Death Note

Why wasn't this rule used in the anime / manga? Or was it and I'm just forgetting? Seems like wasted concept potential.

Bad picture because it's from my physical manga

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Light would have to be a retard to actually mispell someone's name four damn times.

Man, deathnote was OP in the 90's, imagine how it'd be like in the modern day when every chucklefuck has a real name Twitter account where they post every aspect of their pathetic basedboy lives?

This very nearly happens at the start of the series when Light keeps trying to guess how to spell the name of the kid robbing a convenience store.

Remember when L gets the Death Note?
>take out a piece of Death Note
>misspell your name 4 times

It's actually better that it wasn't used. If they used it, it would create such bs plot armor for the characters spared by it. Plus, who the fuck would misspell someone's name 4 times?

>who the fuck would misspell someone's name 4 times?
Misspell your own name, both L and Near had the Death Note at one point

I don't think anybody would like to take the risk

Why would you risk killing yourself?
It doesn't make you immune to deathnote, it destroys the deathnote

They didn't want to use the DN

Doesn't using the deathnote halve your life and damn you to an eternity being a death god sex toy?
If I was L I wouldn't risk it

It only applies to that victim.

>Doesn't using the deathnote halve your life
No, that's what happens when you take the eyes. However, all of those who use the DN die in miserable ways and cannot go to either heaven or hell.

L would most definitely do it, he was willing to risk so much, he would maybe first try it on a criminal, remember he wanted to test that fake rule on a criminal?
Also how is it a risk? You take out a piece of it and misspell your own name a few times, might as well right? You're either back at 0 or you just took your enemies weapon and rendered it useless against you.

Also it doesn't render the Death Note useless, it's just against that victim, other DNs can probably be used against them

>cannot go to either heaven or hell.
That doesn't sound like a bad thing desu
If we're going by abrahamic rules it's pretty much impossible to get into heaven realistically

Light became a Shinigami

The misspell has to be unintentional, it was explained in some Q&A.
So you can't make yourself immune to the death note, unless you really are a certified retard.

>blindfold yourself and get wasted
>try to write your name blindfolded
>Watari watched over and stops him if necessary

How does deathnote handle people who changed their name or people with nicknames that don't use their real name?

I guess your legal name works

>people with nicknames that don't use their real name
You mean like L and Near?

If I get drunk enough I can't log into my computer despite having the password firmly in muscle memory, so I reckon if I really pushed my limits I could do it with my name too

Takooey shibemaaroo

I don't know why it would be your legal name if nicknames don't work.
I mean a good nickname implies that's what people actually call you, but changing your name legally just means that's what the government calls you

nice speedwatch/read. in the universe of death note, all humans go to purgatory/mu/nothingness when they die. whether they use the death note or not doesn't matter. this is why light has that small conversation with ryuk at the end. it's just there to scare the user, basically.
and using the deathnote doesn't do anything to you, getting shinigami eyes cuts your lifespan in half. i don't think it's mentioned that people who use the DN die in miserable ways either, and as mentioned previously, all humans go to purgatory when they die.

Additionally it doesn't say it has to be done in the same session. May as well try it once every few days with Watashi stopping you and eventually you'll get it wrong 4 times.

How many times would someone realistically misspell someone's name if their intent was to kill.

>Get deathnote
>Put your own name in: user dies painlessly in his sleep, pleasantly drunk and surrounded by beautiful women who love him on a random day after the start of year 100,000AD (or whenever humanity collapses)
How could you lose?

It's pretty vague, but the names you see with the shinigami eyes of death are the names needed to kill that person. You will see the names even if that person isn't registered in the family registration. For example L's true name is canonically L Lawliet, however he had no birth name, and L was just a nickname given by Watari. So it seems to be that whatever name you primarily went by would be your true name. This is supported by Beyond Birthday and some others.

Imagine buying this and having the Spanish under it.

Now imagine trying to kill the Phantom Troupe members with that rule, and fail.

>Mexicans aren't invading us enmass, you're just a racist

It's Serbian, only way I can buy it.
They have stopped translating at volume 6 though buy said they'll continue.

I've ordered one attack on titan volume ( in English from bookdepository ) and I'm waiting for it. Thing is AoT volumes cost ~9 euroes / collars online

I got my 3 Serbian ones ( on the picture ) for 2 collars each. So it is a good price, they stopped translating that too at volume 8 but they'll continue soon.

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Impossible situations automatically turn into heartattacks.

Keep up with the thread gramps, we're talking about misspelling your own name to get immunity. L would be cruising easy after that.

It's not impossible
It's very likely within our lifetime we'll have GitS style cyberbodies/brains, at which point you just need to be lucky and have regular maintenance and you can do it

The very next rule says if you deliberately misspelt a name 4 times you die.


Get someone who doesn't speak english natively to do it
Even native english speakers have trouble spelling my name correctly without help despite it being pretty common

read Or just tell someone your name fast but not how to write it and tell them to write it down, 4 times to 4 different people

Get a Starbucks barista to write it

The deathnote rules are written in English in the original.

>he can't tell a Romance language from a Slav language

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He deleted it and atoned to his mistakes

I don't care, the archive has preserved his faggotry for eternity.
And I shall continue laughing at him for eternity.

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Not gonna lie, I like those Serbian Attack On Titan spines more than the monotone ones we get. Bugs me a bit how volume 7 doesn't have that company logo though.

How much of a gamebreaker would it be if they also included the death eraser from the pilot chapter?

imagine if an uber SJW had it. everyone who commits wrong-think will be dead by the next day.

You said nigger once when rapping? Off with you

You can manipulate the future up to 23 days, so the "100000AD" makes your condition impossible to fulfill, therefore you die in 40 seconds of default heart attack

you support LGBTBBQ, Antifa and black lives matter, but I see you liked one of Glempfs tweets 8 years ago. You're not fit for society and shall be executed.

There is no heaven or hell, that's the entire "trick." Anyone who uses the death note doesn't go to heaven or hell.
Anyone who doesn't use it also doesn't go to heave nor hell.

There's also that weird-ass rule that you can ignore the 23 days thing if you write in an illness that takes more than 23 days to develop.

Weren't some of the rules made up so Ryuk could troll people? For example, I remember one rule saying that those who use the note enter neither heaven or hell. Then another rule contradicts this saying that it doesn't matter wether or not you use the note, there's only nothingness when humans die.