Can we discuss how retarded it is he eats the dudes leg 5 mins after having an epiphany when his fighting style was...

Can we discuss how retarded it is he eats the dudes leg 5 mins after having an epiphany when his fighting style was specifically built around not eating meat because the deer felt kind of bad about stuff

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Other urls found in this thread:


He also gets help from a shark after being pushed into the ocean by a lion mafia

It's wolf autism i don't have to explain shit

Yeah I honestly thought the whole leg thing was kind of out of character. He spent the entirety of the story putting 100% of his being into completely neutralizing his hunger for meat for a variety of reasons, realizes doing so has given him a unique fighting style and made him strong, and then Louis goes "No but it's ok I'm offering" and he immediately accepts.

Was it even something that actually mattered? I doubt the nutrients did anything during those five minutes. He was probably just hungry. Louis would have been more useful if he had just brought an egg sandwich and some juice. Instead now he has no leg and Legosi can't marry his gf.

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What's that got to do with anything

Consensual voring > not voring > nonconsensual voring

Panda said at the start he would have to eat meat.

Which made no sense since
A: He just had the epiphany he can live off bugs and they're too low IQ to care
B: The entire society is based around carnivores eating the meals he ate at school or similar and as far as we know most of them do this

>Not being a retard and dropping your entire character arc, the main arc of the series, as the MC, in 5 mins>being a fucking retard

Legosi loosed mouth strenght, but gained more strenght in arms/body by not eating meat.
Being a carnivore and finnally getting a chunk of meat give him a power up.

>Gets strong in arms because he doesn't eat me
>Eats me
>Gets stronger in arms despite it clearly being a mental strength thing and he just broke that mental basis for his arms and not mouth being strong
Also retarded

>B: The entire society is based around carnivores eating the meals he ate at school or similar and as far as we know most of them do this
Most of the carnivores ends in the black market eating meat. Remember than tiger considered it an act of adulthood.

Oh yea I accept pwns on that

Feel like this was the beginning of an overall series decline. Eating the leg and IMMEDIATELY getting a power-up from it is retarded. If it had been done beforehand it would have been a lot easier to palate. But from here there starts to be a general trend of emphasizing flash and style over substance (started with that guy's arm being ripped off without real consequence and highlighted by Legosi ripping out his fangs out of fucking nowhere), all culminating in Melon, easily one of the most contrived and unentertaining antagonists I've ever seen in an otherwise "good" series. I knew that fucker was going to be narrative trouble from the moment he SOMEHOW killed an elephant in right in front of a gun-wielding Beastar and then got away like it was nothing. The Haru romance is also shit and really dragging down otherwise enjoyable character dynamics and worldbuilding.

I feel like the point was that Legosi was wrong to deny his carnivorous side by trying to abstain from eating meat. Even with all his training prior to fighting Riz, he still wasn't a match for the bear. He eats a dude's leg and it becomes a fairer fight.

I dropped the series shortly after this desu.
Felt super out of character for the MC, made the deer come off as even more of a selfish asshole. The dog deciding she wants to bang the deer also had very little build up and just felt like a convinient way to make her stop lusting on the MC.

He shouldn't have stood a chance regardless and it was pretty asspullish that he did. Bears are so strong in that universe they take drugs to be weak and are still the stronges land-bound race we know of and that dude wasn't taking his drugs.
This isn't a shonen series where the 5 foot tall midget can pick up a mountain and shit, it has pretty subdued fights, so him going toe to toe with a guy who's finger has more musclemass than his body because he ate less than 1/4 of a guy was just dumb

I mean like

Beastars, when it comes to a lot of things, is absolutely retarded

Wasn't always. I'm kinda rolling with it at this point

I GUESS you could argue that taking a life that was offered gave him strength, similar to how taking a life by force (the moth's) and understanding the ramifications gave him strength

They later bring up how differently ocean society is culturally. Most people there are fine with suddenly dying any day from someone eating them.

>Go to ocean society
>Grab qt ocean girls
>Sell as slaves on the sex market
>Eat them later to hide the evidence
>They are fine with this because its part of the cycle of life
Genuinely doesn't make sense why they'd even waste time enslaving land bound dudes

Wait, what? Was the chapter leaked?

