so can we all agree that part 4 is the best so far?
So can we all agree that part 4 is the best so far?
Other urls found in this thread:
Part 5 adaptation>part 4 adaptation
Part 4 was the worst though?
i'd legit take part 1 over part 4
Stardust Crusaders is the best, no question.
Only people who like part 4 are manlets who idolize koichi. Everyone but Kira was trash in that part.
Three different Jojo's all together though was a nice treat.
Diamond is Unbreakable was enjoyable, but it certainly wasn't the best.
2>1>3>everything else
Second best. First is 5 then it will be part 6.
It is
Yes, because part 6 haven't been confirmed yet
3 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 8 > 7
we found it boys, the worlds shittiest opinion
maybe if you don't take the OPs into account. 4 has the best ones, 5 has the worst ones
Reminder that if part 4 is your favorite part you are just a slice of life loving normie faggot
>Josuke and Okuyasu become friends too quickly
>Josuke and Koichi barely interact with each other
>Josuke and Jotaro barely interact with each other
>Koichi randomly befriends Hazamada off-panel
>Koichi and Yukako's entire relationship being bullshit
>Koichi becomes friends with Rohan because...?
>Josuke's problems with Joseph are resolved in 3 chapters and they don't interact after that
>Kira's relationship with his father is barely developed and they almost never interact
>Kira falls in love with Shinobu out of fucking nowhere
Part 4 was so bad.
>using normie instead of normalfag
>implying 4 is SoL
>implying SoL is nomralfag
take your boomer meme back to
read at a slower paste, you clearly lack comprehensive skills
Swap 2 and 4. Perfect
eh, you might be right, could've used ≥
they're both good in their own right
excellent > fantastic > naisu ≥ gureto > ok > meh > bad > atrocious
switch 2 and 4 and it's perfect
>shitting on based Rohan
7>6 to 2>1
Literally a meme character like 99% of the shitters in part 4
It's part 3 with the worst ones
lolno, i didnt know we had anons who dont have ears
what, we judging ops now?
sono chi no sadame > crazy noisy bizarre town > stand proud > bloody stream > sono chi no kioku > great days > chase > whatever part 5 shat out, i skipped all ops they were so bad
Except it's the best
Part 3 was the most boring shit ever, it had only a good ending
Part 1: Like castlevania as a manga, manly ass man punches vampire in the dick using anti-vampire powers
Part 2: The best one. Extremely likeable MC masters his powers to fight charasmatic enemies who have fantastical powers while he largely uses mundane human tools and hamon to beat them despite their absurd bodies
Part 3: Its okay. Start of the downfall of the series because stands are stupid. Very good supporting cast (including best boy joseph) balanced out by an MC who borderlines on having no personality beyond occasionally yelling ORA. Dio is a boring villain compared to Cars and crew; he's charismatic for no reason, better than other vampires for no reason, negates hamon when even the pillar men largely couldn't - he just has everything handed to him for no reason beyond wanting to make him a threat. He's smug but there's no reason he should be. Nothing he ever does makes him come off like a guy people would die for.
Part 4: Shitty slice of life and the exact moment the series became bad. Nothing of value hapens until 75% of the way through when the hand fetishist pops up. Because no one before that perma-kills in 1 hit. And the MC's power negates anything short of that entirely. There's no investment in anything that happens, its almost entirely made of filler with a boring supporting cast and enemies who can't do any meaningful damage to anyone except the one guy who was clearly put in the story just to die.
Part 5: Couldn't even finish it. Once again, boring healing MC. Except his power is more broken than that - so broken the author kept forgetting half his powers so anyone could stand a chance. Decent side characters, at least. Giorno and his ''gangstar'' motivation is so fucking retarded with him being so perfect and ''gangstar'' sounding so awful that alone kills the urge to read.
this, part 5 opening were so terrible. first was simply awfull and the second generic
Sono Chi no Sadame is the Ai Wo Torimodose of our time.
Part 6: Jolyne suffers from having weak powers that require actual tactical thought in a series about magical bullshit. Side chars okay. Boring overpowered villain put against the weakest MC. If this was earlier in the series, like after 2 and staring Joseph's kid, it'd be better. But since its not Jolyne just comes off as outclassed in her own story by anyone of note.
Part 7: Best part since 2. Less regular cast members but they have far more to them then ''quirky minion squad'' like part 5 or literal schoolkids like 4. The spin is a far more interesting mechanic than stands and their grab-bag of I win powers. Has the sense to permanently kill the bullshit healer so she doesn't simply negate al drama in the series.
Josuke looks really cool with his hair down.
and that's a good thing
Best soundtrack.
Part 4 is above you.
>Muh highschool dram- oh wait there's no drama
>Muh interesting vil- oh wait he doesn't show up until near the end
>Muh engaging M- oh wait the MC is a fucking retard who literally beats a guys stand by being too retarded to notice it
>Muh slice of lif - oh wait only 2 people in the cast are likeable and one is also a literal drooling retard with one of them being an asshole and blatant author self-insert and a midget who gets like a dozen powers he uses 1 time who's more likeable than the actual MC
just started 7
actually any of my first three picks could be my favorite one, each one of them has different strong points
but I found 5 and 6 quite shit honestly, and giorno is the absolutely worst jojo
Animeonly Jojo fag reviewing the series never stops to amuse me. Moreover if he chooses part 2 as the best part
>until near the end
borderline downe's syndrome
only /pol/tard likes part 2
wait until you finish 7, then you'll realize that johnny is the absolute worst, even gyro is a better jojo
valentine is the only good thing 7 has going for it
Best opinion
also dubs
>Has no argument, tries to dismiss my entire post on something which literally can't be right because half the series has no anime
Good to know you agree I am right
I am right though.
All parts are amazing, even 1. Stop trying to rank them.
It is just our opinions.
>slice of life
>muh hair
it was garbage
it was lowkey garbage
4 was mediocre, 5 sucked, 6 sucked.
5 > 4 > 1 = 2 = 3
haha, yaahhhh
My sides
yare yare daze > rest