Claim your favorite stand.
Other urls found in this thread:
best stand
King Nothing is mine
best design is mine
El Mundo reporting in
Personally the 'headlight eyes' stands are my favourites, but Pepsiman is mine
KQ8 is mine
Being able to swim through the ground and other solid objects makes it my faovire, not a fan of how it looks though.
Silver Chariot is mine now
what's the point of the skirt when you can see the groin anyway
Man In The Mirror is the thinking man's stand
I claim King Crimson. Easily my favorite stand and 4th favorite band.
C-Moon is the best, and has the best fight.
Cool as fuck power and a chad user
bruno is more of a white knight than a chad. Annasui is an actual chad
superior taste coming
Physical Stands where so under used in Part 7.
shit's wack lol
I hope more of them come along in part 8, beatdowns are always nice.
Ah, omnipotence.
I'm not sure if you're posting this as a joke but Cheap Trick is actually the best stand bar none.
Physical stands?
Aka punch ghosts
stone ocean best part lmao steel ball run wishes
Death 13 vs kakyoin was one of my favorite fights in part 3
I really want a Sheer Heart Attack RC car.
here to claim Filthy Acts For A Reasonable Price
seriously though, this stand is a magician's wet dream
Claimed the most stylish nigga in part 8
8? He diededed in part 7
Who needs punching ghosts?
Sorry Part 6 fans but I'm doing it.
I think he died a virgin
I can't believe no one took one of the strongest stands from the entire series.
It does literally nothing except give words of encouragement.
Best stand coming through
how you look when you say that hey ya increases luck, and doesn't just say words of encouragement and tell you the odds of your situation
Fucking based, it's the same for me. A shame he was only in one fight.
>how you look
Go back to Yea Forums with your reddit wojak and your reddit typing without the decency to at least pretend with "t."
It seems somebody already took The World, so I'm gonna pull a big brain move and claim THE WORLD (all caps)
pew pew
The best gimmick stand of the franchise coming through
I liked strength. Your own giant ass boat that doesn't need fuel.
Only a bad thing if you're a literal brainlet who can't comprehend a genre shift.
>blocks your path
A shift from action to action?
I never liked golden experiences design. He looks like an anorexic biker with that stupid helmet. Grateful dead is amazing though
Best stand #1
I’ve always wanted to kidnap a masculine biker and starve him until he becomes skinny.
imagine Young Joseph with that Stand, he would be literally invencible.
Fuck you dude, I was going to pick Blackmore. Well, you've got patrician taste I guess
My dick in your mom
Most under-utilised stand in the entire series
Don't mind me, just claiming the BETTER the world, the world OVER HEAVEN
Remember that time whitesnake donut'd three people at once?
I win.
Remember that time it commanded a frog to explode?
>"No": the stand
I win
>no Heaven's door
It's basically giving you the power to control your destiny, you van write "Will happily give user $1,000" on some random person and you'll get it
Araki never gave it any weaknesses either so you can just write "Cannot attack user" on them
"Them" being enemy stand users that is
this would be the most useful stand on a day to day basis
Yeah I'd have to say this one, considering you can give yourself immunity I'd imagine by writing "cannot be attacked" on yourself. Not sure if that'd work or not, still wicked useful.
>Araki never gave it any weaknesses
You have to either carry a drawing with you at all times or be able to draw in midair
Based 200 IQ plant dude
Guys, part 5 bluray rips when ? Can someone tell me please ?
>carry a drawing
Pretty easy
From what I've heard Rohan can't write on himself
I suppose that's fair. Still incredibly powerful.
Coolest design and ability of the whole part
Favourite band, amazing song, great stand ability and design.
for some reason ive always liked bad company
*steals the stands of every user itt*
I'll take Foo Fighters, thanks.
And then I'll marry her.
I adore Doggy style but blue is but a flattering color for it
Jotaro shot 10 years worth of cum there. He really wanted to see his daughter badly.
I win you lose.
