Why arent there more more female characters that embrace their sexiness? That's the one trope I which would die. If you're sexy and people like it. Embrace it just dont be a slut with it and dont let creeps touch and sneek looks without permission.
Why arent there more more female characters that embrace their sexiness? That's the one trope I which would die...
Define "embrace sexyness"
>cow tits
Define "sexy"
otaku feel threatened by women who know how to use their looks
sexy [ sek-see ]
adjective, sex·i·er, sex·i·est.
The opposite of flat chest.
example: "woah, look at those milk jugs... now that's sexy. Not like that flatty girlfriend of your".
they're everywhere, almost one in each harem series
watch more anime
All MILF/Nee-San characters from KyoAni come to mind. This slut knew exactly how sexy she was.
>sneek looks without permission.
why do chockers make my peepee hard
Formerly Chuk.
>goes abroad to choke on shitskin cock and have half-breeds
No idea if they are still around but fuck the one that came up with the idea, she got ruined right there and then.
>Why arent there more more female characters that embrace their sexiness
How few series do you watch you idiot?
My dick is diamonds.
This is what children think until they mature past the breastfeeding stage of their mental development.
>t. underage trying to fit in
I like girls that just embrace their chest size in general, especially the smaller ones since it's so rare seeing anime pettankos proudly accept their chest size even without saying a word.
Flat girls that are seriously self-conscious about their chest size (and not played for joke) are the worst.
>Embrace it just dont be a slut with it
what does this mean? you're telling women to embrace their sexuality and immediately follow it up by trying to arbitrarily restrict them through slut shaming?
There's a middle point between being shamefast and a whore, Stacy.
Must eat ass.
>otaku feel threatened by women who know how to use their looks
So that's why there are so many people that hate Ichika in Gotoubun threads.
>Why arent there more more female characters that embrace their sexiness
What? There's a lot of female characters who act slutty and embrace it. Usually in harems and shounen but not all the time.
Right from this very season. Actually she stops being confident about herself when a girl with a sluttier body approaches, but she knows she can be sexy and she isn't afraid of showing it.
You're not paying attention