Don't fuck what you're going to eat.

Wow, who would have guessed.

cant he just doggy paddle lol
'cause hes a dog lol

i can't believe the main character didn't die in his own manga, wowie

To be honest there is probably a good reason for him betraying everything he worked for but it doesn't discard the fact eating his friend's meat just gave him a shonen powerup for no discernible reason.
i still love the manga and will keep reading though

Can someone post the pages relating to the leg eating, I don't care to look up and then find the chapter.

here just read from here to like two chapters later. basically it's that he has reached peak power as a wolf who hasn't eaten meat, or at least not strong enough to beat a brown bear with no strength inhibiters, which is reasonable because it's clearly established bears are fucking savage. so when he finally eats it it gives him a very silly shonen powerup.

See this is why HxH is so much better than all other manga. Its MC? Been useless for years.

See you next week, furry-fuck.

why do you hxh fans half to screech about your manga in every thread on the board? i'm convinced most of it is falseflagging at this point

Because its relevant. He thinks its a given the MC should get a free pass because he's the MC. But HxH already showed you can punish the MC and its okay.

He did even more retarded things later on.

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>leuis sempai i dont want to bite you that would be really fucking stupid like goddamn are you retarded
>do it anyways I have dictated you can't win otherwise
>lol okay
>growwll rawr growl i am now mad and a character from a much worse shonen where you can beat a guy 5 times your size because you believe in yourself
>oh no he punched me like twice with no visible damage i give up lol btw nice job eating meat fuckin retard
>oh shit the cops
one of the biggest quality drops i've seen in a manga

It was just one long pun in the making
I need more Legosi being cute. Someone got my IP blocked from uploading images


Legosi is a fucking retard so it's hard to say what is or isn't out of character for him, but I don't get the issue with the power up. If a character is sacrificing their leg then it would just seem like bullshit to me if it did nothing at all, plus it was Legosi's first time eating meat and during a full moon which gives it a boost.

The powerup is retarded because the series is otherwise pretty clear on who can fight who and win and very clear bears with restraints>most things including cats which are>legosi. And here he is fighting evenly with a bear that's also ate meat before without restraints because he ate 1/2 a leg and he thinks he's in the right. Its retarded shonen fair this series has largely been better than.
>Full moon gives a boost
and fuck off with that too, no such magical bullshit is mentioned ever, he's not a fucking werewolf

It's not that that bothers me, it could easily be justified with the fact Legosi has been training hard for a long time leading up to that fight and actually getting into several fights himself, whereas Riz could perfectly be just a random couch potato that simply was lucky to be born a bear but has no actual training or experience whatsoever. I could see that.

What I don't buy is the fucking instant power up from eating meat. Like, shit son, learn to anatomy. The manga up until that point had been pretty consistent in making the training and relative strengths be pretty clear. Panda mentor had been teaching Legosi correctly, how it's not a race, it's a marathon, all his training was long term and geared towards having a routine that lets him be strong without needing to incorporate meat on his diet. So why the fuck does Louis' leg suddenly act like a Super Mario mushroom? The only minimally similar thing was when the Tiger pulled out a bag of blood and it was treated like doping, but I imagined that was just simply a confidence boost by awakening his predator instincts before a tense moment rather than any actual physical improvements.

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Then that boost would apply to both of them brainlet. Or did you forget bears are animals too.

That's the only thing I can really surmise to think it up. Some kinda mothers-lifting-cars kind of adrenaline boost.

Did Riz eat meat that day?

He ate more meat than legosi and no fucking way that leg had enough nutriments to make him go super saiyan. It was mental MC thinks he's right so he becomes superman bullshit.

How about we just chalk this part up as "magical autism powers"? You know, like your opponent being baffled, a sudden burst in energy and luck, and the cops arriving at the last second? Who knows, maybe Legosi has some fantastic luck.
Also, was the leg Lewis offered the same one he broke during the play arc?

I'm talking about him eating during the full moon that night.

