Guess who's back?

Guess who's back?

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Other urls found in this thread:

not your dad.

Shady's back, tell a friend.

>inb4 /u/ shitposting

ah yes. Ching chong nin nog is back

washed up idols

>Moose is coming back
>The Shana/Index singer and Yurishii aren't ever coming back
Not fair.

Umi for life.

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How are they going to come back?
The third years already graduated

Eitherway, I'm choosing the old team being back together than those Aquours or whatever they planned to replace them with

Don't let those second rate shitters see this


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You didn't join the real and active Official /Fit/ness Server on Dis cord yet?? Pm furry porn to the owner to receive haxxed crunchyroll account. Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
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dis cord (d00t) gg / v3wR7nr

^^ pm furry porn to the owner to receive haxxed crunchyroll account

Based. Fuck Aqours.

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Is this official laugh at aq**rs thread?

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based bandshill. you did great these past two years.

This but unironically.


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even bandshills are in on it

Aqours is better. Cope, faggots

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>things aqours can't have

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All Stars is a different timeline


have fun being eternal "that other ll group"

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No OrcTaku faggots. You are the ones who are not humans but in fact, subhumans. You are nothing more than traitorous dogs and will be rewarded as befits a traitor. You will burn in the flames of gehenna.

You have to admit the girls are way cuter and more talented than moose

That would be PDP.

>the amount of flopfag coping and falseflagging

It's how it should be
Muse IS the face of Love Live after all

Delusional floptard

Stay mad, flopfag.
>aqours was so bad they had to bring back µ's from the grave to save the franchise

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Aqours >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> muse
Deal with it trannies

No you need to say the magic word first. Love Live is amazing 'Aidor/u/'

Imagine flopping so hard they literally have to bring back 40 year old grannies in wheelchairs to save the franchise.


>waaah why won't those natural 30 yo cakes look like my plastic sluts :(((

but will it outsell 4th PV??

>Step! ZERO to ONE
More like zero to zero

Good, my time is come again

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It would be another nail on aqours' coffin, so hopefully

any other announcements besides flopqours being blown to btfo?

Not yet, but we'll probably get some All Stars news at Tokyo Game Show in ~25 days.

who cares Im@s is still the most successful idol franchise

Oh, is it about All Stars being delayed another year? Lmao.
Obviously they'll need months to prepare their old wrinkly hips and bones

cringe flopfag

The release date for the BD box and the Full song collection but I don't think people here will care that much.

That's actually wrong.
Im@s only gains a lot on gatcha
Love Live's idol concerts are massive compared to Im@s
So goes for the CDs and BDs

Nah we're getting the release date next month, they started the campaign on twitter and everything. It's happening.


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Lmao, enjoy waiting for another announcement about that vaporware

For Aquors, I pressume?

Kussun still looks great, but I miss her haircut.
Uchi and Pile still as cute.
Emitsun looks older but slimmer and fitter.
Age hasn't been kind to Rippi though.

Yep, disingenuous, I know
But what do you expect from t@rds

>They outsold flops
Wow so impressive, they are flops for a reason

>u's were coming back anyway for Love Live Fes
Cope harder fags

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μ'sic forever, bitch

>love live fes is the same as new single with PV
damage control

don't worry, flop. You can still pray for them not to perform at Fes.

Based. But how do we get old Honovoice back?

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So mad.

Emitsun is literally dying

Can't be that bad. She's been to all sorts of rehabs and holidays this past year

Don't worry she just needs to air out all the farts

BLACK nipples in the middle

Fuck off and stop shitposting.

cope harder, flopqour

You too. Fuck off and stop shitposting.


From AIDS?

Well, even the seiyuu give /u/tards material to fantasize about.

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When levels of butthurt is so strong flopfags try and derail the thread with their usual outdated meme and argument for age fallacy. That's sad.

Samefagging and agreeing with yourself like the underaged faggot you are.