Weird how no one has claimed Star Platinum, is it that shit of a stand? (generic)
Everybody here knows they are not worthy.
dont mind me, just a stand with the best stats coming through. really though duplicating everything would be a pretty useful ability for day to day life
It’s too easy to claim and probably is the most “popular” one.
I just realized a lot of the main jojo's haven't been claimed
Based, I’d want a colony stand IRL
Although IRL harvest would be more useful
GER prolly has the best stats
>I just stole the best stand
Based attack
crazy diamond is the shit and would be super usefull in daily life. so would be star platinum. GE or GER not really
fucking gross, why would you post this
Last time I heard mista has dirty nails
Claiming the best stand and the best character in a single post
Hierophant Green for me
Highway CHAD reporting
*worst company
Based and thiccpilled.
I wanted to post them...
Looks like you took the first napkin.
>no one claimed best stando yet
Do you guys even chumimi~in?
All god tier choices. Nobody does cool powersets like Araki.
Hey Ya! exhibits a degree of omniscience in it's encouragement, or rather it's advice.
Pocoloco had no knowledge of the cow corpse, but Hey Ya! led him to it anyways.
Additionally, Pocoloco may be one of the only stand users other than Holly who never engages in a fight, making him by far the luckiest character in JJBA.
It’s cool abilities were forgotten
I'll probably run too
How has nobody claimed the best stand for everyday life yet?
fucking love the part where he climbs on all those pebbles floating in the air
in what way?
I want her to WANAAAABEE my pelvis into dust
echos act 2
probably user meant that the stand is pretty close to being invincible, any damage dealt to it goes back to the person it possesses, and it either drives the user insane or kills them. that thing is scarier that Notorious B.I.G and Morioh got lucky it had a soul sucking alleyway
Hes useless tho.
oh fuck no one claimed act 3 either so ill just swipe echos act 3 as well
The only based guy in the thread. Picking a stand just so you can fuck it is the most based. Spice Girl (the most female-looking stand in the series, probably), Cinderella, Paisley Park, Love Love Deluxe etc.
Love train is the coolest jojo villian power imo
I've won.....
Can he write on himself though?
Its not that difficult to counter
Any kind of repairing or healing stand can undo the damage cheap trick does as it tries to kill the target, and you only have to have it take over someone evil and you can beat the shit out of them and kill them
>Bruno is the JoBro of the part
>When he shows up its instantly noted that Sticky Fingas is faster and stronger than Gold Experience at hand to hand combat, and Gold Experience only beat him because he had to use his life giving power inventively
I liked this
Makes a change that the JoJo of the part isn't a walking death punch machine
Araki just had a fevered dream when he came up with Gold Experience's powers like "It makes life! Its the complete opposite of DIO killing everything. Oh and shit nigga it reflects any attacks back at your life granted object, because Im trying to tell people that giving life and healing is the noblest thing you can do because it just didn't quite translate well enough with Crazy Diamond"
Then he realised how difficult it would be to write a protag with a stand that can reflect attacks easily and swept it under the rug
Bohemian Rhapsody so I can make R63 Narancia real.
Really surprised how little D4C is mentioned, love that stand. Good taste in this thread overall though.
I loved the idea of GE being a more trickstery stand for a change to fit with Giorno's thieving dubious nature(which was dropped in its entirety), but it turned out the be the ultimate Monkey's Paw situation...
I loved this stand even though it's just a mask and he doesn't last very long.
NO ONE CAN STOP MY emerald splash
Why the fuck did he have to die fuck you araki
ikr, he would have been such a good mentor for koichi :C feelsbadman
Maybe in a fight, but he's got plenty of everyday use.
Despite not being a power-type stand. To be fair though, Pucci was nearby and Whitesnake grows stronger the closer Pucci is (but apparently not as strong as Stone Free who couldn't break steel bars).
No kidding. I think the only stands used for punching where D4C and Tusk Act 4 right?