Yes lets chalk it up to that and also call it shit for chalking down to that when it had otherwise been above the level of asspullery of most shonens.

So? The leg was 1/2 a leg regardless of the moons status. Even if it meant he ate 100% of the nutriments perfectly with no waste, its still half a leg of nutriments, from a skinny guy. Its not enough to make him supersaiyan

I'm arguing that the boost would only apply to Legosi which you said it wouldn't. Whether you think it's bullshit or not is another thing entirely.

He would have the moisture upside at least. Which wouldn't matter when they're sweating. The food one, sure, if the bear didn't eat earlier. Which we don't know if he did.
The boost remains entirely irrelevant since its still just half a fucking leg regardless.

Yeah, but it was his first time eating meat. It would be like busting a nut for your first time.

So you agree its a mental thing and fucking retarded then.
>Bust my nut
>Can now beat a guy twice my size who has more muscle in one arm than my entire family

It's shonen.

>there was literally no reason for the bear not to actually eat the alpaca

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Why not? My goat is cute

Yeah, it's retarded.
From a narrative point, it did seem forced, maybe it was a suggestion from editors, or the author was feeling so much the big burden of closing this arc that she felt the need to have a "epic shounen climax!"

From a character point I actually think it's fine how Legosi doesn't develop in a linear way, I think it makes sense that he would accept Loui's leg since he was somewhat obsessed with him at that point + huge adrenaline from the fight. For a coming of age story it is far more realistic for his views to warp around in unpredictable ways, not only in sense but in intensity, such as how he dismissed most of his philosophies as a "fetish" later on. As long as it makes sense, it's fair in my game.

>The Haru romance is also shit and really dragging down otherwise enjoyable character dynamics and worldbuilding.

But the Haru romance is my favorite part of the story.

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Leave Sebun-san alone you degenerate predator.

If one more hervibore died the cops would suddenly start giving a shit about catching the criminal, I guess they wouldn't give a shit about a carnivore though since he was going to kill Legosi.

wait, so this is a fighting manga?
Not reading it because not interested in furries, but many comments about how it creates an interesting society and explores characters made me interested.
But if it's just a fighting manga, well, fuck it then

>about to kiss her boyfriend in a butchery that only sells bunny meat
>no way fags her because he's poor
It can be entertaining, yes.

Yes and no? It's a manga with fights, but I couldn't tell you just how much are the fights the focus. In either case, it's really more about what happens around the fights, how they got into that situation and what the stakes are, than the fights themselves. And there aren't really a lot anyway, there's been like two or three that were actually important and all the rest were just like a couple panels of someone getting beat up on the street or similar.

There's like 3 major fights at the span of 100+ chapters, the manga is about a wolf with weaponized autism.

Yeah, that's my point. It's nonsensical for there not to be a police investigation if Legosi dies. Besides, is Riz just expecting Pina to not rat him out to the authorities first chance he gets? Riz is in a position where killing the witness is his best means of covering his own ass, and he already wanted to eat Pina on top of that, AND he knew that he was about to fight Legosi. He could have had the same bullshit meat powerup.

>a wolf with weaponized autism.
More like autism driving a weaponized wolf.

its not even like a manga fight because they just beat each other up normally

My guess is that they would conduct one but a carnivore dying wouldn't cause as much of an outrage as another hervibore from the same school dying so the results would be about the same as Tem's investigation. Still though yeah Pina could rat him out, so my only guess is that he would threaten him.

well ok. In any case I just read the chapters starting from here and it seems the typical shonen, my way of being a [***], my belief, my determination.

not my thing I guess

>the typical shonen
its not
but im not going to try to convince you to read it

Before you drop this forever, I have a small suggestion.
Read either chapter 86, 100, or 102.
I know it sounds weird, but just try it.

those 2 hapters were typical shonen.
As for the rest,for years I fantasized about an imaginary world where people were divided in carnivores and herbivores when I was a kid.
I'm not going let this ruin that

It's really not a shonen and it's not some "my ninja/pirate/pokemon master way" shit, it's more about discrimination and health issues dictating your way of life and stuff like that. Legosi acts a lot like "I need to find my way in life" because he really is in a wierd ass situation. With just saying that the "way" he's rejecting is one where he imagined himself as a salaryman with a standard nuclear family of his same species you should already realize it's not about typical shonen "my way"s.

ok goodbye

I would say read the first 50 chapters or so since it's exactly what you're looking for, from there it kind of shifts into something different I feel, not necessarily for better or for worse though it still keeps the same themes.

ok goodbye

>it's not about "my way"
>it's about "my way"

ok bye

It's a coming of age "my way", not a shonen "my way".

