Blu-Ray is out and ready to be pirated! So, what did you think?
Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] II. lost butterfly
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Needs fansubs and needs them ASAP.
Are the official subs that bad?
I'll just repost what I said last thread
Ill just use the camrip subs as an example. When the shadow is charging it's attack, in the fansubs Ilya says "It's building up mana" where as in the official subs she says "Magical energy is gathering.
When Shinji is about to rape sakura at the end and is talking about telling shirou, in the fansubs he says "About how much we fucked right here!" where as in the official subs he says "About how obscene our intercourses have been!"
When shirou is talking to sakura out in the rain, in the fansubs sakura says "Where is someone like me supposed to go?" where as in the official subs she says "So where are you saying someone like me can go home to?"
There are so many more instances of rocky translations than this. The problem is essentially that the translation is extremely literal and has no regard for how the sentence actually sounds when spoken in english. Ironically it's very reminiscent of the original translation for F/SN, and at this point everyone is aware of how shitty that was.
Are the Worms hand drawn or CG ?
I bet the guys who did these terrible translations are now working in the industry.
No shit, the subs are official. The official subs in the first one were also just as bad, but for whatever reason I barely saw anyone complain about them.
>The official subs in the first one were also just as bad
No kidding, just rewatched it yesterday and it was fucking awful.
So, what are the best subs Yea Forums?
Sorry, I took it as if you meant the fansubs of that time for some reason.
I need to watch it today, is someone even bothering fixing those subs?
If it's like last time, no one will bother to fansub it, so you might as well use the official ones.
Since there's already the camrip subs and they're superior, I might try to sync them up with the BD release. The camrip subs have a gradual delay that builds up though, so its not as simple as just dropping them in and adjusting the delay. You could probably extract the subs from the BD release and just replace all the lines with the camrip equivalents, and just keep the sub timings from the BD version. I'll probably try that tomorrow and post it here if it works well.
>no spoiler
My little user can't be this dummy!
>In the official subs she says "So where are you saying someone like me can go home to?"
Holy shit that's horrible subbing.
can i have the said cam rip subs?
There's a DDL to them in this link
Keep in mind like I said in you're not gonna get these to sync up with the BD without a lot of work.
>in the fansubs Ilya says "It's building up mana"
But that's wrong, you retard. The official TYPE-MOON terminology for magical energy is 魔力 (literally "magical energy" or "magical force", some autists translate it as "prana"), mana (マナ) and od (オド) are two entirely different concepts in Nasuverse, they are types of magical energy. Calling 魔力 "mana" is just incorrect. I side with the official subs here.
While you have a point, my grievance was more so that she said "Magical energy is being gathered" rather than "It's gathering magical energy".
Magical energy is right though. Mana and magical energy are similar but different. I also don't see any problem with the other two. My only gripe with the official subs is that Shinto is translated as "New City", and wasn't kept as is just like Fuyuki.
>tfw no Winter Tree City
Like I said in the post, they don't sound like things people would actually say. They sound like literal translations of people speaking Japanese. That's not terrible, but it's a bit immersion breaking to see Shinji say things like When that's definitely not how he'd say it.
should i just use VCB with my mpv upscale config? i have no time to spend on fighting leechers on multiple torrents
Did anyone else notice that there's an unedited berserker grunt or something at 55:09? It's really obviously out of place, guess they forgot to add the modulation effect to it.
>that comment section
here are your wormposters bro
>The Atheist Bear
>I want to die too when I see Sakura. I HATE her.
>pedobear avatar
when people say sakura haters are still living in 2012 they weren't joking
What did Shinji mean by this? From the start of presage flower when Shirou is shooting arrows
>7 different releases
Ok, what's the actually good one?
Shirou's archery is perfect, robotic, and inhuman. Shinji is jealous, disgusted, and fascinated.
>put the grail shards in sakura for me, emiya boy
God, I fucking hate this slut. She puts on this face when she hears that Shirou knows Rin.
I'd wait a week or so, usually first days releases are sloppy and rushed for clicks.
>Cute girl visits your house every day and cooks for you
>Perfect wife material
>Oh, but you actually have a crush on the school idol whom you've never really spoken to before
>Also you're immediately mesmerized by this blond foreigner who appears out of nowhere in your shed one night
You'd think Sakura would be in the lead, but it takes her fainting one night for Shirou to actually start paying more attention to her.
What face do you want her to put when he is talking about the family that left her behind?
You seem to forget Rin is literally her sister that she is not able to call family, secondarhino
You mean Rin the same who was scratching her own pussy while her sister was being abused during years?
>used goods
How did Illya appear in his nightmare?
The US release isn't for a couple of months right? Why does the Jap version have English subs on it?
>Rinfags are secondaries
Not them but how do you remember this shit? It's been at least 8 years since I read the VN and I hoenstly don't remember most of this.
I replayed the novel half a year ago or so
Because it was a good VN. People just remember shit they really like. I could probably recite all of my favorite books and movies from memory. Remember people here don't have real lives, so they immerse themselves into fiction as the means of escaping reality.
>Remember people here don't have real lives, so they immerse themselves into fiction as the means of escaping reality.
Maybe 5+ years ago but I don't think it's true for current Yea Forums. Anyway, that's beside the point.
I guess I'm just not that deep into fate stay night. I felt it was too long to re-read it.
>I don't think it's true for current Yea Forums
Yeah, unfortunately. I feel happier living in the past.
>I feel happier living in the past
saberfriend, I will remind you that currently one of the ebin insults imported from Yea Forumsermins is "Have sex".
Never thought I'd really say it, but poor Shinji.
Are the people translating this even fluent in English? How can a "professional" translator not look at some of sentences and not realize how grammatically broken they are?
>one of the ebin insults imported from Yea Forumsermins is "Have sex".
The fact that Yea Forums can go full Yea Forums in 5 years being generous makes me scared of the future
>Filthy secondary hates sakura
Every time
Either they're not fluent or they don't care enough to fix it. Considering they did it without anyone really complaining the first time around it's no surprise they wouldn't fix it here.
I would rather be a secondary than a primary like you that read an amateur fan translation. I will wait until there is an official translation. I've waited 13 years and will continue to do so.
>I will wait until there is an official translation
You are kinda dumb aren't you?
>I've waited 13 years and will continue to do so
>Sakurahater is not only a secondary but also retarded
So this is the powerlevel of the worm shitposters huh...
I love Redman so much it hurts
>Implying that official translations are even usually better than fan translations
This very movie is a great example.
I fucking love this scene. This is what peak kino looks like.
