How did he get them to have physical violence in one of the "official" GuP spin-offs?
Granted, it was one slap as Erika lost control, no "garupans being hurt in horrible tank accident", but still.

Attached: 1484794793554.jpg (919x659, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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It was only Erika, so it wasn't considered as bad. Dumb dog on human violence is considered less controversial than man on man violence.

Attached: 1551888554227.png (890x730, 378K)

Yet Miho could dodge Murakami, but not Erika.

Get hit by Murakami, and you're a dead Miho. Dodging a weak hit by Erika is a waste of energy.

Attached: 1546376041165.png (1475x1470, 568K)

The wani was going easy on her.

Attached: When Miporin needs the big slappy.png (1024x1439, 1.74M)

Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ishikane_aoi__sample-2013525aa4deef03d36362190b1ed5f3.jpg (850x1204, 163K)

Wani time

Attached: Erika dab.jpg (314x272, 40K)

We had such a nice thread last time.
Any news on the status of english subs for Das Finale 2?

>Systematically discussed character on all GuP threads, with regular and consistent appreciation posts
>More appreciated than Maho, Darj or Kay with huge number of fanarts
>Official spin-off, so popular it gets additional volumes
>Spams the most popular GuP meme thanks to a mere typo
How do anti-Erika fags cope on a daily basis?

Attached: No Russian.jpg (850x1200, 218K)



Attached: __itsumi_erika_and_nishizumi_maho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_bonkara_sokuseki_maou__ef30c1c6359b8b54a (732x1010, 202K)

user, the Bluray isn't even out yet, and camrips aren't a thing in Japan

All boys love hamburgers
erika is hamburger
therefore all boys love erika

>camrips aren't a thing in Japan
Damn it japs, start doing crimes already.

Erika getting tons of hambaga was one of the comfiest endings in Dream Tank Match

Attached: DTM - Kuromorimine final CG.jpg (1920x1080, 547K)

>See a not-yet nuked GuP thread
>It's all about Erika
Sassuga Itsumi clan, keep it going

Attached: D_cfBNEUcAETmyA.jpg (1000x1000, 100K)

>Koume's green not-beer is half empty
What a drunkard

That's probably how she'll get busted as a filthy Pravda spy

This is HQ. The Ducechads are sleeping, begin Operation Krokodil

Attached: 1552586293368.png (782x1031, 26K)

Wani scouts reporting, coast is clear. No Ducechads, Commie mommies or Gay frogs in sight.

Attached: CsX-n0aUAAA1Yp2.png (640x495, 233K)

Attached: Chovy dab.gif (1577x948, 774K)

>Only ending along with Totsugekis who are actually content with their prize

I recently started to learn Italian for my waifu Anchovy! What did you do for your waifu?

Attached: 51047963_153451865576567_2872374760301193120_n.jpg (1080x1342, 102K)

eat burg

Attached: 1562246075657.jpg (900x1200, 137K)

If joining the SS were an option, I would have already

Attached: Maho backblast.gif (640x360, 295K)

Attached: 56520091_p2.jpg (860x1214, 177K)

Dumb wani

Attached: ECf3N-QUYAAigWi-orig.jpg (600x600, 47K)

Make cakes

Attached: 75875445_p3.jpg (1000x1434, 552K)

For real though, I've learned to play a good few WWII-era german marches on my trumpet for my autistic wife

Attached: 1562093888305.jpg (850x1511, 265K)

I thought Chinamen do it for them?

Attached: anchovi.jpg (1200x1700, 182K)

Cute prostitute.

Attached: __nishizumi_maho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ameyame__4f96f606a955b52529a0b82485b4c9fd.jpg (2508x3541, 642K)

Why is she so perfect, Mahobros

The ruse has worked! Quick, horses and centipedes, pincer attack!

