3x3 thread

Post them and write what you're watching from this season.

For me it's Vinland, Dr. Stone, Enen no Shouboutai and Dumbbell.

Attached: anime and manga.jpg (2720x1048, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


As philistine as the plebs that congregate on Reddit.

Die pleb in your mediocrity; you meek maggot.

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Isekai Cheat, Re:Stage! Dream Days, Dumbbell, Mudazukai, Araburu, Dr. Stone, UchiMusume, Tejina-senpai, arifureta, astra no kanata
TV: 4/8
I don't watch many movies but I hated EoE
I don't read much manga nowadays either.
I haven't gotten to part 8 yet.

Attached: 1552944096925.png (1600x1200, 2.05M)

TV: 3/5 +Tatami, Eva, Mushishi Movies: 2/2 +FLCL, Eva Manga: 1/1 +Biscuit hammer
1/2 +JoJo -HxH
1/1 +Haruhi

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Anime (TV): 6/9
Anime (movies): 5/6
Manga: 3/5

Left: 2/5
Right: 0/2
Is that supposed to be a anime/manga split? Because it doesn't look much like one.



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... and manga.

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fucking how
out of all the great gundam series you like the worst one?

>Is that supposed to be a anime/manga split?
Behold the inferiority of a blind dog, which identifying media proves to be a demanding task for its tiny brain. Anime is substanceless, cultureless, artless, witless. Do you not tire of embarrassment and shameful remonstration? Prostrate yourself, simp.

Attached: bovary.jpg (1280x929, 325K)

Please, not that "argument" again.
It's far from the worst, just the least "typically Gundam", and thus the most polarizing. I actually like character-centric narratives.

So, that's a no. As expected. But I do wonder why you have two of them then. Can we assume that those are not actually your favourites and you're just elaborately "LARPing" as an obvoxious arsehole?

TV: Tatami, Eva, Utena 3/7
Movies: Perfect Blue, BoS, 2/8
Manga: Berserk, Akira, 2/9
HxH, Buddha, Sanctuary, JoJolion, 4/15
Patlabor, 1/5
Trigun 1/6
Sailor Moon, HxH, Cutie Honey, 3/7

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more like forced drama, even tomino admits it's trash
I have a feeling that you didn't even see the good gundam series, like ZZ or Turn A

>even tomino admits it's trash
Tomino says stuff like that about all of his series. And it really doesn't matter. Kafka didn't want his work to be read, and I read it nonetheless.
If that's your best argument, you're better off not arguing in the first place.

>good gundam series, like ZZ or Turn A
Holy shit. Those are among the blandest of the whole series.
But, hey, your taste is yours. Mine is mine.
Keep on shitposting if you want to, I won't bite anymore.

>Kafka didn't want his work to be read, and I read it nonetheless
Der Prozess was trash and Kafka knew it. It only got popular due to pseudo intellectual retards pushing all their hopes and dreams into it.

>pseudo intellectual
How to lose an argument 101

Leave him be, user. We don't need more of his cheap bait.

6/9 -EP, Mushishi, and SAC
7/9 -Berserk and Punpun
4/9 -FZ, S;G, Yugihoe, Trigun, SSR
Just for you I started watching Universe and I feel no strong feelings about it!
5/9 -SAC, Shirobaka, and Berserk. Half points for haruhi and bebop
>Those are among the blandest of the whole series
People dislike both of those for being completely different than Zeta and 0079. They ironically fall into the same category as Victory

Attached: 11% Less Shitposting.jpg (908x908, 330K)

>I feel no strong feelings about it!
Well, you don't have to. It was only "divisive" for those that either already had an attachment to other parts of the franchise (because it was very much like the original manga and very different from Re:CH).
Oh, and it did cause quite an uproar in some exceptionally "politically correct" anime reviewer circles.

>They ironically fall into the same category as Victory
You mean for being disliked by some solely for being different? Yeah, sure.
But they are very different from Victory in their general storytelling approach. I wouldn't say I disliked them, I just didn't care much.


Come on, rate others.


Mmh ... bump?

I'll give it one more bump and that's it, unless someone posts content.

Bump up and down on my dick, faggot.

If you were to rate your 3x3 as (# of good anime)/9 what score would you give yourself?

What kind of question is this? 9/9. Why would I not consider a favourite of mine good? That should be true for everyone in here, right?

Not everyone equates enjoyment to quality

11/12. One's just a shit movie and I am not gonna pretend otherwise.

Which one? I would take a guess, but I only know 4 of your 12.

Well, I mean, there are a few "guilty pleasures" out there for me as well, but to become a favourite of mine, something needs to be more than merely enjoyable on a basic level.

I haven't posted a grid, though.

can someone explain the ratings to me? why are some less than 9?

Oh, so you aren't ?
I had assumed you were, because it's the only 3x4 in here.
Well, feel free to post yours.

>can someone explain the ratings to me?
Anime you "like". Slash. Anime you've seen.
You decide what exactly those terms mean.
>why are some less than 9?
Because not everyone has seen everything.

I see thank you for explaining

No problem. Now you can post a grid of your own and rate others.