>reasons not to kill yourself in 2020
you will be able to watch the BDrip only in 2021 though ;^)
is it too late?
retard shirou
I don't care.
I've been in cinema for the first two and I am going to watch the third in cinema.
That is already an established fact, nothing is going to change this.
Yeah just like the last 2 times, right?
Yea Forumsermin begone!
>Hates sakura
>Unironically uses kino
>Still waiting for the official translation of a visual novel of 2004.
Jesus christ
>still waiting for the official translation of a visual novel of 2004
You're either projecting or you misquoted. Either way, you're a retard.
>not just reading it in moon
>wanting an official translation
*clap clap clap*
>wanting an official translation
I've never said this. I only posted a webm of MoS Shirou beheading Sakura.
Did anyone get the BAKA My Head release? It seemed the most sensible, but MPC crashes when I try to open the file.
Isn't he supposed to be happy and encouraging that Shirou chose another path?
>still using mpc
I thought everyone upgraded to mpv.
Why are the official English subs full of typos? Some lines aren't even translated.
The German subs I watched in Hamburg were much better than this.
Alright, this has got to be the best example of how shitty the translation is. Whose fucking idea was this?
Aren't you supposed to be reading the VN?
Posting the version with subtitles would probably be a good idea.
Works on my machine bro
So we did have german subs. I was wondering if our subs were this bad too.
Deleted the .sup file and it works now. Weird shit.
How exactly is MPV supposed to be better?
He is
What the fuck.
I read more than 10 years ago and i don't remember much interaction between them, or even Emiya meeting face to face with Sakura.
Then whats with that scene?
>So we did have german subs.
In cinema, yes.
I don't own the BD myself so I can't say if the German subs are on it.
I watched it in Hamburg as well.
>mpc crashes
>"use another one then"
>waah you're not helping
Reread it, then.
Rin what the fuck, don't bring Caster here.
where is the link?
How pathetic/new are you that you can't find one of the almost dozen torrents on your own?
Kill yourself
take your pick of subs (better to wait for a more clean version of subs):
please stop being assholes to the zoomer
i blame spergs who get all itty wicky about localization and want everything to be a 100% literal translation to not be triggered.
grub my rub faggot
I can't find it. Thank you for the reply
This has to be samefagging.
Literally shirou
Imagine how butthurt you would be to see your teenage self drop everything you built your persona on for kouhai pussy.
It's one giant ''have sex'' from the universe.
>haha, that'll show them! sekrit club, am i right? :^)
>where can i watch anime? why are all the sites gone?
How so?
It's hard to believe someone could be dumb enough to spoonfeed a retard like that.
>where can i watch anime? why are all the sites gone?
Don't be delusional, sites won't get taken down by talking about them on fucking Yea Forums. The reason not to spoonfeed newfags is to avoid bringing in more newfags.
Just what is your problem with people getting spoonfed?
You're some kind of idiot that doesn't know about private trackers? Why else would you worry about some public tracker getting taken down.
>The reason not to spoonfeed newfags is to avoid bringing in more newfags.
It's one of the reasons.
See: And then go back.
Because people who want to get spoonfed aren't the kind of people you want on Yea Forums.
This is a board for discussing anime, not for asking for things.
If you want to ask for things, head over to or
Why were genetics so unfair with rin? Sakura is 15 and already has those hips and tits while rin is two years older if I remember correctly and is a stick in comparaison
What are you talking about?
Sakura and Rin are both over 18.
Why? Just police patrolling the streets to protect citizens from getting baited with rock CDs
Rin is perfect the way she is.
Rin was only 1 year older
Don't believe R18-VN legality lies
I calculated it once. Rin was born on February 3, 1987 and Sakura was born on March 2, 1988. First day of Fate/stay night is January 31, 2004. But yeah, they are both 18, that's what the VN said.
It was good, shame they didnt gave a proper explanation about archers arm transplant expect for the dont take it off or u die by its power
fuck the anineonlyfags
i dont have a problem with the adaptations but they're always just skim through the small bits on information, i know plenty of people who never touched the vn's and only watched the anime/movies, also these same people don't even know about KnK or anything else either then FGO and FSN
I guess these movies are very confusing for those that didn't read vn.
let them be confused, maybe they won't touch the next one
The epitome of this for me is when Sakura cries after Shirou goes to her room with a knife. You'd probably have to think about it for a bit to make sense of why she cries, but it could be done.
Burger hours are coming, expect some super autistic shitposters spamming wormslut soon
is this normal?
the tv is breaking the fourth wall, also no you probly have a corrupt subs, look if you have a replacement for the current english subs since mine had two versions
Which one did you download? The BAKA release only has 1 sub file
i downloaded a bdrip one because U3 and reinforce had too many leechers, i can give you mine if you want
That's the one I have and both sub files have those typos. What player are you using?
MPV , i didnt had the typos expect for the tv one i presume i dont remember by now
That smol Gil is cute
He is already going mad in two threads
are these timed to the bluray release?
no idea, but don't you have a retiming mechanism in your player?
yeah but doing it manually on my TV's player is a hassle
No. The delay starts at like 12.5ms but by the end of the movie it gets smaller so it's impossible to sync without adjusting the delay throughout the movie or going into the sub file and changing the times manually.
I was wondering why this thread is so comfy
Is 12.5ms all that noticeable? You could reduce the largest discrepancy if you make the subs appear for ((smallest delay)+(estimate of average delay))ms earlier.
Oh, sorry I meant 12500ms.
Same retards in every Fate thread. Keep seething
Might as well just say 12.5s.
I'm just used to seeing it as ms because of mpc.
Oh. What's the smallest delay, anyhow?
I showed them to a guy that only watched zero and ubw. And he liked them.(probably because i told him some missing info.
If he wasn't happy with the decision, he wouldn't have bothered to stand outside the church and say that. He would have snarked at him in passing and watched him seethe. But as he is all in on the ideal, and because like Nasu said, he "isn't Shirou", he can't just say, "good job, protect her like I didn't" even if he would've likely done so himself in the past if circumstances were different. See, people say the different routes Shirous are different when in reality it's just circumstances. Shirou in every route rages and feels sickened at sacrificing people. And for that matter he (and Sakura too btw) mourns those that are lost in this route. There has just always been a severe lack of understanding of the characters in Fate whenever we have these conversations.
At the last line in the movie it's about 7.1 seconds.
You could reduce the maximum delay to 2.7s by moving all the subs 9.8s earlier, but that's still pretty bad.
It's fine as long as he doesn't start shitting up the threads.
sakura is just fat while Rin has the perfect slender golden ratio
also zettai ryouiki
You know, I actually looked up Sakura's weight to height ratio and she's in healthy weight.
