Over / Under on tsukumizu offing herself before the next year is over?

Over / Under on tsukumizu offing herself before the next year is over?

Why doesn't she start another project? GLT ended poorly.

Attached: tkmiz.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

>GLT ended poorly
how else could have it ended exactly.
>Why doesn't she start another project
What is ShimSim?

>what's shimeji simulation

bullshit non-ending

have them die or have them be saved

ambiguous bullshit ruins stories


today's most autistic post, good job

Weak bait, but a nice tkmiz picture.

Attached: 1557170347624.png (625x626, 38K)

OP is the biggest faggot

This is bait right? You did read the ending didn't you user?

Attached: concerned_tater.png (516x513, 54K)


she's a trans woman

tkmz joins the 40% as all trannies do within a year.

no big loss if he kills himself
trannies are literal human waste, just because he drew some cute potatoes doesn't excuse his shit existence

He made an appearance at a convention and Jap fans said he was just a normally dressed 30ish man.

what did you do to justify your existence user?

Hey pal, just flew in here from the trump general?

The current pronoun would be >he's a transwoman as trannies are men

>tkmiz bluepill: tkmiz draws weird stuff sometimes so that's undeniable proof that xir is a depressed and deranged transexual deviant
>tkmiz redpill: tkmiz is a creative and artistic but otherwise normal mangaka who explores interesting themes such as depression and gender-swapping in his art without them necessarily reflecting his own life
>tkmiz blackpill: tkmiz doesn't exist. our knowledge of him is a mass hallucination fed and grown by each other's shared delusions. reality is a broken simulation slowly crumbling around us but we're too still sane to see it.

>reality: tkmiz is just your typical autistic suicidal misanthrope lolicon who daydreams about being a cute little girl like every other Yea Forumsnon


Attached: 1439910022548.jpg (480x357, 44K)

check their baka page they are male

Attached: 411424.png (918x511, 532K)

Attached: tkmiz.png (259x30, 2K)