What was the purpose of low-IQ Chrome?
What was the purpose of low-IQ Chrome?
Having someone whom Senku could give exposition to in place of the audience.
The author later realized that said exposition makes more narrative sense if that person is at least smart enough to get the info dump-
Based from the interview with editor san he exists because Senku wouldn't be surprised to see world going to shit, so they thought of Taiju whos POV we see at the start, now Taiju needs some motivation, enter Yuzuriha.
He's the retard who Senku needs to explain shit to. Thankfully the author realized he was too fucking retarded and had no excuse for not knowing some basic ass shit someone with high school knowledge should know.
The villagers Senku teams up at least with has an excuse for not knowing this shit and needing to be taught these concepts unlike ungabunga over here.
The villagers actually learn things from him aswell. God I hate the prologue. If it wasn't for the crisp art I would have dropped it back then. Glad I didn't.
he's supossed to be your self insert that's why he has low IQ
Ironically some people on social media actually did this and were upset with Chrome cuz he no mussle.
Yeah the villagers are competent.
Taiju is literally "UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you telling me a potato can turn on a light bulb Senku!!!!!!!!!"
having dumbass characters in japanese cartoons doesn't even make any sense
even the bullies are nerds in that country
They did a god job making him a farmer later and he actually remembered the shells. Making him an orphan was also a good call to explain his lack of manners
>low IQ
he's smart for a stone age caveman with no schooling. we stand on the shoulders of giants, Chrome figured out what he knows for himself
I must've missed that part. Speaking of which Senku being adopted is so obviously some editorial fuckery so the brainlets won't go hurr durr if he fucks the gorilla is it incest???. They fucking look the same, not to mention it's been 3000 years (i.e half the age of the earth by biblical standards) so they're basically not related at all
they descend from just 6 people, the villagers are totally inbreeds
Some grunt recognized his father and then Taiju spoke about him being an orphan and how he'll feed everyone with the seeds they got. Also Byakuya and Senkuu look too alike to not be related, I just handwave it and pretend they are
secret bio-dad probably made the petrification beam
Senku is white isn't he? he's probably related to Death Note's Lawliet Elliot in some way
He was describing Taiju as a low IQ Chrome.
He's too short to be white
I can't believe fucking Luffy is the tallest WSJ protag
That exposition could've just been done through monologues. It wouldn't be that unbelievable that he'd start talking to himself after all those years.
I could almost imagine it not being a shit show if Taiju was deleted from the series.
That's cause there's 8 foot people in OP. By OP standards, he's a midget.
Introducing Tsukasa would be weird. Personally I'd just deal with the prologue in 8 chapters or 3 eps.
>all those manlets
Nips are smol people. Only redeeming factor, if you count Senkuus hair he's 6'2.
they're not manlets, they're just underage
japanese kids don't like scary bearded adults as their protagonist
I actually like Taiju.
>mfw already 180cm at 16
How can nips even compete with the white man?
i think the best way to fix the prologue would be to eliminate the taiju arc, have Senku be the only survivor, have him meet the village people and then learn that there's another hostile village controlled by someone who seems to hate science/sorcery (Tsukasa, the other mysterious survivor)
Who's that 6'2 guy?
What's there to like about him?
I like how earnest he is
The male protag of Noah's Notes, an axed manga that was about the earth repeating it's history every couple thousand years and finding out why and how. Something about super advanced tech from the future past. It had a Gyaru as the MC who was plagiarized from one of the idol games.
Why did the nips axed it?
It gets old cause he has this super genius friend and he's not even trying to think. Literally brain turned off, no ideas or thoughts of his own. That's why Chrome is a better Taiju. He doesn't need to be strong cause we have lioness for that now.
Wasn't Dr. Stone on the verge of getting axed before the mangaka pulled a switchero and made Senku the MC instead?
No details on that, it was pretty low on TOC's, it had like 50k sales. But once Chrome came in the picture TOC rose and sales went into 70k.
I always giggle at how Asta is actually shorter than Hinata.
By having much higher average IQ.
It wasn't high enough in the popularity polls. The same way all WSJ manga die.
Taiju really got put on a bus right? Senku already has a spy, a strong woman and a infinite stamina man who collects rocks
and he doesn't need taiju for "muh farming" because he's the chief of an entire village
higher fertility rates, more social stability and lack of morals when it comes to science
things are looking pretty bright for People's Republic of China
Protagonist was too tall
Chrome doesn't have limitless stamina. According to power rankings he's just a bit above Senkuu. Taiju can handle farming alone so others can work on other things. It's not super important, it's valuable.
This art is so off model, her eyes should be like three feet apart
>what is art and creativity?
The eye width is more prominent in the anime. She still has ayy eyes just as the other girls. While we do make fun of it, for people that have been on this ride for years have accepted it to some extent. It's weird cute now.
I was really hoping the anime would fix this but they made it ten billion percent worse
No kidding, I guess they tried to make them smaller, but squeezing them closer still looks weird for their size. Maybe They'll fix it gradually as the series goes on, or at least for the blu-ray. Even now it's not as bad as her introduction,, so fingers crossed.
But Japan loves dumbasses for some reason
>Because he is a retarded nigger.
Friday ep spoilers have been leaked
nigga, the manga is in chapter 130 or so, a lot has been spoiled
he is the stamina guy he has a bit of strength but he is more endurance than anything else. he is supposed to represent stamina,onion boy represents intelligence, while jojo boy represents strength.