Why does Vinland Saga run like Naruto?

Why does Vinland Saga run like Naruto?

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This thread was posted yesterday, the answer is that it's easier to animate running this way and you know it.

Please dont make this a meme.

>ITT: post the exact moment you dropped a series.

>For me, it's Vinland Saga.

Both shows are shounen trash.

Preparing to raid Area 51

How is it easier? Besides he runs normal later in the episode.

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Except vinland saga is seinen

Are they hurting that much for time and money they can't even give his arm a frame or two?They could have made the boat a still image like in a Dezaki anime. Would have looked better than cg boat with invisible ropes but nobody does stills anymore they are probably considered even cheapter than shitty cg.

>that boy ain't right

Someone shoop them headbands

>He's ruining our show

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Because Thorfinn is edgy little shit

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>How is it easier?
I don't know how to explain this beyond less poses are easier to draw than more.
Not necessarily money, the arms are still animated, it would take longer to draw the full range of motion but each drawing would cost about the same.

It has nothing to do with the ease of animation, it's just a visual cliche. You're dumb as a brick.

So it's a meme?

no one talking about how they ruined the most iconic scene with CGI, AND they forgot to add ropes in the peoples hands

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>ITT: Smiles you couldnt protect

>no one talking about how they ruined the most iconic scene with CGI,
I am sure Ylfa snuggling with Thorfinn didn't have any CGI in it.

Ylva is made for BBC.

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Goku used to run like this in Dragonball, I think its in early DBZ too
probably predates DB too

why it have to be like this, brother?

>wit original episode is kino
>manga adaptation episode is a shitshow
Really makes you think.

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I don’t know but this show is boring and I’m dropping it

The prologue arc only gets good when they get to England during the winter

I don’t fucking care, I’m in grad school and I’m not wasting twenty minutes every week on some shit adaptation of a manga I can read later

>Im in grad school
Do you want a fucking metal, kid?

>Why does Vinland Saga run like Naruto?
For the memes

You can pin point the moment when Askeladd and Bjorn realize the hit him too many times.

Naruto run, cutting mail with sword, a child defeating multiple armored oponents with swords and spears using a knife.... Visually this show is way more realistic than "Vikings" but this only makes those full shounen fights appear more ridiculous by contrast.

Wait till you see Thorkell, you havent seen anything ridiculous yet.


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Well the size of the rock beeing exagerated is less ridiculous than maing armor useless to me

But Moekell is supposed to be inhumanly strong even in universe and he still makes more sense than a 10 year old putting all his stat points into speed.

He fucking threw a spear through 3 guys from like a mile away.

That was pretty awesome, wasn't it?


Didn't notice any

So what's the beef with ultra jumping?

I find more impressive the Log Dropper

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Did he run like this in manga too?

More like Flopland saga amirite

Why are you spamming every vinland thread? Are you that pathetic?

Why did the animators made him run like that? is that a joke?

>he defends his dying series
>calls others pathetic
Funny and ironic

I want crossboarders to leave

Stop avoiding the question, why are you spamming "flopland saga" in every Vinland thread? Do you really have no other and better ways to spend your time? That is what I call pathetic.

>can't handle the truth his series is a flop
Does it hurt?

Not too familiar with either but I'm assuming it's this panel based off the composition where he's not even running. This is when he's going for negotiations right?

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Why are you so upset with the truth? It's a flop no matter how you want to spin it. Just accept it user.

Stop, it hurts

>episode 7
>only reached chapter 1

I wish we have a 4 cour run for Vinland Saga. I want to see him becoming a slave.

>4 cour
>of vinFLOP saga

ah yes my favourite anime character, Vinland Saga!

Will Vinland ever avenge his father

>that pic
Come on japs, it's so obvious. He's doing your usual "so angry he looks down" walk.

Find out in the next Saga!

I'm gonna weep so much when this episode comes.

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