plan to kill you behind your back.
She's pretty "distant" and formal with almost evryone. She might like you, but 90% if you're not like her(as shirou was), she we seem very formal and distant with you.
One of the only ones I could think of for whom that would hold true, might be lancer and (maybe) hercules if you're powerful enough to control him.

He could summon anything that the castle has summoned but as a Servant, I imagine.
Medusa, Fran, Vlad, Death/Pale Rider, Goliath etc.
Also any vampire.

To get along with Medusa and Medea you just have to not be a cunt.
All you need for Arturia is a Sweet Potato.

If you're name ain't fergus or Cú and you don't have godly powers, chances are she would impregnate you long before you would ever get the chance to impregnate her.

Then who would Soma Cruz summon?

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>medea wold like you if you're nice
love this meme

What does she specifically like about Souiichiro then??

he's unironically a chad
and even then she planned on just using him

That he's the first to care for her, not because of her powers or looks, but for her as a human being. And also the plot demands it.

All of you faggots can't be what he is for her, because you're just interested in her beauty and fucking her.

>jerk off to hot lesbian sex everyday
Alright I guess

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Arturia by having a catalyst. Then again he also has Gae Bolg, Longinus, Gungnir, Balmung, Ascalon, Durandal, Death's Scythe, Joyeuse, Fragarach and more.

He doesn't really need a Servant, he could easily kill pretty much every character in the Fateverse.
Power of Dominance itself would ruin grail wars when he perfectly usurps the lesser grail and steals slain Servant abilities.
Asshole is practically a Beast.

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Yeah, he'd be broken as hell. Also, would Artoria be after his dick?

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I don't know how to feel about this.

He's a handsome teenager with godlike powers who becomes the most powerful evil being in existence if you upset him enough. What's not to like?

Also he did kind of defeat the universal embodiment of Chaos, which kind of solidly puts him above even Types and Beasts.

Why does Sakura get the short end of the stick in Carnival phantasm and Emiya Gohan?

>mecha doomhorse with future sight instead of madness enhancement
something tells me it would be hard to understand his actions since he follows whatever vision of the future he has but otherwise he is a nice person to get along from what I've seen from his dialogue from FGO

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You wake up as Shinji just before the first time he meets Sakura.
How do you survive the next ten years and the war?

Carnival Phantasm's director projected his issues with his ex onto her.

He'd build a bigger harem than Shirou at this rate. Does the Power of Dominance mean he can summon any Servant he kills?

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>How do you survive
litterally no danger
>the war
befriend sakura and have her befriend shirou but always with me around
that way whne the war starts he's in my corner alongside sakura
I also find medea before kuzuki does
the 3 way tag team BTFO zouken and I rule breaker archer and stomp the war

>can he summon any Servant he kills
Actually now that I think about it, he probably could.
Even if the Servant was killed he could immediately resummon them with their memories too.
Power of Dominance is some bullshit.

I kinda want to see Soma as the MC of a Fate story now.

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>disregarding grandpa Zouken.

I dont even know how to talk to others, how could I order someone else?


Lads this is the third time in a row I've rolled her in these threads. I think it's


I'm killing him wuth medea and using her to deworming sakura
I honestly don't see what could go wrong

He'd certainly ruin the entire war and piss of the Einzbern to no end.
Power of Dominance automatically absorbs and can control the soul of any non-humans.
I imagine if he goes full Dracula he loses that non-human only restriction.

It really depends on if he starts with souls or not.

Or just be Odysseus and she will be all over your dick.
Can't complain

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fuck no
It'd be a better way to go out than simply watchig anime to death

Had no motivations until he met her.

It depends.
I dont fancy getting eaten and having my soul absorbed for mana depending on how fucked the war is.

still better than wageslaving to death
HGW is really high risk high reward

>high risk but reward is cursed and some white haired bitch is eating everyone.
I don't follow.
If it's the Fifth on the HF route the only thing you get is being eaten by Sakura.
If it's the other two then the grail is still fucked

i thought the OP was just about summoning rider in a random war
not the 5th one

Team Purple

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Seems like that's the case with all HGWs with Angra Mainyu inside the grail.

Every HG since the third HGW is "fucked". You can still get most wishes granted, but they bring the greatest destruction possible to everyone else.

I missed the part where that's my problem
if it isn't in the stay night timeline it could be something like with marisbury

How does Dante fare in the Holy Grail War and who's his Servant?

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Probably his daddy. But he probably can win even without summoning a servant or even being a master.

He was including himself, since he was on the verge of death. Following his methodology, it would be a waste to let Shirou also die if it could be helped.

Follow her rules. Be fun loving. Help her win frequently. And fuck her gently.

isn't rider's hair more pink than purple?

She wouldn't love you just for being nice, but she would like you enough to not backstab you.

I think it's neat. It means you can either be her daddy, or her "daddy.

>Being put in the care of fucking Kotomine.
He's going to have you murdered just for a quick laugh.

If you're as retarded as Shirou and jumped in front of a lethal attack to save her she'd probably fall in love with you.
Obviously, you just need to hope that she can heal you and you don't actually die.

holy fuck she's actually so hot wtf hahahahah

Would Medea really be okay with that level of pointless self sacrifice?

what would it feel like to have sex with mo-san?
would she unintentional call you chichiue during sex?

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She'd probably be both delighted that somebody would willingly sacrifice themselves for her like that and pissed off by her master's complete lack of self-preservation

What was used to summon her?

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Honestly, I would fuck Sakura's brains out, but only if I had access to a condom.

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>not wanting children with her
But why

There'd be no point adapting the old messy Tsukihime with the remake coming out... but the remake won't actually come out until Nasu finishes with FGO and starts working on it again. So I guess the ideal timeline would be:
HF3 -> Nasu's involvement with FGO ends -> Mahoyo adaptation -> Tsukihime remake -> Tsukihime remake adaptation

I don't want STDs.

Just magic them away, nigger.


Her nameless dagger

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I'd split Mord with out a condom.

Can homunculi even get pregnant?

Continuing thread

Only one way to find out.

I imagine she would actually be a genuinely good lay. Submissive, but still energetic and involved. Also the type more interested in feeling loved than feeling pleasure.

First time is going to be very awkward though. It's going to be her first time actually feeling like a woman, and I'll doubt she'll know how to handle it. A gentle but firm touch is recommended.