Hard to pick between D4C, Stone Free, and Crazy Diamond, but as the former two have already been claimed and the latter has the most everyday use, I'll take Crazy D. Crazy versatility, great punch ghost, and combines some of the best design elements from both The World and Star Platinum with a nice color scheme. You have no idea how many times I've wished I could use Crazy Diamond to bust down a wall and rebuild it behind myself to make an entrance.
You have to be alpha to control it.
They get damaged when put back together though.
What if having a female stand causes you to begin identifying as female?
id take a male version of stone free and be discount spiderman :D
No, he can't use Heaven's Door on himself
Well user a stand is the manifestation of the soul
That’s why gaining someone else’s stand should change the way you think.
I hate how DP butchered Kraftwerk in anime
>While Rohan cannot read his own memories, he may write commands on himself (for example, by writing on his forehead, he commands himself to repress all memory of the events of Rohan at the Louvre, though they return after the command rubs off).
the comfiest stand
Killer King really blows me away
just don't put them together then, still plenty of uses even with that handicap
God i fucking love Versace and Underworld's design
>Claim your favorite stand.
>People keep picking stands that have already been claimed.
The downside is there's no fan art.
Versace is literally Ryo Asuka and that's what I love about his design, also he's the only one out the three that resembles DIO
Don't open this picture user
damn, that was supposed to be a spoiler image.
I'll go kill myself now
The part 5 anime made me love Moody Blues with its sound design
Yeah, kind of ruined the joke
I've actually really grown to like it.
Seeing it synergize with Speed King during Ozone Baby and Ojiro Returns was really cool.
Plus a lot of stands have been taken at this point.
my lad
Claiming the objectively best armor stand
Why does the world look like such a faggot
i haven't reached jojolion yet, but Paisley Park has a really cool design. of the favorites of the ones I fully know, probably Silver Chariot
I can’t believe nobody claimed one of the coolest looking stands from SC.
I was about to.
magician's red is based as hell and so is avdol. wish they both saw more love
>Vitamin C, Paisley Park and Kiss already claimed
This could honestly be an MC stand, or at the very least a Jobro's. Such a versatile power
As that user explained my point perfectly. Let me add to his point.
Not every person is going to be near a healing stand, for the most part most stands aren't healing ones.
Cheap Trick's talking is actually the better part. It can talk to anyone without barriers so even if you somehow manage to keep your back safe, he can entirely fuck up your ability to communicate with people unless you try to explain to someone "There is a ghost on my back that will kill me if you look at it and it speaks so ignore anything that comes from my general direction."
Firstly, all normal humans will think you're fucking insane, the curious will attempt to look at your back and even if you meet someone who is neither curious nor normal, you'll still only have one person on your side.
So Cheap Trick's defeat relies entirely on either having the ghost alley or knowing someone who has a healing stand to heal the damage while you have your back torn and your body drained into a dry husk.
You can't even hit him with your own stand either because as Rohan showed, he becomes part of you.
*sniff sniff*
Don't forget that Cheap Trick can also talk with animals.
That too. Depending on what country you live in. You could suddenly find yourself attacked by things like Snakes or Moose or god forbid you live in Australia, the vast quantity of man-hating god's rejects which roam that plain.
>he is able to smell the braps from his side chicks
me 2
this and D4C are the all time coolest designs
they sell them they're like 130 bucks or something though
So is Blackmore the strongest non-vampire?
Because his stand ONLY froze the raindrops and turned them super hard/sharp right? What the fuck are this guy's dexterity and reflexes where he can walk on that tiny shit like it's nothing and keep track of all that?
He can also smell when they're on their period apparently
honestly Strength would be the best Stand to have for me, I could run my own fucking luxury boating/travel business and make fat stacks of cash and also see the world.
Shit would be comfy.
>So is Blackmore the strongest non-vampire?
Not even close
but who else could do the shit he does with that level of precision? Maybe young Joseph?