Honestly? Nothing

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not watching anything
9/9 simply amazing
3/4 -tatami

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3.5/6 tv
5/5 movie
I ain't seen none of them, but that silhouette looks like a Gripen, so you're good
>great gundam series
Most of them suck
Hot darn, the A1 is a sexy beast
Birdy, Shigurui, and holy shoot, is that Ninja Scroll

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Well met, mangafriends. The process is complete and I have successfully purged anime from the square.

Attached: 9 manga.png (1200x1200, 3.77M)


If you can get over the fact that it uses CG planes, it's a fun "harem" show with decent worldbuilding.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Girly Air Force - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.27_[2019.02.07_18.59.49].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

What's the manga series that is in the middle of your 3x3?


this meme is getting old

Yotsubato and abara seem out of place on your chart.
What's bottom mid?

This has to be the most reddit approved list I've ever seen. There's not an ounce of personality in this one.

what's top left?

good but boring as sin, especially the moives and ovas one
I know only 2 from these, but I like them so we cool
mixed feelings about this but feels honest
as usual I don't love this but you seem like a cool guy. I will try to get into the ch franchise
fine one, but we got different taste
great except for hyouka. still need to watch kemonozume
as boring as op if not more, but I would lie if I said I do not love some of these
I still know shit from this one
it's fine, but a couple of these I felt like they were barely passable. needs higher res frames here and there
you don't get to be called boring only because I know nothing from the right column
interesting one. too manly 4 me tho
guess you won't get more (you)s from me from now on

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What's out of place about Yotsuba? It fits with the comfiness of the Jiro Taniguchi and Wandering Island.
Bottom mid is The Divine Comedy. It's where Go Nagai copies Gustav Dore's pictures and makes Dante a melodramatic manga character.
I don't need (You)s from anime philistines now that I have asserted dominance.

Attached: NANI.jpg (1322x1061, 556K)

Oh, still up? Strange.



First time I see Spyce in here. Interesting.
While I kinda liked it, I don't think I can give it a point.




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Why don't you ever provide a picture for Free?

Attached: free.png (474x706, 677K)

idn how this nonsense works, and i didnt feel like it, but if i have too its gonna be like cleopatra dc or ogenki idn

I don't think you quite got that joke, user.

idn what that anime is, but the obvious joke wast very funny

>the obvious joke wast very funny
Maybe it wasn't, but that's what you get for leaving a "Free!" space in your grid.

fair enough

Demon Slayer is boring.

Attached: 3x3anime.png (1365x920, 1.27M)

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Demon Slayer?

Fuck off, retard.

i love the out of place, bastard and 2001

Do you masturbate to the same Arslan doujins I do?

>Arslan doujins
ive seen plenty of old doujins, but cant say i have

No bingo.
Rate others.


Too many: ~65%

ayyyyyyyyyyy i did good
okay il rate others they mostly put stuff in i dont know about so you get 3/9, didnt expect anyone to put in new gall force in, rest have 1/2 i like so who cares lol

A 1001 nights (1969)

>Demon Slayer?
Blade of Demon Destruction. It's that shonen adaption with the annoying blonde guy, the moron with the boar mask, the demon imouto in a box, and the MC uses watery sword slashes. Ufotable is doing it. Very boring anime.

Ah, Kimetsu no Yaiba.
I know the manga, like it well enough, even though I find it largely predictable. I get why you'd find it voring.
Considered watching its anime because it looked nice, but decided against it, at least for now.

Congratulations, 3 out of 9 actually matches

4 actually (top right)

I was expecting a historical horror anime and it started off fine, but then the humor started showing up and I felt bait and switched. Still better than Netflix Ultraman.

>didnt expect anyone to put in new gall force in
as a matter of fact, I didn't

Roast my taste, idgaf

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something like this yeah

don't watch / read enough to rate you guys

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name of middle right?



>don't watch / read enough to rate you guys
You don't have to know everything to give a meaningful rating. Knowing just one or two things on a grid is enough.

Are you Swedish, user?

Quite interesting how much localizers abused Microsoft "WordArt".

just rating ones that don't have less than 4 replies, also skipping ones who have more than 9 listed

8/8 cute



5/5 i should read more manga




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ohhhhh you put in that one mecha from '96

sorry you don't like it as much


rate others

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what I don't like about 3x3 threads is that the titles are absent

Too bad
Learn to reverse search

TV: 4/4
+Kaiba, Lain, Eva, Tatami
Movie/OVAS: 4/5
+FLCL, Perfect Blue, Mind Game, EoE
-Angel's Egg

+Haruhi, Gatchman Crowds


+Eva, Tatami, Paranoia Agent

+Eva, Yuyushiki, Kino

+Lain, School Live!

+Perfect Blue, Paprika, Moomin

What's bottom right?

Attached: 3x3 Anime.jpg (3264x3264, 2.68M)

>What I don't like about other people is that they punish me for being a newfag

and here is my movie 3x3

Attached: 3x3 Anime Movies.jpg (3264x3264, 3.28M)

bottom right is yuyuyu franchise, probably replace with nowayu when they announce in 5th anniversary

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