Attached: 1564790211962.png (750x1246, 595K)

Attached: duce hairy.jpg (508x268, 38K)

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I want to see it

Attached: D2CHGJfUwAESqNX.jpg (567x732, 63K)


Attached: sako8.gif (697x400, 217K)


"Pepperoni", indeed

Attached: 1566170223412.png (755x844, 277K)

Oh good, for once there's a thread that isn't full.
Y'all want some more Ribbon Warrior? The /k/ thread is full and it's slow over there, and I kinda feel bad that you guys keep getting left out of stuff.

Yes please

dumb finn cooking translation never

Attached: spooky mika.png (400x300, 57K)

And not new chapters too.

Attached: EAprlAoU0AYIgTB-orig.png (644x582, 560K)

Yes, I will suck your clit for more RW

Attached: fluff.png (479x670, 178K)

Erika is pretty mean. Miho is a very innocent and cute girl that didn't deserve getting slapped. Also, I'm not sure why spin offs have better art than the actual manga.

Attached: 1561744309091.jpg (2385x2074, 406K)

>sociopath with endless thirst for war

Attached: 75570304_p1.jpg (771x1000, 161K)

Allllllright then.

For those who are late to the game, RW has had a ton of chapters released recently, so if you haven't read up to 45 yet, go do that now!
Otherwise: GuP Ribbon Warrior - Chapter 46!

Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_p01_[AK].png (2068x2976, 587K)

>sociopath with endless thirst for war
I think you missed the whole point of the both the anime and the manga user. She quit at one point and she only began to enjoy it again because it was more about friendship and trying your best.

Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_p02_[AK].png (2095x3015, 455K)

Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_p03_[AK].png (2099x3022, 451K)

you aren't fooling us, miho

Attached: miho yandere.jpg (1461x899, 211K)

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That comment, unf

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>random Endou

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The uniform doesn’t suit her at all

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Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_p20_[AK].png (2098x3020, 674K)

that is the point

Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_teoshiguruma__8bfa3a092428b17d59d86a26232ecaab.jpg (525x875, 82K)

Oh, reminder, if anyone sees a problem, please tell us so we can fix it! Whether it's a typo or editing error, we love to hear when people give us suggestions on edits. Thanks~

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Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_p40_[AK].png (2068x2976, 488K)

Thanks everyone for reading! More soon, along with stuff like Fir Tree and Saga of Pravda.

Attached: GIRLS_und_PANZER_-_Ribbon_no_Musha_46_pOmake.png (1700x2300, 971K)

Thanks for all you do.

Nice work, thanks

Thanks!! /ak/ deserves a lot of lover for this.

>>More appreciated than Maho
Erika would be greatly embarassed by that, though.

Attached: [000128].jpg (750x1050, 91K)

No to mention Maho and Koume were happy, too.

Better be thankful to the wani for saving pekoe from a live of slaggitry

Attached: erika orange.jpg (1024x1446, 695K)

>Also, I'm not sure why spin offs have better art than the actual manga.
Erika and Maginot manga were done by the same guy as the manga, though.

I think for Erika the artist just improved. I haven't read Maginot yet. I was more talking about Ribbon Warrior and Little Army.

What would happen if Maho comes in in that situation and remarks she looks cute?
Heart attack?

Attached: 1489503174128.png (900x1200, 554K)

>fall on my swod
Wasn't that more the way ancient Greeks and Romans did it instead of Samurai?

Is Erika flat?

Well, Miho does collect stuffed bears. That's pretty innocent.

Attached: 1544161261140.jpg (600x800, 67K)

She should have a looong talk with Saemonza. I guess they would become really good friends.

Attached: monza.jpg (708x1000, 108K)

to abuse

Attached: miho punch.png (1232x989, 789K)

She is so fuckin cringy

She wanted to help the wani deal with her emotions.
The wani was lucky that Miho rolled with the slap. She could have broken her hand otherwise.

Shizuka is really small, damn.

>When you want to"deepen" Bonple - Gloriana relationships, but three bakas are blocking the onsen

Thanks for the chapter!