Sakura weights one kg less than Rin. Rin is healthy too though, guess Tokiomi would be hot if he was a girl
The fights weren't as good compared to the first movie, but then again I think that's more because of the source material than the director. The bits where Saber Alter was fucking up the remains of the Einzbern Castle while trying to kill Herakles were pretty good though; nice to see something that's been touted as a siege weapon for so long actually used to that effect.
Somehow Sakura is just 3cm less than Rin, shit's truly unfair.
bmi means nothing
Much better than the first movie, I have no complaints.
>crossboarder reaction pic
Every time.
That shouldn't be anything new. The rinfags that spam wormslut also like to use cope and seethe a lot these days
just finished it. not a big deal. fate/zero still is better than this. Hell, even El-Melloi II Case Files that was handled by Troyca is better.
So WHY was Black Saber taking Zouken's instructions? I still haven't found a good explanation for why she should be helping the delusional fuck to attack Illya and steal the Grail. Her master is the shadow/Sakura, which at this point isn't fully conscious and which Zouken doesn't even really control. Did she just want to beat up Berserker in revenge for the fight at the start of the route?
>do you like me as a family or as a girl
>yes, I love you Sakura
Why did they avoid the argument? No seriously, she brought up a pretty good point. Why didn't they follow through with it?
the shadow targets the biggest mass of mana in the area aka Illya on instinct I guess
Then why did Salter talk to Assassin after the fight like they were all buddy buddy?
if he told her the truth they wouldn't have fucked and the movie would've ended sooner.
Do you have actual unironic autism? The fact that they fucked immediately after that question is his answer to it retard.
Your wife counts as family, so both.
Oh yeah, I remember now, this scene was censored in Malaysian cinema. It smash cut to black screen when Shirou brought the sword down instead of showing us the decapitation.
Maybe she wanted the shadow to absorb Berserker so that Sakura didn't absorb his soul, which would be extremely painful for her.
>You'd think Sakura would be in the lead, but it takes her fainting one night for Shirou to actually start paying more attention to her
Sakura was more like a family to shirou. Saber is your typical 'love at first sight' kind of love interest while rin is the "popular girl". What makes Sakura unique is that shirou's feelings for Saber and rin are based on physical features but Sakura is emotionally more important to him.
>the shadow to absorb Berserker so that Sakura didn't absorb his soul
user, what?
The berserker Shirou kills was absorbed by the shadow, but Sakura as a grail didn't absorb his soul yet. When she does it's extremely painful for her and she says her personality nearly disappears.
Another highlight in how shitty this translation can possibly be
iirc that's not how it works. You're either eaten for mana like lancer and gilgamesh, or you're corrupted by the shadow like saber and berserker.
>they like to use cope a lot
Indeed, they also admit without shame they are secondaries
Loving your mother is not the same as loving your wife. Sure both are family but the kind of love you feel for both is different in nature, and neither can be quantified. Had shirou given her an answer the outcome would not have changed. What's wrong with loving Sakura as a family?
Oh wait, I just realized when you said "for HER", you meant sakura and not Salter. Ignore that then.
Someone was paid for that.
Was the first movie's translation that bad?
Would it be faster to change the shitty lines with the proper timing, or trying to adjust the timing?
It was definitely below average, though it wasn't this bad.
I'm wondering that myself.
FSN's original TL is based you cuck
Sakura Saber in Nutshell
>demo... hen janai?
>but... it isn't strange.
Like what the fuck, did the translators even speak english? This seriously reads like some ESL google translate shit.
How am I supposed to understand that
Or was Sakura actually speaking non sense too?
Its not that saberbros hate rin, they just hate people who spam like retards while using cope and seethe in their post. And it happens that those people are for the most part rinfags. Hell, even many sakurafags don't hate rin.
Seeing this disaster I'm beginning to think adjusting the timing might be better. People here actually contributed to that, too, and it was revised like 5 times.
Can't we just all agree that UBW is the greatest story ever made? I have yet to see something comparable in this goddamn industry
Here's one that's particularly hilarious. What the FUCK is this even supposed to mean? In the camrip subs, he says "I will repay this debt", which is presumably what he's actually saying. How the fuck did they get this? Even if this a more accurate translation and he's saying something to the effect of "I can make up for previous losses" why the fuck would the translate it like this?
It's the thoughts of Angra Mainyu's embryo.
The theatrical US release subs were fine what the fuck happened
I can't hate Rin after all she does for Saber in both Fate and UBW, but god damn do her fanboys need to be sedated.
As a Saberfag, I just want us all to live in peace.
first did you understand her japanese?
The fansub tl for this line was "The match has been decided." Completely different meaning.
fgo players and secondaries in one thread
very nice
Why didn't this stupid bitch just fucking ask for cum right away?
Any why did she extract his blood about the most painful method possible? Could get a fucking needle.
mass permaban incoming
Saberfags generally also like rin, most of them just dislike the rinfags because the vocal minority of them has been constantly shitting the threads.
>I just want us to live in peace
Me too, but I doubt the autism will stop someday when they have been shitposting the same shit for fifteen years. This thread is chill for now, but just take a look at those threads the user linked here I am one of those anons that tried to stop the sister wars every time they start. You know what the shitposters I am trying to reason with tell me? "Fuck off wormslutfag"
The only solution would be filtering every worm word and no one falling for the bait. But of course, there is always someone who is going to take their bait.
I wish
those eyes make me hard.
does anyone have a link for the bluray version?
Why do people hate Sakura again? Your anger should be directed towards shirou because he was about to kill her. That fucking cunt
He was doing it to save everyone in the city, and even then he was only considering it. If you're looking for someone to hate, ultimately it all leads back to Zouken.
some people can't handle characters that have some strong flaws, while often that makes for very interesting characters
Heaven's Feel Saber in Nutshell
If you don't think that Shirou almost killing Sakura was pure fucking kino then you are either a speedreader or a secondary.
>filtering every worm word
Oh god this would be so wonderful if they did that. Rhinokeks would have to search for some other dumb thing to call Sakura
Great, 1.5 years more till I can binge this entire trilogy.
I agree people that hate sakura are fucking retarded, but its also retarded to blame shirou
Huh, plenty of time to read the fucking VN as well.
Alter is GOD
The fact that shirou was almost about to do it makes me wanna strangle him. How could he even think about it, didn't he love her?
>Shirou almost killing Sakura was pure fucking kino
Shirou killing Sakura and then killing himself would have had a greater impact.
