Name a better anime than Vinland saga, you literally can't

Name a better anime than Vinland saga, you literally can't
>inb4 Binland
>inb4 Flopland
It's not funny

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Berserk (2016)

what happened now

Kimetsu no Yaiba.

People are saying it's flopping, where is the proof?

Reminder to report the tranny spammer from discord.

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>getting this upset about people posting constructive criticism

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Nothing "constructive" about spamming like a little bitch. You are the most pathetic poster I've seen in a while.

What do you call this Violet run after she jumping off the plane?

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It's a flop user, where is your counterargument? Go Narutorun off a cliff like Thornfinn

Genuinely asking this though. What's your answer?

Pathetic VEGspammer nigger is pathetic.

Binland is supposed to be realistic. Did all vikings run like Naruto in the 11th century?


I dont remember you're answering my question though.
Still waiting.

Never has Yukimura ever said that this is a "realistic" series, you pathetic spammer.

Honestly until the welsh cunt dies and the kid grows a beard I don't really care.

Yes user, vikings used to exist. No wonder this shit is flopping, it carries itself seriously then people start meme narutorunning.

he actually has, went so far as to even say it was hard not giving characters pockets

This was only in the anime, he ran normally in the manga

Yeah yeah. Nice samefag. Now answer my question

And that's why the anime is a flop. You figured it out.

Why aren't mods doing anything about spam?

>And that's why the anime is a flop. You figured it out.
LOL. Grasping straws, I see.

>realistic show
>people narutorun
This is why Binland is flopping, do you understand?

to be fair if I recall the manga correctly thorfinn is a fucking shit combatent who loses all the time.

They're too busy laughing at all these Virginlands getting what they deserve.

It was good until the latest cgi episode and naruto run

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Dude, can you just anwer my question?

VEG is even more crap than Virginland.

It's a flop user, it's at the literal bottom. No one likes vikings

he narutoruns there too though. it's a minor detail so I don't get how people are turned off by this one stylistic choice

Nice coordinated sthitposting.

Thanks. At least youre being honest.

The VEGfag can say anything bad about his shit show.

But I did user, unironic narutorunning is a joke and WILL kill your series

>Thanks. At least youre being honest
No matter how shit a show is at least it will never be as shit as VEG.

>coordinated shitposting
Dude stfu, i've followed the manga and it is in my top 5 of all time, the show has done an amazing job but there is no denying my absolute huge disappointment with that latest shit they pulled off. Hopefully it will get better and we wont see more naruto running

Yep it made a shit show like VEG even more shit.

The manga was okay and had nice battles until Farmland Saga whenThorfin became a pacifist cuck. Ever since then its been garbage. The anime was trash from the first episode because of CGI and low quality animation.

>But I did user
No you didn't.
What is THAT Violet run called?
Just answer me.

Sure. I believe your falsefag.

Same goes for Binland, they didn't learn their mistake

>Character has development
>Fucking dropped

Same thing as what Thornfin did, does that excuse vikingboy? No it doesn't
Binland a flop and this was the last nail in the coffin.

>hurr why wont anons agree with muh shitty opinion uugghh
You seem more like a falsefag to me, if you were a true Vinchad you would NEVER stand for that cgi and nuruto run. Falsefagger leave my series NOW

Sure. sure. This is my first day on 4chinks. So, I believe you guys.

Dude, he literally Talk no Jutsu the Prince into letting him go and build le peaceful island where everyone loves each other and there are no wars anymore. Trash writing.

Thread theme

CGI? VEG have that too.

But he didn't

It's 6th on anikore and gets high position on reddit, how is it a flop?

>Reddit Saga
It doesn't sell

>call it vinland saga
>doesn't even take place in finland
>doesn't feature spurdos fighting gondolas

Sell what?

one episode of bad cgi

Copies user, it's the literal bottom.

Did you really just try to discount characters developing because of a plothole? (You)

Manga copies? The anime isn't finished.

>Anime isn't finished
And it's already the worst seller. Preorders is a very good indicator for popularity and Binlandsaga has none where it matters most.

>I-its a flop!!!!
>r-reddit saga xd
You really are pathetic. People enjoying a show makes you so mad lol have sex incelb

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Yeah right, only three days ago they announced on their twitter about the bluray & dvd release.

Have fun with your 1 season series I guess

Preorders user, there are none, it's dead Jim.

Why does this even get so many fans? It's not like the plot is amazing; it's just a plot of people doing stuff. It never really has a "woooaw this is so deep and planned." moment like say Attack on Titan.

what a fucking retard you are, all you care about is mysteries since you're ADD riddled zoomer.

Does Vinland ever avenge is father Vinn?

Naruto run happened. Anime was already suffering due to lack of Ylva and now its just angst era.

Can't wait til will we hit the farming arc

Will there be croprotation?

Never going to happen, and that's a good thing!

Worse, character development

ah i see Yea Forums its just like Yea Forums the moment something becomes popular hating and shitposting is guaranteed

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But Binland is not popular

Maybe things were better off when it was an obscure mango

But it still is, now it has a meme anime to boot

what ever you say my nigga

Robin Williams run like that before nardo

Bottom of the barrel, Japan hates it, no sales

>Virgintard on absolute damage control

This looks like something Japan would not care about but Reddit would love. Is that why it's flopping saga?

wew lad

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Only if you want a second season

Dr Flop/Reddit/

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Get the fuck out

Pretty much, yeah.

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Hey guys let's not be too hard on WIT studio! They have delivered up untill episode 7 haven't they? Let's see what the anime will give us next! There are some good characters that we haven't seen yet!

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I just hope theres a battle and everyone naruto runs

Have fate in based WIT user! No matter how weird it seems at times, they always do a great job in the end!

>Fintards are also Yea Forumstards
not surprised.

But I want the naruto run into battle

Does this run have any irl use unless both your arms are broken?


Why can't you retarded saleshitters understand that disc sales aren't relevant anymore?
Fucking Hand Shakers got a sequel despite no one liking it and low disc sales.

Tell me what's important to get a second season.

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Nice cope

It probably will get a second season because it's on NHK.

ZERO ARGUMENTS. Sasuga saleshitter

>he is visibly shaking
Who will you blame when 2nd season doesn't happen?

**98位 Ensemble Stars!
*165位 Symphogear XV
*278位 Takagi-san
*322位 El-Melloi
*329位 Danberu
*522位 Danmachi 2
*622位 Accelerator
*861位 Machikado
1107位 Okaa-san
1226位 Star-Myu
1421位 Uchinoko
2294位 Cop Craft
2731位 Hensuki
3446位 Fire Force
3892位 Astra
3978位 Given
4325位 Arifureta
4751位 Araburu
5116位 Re:Stage
8509位 Naka no Hito Genome
8713位 Isekai Cheat Magician
9133位 Joshikousei
14054位 Sacred Beasts
27727位 Try Knights
29909位 Granbelm
37706位 Wakanobu
37742位 Dr. Stone
83798位 Vinland Saga

Pathetic, at this rate it might get cancelled

Old stats.

Still last on new stats