Bell cranel is a shojo heroin...

Bell cranel is a shojo heroin. Think about the chicks in the show have more balls than he does he just spent a whole episode avoiding some pussy like the plaigue along with the female equivalent of the ugly basturd tag.

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>a shojo heroin
Heroin for girls?
You are saying the girls in the show are literally addicted to him?

No he is a girl the anime just tricked everyone all of the girls are guys and bell is a chick

>expected some kind of silly parody of sorts like Konosuba from the title
>nope, it plays everything straight to the point of genericness

>why yes I reach level 3 after a few months while you have to crawl for years just to reach level 2, how did you know?

I'd give him a good dicking

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Bell is indeed a chick. Such a beta main character. Why do people keep loving these poking fantasies they know it won't happen in real life, because it doesn't exist? Waste of time in my opinion.

bell is a pussy and his show is the absolute worst native isekai, maybe ever. Maybe S1 was kind of fun, but S2 is such an utter shit, I don't get how anyone is still unironically watching this fucking trash. Looks like shit, written like shit, smells like shit.

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He's a pretty good self insert for beta males.

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I did not watch the anime, justr read the LNs but have they revealed that he's zeus kid?

Oh shit, I'm sorry

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nah even shojo heroines got more balls than this cokie cutter beta faggot made only self insertion and power fantasy.
eventually shojo heroines will end up getting the dick by one of her chad orbiters but fuckers like bell will never stop avoiding pussy like it would kill him

Not yet.
Man I wonder why I click every spoiler I see and then get disappointed when I'm spoiled.

Didn't they reveal that in season 1, I could swear Hermes monologues to himself about it season end fight

He's in love with Aiz. Why would he care about filthy prostitutes?

Well, he definitely has a small dick. Hestia won't be too happy when they're finally about to smash...

Well grandson, but yea.

Are most of the Freya familia this great?

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They revealed it at the end of season 1 I think. You're just dumb.

Based Allan. You can always count on him to tell it like it is.

>be bell
>be an adventurer for a relatively minor amount of time
>get to sleep in the same bed as a oppai loli goddess because of convenient reasons
>quickly gets a harem just by getting scammed by a supporter who was actually a good person at heart
>one of the most popular girls in the CITY literally falls in love with him after meeting him for like, 3 times? without him saying much to her?
>gets an OP, super unique power that almost no god knows about (Argonaut)

Meanwhile, other adventurers work way harder than him, get no handouts and have been stuck in level 1 for years.

if only beta males were as cute as him