Now this is RP
Shirou's character has always revolved around his fucked up broken ideals, killing one person to save many would be in line with those ideals, the conflict between those ideals and the fact he cares about sakura is a major theme of heavens feel.
I hope they didn't fuck up the scene in the park with illya, that stood out the most to me in the VN when she doesn't get mad at him for lashing out.
I've filtered quite a few of those, especially the weird ones.
Now post vanilla Saber's stats when she's not nerfed by Shirou, ESL kun.
to be fair, he wouldn't get to the point of kiling himself because Medusa was stood behind him the entire time to see what he would do, and splat him if he actually went through with it.
The paralells between her and sakura hit close to home I suppose but I think the summoning ritual generally summons people of similar kinds anyways.
>that stood out the most to me in the VN when she doesn't get mad at him for lashing out.
Day 9 is stacked.
The scene where sakura wakes up and talks to him is so fucking kino, they should have left that in
>waiting just to binge anime
Why would you ever do this to yourself?
She need to DiE
>but its also retarded to blame shirou
Why not? He's a fucking autist. Why should i feel for him?
>How could he even think about it, didn't he love her?
>What are Kiritsugu's ideals?
>What is utilitarianism?
Shirou considered it because he thought that it was what his superhero figure would have done: sacrifice the few to save the many. Him rejecting these ideals by choosing to spare Sakura directly contradicts what both Archer and Kiritsugu would likely have done.
>I hope they didn't fuck up the scene in the park with illya
They didn't fuck it up, but it barely had any impact at all. It was a great shame. It was kino in the VN
Probably for 3rd movie. They cut some long Ilya scene like they did with first one. Outside of shopping. I hope for shopping scene flashback
Which sword is that he shot at her? Just no name noble phantasm?
Now post where thr shadow eats him gilbro
when the*
It was disappointing that they removed it. I told my wife what the removed when we watched it together and she was shocked.
It really shows that Sakura fully embraces the futility of her situation and would rather die at his hands at any moment than make him suffer. Its also poetic because in that scene if Shirou DID try and kill Sakura with the knife he gets rekt by Rider.
>Him rejecting these ideals by choosing to spare Sakura directly contradicts what both Archer and Kiritsugu would likely have done
But wouldn't it be better if he just killed Sakura and then proceeded to kill himself? Together forever in the afterlife
Just realized this is somewhat reminscent of EoE.
>esl seanigger hating on Sakura
Is this a new development?
What the fuck is wrong with you, you autist?
Seriously, a NP rain couldn't kill Sakura. What would a kitchen knife do? Making friend?
Still no stitch of this?
I just want shirou to die like the stray dog he is.
*Sorrow plays*
It is one of the 3 or so incredible scenes with Sakura in HF.
It was exactly time when Shirou can kill her
Fuck off you ESL subhuman. I can’t even tell what you’re trying to argue for, you’re rambling like a psycho.
do we get to see rider being awkward at being treated like a human being? or is that a movie 3 thing to look forward to?
>kill himself? Together forever in the afterlife
That's not how real love works, psycho.
He probably wasn't that deeply in love with her at that point. He loved his ideals more than her up until that point, depending on the reader's decision. The decisions Shirou can make are canon parts of his psychology. Like it or not, in that scene Shirou truly was considering killing Sakura to appease his dead father/hero figure and to sate his survivor's guilt.
That is hollow ataraxia.
Ultra smug sakura is also from there.
You get a bit of casual clothes rider in the end of hf tho
>hating Shirou
secondary confirmed
God these ESLs are getting out of hand. Where is /pol/ when we need them?
Shiro is not protagonist
You know... look at this Poster Saber in CENTER
You should have to pass an English grammar test and an iq test to post on this website.
I know the pic is from HA, I took it.
she's less awkward in HA and more a big ol tease, with a fear of being jumped by lolis.
Nah it's skipped over almost entirely. So is the stuff with Illya and some of the best Saber scenes.
IPs from whatever region this is should have some kind of english literacy check.
but wouldn't she just regenerate anyway? After all that was what Gilgamesh meant when he said she should kill herself while she still had the chance because it would soon come to the point even if she tried to she wouldn't die unless she exploded as a holy grail
Based autistic ESL secondary.
Hmmmmm. If I had to put it into words I'd say that Berseker iffy uhh, Saber (alter) got the stiffy uhh. Still haven't watched the movie though.
>Nah it's skipped over almost entirely.
Are you sure? I think we're not here. Need to re check VN
It's skipped over because Sakura went Dark at the very end.
The whole rest of the trilogy is gonna be a bloodbath. The time for slice-of-life is over, peace is no longer an option.
I can't believe Archer is dead again
Why do they Capitalize random fucking Words in their POSTS?
No, these are hers in a dream. Remember Sudou said she's mentally very young.
>The whole rest of the trilogy is gonna be a bloodbath
I'm looking forward to a comfy epilogue.
He lives on in Shirou's arm.
If he masturbated with Archer's arm, is that considered giving himself "the stranger"?
Oh... Look at this Crazy Monster
>Angra Mainyu's embryo
So, Heaven's Feel is just a giant abortion debate, right?
You have the rape victim who got pregnant by her step brother, the religious figures who want to preserve the life within her no matter what, and you got her new boyfriend, the ideal whiteknight who wants to abort the baby.
Did I get this correct?
hell if you go back to the first movie and look at how she behaves before she's been going to shirou's for a while she's basically near comatose and unaware of how to socially interact.
He probably shouldn't, his whole body is swords now.
don't say rude things to angry-san
>his whole body is swords now.
Not yet.
I literally wish mods would range-ban this ESL.
>You know... look at this Poster Saber in CENTER
Saber is off focus point.
She's at the side of compositiong being a foreground element.
What the fuck Archer even is?
I thought Shiro became a hero in future so he's a heroic spirit, but apparently it's not that, then what?
Nah. Mods should ban US ips. US time is worst time.
Would you make a thread?
If he masturbated too hard, would swords start to grow from his penis?
did you not read ultimate blade works? the entire route is about him.
short answer, yes, he is the heroic spirit emiya.
He's Shirou of alternative timeline's future that made contract with the world to become counter guardian after death, what's the problem?
I watched it's adaptations but didn't quite get his motivations.
Literally what's wrong with hating Shirou and why do you get called a "secondary" if you bash him? Yes I've read the fucking VN and I still don't like his character
Rider is BADASS
>read the VN
>doesn't like Shirou
Don't worry, we have a name for you too: speedreader.
The throne of heroes exists outside of time.
How about you just read the VN?