Attached: __itsumi_erika_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_kuroi_mimei__faaf8b3ef134a564ad345fe05accc6.jpg (850x850, 147K)

It was Manga > then Maginot > then Erika, so it might as well being him just getting better with time.
Maginot looks nice, too, though.

Attached: ec3.jpg (2137x3021, 763K)

Attached: momo.jpg (3470x2468, 2.76M)


Attached: 49207710_p0.jpg (1000x881, 414K)

>that /e/ thread
>85 images
>6 IPs
You guys really love GuP.

wrong one

Attached: 1560541799503.png (800x462, 455K)

Attached: 66960983_p0.jpg (643x1500, 454K)

Ganbare, Rin!

Perfect lolis.

Attached: ECB0rfmU4AAYrx6.jpg (992x692, 103K)

Mika pls

Attached: DyOG06OUUAEcsF6.jpg (2361x3459, 914K)

This is Momo's future. After Miho wins the tournament and gets her into a good college she's gonna flunk out because shes still dumb.

She still has prostitution.

Italiano era la mia prima lingua. Buon fortuna a te, user.

Attached: 1537621674009.gif (594x558, 387K)

Attached: 73189036.png (2452x1855, 669K)

Did she borrow Erika's car?

Attached: 1565523734683.jpg (1049x1510, 301K)

Which Guppie is the smelliest?

What a fine lady.

Attached: ECek6TJUcAANNdf-orig.jpg (294x587, 36K)

Her service is indeed extremely refined, really a top-class slag

Attached: 1545726321791.jpg (850x637, 347K)

Obviously the French girls since they don't bathe


Attached: EB_xc0CUcAEBddv-orig.jpg (1000x1250, 119K)

Lies an slanders

Attached: DjmtDA_U0AAkRKM.jpg (1935x2736, 1.84M)

Best femlet, prove me wrong.

Attached: 57886453_p0.png (1058x1308, 783K)

Anzu is the best femlet.

Attached: ECek6fnU8AA74vb-orig.jpg (294x527, 28K)

change these correct color

Would make children with.

She's just small though. She's not a femlet.

Attached: D0lddXZU0AEFK0M.jpg large.jpg (1200x1600, 593K)

I want to FUCK her cute thight-covered thighs and feet

What's the difference?

Attached: ECjtXyIU4AAseya-orig.jpg (500x500, 82K)


Attached: EB7RAk7VUAEqo1R-orig.jpg (1684x1191, 178K)

ADHD princess

Spinoff when?

Attached: ECVHBMdVAAEmXt1-orig.jpg (2048x1640, 246K)

>Cute design
>Does not care about appearances, out-of-the-box thinking that transcends the old-established traditions
>Still sensible enough to try and please Darjeeling even though her line of thinking and thought processes are completely outdated
>Saves her school from being the most boring one of the Gupverse
>Kicks Klara in her ass, gets away with it
How does she do it?

Attached: dfbecc88ada801271db44eb841c85355.jpg (928x1280, 153K)

Would you Momo too?

Attached: momowhatthefuck.jpg (450x800, 42K)

I would any GuP

Attached: EAfQq-WUEAAiJrv-orig.png (502x900, 611K)

I'm not into blind women

>Bad eyesight
Not fit for breeding.

Attached: 69548159_p7.jpg (736x662, 155K)

I see. What a man of culture you are. Only the best of guppies deserve to sire children. Pic related is my wife

Attached: Girls-und-Panzer-Anime-Nishi-Kinuyo-3522915.png (864x1013, 639K)

How can Momo have bad eyesight when she has a monocle?

Try again.

Attached: Dz3p79ZUUAAsiTo.jpg (720x864, 126K)

She is too poor to get glasses.

Grazie! Non parlo molto bene, ma provando!

That's just totally your opinion

Attached: 1559406699524.jpg (750x750, 261K)

Dude she's literally wearing a retard helmet

>he doesn't want a dumb, emotionally manipulable, oppai fishwife who'll believe whatever you tell her and to eventually knock up
Why even get married at all if not for that?