Oh no, oh no, not me
I did it my way

>It's a coming of age "my way"

that's what typical shonen are

He's a carnivore, he needs to eat meat.
It's really that fucking simple. Funny how people are calling him eating the leg shounen bullshit, when they alternative they want is ACTUAL shounen bullshit.
Sorry kids but WILLPOWER isnt the magic drug in this series like it is in all your other shounen.
He's a wolf, and no vegetarian wolf is going to have peak strength on a diet of milk and bugs, and certainly not enough to beat a healthy polar bear. Gotta eat meat if you want to fight at a peak. He was just being a naive kid overestimating how far willpower could take him, of course that works in the average shounen though

Not really.

Actually dragonball did that already but sure

Not eating only got him so far and if not for Louis offering his own leg Legosi would have gone back into the fight half dead and would likely have died. I don't get why people complain about the leg giving him a power boost when it was established before that such stuff can happen like when eating a Caterpillar gave him his fur back.

Did you forget about him eating a bug to learn about taking a life before the fight?

>if only you knew how bad things really are

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Thank ye for putting my thoughts into words.
If Legosi hadn't eaten Lewis' leg and went back into the fight he would've gotten killed. Those few minutes he spent on eating the leg meant the difference between him dying and the cops arriving.

But the whole point I'm complaining about is that eating meat doesn't INSTANTLY make you stronger, your body still needs hours to absorb it. And it will only be effective if you incorporate it into your daily diet, not if you eat one leg for one single day in your life. That's why people call it shonen bullshit, because here it just gets treated like "Oh, guess he finally broke the taboo, now he's reached super saiyan!".


How hard is Legosi going to get rekt by Melon next time they meet? At this point I'm sure not even sea life can help him stop being retarded

>sea creatures will surely help
I hope you die you fucking retard I swear to god.

Isnt that what he is? A failed normie.

Fuck, there should be a limit on how retarded he can be.

Legosi gets a zenkai boost everytime he almost dies. Melon is going dread this autismo

Would Shark-San be even more retarded if he actually helps Legosi?

I really like this manga but can someone explain how he ate the deer's leg? I thought he couldn't even bite into an apple as a result of his training.

that's a big shark

The bite strength was all mental as a result of his meat meditatjon. Seeing Louis's plea and willingness to offer his leg reignited Legosi's predatory urges

No. He's a good lad. He's just dumb but has a large amount of karma/luck stored up from being a good lad.
Calling it, sharkfriend brings him back to the surface because he recognizes him as the delivery boy from the noodle restaurant. Probably will say something along the lines of "I only rescued you because you're the only one who delivers food to us".

the sooner melon gets offed the better. I'm sick of this plot-armored discount joker

I really like his design but yeah he's a bit of a discount joker.

if legosi is killed will the manga be better?

Why would I even read this manga if it wasn't for Legosi?

also the meat urgee was fucking retarded when he never eat meat his entire life.

I guess his body was missing something.

Another curious IP count.

None of the other characters are particularly good

Can we take a moment to appreciate how fucked up this was?

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Verily. Don't forget the scene where Legosi and Haru almost kissed in a store that sold rabbit corpses.
Beastars is a wonderful manga.

My homo leg

I kinda hate how the black alley market seems so open and concurred, up to the point where there's just a big ass store that sells entire rabbits. It was introduced as "some corrupt cementeries sell the corpses and they end up here", but it almost looks like a normal everyday thing now.

I imagined its like the red light district irl.
It's immoral, illegal, but if you get rid of it lots of people will be angry.
There can also be the part of the market where it isn't all just shady sellers. Plus, isn't it filled with jist carnivores? You wouldn't go to a latino neighborhood unless you were latino, right?