And perhaps brush up on your English while you're at it.
fucking based
Majority of VN readers like him and 99% of the time when someone's hating him it's animeonlys who didn't understand his character at all from adaptations.
Nasu is genius.
now you know what's with this Sakura vs Rin bullshit debates
Rin didn't had enough daddy juice.
Hello. Have you been here in kangaroo fucking hours? I still get flashbacks.
>h-how dare you hate my self-insert harem protagonist!
Kill yourself
Like a cat with a barbed penis.
I kek'd at this and I am a sakurafag
>self-insert harem protagonist
You really are speedreader if you think so.
Does this count when at any given time most of the girls are either dead or not around?
He followed the path of his ideals and found nothing but endless pain and suffering. He comes to regret and despise the path he has chosen but has to eternally follow through with it since he will continue to be summoned by the world. His motivation in every route is the same- to kill Shirou in the hopes of breaking free from the cycle, though he is only able to take action in UBW.
(if) Hollywood ever decides to give this shit a live adaptation, I want Tarantino to do the screenplay.
weak bait
>(if) Hollywood ever decides to give this shit a live adaptation
If this ever happen I'd fucking shoot up a mall.
Honestly, he's just throwing a tantrum and never really believed that killing Shirou will free himself.
>I'd fucking shoot up a mall.
go to Sakura-Con instead
Good, as I am a Sakura- and/or Illyafag myself.
My only complaint is I wish there was more Illya/Kirei/Rider especially the scene with Kirei and his wife from the VN
>especially the scene with Kirei and his wife from the VN
You mean the scene in day fucking 15?
HF is the dumping ground of a lot of what could have been the other routes. It's only fair that an adaptation would primarily focus on only one of the girls.
I hate HF Shirou ideals.
>muh you should be Seigi no Mikata for someone
>even is person is evil and will use you
It's just shame. Fight scenes are god tier though, can't wait to see Nine lives scene, Saber fight scene and final fight scene.
I wish every fucking disgusting subhuman seanigger would be lined up against the wall and shot. What a worthless people.
>still no shirou and Gil edit of Cliff vs lee
What's taking so long?
True. Though that combined with the surplus of Bad Ends that are legitimately great on their own, it's still a shame that they probably will never be animated. While I kinda doubt it, I really hope they at least show the shopping scene in a flashback. That was one of my favorite moments from the entire VN.
The soundtrack though.
This but unironically.
and then you get the taiga dojo to explain where you fucked up, and get mocked.
Should've made the Saber-Berseker fight shorter if parts of it (especially in the middle) were going to look bad. What's the point of adding mediocre segments?
Not as bad as Cu fighting on a highway I guess.
So much is lost in the adaptations because you can't see the Bad Ends/Dead Ends. It really sucks and is a big part of why secondaries are such garbage people to talk to.
So, we are doing a heaven's feel electtic boogaloo of this right?
Oh my bad I thought it was when Kirei helps attach Archers arm
>I wish every fucking disgusting subhuman Amerimutt would be lined up against the wall and shot. What a worthless people
That was from day 15 if I remember correctly so it should show in the next movie
They needed some big explosions to keep the brainlets preoccupied. Otherwise there wouldn't have been much ackshun fightan bing bang wahoo pew pew lazer sword beams.
>Cu fighting on a highway
What? Outside CG it was great scene. More grounded. But well people who don't like fights in fucking adaptation of chuu2 VN are some kind of weirdos
Sorry, but shitposters have mostly taken over complaining about Kirei scenes that are mostly irrelevant in the part lost butterfly covers.
The flashback happens during the fight between True Assassin and Kotomine if I recall
So about how long until fansubs are inserted into the BD rips?
It makes no sense, surely you've heard this by now. Also, presage flower suffers more from transitions IIRC, so more time to smooth those out would've been better.
So is the music good in this or not?
Why does everyone seem to hate the HF action scenes? I'm a VN reader and I personally appreciate having some dumb over-the-top action to make the pacing work better in the anime
>using sorry for party rocking instead
>look at the top of his head syncronized when his body is shown headless
I don't know if the vacuum cleaner sound should go and get swapped with another sound effect or stay.
Its funny seeing all this trouble they had with the shadow, when all they needed to do was to get Merlin's ass to Fuyuki.
I like the ones in lost butterfly for the most part, but could've done without lancer vs assassin being so drawn out.
13年もう待っていたのか …
It makes sense for them to have trouble with it because it's anti-servant weapon.
Lancer deserved to get a little extra screentime before his inevitable death.
I think the movie portrayed just how broken Shinji was, perfectly might I add
It's weird to see assassin fighting lancer on somewhat equal ground which makes Cu look bad actually.
Is Angry Manjew's mud literally exactly the same as the Chaos Tide or is it just of a similar nature? Either way Saber can walk on water.
eh, assassin was retreating the entire time
Assassin was trading blows in cqc with him on the truck and dodged multiple lance thrusts.
Are you sure? If anything this fight shows how weak Assassin is.
Assassin never really had the advantage at any point, though. He was really just on defense the whole time so that he could lure Cu toward the shadow.
Just imagine losing your virginity to shinji's leftovers
And he loses fast to Archer in melee combat who has worse stats. Those stats mean nothing, he's loses easily to anyone if he engages them in melee in VN.
Shinji = Sakura = Evil Psychopath
So what's your point? Archer didn't die against Lancer instantly despite being weak. But by your logic he should.
SeaNigger OUT please
I still can't believe Shinji and Sakura will be sold only together.
How am I supposed to react when I go to watch a Fate movie in the cinema and there are people sitting in front of me playing FGO? This has happened for both Prisma and HF2 now.
My point is that if Hassan goes into melee range of any other servant, he instantly loses. He always keeps distance throwing his dirks in VN.
look until people start throwing noble phantasms nobody is really acheiving anything against other servants.
nobody ever so much as wounded another servant with ordinary strikes, except berserkers for obvious reasons.
>how dare!
>they do something I don't like!
Stop breathing.
Did they show sakura nipples in the bluray?
ufotable had one job
So evil she has a mental breakdown over killing Shinji in self-defense.
move to the front row.
But he lose. Rewatch Cu vs Hassan in first movie. He achieved nothing in close combat. Not like Hassan's strikes were strong at all. In VN Cu played with him too.
Is there any release with decent subs right now? I want to rewatch but its not gonna be worth it with shitty subs.
Why do they cut Kirei involvement in the forest though? I really like that part.
How is sakura using shirou and how is sakura evil
>Inb4 because the shadow killed people and I blame sakura because I am fucking retarded
>Defending people fiddling with their bright ass phones during movies
Yes, she is an evil.