Doesn't decrease the fact that she'll become good mother and wife. It's not like intelligence is everything to manage a household especially if you also value interpersonal relationships, rather than with intelligent strong independent wymyn that don't need no man

Attached: ec76062287dd7dd9fb6b0548e2de811d.jpg (700x902, 60K)

>Good eyesight
Convincing argument


Attached: 76746de1e52d778899a45245249c0964.jpg (2081x2976, 508K)

Which GuPs are explicity not for marrying/breeding?


The Nishizumis

A little late there, user

Would Erika even be able to hit the master of dodge?

Miho fails to dodge when I lodge my todge in her vodge, if you know what I mean

Love the references here. Momo saying "NUTS!", a reference to the US army general in Bastogne who did not yield to Wehrmacht ultimatum to surrender

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 10.38.03 PM.png (1440x754, 700K)

When is Erika going to grow up and stop being a bitch?

When will the sexual tension between those two snap, resulting in passionate breeding?

Attached: D62t0XfX4AI_WGY.png (900x492, 587K)

When Miho reciprocates her lust

She's just a discount Maho.
Erika's not that desperate yet.

>ywn "dig in" your "Panzer-Lehr" against Momo's "Screaming Eagles"


Attached: Rosehip bunny.jpg (1600x1242, 314K)

>ma provando!
ma STO provando, volevi dire.

Attached: 1534308718769.jpg (1482x2048, 244K)

parrucca carina

Whoms breeding whom?

Attached: wani.png (1000x1000, 372K)


Attached: darjeeling's expensive panties.jpg (1110x1200, 135K)

subs when

How superbly kickable

Superior brand of bikes coming through

Attached: 1565848497115.jpg (2048x1458, 876K)

Would Erika be the one to take the initiative?

Attached: 6CACA5B3-BF5B-4395-B26C-3F5EBEE89F29.jpg (850x662, 131K)

Nah Erika is definitely an M

Cute baka

Attached: D9_7TU5U4AErLCz-orig.png (800x734, 106K)

Saunders' girls are gonna gangrape Miho!


Pravda when?

Attached: ECiv7QFVAAA6AxU-orig.png (425x600, 319K)

We must summon Stalker

This manga is pretty gay

I hope, the new chapter has some dumb wani.

Attached: ECUtdylUwAEpNed-orig.png (473x397, 264K)

Attached: wani.jpg (2150x1448, 655K)

Real erika hours start now

Attached: 1549690492823.png (871x871, 543K)

Dumb wani

Attached: D-wWB3rUcAE0GZ5-orig.jpg (620x620, 37K)

We have to let wanifags have a thread, every once in a while.

Dont say that.

Attached: GuP_Erika_wani(1).jpg (800x800, 553K)

They are always here

Attached: D0-0h3ZUcAAxGcW.jpg (1443x2048, 838K)

>thread has a dump of a new chapter
>still nothing but low effort waifu posting
can't blame the jannies anymore

Make me.

Attached: EA9vRL2UIAAtufC-orig.png (634x900, 856K)

Sorry, don't care about that manga.

top right

Jannie apologists should form an orderly queue behind the sauna

Attached: steaming hobos.jpg (4088x5927, 2.66M)

Those lolis should eat more.

They're surrounded by plenty of perfectly good wood, rocks and leaves at all times, living out in the woods, and do they eat any of it? No.

Fuck off Mika

Yeah sure this thread should really make some place for another Kimetsu no Yaiba , Fate or random isekai thread with a retarded OP and 6 replies.

Attached: Gup4.jpg (572x711, 100K)

It's not me stealing the food, it's the wind that carries it directly to my mouth

Attached: gup mika consider.png (1040x1250, 344K)

Don't forget the shounen threads.

Dumb hobo

Attached: 57381677_p7.png (900x752, 338K)

Oh yeah I forgot about these excellent threads filled with interesting content and enriching discussions, especially for manga with new content like Berserk or HxH

Attached: Gup goggles.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

Still not news about the BR? Last time i see, they are still screening the movie until october.