Yellow Temperance
the ability to disguise yourself as anyone perfectly would be fun as fuck and useful for getting laid
Anybody who had the stand long enough to practice
Sale stood on some floating pebbles iirc.
During a car chase too. Still not quite as insane as keeping track of literally thousands of raindrops, especially considering they murder you if you walk into them wrong.
Ok, rapist.
Khunm would be good for that too since you won't have to consume the flesh of whoever you fuck.
it's not rape if I transform into a girl
He can dissolve into the rain too, like when he bites Mountain Tim and chases down Lucy
Rape is rape.
I think both Khunm and Thoth are cursed Stands and thus I do not want any part of them
>use Yellow Temperance to look like a CHAD
>somehow this is rape
Is girls wearing makeup also rape too?
Makeup doesn’t completely hide your true identity.
Makeup isn't a lie. You know a girl is wearing makeup, nobody knows you are hiding your identity with a super power.
You say that but I've seen some shit where girls come out looking nothing like they went in.
>Oingo returning in Part 6
>Oingo disguising himself as Jolyne
>Oingo killing Jolyne
>Pucci taking Oingo’s stand
>Oingo realizing that getting his stand taken away doesn’t reverse the transformation
>Oingo getting his memory disc stolen and replaced with Jolyne’s
Nothing stopping you from using your real name and not using YT to copy someone specifically.
I have to ask, as I am currently watching the series and am somewhere in the endgame of part 4.
Is josuke the worst jojo?
Is there anything fun about him?
The worst Jojo is in the next part.
The next Jojo is by far the worst
Claiming Enigma
Just wait until you get to 5
Josuke is second best next to young Joseph.
His street punk personality is way more fleshed out than Jotaro's and he's also easily one of the most brilliant Stand users in the entire series, he makes the absolute peak use of his power at almost all times.
>nobody claimed weather report yet
Joseph>Josuke 4>Johnny>Jolyne>Jotaro>Josuke 8>>>>Giorno>Johnathan
well he didn't mention it by name so im stealing it
So it gets worse...
I feel this one, he uses his powers in an amazing way, but I just cant like him. I will just have to keep on watching.
Anyone know if part 6 is announced or something.
>Anyone know if part 6 is announced or something.
Nope, will probably be a year or two
It's obvious
Enjoy neverending suffering and failure for the rest of your life
I think Thoth and Khnum are like the anti-Hey Ya
but they're fun
>the anti-Hey Ya
So, it just gives you negative encouragement?
I always saw Hey-Ya's power as it giving its user divine good luck
Edgy looking? maybe a little, but goddamn is it cool
I really wish we got more fun minor villains in later parts...
so PocoLoco really did just have infinite good luck by default?
I’ve already claimed it.
Part 5 has the worst Jojo, but it has a great supporting cast.
For two months
Well, no, they were pretty bad too,
Shit taste.
Abbacchio was the only good character and he barely got screentime as it was.
The race lasted longer than two months.
He was only relevant in the beginning
He won in the end.
By racing normally.
What's wrong with mista?
And being lucky.
aside from Narancia they're all good. Mista in particular is the best side character in the franchise
By that point the actual candidates has pretty much dropped out of the race, officially or not
Narancia is the best side character in the franchise.
too gay, lame power, lame fights
>Hey Ya! doesn't actually do anything haha, it just cheers Pocoloco on
>but it only manifests in ways which would indicate that it has some precognition abilities about when to give advice
Araki this is bullshit and you know it
can't believe it took this long to claim best stand
All incorrect.
Mista is fucking awful. He's the most bland and generic character imaginable outside of one trait (disliking a number) that has no effect on anything.
I'll never have to get up to get anything. Plus I'm sure I can kill a whale with this thing.
uh oh, user! looks like you'll never reach THE TRUE MAN'S WORLD.
Johnny > (Jotaro 4-6) > Joseph > Jolyne > Josuke8 > Josuke4 > Jonathan > Jotaro > Giorno
Valentine > Pucci > Kira > Doppio > Dio > DIO > Diavolo > Kira
7 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1
If you never get up, you’ll become the whale.
he's the second most badass guy in the series behind only Jotaro in terms of taking insane punishment and just continuing to fight to the death.