Any prostitute(especially educated one) is an evil to a Seigi no Mikatas.
Q&A section from HF2 BD (in chinese) in case anyone can't wait for the english translation
Dude, name one studio nowadays that does this. Localization and exporting anime to the west actually made shit like that impossible (unless, of course, we're talking about borderline hentai shows). We were telling everyone about it ten years ago, no one listened. Now smell the ashes.
Rin got to stay with her mother and father. She has a whole estate all too herself and is loved by her peers. Sakura gets raped by worms, her autistic adopted brother and is psychology broken, yet she has to be happy for other people? Are you actually retarded?
I just felt that movie made Hassan' melee more competent than it should be. In VN Cu cuts his throat with his very first attack when Hassan got in melee range, EMIYA also destroyes his mask and severely damages him with the very first attack.
>bright ass phones
Tell them to stop? Or move? You know, RAISE UP.
>responding to such obvious bait
Come on, friends.
Obviously you finna bouta dab on them. It's like you don't want to get he cute'd.
I'm not the guy you were responding to, I'm just pointing out that you're defending nigger behavior.
Any webms of Saber alter fighting Berserker
Saber alter has infinite mana.
At the very least of the 5-10 sakurahaters/shitposters we have most of them are in the other three bait threads, but yes, sakurafriends should just learn to ignore them.
man you are fucking dumb are you?
VN Herc died like little bitch against Saber.
Hassan being so weak actually make zero sense. He's still servant. In VN Cu became serious and OHKO him instantly.
So, Rin?
Assassin class was always noted to be extremely weak in direct combat so his fighting record against others makes sense.
For anyone curious, this is the standard for Aniplex's translation team.
>Is Angry Manjew's mud literally exactly the same as the Chaos Tide
According to mats yeah. Chaos Tide and AM's mud have the same properties.
>seeing prisma in theaters
It's like you want people to know you're pedoscum. Enjoy that permanent spot on the fbi-list.
>the varying movements are like those of an educated prostitute
If i remember correctly, this quote is about Sakura.
Otherwise Shinji would not be sold at all and there are some collectors who want the entire cast in their collection. Like me, I want Shinji.
I don't defend. I just mocking user for being walking meme. Can't see bright phones as problem tho. Unless you're 5'3
In other words, she's not actually one. Also, Realta Nua retconned it anyways.
I think most of the time it's falseflagging, but such obvious bait should be avoided. There's enough retardation over the sister wars and the shadow.
Delete this.
The Prisma movie had essentially zero ecchi fanservice. The only fanservice there was was Shirou being GAR and Angelica's midriff.
This hurt but I laughed.
>Also, Realta Nua retconned it anyways
Yeah, whatever, Sakurafag
>she's not actually one
Yeah, prostitutes don't kill entire city population.
I haven't seen it but I believe you. I want to watch it, but can't bring myself to finish the series. Do I need to?
>clearly has not seen Oath Under the Snow
I never though about it, but if Rin hugged sakura when she mets her and shirou before the final fight and tells them to run instead of going full magus autist, I wonder how things would have gone.
Eh, mediocre like any Fate adaptation. I don't know what they're thinking when they skip things like Kotomine transplanting the arm and add pointless segments to fights.
But it looks pretty good.
My Chinese isn't great but I'll give it a try...
>Q1: What does Archer think about Shirou's decision to become Sakura's one true partner?
>Nasu: Archer believes that he and Shirou are no longer the same person, so it doesn't really matter to him. It would be like judging a potential criminal as a judge.
>Takeuchi: From Archer's view, it would also be like saying goodbye to a curse.
>Nasu: However, there is still a chance for redemption as "he chose his own path". In the end, it is irrelevant to EMIYA.
>don't kill entire city population.
You're right about that part, at least.
She looks so alpha.
Ah that's fine. Thank you user.
That part hasn't happened yet. That's gonna be in the 3rd film
you will never take Sakura's Virginity
why even live?
What did he meant by this?
Is this bait?
wasn't shinto reffered as the new city in the novel? it's been like 11 years since i read it so i can't remenber.
He is not lying you know
Shin = new
To = city
>Q2: If Saber Alter had gotten Avalon from Shirou, could she use it? If she can use it, will she be turned back to regular Saber or have any sort of performance changes?
>Nasu: Unfortunately, Saber has never seen/been to Utopia.
>Takeuchi: What happened?
>Nasu: I wanted to pursue a more realistic conclusion, so I never considered for Saber Alter to have entered Utopia. I wanted something similar to this: The pursuit of ideals is a good thing, but humans will die without meaning.
>Takeuchi: So this is why Saber Alter likes junk food.
>Nasu: That's probably just a way for Saber Alter to relieve stress. When you want to be angry but can't get angry, something like a hamburger can sooth your soul, right?
>>Takeuchi: So this is why Saber Alter likes junk food.
Uh, what. This fucking hack I swear.
I see nasu really regrets adding that last chapter in realta nua
>Saber has never seen/been to Utopia
what in the earth?
>The pursuit of ideals is a good thing, but humans will die without meaning.
Nasu and his new anti-immortality
I remember he straight up did not want to add it but takeuchi as a saberfag sucked his dick to add it.
As a saberfag myself I am conflicted, on one hand its super cute and I appreciate the fanservice to us. On the other its not what the author really wanted to portray. I really wonder how the original epilogue (it was called robot-man or something of that style I think) was.
>The pursuit of ideals is a good thing, but humans will die without meaning.
This might be translated incorrectly, my Chinese isn't good enough...
Wow I can't even connect to nyaa through tor now.
Fuck Australia.
HAHAH Australian cucks, no wonder you got so many crazy white terrorist there.
It's like they want this.
Makes you think.
i watched fate for years and i just realised that Shirou and Sasuke has the same VA.
I'm actually retarded.
The seiyuu must say sakura really well. I wonder if he calls his wife sakura in bed
post the webm of the hug
Why didn't Gil just use weapons which make regeneration impossible on Sakura?
I don't understand, shirou promised to become a "seigi no mikata" exclusively for sakura when they hugged. Why did he try to murder her later?
He didn't know she was linked to the shadow. At first, they were just worried Zouken would use her as a meatshield and puppet.
>Q5: If Saber Alter and Gil fight seriously, who would win?
>Nasu: *Something about the main character's aura, I have no idea how to translate this* If Saber Alter and Gil are enemies, they will not cause miracles*. Their fight would turn into a contest of pure strength.
>Takeuchi: Surely the result would be dependent on which master they each have?