Attached: 76111550_p0.png (800x1280, 270K)

Cant we all get along?

Attached: EBh95sdUwAE8ysm-orig.png (900x600, 201K)

What's wrong with that boy?


Attached: GuP_Orange_pekoe_angry.jpg (290x275, 60K)

To bear with Darjeeling on an everyday basis must take a heavy toll on one's sanity

Attached: 1561698114226.png (495x600, 169K)

I suppose

Attached: DyTBglhU0AExD7x.jpg (1418x1310, 210K)

Well Rosehip tea isn't that bad, it's pretty good for evenings before sleeping.

Attached: 65032254_p0.jpg (868x980, 423K)

Tea is for fags.

Attached: 57672212_p0.jpg (1541x1031, 143K)

Thats much nicer

Attached: 1551908408139.jpg (1213x1602, 294K)

Shut the fuck up, cock-juggler

Attached: 70583270_p0.jpg (1254x1771, 1.63M)

Attached: 76059817_p4.jpg (1495x1000, 741K)

It is nice, but Orange Pekoe created this mental image in my mind of sweet citrus-y tea and I'm mad it doesn't exist.
Wine is for fags. Tea is for men.

Attached: GuP_mika.png (1056x1400, 1.18M)

Attached: 1453945570970.jpg (717x369, 121K)

*takes towel off and walks away*

I actually looked into the Italian side of the war because of anzio. Kind of interesting stuff that show the Italians did not do as bad as memes say. Thanks chovy.

Coffee is the only right answer.

Attached: C72aJEwVYAUh8nS.jpg (600x871, 70K)

>Not taking the hat.

Attached: ECQeGFwUYAAaipW-orig.jpg (840x702, 66K)

Coffee is for wagie bug people. Chai or Beeru is the way to go.

Attached: Sakie_beeru.jpg (1920x1080, 922K)

Attached: DvsivfOVsAAIc_w.jpg (2048x1448, 629K)

Sorry if you don't get good coffee.

Attached: DlnNznqU4AAUwF0.jpg (820x820, 97K)

Mika is probably the one who discovered that coffee beans shat by animals taste best

Attached: 1553945000777.jpg (768x1024, 226K)

Attached: 1536409470350.png (1002x1001, 313K)

Wtf I like Mika now

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Attached: D_ClSBlXkAAxVjK-orig.jpg (1200x1200, 128K)

One is a little girl
The other one is a femlet with no hopes for growing up Rin is a lucky girl

It's just kind of shit. It doesn't taste good, and I don't need the caffeine boost.

So is the same, the only difference is that Shizuka has fat shizukas

Attached: 1463903729681.jpg (450x770, 172K)

If Guppies were food, what kind of meal would your favourite guppie be?

Attached: GuP_Marie_delicious.jpg (2204x2314, 313K)

So you are only trying the bad stuff

Attached: DEg-Kv3XgAYxuX6.jpg (635x903, 139K)

You already posted my meal.

Attached: MarieSFW.png (777x558, 678K)

I don't know, can I just eat sushi off of Saki's naked body?

Mashed potatoes, sausages and gravy

Attached: easter island.png (699x240, 214K)

Attached: cute feet attack.jpg (830x527, 143K)

What's wrong with this wani?

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Sweet citrus-y teas exist. They're just not called Orange Pekoe.
I had the same experience as you when I found a bag of Orange Pekoe in a hotel I was staying in.

>You can be my Takashi

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>Giving the exchange student from Shekel-academy development

Why is Marie bullying Darjeeling?

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She tainted her

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Also gay

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Boys should be flat.

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And that's a good thing!

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How will they lose?

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Pekoe will finally snap


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God I hope this ends with a lesbian threesome

What a rude child.

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Awesome dump, do you think we'll get to see a darker side of Miho and other other anglers like with Darjeeling?

Cute boy.

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