You can't honestly believe u's are getting live shows in one of the biggest venues in japan and also new single with PV just because they are coming back for mobage, right? Even flopfags can't be that delusional.

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I miss the times when their relationships weren't forced

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Fuck off OrcTaku faggot.

Cute, where are the other 4?

It's really sad, but they have to deal with being blown the fuck out somehow I guess. They'll have to accept reality eventually.

Couldn't book them.
>inb4 they don't give a shit
We had KotoHonoMaki, jolks etc. before as well.

Everybody loves Umi

>coming back for a joint concert with the other groups featured in the game
>a new single PV only requires their voice talents which they were providing for the game anyway

I am not into idolshit but which girl has black nipples or how did that meme start

Shitposting by a bunch of faggots.

I wonder if we get more streams and radio shows now. I would love to see Emitsun's fight club return or more RinPanaNico recordings.

Looks like I was mistaken, flopfags really are so delusional.

Honk's VA

Only if she fights in the nude.

Emitsun AKA Honoka's VA
Watch EZD-183

Get back to me next year if and when they've done anything else as a full group not related to All Stars.

Hopefully in this.

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Releasing a new single is not related to All Stars, they are already the most popular group and have enough songs to fill mobage with content.

She did nothing wrong.

>implying the new single isn't being made for All Stars
You said yourself they have enough songs to not need any new ones, but they're making a new one for the game anyway. You should be greatful.

>they're making a new one for the game
Whatever helps you sleep at night. You flopfags really are too delusional to be reasoned with.

Doesn't matter what she did. I will always support her.

Fat pig


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You won't see flops reach that high

flops dwarfed once again

You're honestly the delusional one here if you think µ's is actually going to be "back" on their own merits to do their own thing, and not just to be paraded around in celebration of a few important franchise milestones (9th anniversary, new crossover game, 10th anniversary next year, etc.)

Right now #μ's新曲 is 1st and #lovelive 2nd.

>moving goalposts

Is Black nipples trending?

flopfag seethe levels sure are trending


>a different timeline

This is so damn hilarious, they used a different timeline so they could keep whoring those sluts.

First you said and now you're already backtracking by saying anything they do next year will not count because it's the 10th anniversary. What would they have to do to make you satisfied, keep releasing new singles for the next 20 years?

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Is your mom crying at your retardation?

Does this mean Honk's seiyuu is done with JAVs?
Is this why the Granblue event was Muse again?

Emitsun's mom cried while watching her JAVs.

Do you seriously think All Stars is going to be dead in under a year? Of course anything they do is going to be related to that. Honestly, though, anything after that first year would probably be enough. Until then it just feels like promotion for the game, especially since they can't be bothered to appear as a full group for anything other than voice work or Love Live Fes.

Imagine being so mad the only thing you can do is repeat the same overused meme over and over again.

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Doesn't matter if that was her or not. She did nothing wrong. The Silent Majority stands with EMTN. We will always support her because that is what love means.

>Silent Majority
The Silent Majority can't even vote honk to get into top 3 of any popularity poll

You miss never.

Alright, see you in a year.

Looking forward to it. It'd be nice to be proven wrong on this one.

Shitposters out in full force tonight.

I think the jav memes are retarded, but the extreme opposite is just as bad.


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Should I tone it down?

It's morning, SEAtard

It's the entire LL franchise you fucking retard. Keep coping losers. Im@s is the king.

This post would hold more merit if you posted the source, but nah

Having sex is part of what love means too so Emitsun is an expert.

No you're funny. Keep going retarded clown.

Good on her then.

Wow, lots of idol anime franchise anniversaries and crossovers in 2020:
Pretty All Friends
Aikatsu On Stage
Love Live All Stars
and more...?

I’m excited! A new era, a new decade, and meeting all our cute friends and hearing them sing and dance!

The age of avengers-tier idol crossovers is upon us.

Clown? No. A Knight.