>Nasu:The magical energy generated by both sides is enormous, so the fight would eventually evolve into a battle of pure power. Gil has an advantage because of his omnipotence* and ambiguity* (INT). In the case of a master/servant battle, Saber Alter can beat Gil if she has a very strong master. If Gil was a master, he'd be able to beat Saber **
>Takeuchi: What happened?
>Nasu: It doesn't matter if Gil's master is a first rate master or a third rate master, Gil will always use his own strength to fight.
* not 100% sure on these translations
** The Chinese says something Gil being a master of "human charm" or something.
This shit is really hard to translate
Oh yeah, I was confused about his forest action and his help patching the shroud. Still, that part at the church includes Illya implying about how she absorbed Archer and learned his identity, which is a shame that they had to skip it.
The fights are the best part though, if I wanted a perfect adaptation i'd just read the VN again. The fights being drawn out and flashy is the main reason to watch this if you already know the plot.
w-where is Q3 and Q4?
> Gil doesn't take his opponent seriously and jobs
Nothing new here.
>who would win
>Saber, gimped from the last time she fought Gil in Zero and got assblasted
>Strongest Servant
How is this a question at all.
>Sakura bites his leg off
>you dare make me kneel!
Why is Gil so based?
Which encode is the best?
Yaiba got way more justice than Fate ever did from UFO
>That back
thanks a lot user
Sort of but they worried she'd go berserk like at school and kill random civilians to absorb energy to sustain herself.
What the fuck does that even mean?
I more o less enjoyed everything the adaptation gave us, because there's few things I care enough about to miss that are actually absent from the movies. I'm a Sakurafag, too, so I basically just enjoyed what was adapted, and the original scenes.
I'm also hoping they make Sakura and Rin's relationship better in the movies, some steps have already been taken in the right direction. If they solve the issue with the conclusion to Sakura's arc after her hug with Rin, I'll probably just read the VN again for some scenes and that's it.
Holy shit you've got to be joking.
>Q6: I think Rin and Illya noticed the true identity of the shadow before Shirou. What are each of their feelings?
>Nasu: Rin definitely noticed it but did not have any solid proof so she couldn't really say anything. Additionally, she did not think about killing Sakura at the time. Illya felt pity for Sakura and thought "how sad".
>Takeuchi: Illya's the type that says/thinks: "How sad, it's going to go to the slaughterhouse* tomorrow".
>Nasu: This metaphor is as cold as a small alleyway in the UK but realistically speaking it's this type of feeling.
>Takeuchi: How upper class**
*the literal translation is "pig farm" but I'm pretty sure slaughterhouse is a "better" word in this context.
** he literally says "upper class"
Don't see them
There is a very good chance I'm translating a lot of this incorrectly. I think Nasu meant that if there were no protagonist involved, there would be no plot armor for Saber or jobbing for Gil, so a fight between Saber Alter and Gil would be a fight of raw strength. Takeuchi mentions the fact that a servant's master can determine how strong the servant is.
In a fight of pure power (no masters/mana limits maybe?) Gil would have an advantage because he is literally the king of kings (omnipotence). However, if masters were involved Saber Alter would have a chance if she has a very strong master. Nasu mentions that Gil will more or less use his "own strength" so his master is largely irrelevant
Wait what
Why isn't she??
I've seen it on a camrip like half a year ago, if not more.
>too much Sakura
>too little Kotomine
Is basically it.
Kotomine barely has shit in those days. Kotomine shine is all in the last two days, which is what the last movie will adapt
>What kind of life does Sakura live if it is fostered to the Edfirth family? According to the event book alone, Edfilt probably has this idea.
>Nai: The ultra dark black Heel of Baby Face is completed.
>Wu: Bondagee Sakura...!
>Nai: Seriously, Luvia has a similar temperament, but also believes in aristocracy, so it will give priority to the development of Sakura's talent. Finally, Sakura may become Cool and Dark, but a good first-class magician.
>Wu: That's really wonderful~.
So, Edelfelt Sakura is BB, right?
>Additionally, she did not think about killing Sakura at the time.
The revisionism is strong.
I didn't expect anything different but I was still disappointed for some reason.
i'm playing through heavens feel right now, on day 7.
did they cut out a lot from the movie? i know the SoL scenes are pretty integral fro Sakura/Shirou's relationship and there was that one dream where Shirou fucks Rin.
I can't believe they made best boy Gil job to this dumb bitch. It was bad enough when Shitrou did it but this is just unacceptable.
She noticed Sakura is the shadow before this. Back when they were attacked in the park in the first movie. In the novel she did at least
Yes, they cut a lot, just keep on reading
How strong is Dark Sakura compared to FGO villains?
>Gil has an advantage because of his omnipotence* and ambiguity* (INT)
Got any idea what this means? Is it clairvoyance?
Fuck off back to your dragonball threads, retard. Fate isn't for you.
She's pretty much mini Tiamat that is much weaker.
Damn, I want an AU of sakura and luvia now
There is no greater feeling than Gilspics being BTFO
But It's like his primary characteristic.
Lancers are all fucking unlucky and Gil is fucking retarded and gets dabbed on by weaker opponents opponents.
You had to summon an entire fucking army of servants to be able to stand a chance against Goetia and the demon pillars, Sakura just has infinite mana and the power of plot.
If it's any consolation, it wasn't Sakura. It was Angra Mainyu.
>I can't believe they made Gilgamesh job
Imagine being retarded
>Q13: Will the Sakura in other routes go on to live an ordinary life? I'm worried that even if things don't spiral out of control like in HF, she will be affected by the worms.
>Nasu: .......
>Takeuchi: Why aren't you answering?
>Nasu: .......
>Takeuchi: You should at least say something.
>Nasu: You should believe in your dreams.*
*He literally says "believe in your dreams", so he probably means something like Sakura is fine in the other routes if you want her to be fine
No idea
Go write another gilgamesh fanfic.
If you want to see Gil getting a bit more serious, watch the new Babylonia anime when it comes out and then read SF. He still jobs at certain points, no worries.
She's adopted by Edelfelts in Apocrypha.
Fate is literally just Shounen with sex scenes.
Man, Nasu really doesn't want to expand upon post 5th HGW events.
If you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't open your mouth you silly little boy.
>Edelfelt Sakura is literally this.
She's also professional wrestler along with Luvia.
Why is Rin such a siscon?
The VN itself contains three possibly main routes with a fuckload of endings, offshoots and allusions to alternate realities.
Literally fucking ANYTHING can happen post-HGW. Expanding upon what happens after is fucking meaningless.
For all we know, Shirou picks out all the bugs from Sakura's body with his bare hands, deep fries them, and feeds them to Shinji as croquettes.
