Oreimo light novel 14 in 2020
Oreimo light novel 14 in 2020
So I guess Eromanga sensei finished already. What was the ending like?
>Ayase IF finishes in 2020
>Kuroneko IF finishes in 2021
>Kanako IF finishes in 2022
>Oreimo anime remake in 2025, this time it's a faithful adaptation compared to the first anime run
I love this timeline
what are the differences?
>Kuroneko IF
I loved the shit out of Oreimo but the illustrations weird me out since I watched Classroom crisis. It's weird how a terrible show can wrong your opinion on an illustrator and another series.
>going for the fan pandering after he screwed at least half of the fandom.
wow the author is scum
>proper ayase volume focus
Fucking finally, shilling the mainstory imouto route aside, Ayase was the only girl kyousuke was naturally attracted to.
How different were the LN from the anime? Did he actually fug his sister?
There was a "morning-after-heavily-implied-there-was-sex"-scene basically. As in that moment in the t.v. series where they're behind the computer playing eroge and Kyousuke is like "Ehh, are you using this for inspiration?" and Kirino just looks disgusted — apparently in the book that was a cut to the morning thereafter with both being a bit uncomfortable.
Also the book pretty heavily implies that they're still together in secret at the end which the t.v. series leaves out.
I too believe that good relationships are built upon one end being afraid the other end will kill him and the other end constantly feeling sexually harassed by the former end.
>doing a alternate ending for each girl LN
The author is a fucking hack and the people that buy this shit are cucks who can't move on. Saying this as a nekofag.
The author is a professional writer that treats writing like a business rather than fine art and realizes whither the money flows.
>kuroneko IF
>she still loses
I don't know, looks like supply meeting demand to me.
It's still ongoing.
So a soulless hack?
If we could move on we wouldn't still be on Yea Forums, you and I.
Why are you taking that user's post seriously?
curious. I dont follow this seires, but didn't a girl already win and get married to the mc?
So have Sagiri and Masamune lived out one of her eromanga scenarios yet or not?
>official fanfiction for Ayasefags
Someone set Dengeki on fire
Funny when that happens.
A man's is to make bread somehow; every nigger is a soulless hack in whatever his profession is.
What the fuck happened with Eromanga-sensei? Last thing I heard is that Sagiri and Masamune are NBR.
They were from the start.
If anything, I respect him. Writing LNs as a business still sounds leagues better and way more comfy than being a wagecuck anywhere.
That's the entire point of Eromanga Sensei. Poor man just wants to write about his incest fetish without the publisher getting uppity.