I feel kind of bad for idolmasters and their fans those days.
They just keep getting less relevant than the last year.

Gullible idiot all of you.

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Yes yes keep on going.

So what is the talk on Twitter for? Just for anniversary or something else is coming?

The Knight of Black NIPPLES

>flopfag talking to a flopfag pretending to be a musefag pretending to be a knight

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For fuck's sake. MCU Avengers didn't invent the crossover. The Precure, Kamen Rider and Super Sentai Crossover traditions predated Endgame by Years.

Idolm@ster 10th anniversary in 2020.

The Knight who will defend the innocent and defeat the wicked.

I'm just doing my job. Don't put me with them.

Calm down user, it was just a dumb joke.

fuck off flopfag

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kill yourself

2019 is the year of kunikida and there's nothing you can do to stop it

>announce long awaited pv with rigged votes
>get completely overshadowed


brehs hold my hand hold my hand

This is literally a /vg/ raid. Mods delete this thread

I will. It's just that I'm getting ticked of trawling around and seeing the same Avengers memes treating that movie as the be-all of crossovers.

Nice boogeyman, but I don't use /vg/.

>still lost to fgo

Nipple knight is raiding Yea Forums.

>moving goal posts

But wouldn't that symbol be for Yea Forums shitposting?

Shitposters from /vg/ are raiding. I'm sure you're one of them.


it's time to move on, little demon. accept your loss with grace

jav cancer

Based and redpilled

>look mom I said it again
So mad.

Hey look a shitposter.

JAV lover


The posting ITT is obviously crossboarder as fuck. Leave it to /vg/ to turn Love Live into a console war. Fucking faggots

Thank fuck my favourite Muse isn't a porno pig.

Nice try falseflagging faggot.

You should really come up with something new instead of screaming JAV at everyone.

Let the flopfag be. He had a rough day.


Stop samefagging.

Hey look it's old roasties prancing around like 12 year old girls

wtf does that mean no more new Honoka JAV?

he's going all out today

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Finally. Now Sunny, Jeet and all the others can finally give me the muse I want.

You got anything better to do than shitposting?

No it's not that. Two, three of the previous Love Live threads were derailed by some cunt bitching about the 'General Yuri Discussion' thread on /u/ having a OP they didn't like. D4DJ triggered them hard.

Yes actually. Watching JAV to support VA's 3D ventures.

Is Umi going to be on wrestler cock?

>ywn fuck pudgy emitsun

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So shitposting? Got it.

It's a shame she doesn't voice eroges anymore.

Gonna need more than 3 condoms.

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The cake is made from the cum of all the male AV actors that fucked her.

>Emi, much like Honoka, needs to get into idol shape
Also I hope after Hanamaru's fat scenes the artists and writers will be more willing to show actually fat Honk and Hanayo this time

Your brain is made of shit because it has nothing going on up there.

At least we've seen pudgy emitsun get fucked.

Wish camera angles were better and she tried different poses

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Can we have just one thread free from console wars and JAV spam? Pretty please with a cherry on top.

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I want day without flops and said javshit but it looks like those days are about to come.

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Keep telling the shitposters off.

This goes against the conventional wisdom of "Don't feed the troll".
Are you sure this will work?

Fuck off, shitposter.

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You are replying to a flopfag who pretends to live in Medieval times.

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We are having honest discussion about Honoka
What's ur problem?

>tfw only watched original LL and didnt bother with next gen
Feel good to see Maki and Eli again

I barely powered through s1 and dropped s2 after the first episode.

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Did they also focus more on fanservice with next gen? I feel like the reason why I enjoyed original LL and Bandori is because they focused on characters' daily life and their struggle with forming the team.

Sunshine was quite wholesome. Even moreso than the original since there was no Nozomi to grope boobs.

explain this

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no. It was superficial mess that focused on pandering to yurifags. Their idea of making characters relatable was throwing them into the meat grinder.
Basically it's a mediocre spinoff that wouldn't be able to stand on its own two feet if not for Love Live brand and Muse.