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were the last couple chapters even posted here?

well that's kind of a weird thing to say user. You can have a strong desire for something you've never had. For example: I'm sure you have a strong urge to have sex, despite being a kissless virgin.

>Oh yeah you know Zaguan? Yeah that dude is chill af lol. Don't worry about it f@am I got you

this kinda bothers me. The openness I mean. Consuming meat is a federal crime in the world of beastars, yet everyone is aware of the back alley market and no one ever does anything about it? The police never raid it? Why?

I think that was what the author was trying to go with that he can't run away from being a carnivore but most come to terms with it instead ( I also dislike that the story went the way it did but it still fun to read)

Smol Legosi is so cute I love it.
I love his smile, his dumb philosophy, and his good nature.
I'm in love with a fictional wolf and I'M A DUDE

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>tfw we will never see Beastars with actual animation

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I'm honestly more scared of how much of him I see in myself.
The more people talk about how autistic and crazy he is the more self-conscious I become, because I go "Oh shit, I've done similar stuff in the past".

>I'm in love with a fictional wolf and I'M A DUDE
That is pretty normal around these parts

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They are corrupt and tolerate it because most carnivores can't live without meat, and apparently most meat vendors have ethics on how they get their meat.

>actual animation
From TV anime, in 2019, for a non-Jump manga, with the complexity of Beastars. Consider the state of the industry, where three panels can have more going on than the "animated" adaptation

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This isn't /k/, they are the ones that finger wolves.

What is this furry shit

/k/ fingers real wolves, the rest of this site loves fictional wolves
Though depending on the board/thread this could mean a generic anime girl with head accessories or a buff anthropomorphic wolf dude

The best kind

Translation when?

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The manga isn't voiced by Koyasu

Whatever you do, don't fall for the shills of this manga. I started reading because of the autism and /pol/ memes, but it's literally gay furry and I can't stop reading it

Good lad.

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>Sharks are not anthromorphic
What gives?

>HxH was the first big manga to punish its MC

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Fish don't seem to be anthropomorphic, the chapter where Legosi delivers takeaway to one in a seems to have indicated that.

Agreed, I'd rather take a dozen more chapters dedicated to seeing how much more can Legosi sperg out around Haru and how hard they try to make their relationship work than more of Melon-fuck.

Haru is a background character at this point.

Like everyone else

I once went to a big cat rescue. It was full of lions and tigers and a few servals and panthers. Most of them were either former pets or circus animals, but nearly all of them had been raised from birth by humans. Since many of the cages were open on top, I asked what happened when a bird lands in there. The guide told me that they will play with it, bat it around, pounce at it, often kill the bird, but they won't eat it. To them, the weird feathered thing isn't food, food is brought by the humans pre-cut and butchered and in bowls. They'll have the dead carcass of the bird lying at their feet, yet still wait for food to be brought to them.

The idea that a society of civilized animals would still desire meat is totally understandable. But the idea that they would see every herbivore that walks by as a potential hamburger ready to bite into is silly. These animals have every meal prepared and presented like we have it. Even in the black market they don't just chomp into whole carcass. A chicken doesn't look like a cooked chicken breast in our world or theirs. The idea that every carnivore is racked by such powerful instincts that they can't even kiss their girlfriend without biting into them is overly melodramatic.

>beginning of an overall series decline
So, not after the over the top dramatic battle with two guys against an entire mafia, complete with a final boss fight?

Well it's a VERY fictional drama, so...

>Yea Forums will never like beastars because the anthropomorphic animals turn them away instantly so they never bother trying
furries are such a fucking pox, we need a holocaust but just for furries so they can stop shitting things up. once during a mouse gaurd comic dump people complained about furries, THEY'RE JUST TALKING MICE THEY AREN'T EVEN ANTHROMORPHS FUCK FURRIES AHHHHH

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>implying a holocaust wouldn't feed their massive victim complex

>A chicken doesn't look like a cooked chicken breast in our world or theirs.
Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me you guys don't start salivating when you see random cows or chickens?

