
Puchidols from Puchimas are the cutest characters in anime history. Nothing can beat their cuteness.

Fight me.

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I like Chihya

I like Chihya too

Takane was such a weirdo in Puchimas.

I wanna fuck the fat one.

I want to have sex with Chihya

Whatever do you mean?

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I want to insert my middle finger inside Chihya's anus.


I just cummed to this image. It's perfectly healthy, right?


For me, it's Makochii!

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Damn, Chihaya was rocking such a sexy style that episode.

Gonzalez is cute!

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I want to make Makochi suffer!

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See? She's asking for it.

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It's totally fine. Trust me.

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I want to have fun with Chihya by punching her in a rapid succession.

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"Heroes really do exist. I've just seen one. And now he's coming home."

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Go on


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You can't go past death, user.

Chihya is taking hot lead enemas up her exhaust port.

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Fuck you /aceg/

What is /aceg/?

What's getting your panties in a bunch?

That green blood, though.

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Ace Combat General. Idolm@ster skins made their way into a couple of the games, so Ace Combat threads, as well as the general, would have some occasional im@s discussion. The general was quite fond of Puchimas in the early days.
The anti-degeneracy craze that swept in from the wake of Gamergate found its way to /aceg/ and before you know it, the general was overrun with a vehement hatred for all things im@s, especially Puchimas. One guy in particular kept a cache of Puchi torture/death images that he'd spam if he so much as suspected anyone of liking idolm@ster in any given thread.
And yet, despite all this, on the few occasions /aceg/ got together to play Infinity, the ones flying idolplanes were the ones crushing rooms and delivering hot death. Almost as if our new migrants barely took any interest in the Ace Combat games.

>The general was quite fond of Puchimas in the early days.
Are you sure it's not just one person? Gonna need some clarification, though.

You have your wish

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>The general was quite fond of Puchimas in the early days.
Incorrrect. /aceg/ WOULD have been fine with level headed discussion, except the only time Puchis were ever brought up is when they were spammed to fucking death and dominated threads, just like when DCS fags tried to infect the thread last year.

>the ones flying idolplanes were the ones crushing rooms and delivering hot death.
How many lies in a single post can you cram in

If Fuuka was still around, you could see for yourself. Puchimas was recommended very frequently and every once in a while someone would post some translated pages of the 4koma.

When infinity was alive I can vouch for idolplane players destroying rooms. But it was mostly japanese players. The Chihaya F-15E with the 4AGM spam was a beast.

unless someone was a whale with the varcolac or other super planes no one really came close.

Then pray tell, how is it that Paladin, Sandstorm, those fags from /acg/, and the guy who was way too fond of Iori were constantly dunking on everyone else in our rooms? Precisionista was an idolfag as well, even though he was well out of the game by the time frame we're talking about.
Wait, hold on. Is that you, Steam group?

That's a sick Korean backdash she's got there.

>Paladin, Sandstorm, those fags from /acg/, and the guy who was way too fond of Iori were constantly dunking on everyone else in our rooms?
How fucking stupid can you be, those players were already good, their abilities weren't enhanced by the fucking idolplanes.

And it was only one shitposter who recommended that shit to /aceg/. He also has a tendency to samefag.

Post CG.


>those players were already good
Yes, that's the point I was initially making. The core players of /aceg/ were idolfags. Anti-idol tide rolled in, but they were a bunch of putzes who barely play Ace Combat. Thus, the core players walked all over them. It's not about idolplanes enhancing them. In the grand scheme of ACI tier lists, idolplanes aren't very good.

I want to marry this cake

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>those players were already good, their abilities weren't enhanced by the fucking idolplanes.
You know that wasn't the point he was making you slack jawed retard.
How disingenuous can you possibly be

Some of the idolfags being part of those that were good doesn't make the whole core of /aceg/ into idolfags. You're also dismissing people who didn't bother with ACI as not being the core of /aceg/.

at least she's legal

Literally the only good thing about that idolshit show.

But the puchis look stupid, though.
At least it's still entertaining.

>implying it was /aceg/ who posted them
I need evidence

What if this was posted on imgur?


Why did Chiyaha call her Gonzales?

Because she is an ESLfag, just like you.

This thread is not in a good shape.


Blame /aceg/ newfags

It's a good name.



Girls can't be Aces

Hey, I’m sure people from /aceg/ have come here before, but this is all literally one mentally deficient sad little namefag called QuizNo. He’s been angry and shitposting puchis constantly for years in /aceg/, and I bet he’s the one shitposting here, too.

We all wish he’d kill himself (but not in a way that like, inconveniences anyone). I’m sure this post will get shit on, but I swear to you, nobody at /aceg/ would come and shitpost here besides this one VERY dedicated pathetic piece of shit.

But is it true that you all used to be fans of Puchimas before he popped up?

Just ignore that shitposter. It's not worth it, you know.

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Someone post the legendary /aceg/ dogfight. You know which one.

Stop fucking posting in our thread and we'll stop posting in yours. Cool? Cool.

It's a forced humor

Why is the target demographic of Puchimas seinen instead of shonen or kodomo?

lmao fucking faggot

Can't wait for the idol skins.
You know that is inevitable, /aceg/

That’s the thing, we’re not. It’s literally one deranged cunt that’s been doing it for years.


>waiting for the missing OVAs to get subbed

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I'm tired of that one. Worst Puchi.

I wish we had more art with MLB x Idolm@ster

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Which IM@S would best represent the absolute despair and failure that is the Mets?
If a cute girl is attached, being a Mets fan might be somewhat tolerable.

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mets are in a wild card chase. I'll say sachiko because of bias, but of the classics I dunno. Maybe takane

They'll shit themselves.


I'm skeptical of their bullpen and offence's performance considering how the season went. I'm just being pessimistic though. I hope.

well, I want that miracle. fuck the NL and AL predictable shit. Mets A's world series fuck it

That'd be great, god damn.

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there's a bunch of those along with JP teams. they need to draw yuki with otani shohei

theres at least one with matsui

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