>mini Tiamat
>something something the ultimate Sakura-type character
Mom loves you
>Luvia would be a better sister than rin was
Another proof luvia is best girl and turn sakura into a happy super smug girl
Being fair, the anime exaggerates The Shadow. Gilgamesh completely destroyed it. Then he turns his back and gets eaten. There was no fight. It was a slaughter and then Gilgamesh's carelesness doing him in. The movie just makes it seems like he was flat overpowered and that's completely missing the point
All she has is infinite mana. She'd be like a very strong servant with excellent compatibility against them. FGO villains take a shit on that, nearly all of them do even from early part 1
More like he can't believe retards like the person who asked him this exist
>wrestler BB
Double Hot
The silence and 夢を信じて doesn't make me feel like she is gonna be fine.
As an Illya-fag I feel cucked.
imagine being double tagged by them
Luvia has natural compassion and kindness, so of course.
Go watch Prisma, fag
wtf I love fate apocrypha now?
I wonder what Sakura feels in bad endings like where Berserker squashes Shirou and Ilya keeps him in her castle.
Did they did it in missionary position with hands holding?
She is literally a dead fish in bed with shinji
>Q16: In the ED, Kawasumi is credited as "Saber Alter". How do Saber "Alter" and "Black" Saber differ?
>Nasu: "Blackening" referring to falling to the darkness. "Black Saber" did not sound good, so "Alter" was added in later. Originally, "Alter" was meant to be used to refer to different sides of Saber's heroic spirit. However, in the end they are still the same spirit.
>Takeuchi: Adding "Alter" to her name is also very handsome (sexy?). By the way, I believe Alterego is considered a different person. Therefore, I also think Saber Alter can be considered a different person, right?*
>Nasu: Alterego is a personality of the spirit that exists independently of the original. Artoria and Artoria Alter are the same person, but BB and Passionlip are different people.
>Takeuchi: There is also Okita Alter, who is an Alterego. What a mess.
She probably mentally shuts down. Since Zouken likely goes senile and can't transfer bodies by the time Sakura is ready to receive him she just lives out her life in a really fucked up, emotionally dead way.
Shirou dying in the grail war is pretty much her worst nightmare. Most of her actions in HF come from valuing his life over herself.
>"Blackening" referring to falling to the darkness.
Oh my.
>"What a mess"
At least they are aware
This interview is hilarious, keep going user.
Epic post gilbro secondary, you truly showed us
>Artoria and Artoria Alter are the same person, but BB and Passionlip are different people.
At last we can finally end it. But what about Kiara? She's the same as Okita Alter?
Could Gil unironically defeat karna? Just curious
When this thread dies we should create another one. This thread had a bit of shitposters but it has been comfy for the most part with the rest of shitposters busy on the bait threads.
Relatively easily. Karna's nothing special besides his armor, and Gilgamesh already beat him in CCC.
If he's not in his jobbing mood, sure. He has counter to every servant.
>Q17: What was the feeling of TYPEMOON employees when HF2 was released?
>Nasu: After the month of Fes (FGO Fes maybe?), it was like: "Even if we die now, it's fine". In all seriousness, my mental stamina was depleted and I got sick and was bedridden for multiple days.
>Takeuchi: Our eyes and mouths were fixed and our bodies were stiff. (He says a Chinese idiom that essentially means they were all tired/burned out hence "fixed" and "stiff").
>Nasu: What about the other employees?
>Takeuchi: After the screening, we discussed it over a meal. However, the place we went to was not very delicious so we were all a bit sluggish.
For those of you who want better subs, I tried to combine the best of the official translation and the user camrip fansubs. Let me know if anything really needs changed.
But his armor reduces incoming attack by 90%. Also his spear is anti-divine?
How should we even tell you? This thread won't last.
Thanks a lot for the work user. Much appreciated
They didn't answer the question, fucking autists.
Gil has (almost) every single noble phantasm which of there're tons of anti-divine weapons too. And Karna's armor doesn't reduce damage of attacks that damage insides of his body plus he has to sacrifice his armor to use the spear.
Hey Gilfag watch This
>Gil gae for clae
I do watch prisma though. I still wanted my Illya/Shirou shopping scene.
What good is 90% when 10% can still kill you? And his spear requires sacrificing that armor. Without it, Karna's no stronger than Gawain.
>Gil has (almost) every single noble phantasm which of there're tons of anti-divine weapons too
But he doesn't have any weapons like vasavi Shakti, Gil explicitly stated that. Also he does need to sacrifice his armor in order to use VS but that's a moot point because Gil is done for once it's launched. The only way I can see Gil winning this match is not letting karna use his trump card, but even then he has the mana burst flames which could fry Gil if he gets too close.
Since it seems to bother some people here: can you change the gotta be kidding me to something better? It's around 51:30.
Why can't he counter it with Ea? Do we have power comparison between them that states that Vasavi Shakti is stronger? Also Gil can sword spam thousands of weapons at once, Karna won't survive such onslaught.
>What good is 90% when 10% can still kill you? And his spear requires sacrificing that armor. Without it
Gil is dead if he gets hit by VS. Even if you don't let karna use VS his armor deflects 90% of everything and his flames fry anything that gets close. Not to mention he does have other NPs like brahmastra kundala which was able to overpower Vlad( in fucking Romania).
Except for when she needs jizz and probably humps him like mad.
When you think about it he's probably just a fake-dom in bed between them. Feels bad.
That's the best thing about the anime, though. I don't want everything explained like I'm 5. It's not too difficult to figure that stuff out if you actually care enough to try.
>Also Gil can sword spam thousands of weapons at once
His armor is invulnerable. Sword spam won't even touch him.
>Why can't he counter it with Ea?
That's kind of unfair. EA is a cheat code
My issue is that it's easy for someone to think she's crying because Shirou actually considered killing her, which would be perfectly reasonable. You'd have to wait until later and see how motivated she is to stop Zouken, realize it relates to the knife scene (It doesn't have to) and rather than Shirou trying to kill her spurring her on, that it is actually the implication of how broken Shirou is that drives her. Then realize she cried because she realizes how broken Shirou is, rather than because he tried to kill her.
I'd need to be very into this to put this much thought into something that could be easily explained, which is the bigger pitfall.
so 3rd movie will have the cool shit and we've got to wait 2 years for it to come out?
But it's not invulnerable, it reduces damage to 10%, but when he will be receiving damage at such intensity, he will succumb to it.
literal translations don't translate the meaning very well to other languages
hollywood decides to give this a go it would mean shirou is black and there would be no story at all or cool shit