Just me?

you're right
>how dare you don't accept my wierd and fucked up fetish and treat it as normal REEEEE

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Fish are just fish as seen by the chapter where he delivered some ramen to them.

Paru has repeatedly manipulated the story to allow Melon to live. She'll find a way for him to stick around.

Yeah I'm not a fan of the Melon arc either

Wait, why? What am I missing?

>"molding the form of beautiful creatures"
>In a world where all animals have human level intelligence, have rights and live in a community
>In a world where just using the meat is already considered taboo and hugely disresectful to the deceased

Whatever, it's a shounen manga. Also, people absorb nutrients better under a full moon in this world and Komodo Dragons and Wolves can breed, so I guess the Beastars universe has its own autistic rules.

OH. Jesus I'm retarded, I somehow assumed that he meant molding fake animals. Thanks user.

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he's probably talking about insects my dude...probably.

Oh, I hadn't considered that possibility. I guess that would make it ok. But the fact it's not said straight out still kinda worries me.

Remember that time a woman with huge tits was grabbing Legosi's junk while telling him how big he was and to get a room together and his idea of being "smooth" was to go bing bing wahoo?


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An absolute cutie.

>tfw best girl will never taste venison

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Juno exists to suffer

>"I love this world"
Sorry user, she's gonna fucking die

Is it just me or is being a panda in Beastars just winning the genetic lotery forever?
>Part of the biggest and most powerful land species.
>All the advantages of being a carnivore, none of the impulses, instincts or prejudices.
>You can survive 100% off bamboo.

Beastars is not your common shounen manga. Juno is Louis endgame, she will stay alive till the end. Louis fianceé on the other hand i don't know...

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They are probably still forced on bear medication though.

He mentioned he is at one point. But that doesn't really matter since even on that he's by default stronger than nearly everyone who exists.
Elephants and hippos would be winning the lottery though. Or herbivorous dinosaurs. Really just any large non-carnivore since they destroy the whole ''carnivores stronger than herbivores'' thing with no downsides beyond maybe having a limiter on how much.

Then again maybe the panda is weaker than an actual bear in the same way Louis got manhandled by the chick wolf because she's a carnivore and her muscles are better than his or some shit. Regular carnivores are so much stronger than herbivores they accidently pull off their limbs while comparable in size and there's no reason he should be an exception.

It starts out as school life, romance, then mystery/suspense and eventually a detective story but the story transitions between the genres. It's still a interesting story no matter where they're at because the world building is decent and the characters are entertaining.

>can deal with a lot of blood loss that would kill a animal
>can withstand a tranquilizer bullet
>is feared by lions
If they had a duel, I'm guessing Melon would be strong enough to match or overwhelm Legosi.

This the meat they eat there might be obtained through murder or illegal means but to society they're supplied by mostly already deceased so it's like a organ donating cemetery but still amoral nevertheless.

>No anthro big muscular shark bro
Fuck Paru

Is this thread full of retards? Eating the leg wasn't a fucking shonen powerup that made him stronger than Riz, Riz was still perfectly able to kick his ass. Riz gave up once he saw that Louis and Legosi could still be friends after Legosi ate Louis' leg because it destroyed the delusion he had about his "friendship" with Tem

I figure I'd either post this draw now or when the next chapter lands.

Attached: haru leg smooch.png (2000x1500, 1.13M)

You should do kids coloring in books.

Can't wait for the next chapter to drop

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Just about everything that happens in Beastars is retarded. It’s a manga about retarded animal people doing retarded things for asinine reasons.

>Actual Legosi x Haru fanart
This is some extremely rare stuff.
>AND they're kissing
Even ahead of it's time, you could say.

There some around.

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Honestly when I tried to look for some 99% of what I saw was Legosi x Louis stuff.

That is true.

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his dick is tiny or she is dead when they fuck

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Hey the book on interspecies marriages said size was never an issue.
I guess extreme cases like mouses just have mutual masturbation?

brb getting railed by the shark

Oh please. Legosi is so pent up he'd finish as soon as she touched him.

Writer is a hack.

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>We will have to wait for the second season so we can see best Lion dad animated

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