I'll start.
ITT: God tier endings
I love how the movie completely shits over MoStards.
>yes, this was an awful ending
>I love how the movie completely shits over MoStards.
How? If they truly believed it was an awful ending, it would have never been added into the movie adaptation in the first place, as its just one of the dozens of bad endings in the VN. But they did.
Also, Shirou abandoning his ideals just because of a girl he'd known for a couple of years just seems really forced.
yes... its the 3rd route in the game its the what if everything went wrong route....
I got mind of steel the first time i was playing the VN because honestly i think that Nasu does a really poor job at making you care about Sakura. She's fucking boring and you know basically nothing about her, so having Shirou give up on his ideals and let so many people die because of her just doesn't seem right. Prisma did this way better because you actually care about Miyu as a character, so it makes Shirou's sacrifice make sense.
This. I keep trying to sympathize with Sakura but I just can't feel bad about her situation. She's just a cunt most of the route.
>what if everything went wrong
Mind of Steel is also where everything went wrong, but we got a forced ending instead of something that would make sense, considering Shirou's character, like MoS.
Does Sakura being likeable even matter? Ultimately it's a question of whether you would chose your autistic ideals or the life of a loved one.
Its not an "autistic ideal", its killing a girl who is literally murdering hundreds of people every day and is posessed by essentially satan. Plus yes, it matters if she's likable because if you don't like her as a chraracter the answer is just extremely obvious. I chose to kill her without hesitation because i don't care about her at all, i would rather save people's lives.
I could never take MoS seriously because Kirei's claims that Shirou would go on to win the war felt like total bullshit to me.
Kirei would demolish his edgy ass. Kiritsugu was MoS personified and he needed like 5 different kinds of hax to defeat Kirei, whose only hax was used to counter Kiritsugu's.
The fuck is this? HF2?
I guess I saw that scene in a different way then.
I didn't give much of a fuck about Sakura so rather than taking it as a "Sakura vs random people" choice, I took it as a "loved one vs random people" one and I immediately knew the answer.
The people I care about > the rest of the world
>Kirei's claims that Shirou would go on to win the war felt like total bullshit to me.
Well, Kiritsugu's magic is weaker than Shirou's magic.
I mean generally i agree with you, but i just can't bring myself to understand why Shirou even loves Sakura. Tohsaka, Miyu and Saber i totally get, but Sakura is just there.
Time Alter isn't that much but coupled with the magus-fucking bullets and his years of experience make him pretty dangerous as an opponent.
By the time Shirou makes that choice he has barely begun to understand his own magic and it's debatable whether he will unlock its full potential in the near future.
Wait, what the fuck? They went with the MoS ending for the movie or is it just an imagine spot or some shit like that?
Yeah, they went with Mind of Steel. They probably thought the original ending in the VN was too shit.
no, they didn't. movies aren't even done yet. wasn't this just like a dream or some shit he thought about? i don't even remember, movie was forgettable as fuck
Thanks fucking God.
I need my Kotomine vs Shirou punching fest.
But Sakura hasn't killed anyone in day 9, what are you even going on about? You probably went in with certain preconceptions of Sakura. In day 9 you either kill Sakura because of her potential threat, or you risk letting her live. Shirou doesn't really fully commit to the idea that Sakura is more important until day 12.
This is what slighty pisses me off. He didnt abandon his ideals, he just "modified" them so that Sakura always comes first. If a plane with Sakura was to be shot down, F/SN Shirou would try to save everyone, UBW would try to kill the shooter before it started and HF would save Sakura first, then the others
Yeah but acknowledges that by doing that he is essentially betraying those ideals because you can't have "I want to save everyone...unless my waifu is involved, then I will care more about her" withou being a hypocrite.
How did it end? Did the go for the true end?
Huh? That scene isn't in the movie.
Where is this from?
It is from the second movie, at 00:30:22
>Prisma did this way better because you actually care about Miyu as a character
Apparently not.
Saber's romance is so poorly written even Nasu is ashamed of it, Rin's true personality outright disgusts Shirou at times, and Miyu is literally a fanfiction OC. Meanwhile, Sakura has been Shirou's housewife since long before he got to know the other girls. You're even more dense than Shirou if you missed all the time Sakura spent together with him.
It doesn't matter, the novel does a poor job in making us care about sakura, it doesn't matter if she's been with shirou since forever if we can't experience it. The moments we experience in Rin/Saber route are way more impactful and makes us care about them more than Sakura, she's a literal who at this point, mostly only waifufags like her
Sakura is the only heroine that Shirou has been close to before the events of the story, and while we don't get to literally experience it, we see the history of their relationship reflected in their current dynamic, making her scenes arguably just as impactful.
How can something that doesn't exist be impactful in any way. You can't really be comparing Saber's introduction, or Rin replacing Shirou's heart, to fucking Sakura washing the dishes. Hell even Taiga is more memorable
>But Sakura hasn't killed anyone in day 9
Objectively wrong, I'm glad these movies are bringing this shit to light and people are finally properly challenging it, I was always dismissed when I said HF was my least favorite route and mind of steel was the best thing about it
M.D. Geist.
She's literally only absorbed energy from people, but not enough to kill them before day 9.
>rins true personality outright disgusts shirou at times
That isn't rin's true personality, that is her 'magnus persona' that she struggles to maintain since she has too much empathy and morality than a magnus should have. Shirou knows her true self, we see them discuss this alot throughout the series. Remember the part where she says she always "fucks up the most important thing but nails everything else"? That is essentially her admitting she doesn't have the attitude of a mage and fakes it. We saw this culminate in HF where she stops bullshitting herself and doesn't stab sakura.