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So what about the 3rd gen?

They got some R cards in the mobage and one or two PVs, but nothing significant. They'll probably get more exposure post-All Stars launch.

literally who although more fun than flops already

Haha anything to make those flopfags mad amirite

All shit except Kasumi

t. Kasukasu


I hate both LL generations equally, what does that make me?

>Dumping idolshit because the new general thread didn't start with it
Aidor/u/fag SEETHING

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Stop it. Get some help.

I dont wash my teeths in AV videos tehee~

Bandshill? More like Fagshill
LL becomes great again whereas Bandshit has to rely on fujoshit just to be relevant

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I'm pretty sure the fujoshit has been relying on the band name, without min success

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Assgopenis was a mistake

Forgot to ask but did 1st gen MC's sister debut into idol group yet ? She and her friends are quite sexy.

There is no real difference between both gens except that jav fiasco


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Granblue really increase this old relic popularity

Today, I'll remind them

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Love Live really made this cheapass FGO ripoff piece of shit relevant again.

Your point?

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Whoops, didn't mean to quote the first post
I love Aqours and Muse equally though.

Im@s is 14 years old
LL is 6 years old.

You want a fair comparisson? Compare their profits at 2013-2015

Im@s had an 8 year head start and much more girls. Yet, it can only wish it could full house a live concert, let alone hold a concert at Tokyo Dome

Attached: Love Live Tokyo Dome Concert.jpg (500x300, 76K)

Umi is best raibu

Glad to see them back

I pray for Amazonas but so far I havent got any.

It's for 2018 so yes, just Aqours
2017 (again, aqours) im@s also beat love live
2015 and 2016 when muse was still around? Love Live wins

LEL bitch Anti-Idolfag actually noticed.

Prosecute the duty to the utmost of one's ability.

Faggot shitposter.

Shitposting spammer.

99% Similarity. I don't care. I stand with EMTN.

More like you are starting shit like the underaged shitposter you are.

Your teeth are already rotting and disgusting like the evil creature you are.

That was not a fiasco but a bullshit scandal concocted by OrcTakus. The same people behind the Shanghai incidents and the attacks on Yuki Kaji.

Spamming retarded shitposter.

No OrcTaku faggots. You are the ones who are not humans but in fact, subhumans. You are nothing more than traitorous dogs and will be rewarded as befits a traitor. You will burn in the flames of gehenna.

>flopfag continues to falseflag

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Prosecute the duty to the utmost of one's ability.

Faggot shitposter.

Shitposting spammer.

99% Similarity. I don't care. I stand with EMTN.

More like you are starting shit like the underaged shitposter you are.

Your teeth are already rotting and disgusting like the evil creature you are.

That was not a fiasco but a bullshit scandal concocted by OrcTakus. The same people behind the Shanghai incidents and the attacks on Yuki Kaji.

Spamming retarded shitposter.

Her or not doesn't matter. I will always stand by and support EMTN.

>year of our Lord 2019
>Hanamaru gets a center song
>suddenly they announce muse making a comeback
This can't be a coincidence.

Even Aqours had a concert in Tokyo Dome.

Attached: Aqours_4th_LoveLive!_~Sailing_to_the_Sunshine~_Poster.jpg (425x600, 82K)

Holy fuck, an Asian-Jew hybrid.

Prosecute the duty to the utmost of one's ability.

Faggot shitposter.

Shitposting spammer.

99% Similarity. I don't care. I stand with EMTN.

More like you are starting shit like the underaged shitposter you are.

Your teeth are already rotting and disgusting like the evil creature you are.

That was not a fiasco but a bullshit scandal concocted by OrcTakus. The same people behind the Shanghai incidents and the attacks on Yuki Kaji.

Spamming retarded shitposter.

Her or not doesn't matter. I will always stand by and support EMTN.