This shit is so boring and unfunny. Why does reddit and mal like it so much?
This shit is so boring and unfunny. Why does reddit and mal like it so much?
you mad?
It's the Rick and Morty of anime.
Also SKET Dance was way better.
why should you care about what mal and reddit likes?
Yeah im fucking mad because I wasted so much time watching this shit. I only didn't drop it because people were like "it gets better after episode 20, wait I actually ment episode 50 wait no it actually gets good after episode 5000 keep watching it please..." it's bottom of the barrel trash and I don't get why people like it.
Started watching it a few months ago. It's OK, but it sure has too many episodes. You need to be compatible with the "humor", don't bother if you hate this type of humor. I can't help it, but some jokes jsut make me laugh IRL, which is rare for anime. The worst so far is when they have a serious arc spanning multiple episodes - puts me to sleep in a bad way. Serious 1 episode arcs on the other hand can be surprising ok, and, for a little boys show, mature. It's what this show is aiming for: be ridiculous, ridicule everything, but at the end of the day deliver some serious morals. Kind of like early Simpsons.
I'm only at episode 72 though.
It's a mixed bag but there's some really good stuff like the popularity poll arc.
at least the music is good
imagine reddit understand the references and jokes
because apparently it does well in japan so it gets more seasons, so reddit pretends to like it
MAL doesn't like it and since when reddit likes it?
It's my favorite, but you clearly have different tastes. Why do you care what reddit/MAL thinks? Make your own decisions, retard.
>I don't get why people like it
Either you get the jokes and think they are funny, you get the jokes and don't think they are funny, or you don't get the jokes. I don't know which of the latter two you are, but if you don't get them, you may not know enough about Japanese/anime/manga culture. If you do get them but still don't find it funny, it's just not the show for you. Not everything was made with (You) in mind. Clearly enough people in Japan and abroad love it for you to not matter in the slightest.
Apart from the humor, I really enjoy the "serious" episodes, Gintama has made me laugh and cheer and cry like a bitch more than any other anime. If you don't feel anything towards the characters, you won't like the show.
fucking idiot
>Apart from the humor, I really enjoy the "serious" episodes,
Not the user you are answering but I feel serious arcs went down to hill when Shogun died. All the characters lost sense and they were all playing for the big plot about Otsuro, way to ruin years of building and defining characters with turning them in background against the most biggest trope in manga/anime.
I actually agree for the most part, I think the series was much stronger prior to Sho-chan's death. But that also could be related to me not really caring so much about Shouyo and Takasugi. My favorite bunch are the Yorozuya, Shinsengumi and Katsura. Oh, and Hasegawa. I could watch slice-of-life/goofy parodies of them for forever.
gintamafags be like
>watch gintama it's great
it's boring
>it gets good after the 20th episode
it's still boring
>keep watching it gets good after the 50th episode
it's still boring though
>i promise, it'll be good after the 100th episode
I just saw some random (3) episodes in adult swim, i ended praying for metalocalypse and Mr. pickles.
I have bad luck with randoms tho, ill give it a try someday
No Gintamafag have ever said any of that, if you want le eric shounen arcs you just have to wait until episode 50 or so.
Gintama fags be like
>I don't give a fuck if you watch it or like it.
You're the moron who keeps watching something that bores you. It's a parody of what you want to watch, boy.
>No Gintamafag have ever said any of that
>acting like he speaks for thousands of strangers online
Many have to me.
>I don't give a fuck
>cared enough to reply
Only because some people mocked at your idiocy doesn't mean that they were gintamafags.
>people who watched all 300+ eps & love the series aren't Gintamafags
Dude the people at mal are crazy. I put this show on my plan to watch list and some sperg came on to ask me about the show and my expectations for the series.