He probably means the first day where sakura wakes up shirou when he was sleeping in his autist workshop shed.
Sakura's introduction is incredible for her character, as are the other introductions. The music, CG and dialogue go together very well.
>10K fanart of pixiv
>has been getting way more fanart than rin in these last 2 years
>obviously more than fucking miyu
>Everyone forgot about her
On pixiv*
She is a literal who at this point*
>she is a literal who
>more popular than fucking rin in nipland who is already very popular
>best selling Type moon adaptation ever by far
I'll give you she is a who in the west since the normalfags don't even know about heaven's feel and between fatefags the sakura hate is still a thing here unlike in japan
Anybody else cried during those last chapters?
Someone post Bang already.
Femme Fatale is the best FSN ending.
Did you experience ANYTHING about f/sn before? It's more hypocritical to put everyone above you. It's more human and sensible to place family and friends before strangers.
Fucking retard.
Based sakurachad, dubs confirm
The movies show that Shinji is the first person she kills, retard, just like in the VN.
He's not just disgusted by her magus self, but her tomboy personality in general. He was in love with her school idol facade.
But he said he started liking her even more after knowing her true personality.
You're one of those "muh Black Shadow isn't Sakura" fags aren't you? No point in discussing anything with you then since you're blinded by the pussy
Out of all the shit posted ITT, just this one is worth calling god tier
People begun mysteriously disappearing long before that.
And the movie goes out of its way to show Sakura is so out of it she's not even responsible for that.
Read the VN. Hell, even the movie explains it, so you have no excuse whatsoever to still pretend Sakura was responsible for the actions of the shadow.
>I was drunk so I'm not responsible for the people I ran over with my car
>Alcohol metaphors
Dark Sakura is comparable to being drunk. The shadow is straight up possession.
There is a difference between willingly not only getting drunk but driving a car afterwards, and getting raped by worms for TEN (10) years and getting possesed by all the worlds's evil unwillingly, but I guess you rinfags don't care about how retarded your metaphores are
Imagine if your waifu had a disease that killed hundreds if not thousands of people around her, even if she didn't know about it she's still indirectly responsible for it, I know it's not exactly the same but just ad argumentandum tantum, let's disregard the possibility of cures, evacuations and shit for now to keep things simple. A lot of people could still make a pretty compelling case that killing her would solve the issue and that's exactly what mind of steel entails, the life of one person for the greater whole, now you may not care for the greater whole and that's fine, but that choice is also on you for being an asshole and putting those people in danger in the first place
>I was possessed by the devil so I'm not responsible for killing people
Yes. And AM is the devil, literally.
That's almost like an insanity defence which may or may not hold up in court
Whatever sob story happened doesn't justify the murder of a bunch of innocents you fucking dumbass
The most innocent person sakura murdered was shinji and he was a rapist and she murdered him in self defense.
Shirou is so big during this trilogy. He looks almost like Archer-big.
Shirou's magic is trash, everything about it is trash.
Archer only makes it work because he has unlimited mana from being CG and enough experience to do asspull shit with it.
Gil VS Shirou fight is badly translated into the anime since Shirou just stalled him enough until Angra mainjyu shit happened in the VN.
Shirou blanco is pretty cool
Holy fuck, this autist is still going after years. Imagine caring this much about the reputation of your waifu.
We have archer, berserker, assassin and Gil left at this point. Rider and saber will disappear since Sakure dies. How does he win against them while not having his own servant?
>shonenfag can't refute it
Concession accepted.
Holy shit, this autist is still going on after years. Imagine caring this much about your waifu's """rival""" becoming a bit more popular than your waifu so you have to call her wormslut in every post she is mentioned.
Also shounenfag, as if the Yea Forums buzzwords weren't enough
One Piece current arc:
>Political intrigue among the 2 main factions
>Post apocalyptic concepts and themes
>Actual warfare preparations
>Tackling serious topics such as child prostitution, and survivor's guilt
>Various japanese references from the 7 gods of fortune to Samurai 7
>Tight plotting that doesn't meander on senseless filler
>Self sacrificial message
>Strong critique on Japanese isolationism
Fate Shonen Night:
>Battle Royale
>fucking King Arthur for more mana
>Servants have classes and characters sheets like a fucking RPG game
>bullshit love story over 15 days (kek)
>kitchen and cooking filler everywhere
>every route ending with "epic" fights
Thanks for the (You)s Fatecopers
>Kotomine claims no one in the war could beat Kerry
>Kotomine wasn't in the war at this point
>doesn't justify the murder of a bunch of innocents
Why is Sakura responsible for what the Shadow did? Dark Sakura, yeah. But the shadow might as well be it's own separate character. Nothing the shadow did has anything to do with Sakura she was never in control of that thing.
>Fatecucks are hiatusdogs
LMFAO that explains the "shounenfag" asshurt and inferiority complex
I see why you are here getting btfo'd in attempts at shitposting because you have no chapter to discuss. Top incels of the board.
>I didn't do it officer, the evil shadow took me over and killed all those people!
>actual god tier endings
It's been over 10 years and I haven't seen anything that comes close to it
You're right, it did. Even Zouken who wants Shirou to kill Sakura admits it.
This is your average opfag