Every fight he has is a complete shitshow where he gets absolutely fucked up but still muscles through it with sheer force of will.
FUCK i was gonna pick that one. Best stand hands down.
Yawn. I prefer characters who actually react to the events of the story.
someone post the stand (heh) off between Gyro and that guy
Hey user
It just works.
>implying that Mista isn’t just a massive jobber
What the fuck was his problem?
It's not cheating if you're just asking them
Kraftwerk and White Album are the best fights of the series, let alone Part 5
Mista didn’t beat White Album.
If i could find a way to use it's power on command, I'd be unbeatable.
Being badly written.
>plot armor Araki jerk-off
How many years has Mista just been shooting himself? Is the bullet-immunity thing real in JoJo?
Based and SNOOP pilled
When Rohan first uses it, he describes that the viewer needs "compatibility"with his art, and says that Koichi and the loser kid are particularly compatible. Like, you need to like the art and be moved by it. So if some mother fucker hates manga, they can just beat the shit out of him.
I think Araki forgot about it, though. We don't see that referenced again, even though it's a great weakness.
Just imagine Dio, time stopped, walks in to the room menacingly, after Jotaro or Josuke or whoever. There's this faggy starving artist type laid out on the couch. Ridiculous. His easel is open, and facing the door. Dio walks up to it, ready to not be impressed. Hey, this is actually pretty good... And then he bursts into pages, and time resumes. The World is an open book on the ground next to him.
My favorite is Diavolo, who can see Rohan's artwork in the future, BEFORE HE EVEN ENTERS THE ROOM, and then burst into treats in the present, to everyone's resounding confusion. Then a Liberal Arts major walks into the room and laughs at a time erasing shitter with mental problems.
Well Johnny survive a bullet to his forehead
It's possible that the restrictions on his stand were lifted as he grew as a person. Even in pic related he says that it won't work on Josuke, but during the Highway Star arc he was able to do it.
Coolest looking stand in part 5 only topped by King Crimson
What if he just didn’t understand that Josuke wasn’t effected because he was literally blinded by rage?
humans in jojo, stand users especially, seem to be able to take a fuckton more punishment than a regular human.
>stand users especially
Are you sure? Maybe you're just thinking that because the action scenes tend to focus on stand users.
Wouldn't black saboth be op in the night?
no one picked the stand so powerful araki had to write off the character because he didn't know how to beat it. ok i'll take it
No, Magician's Red was already posted.
I think someone did.
>araki had to write off the character because he didn't know how to beat it.
Shit, another youtubefag still believeing this.
Anyone claim the stand of the angriest user yet?
>can't do anything against Notorious BIG except for team killing the rest of his members in the enclosed space
>Secco can drag him underground with Oasis, where the virus can't spread
>Cioccolata is the one time Fugo would have actually been useful since he can gas chamber the helicopter
>Epitaph's prediction shows him being consumed by a purple cloud of something with Fugo and PH
>Activates King Crimson before Fugo can even think about busting open a pod and disposes of him
Fugo's ability is pretty shit and I have no idea why people hype it up so much.
Best crowd control stand
Fuck i love that stand so much, reminds me of college
Claiming I Am a Rock.
Taking this opportunity to post my favourite minor villain.
>I have no idea why people hype it up so much.
because we only got to see it used once. its like how boba fett became such a beloved character despite only having like 30 seconds of screentime.
his stand looks cool, sounds cool, and has an incredibly destructive power but we don't get to see it used more than once. it leaves you yearning for more and wondering how other battles would go down with it.
It feels pretty binary to me. Either he gets the hit off and melts the guy, or he doesn't.
claiming The Emperor, because fuck yes
GER's stats are 0 in everything.
i thought they were N/A, which is different than 0
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?
He's a shitty gary stu.