Azur Lane anime

How much better than Kancolle do you expect it to be?

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That's an extremely low mark to beat.

If there's a male shikikan, yes. Otherwise, no.

>chinks involved
I somehow expect it to be even worse

If there's a female shikikan, yes. Otherwise, no.

>chinks involved
I somehow expect it to be even better

Shikikan is canonical male though

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>female shitcan
>fucks up, made her enterprise go full crazy to join the enemy

Feminist fantasies, don't question them.

Ahh yes, Chinese engineering
Those guys died

Attached: state of the art chinese warship.webm (480x284, 2.91M)

It's animated by a nip studio though. And they seem to be fairly good even if it's going to be their first TV Anime.
Chinese mobage bucks and nip animation is the best combination we could ask for.

>that guy getting hit right in the kisser

Attached: - 252321 2girls ass azur_lane barefoot black_hair brown_eyes brown_hair garana headband (1293x870, 325K)

its going to be grimderp like Kancolle

Damn, I hope the guy that hot the hit on the face died quickly, otherwise it seems fucked up to get knocked out and just drown on the ankle deep water.

It literally popped his skull like a zit. Those doors are heavy.

What about the other guy? Also, I'd expect at least some markings on the door when it swang close.

Will there be lewds? Because kancolle flopped due to lack of lewds.

Please do not feed the China.

Chinese never had a good Navy since Ming.


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says who? nice headcanon.

It's going to be shit regardless of if it's better than the kc anime. Not only is it based on a mobile game, it's a chink mobile game. Saying this would be good would be like saying a generic isekai would have a good story.

>Unicorn refers to him as "Onii-chan"
>Nevada refers to him as "Shounen"
>CN/JP Oath certificates refer to a "Groom" and Bride
"Gender neutral" translations aside, the language used in Japanese and Chinese is clearly gendered.

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Hopefully it is good, I personally like the more sexuallized AL characters.

I want to fuck that bunny's cunny.

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That's why Kancolle is superior.

In Kancolle the shikikan is canon male too

Those mammaries are glorious.

Can't wait for javelin as the MC of the anime

>In Kancolle the shikikan is canon male too
No. Teitoku in Kancolle is literally (You).

Do women even play kancolle?

Fuck off haremtard. No fucking way they will have a male SKK.

Sure, everyone loves cute girls.

>"Gender neutral" translations aside

It's not translation, JP and CN are also gender neutral except few early ships. They want yuri $ too so no new ships ever refer to SKK as male.

I fully except multiple commanders both male and female same way Uma Musume did it.


And Cleveland is a boy right? Seriously, multiple ship girls have male nicknames. Do you think they are traps or something?

I wonder if Honkai Impact is getting anime next.

Attached: Honkai Impact Bronya2.webm (1024x576, 2.85M)

Looks rather mediocre.

Yeah it looks cheap. But after KF this means literally nothing.

It's going to be a Trainwreck. I expect nothing, neither from plot nor from quality drawings. But I'm happy that I will be able to hear more of my wife's voice in the anime.
Then it's already repeating the same mistakes.

If you think KC anime fucked up by not having a generic harem lead you are retarded. It fucked up way too many things and male MC would change shit.

Already has one tho its a spinoff cooking anime

Previews look ok, no idea what kind of story they are going for though.
Has to be mostly anime only stuff, but I'm still looking forward to it with slight optimism, they've been pretty good at managing AL imo..

Animation looks subpar but who knows.

Thanks for the new material that I can use to shit on chang on /k/

more like azur lame lol fucking souless piece of shit

>dude China!

It's getting tiring really. Don't act like USN don't have fuckups every month.

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Why are Kancolle fags still so angry about AL? Like half of KC artists and doujin circles do both these days.

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Azur Lane has better designs than Kancolle
And more important, Kancolle main character was 200% bland

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>Azur Lane has better designs than Kancolle
[citation needed]

It's a small number of extremely autistic shitposters.

The only KanColle design that beats its AL counterpart is Kongou

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Zekamashi as well

Dunno, the AL designs are painfully generic.

I do like the Big E.

It's just different design philosophy. KC is ships first, waifu second while AL is the opposite. KC is about telling a story about how you're suppose to feel sorry for the ships and their history while AL is all about waifuing them. Waifu's is a very oversaturated market so being generic is inevitable.

KC doesn’t have USS ships. Therefore it’s inferior.

The entirety of abyssals, obviously

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I know Kawachi Izumi plays both shipgirl games, most of her twitter is kc tho being a long time player and all.

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That one fucking ugly language, they can't even afford to hired some shitty jap VAs?

The original VAs were names like Rie Kugimiya, Rie Tanaka, Aoi Yuuki, and Chiwa Saito.
They didn't come cheap.

I wish that was me

>Azur Lane getting anime
>Season 2 of Arpeggio of Blue Steel never ever


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They have few like Iowa as I recall. I can't imagine how badly they'll make Enterprise since she fucked most of IJN's collective assess hard.

It was ahead of its time.

Anyone else reading (one of the) manga? I just started reading Queen's Orders and I really like it so far. Lizzy is a cute tsun. I don't really like her default skin, but her default chibi is incredibly cute.

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What a fucking OP

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Movie finished the anime story. Read the manga.

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What about the iconic Shimakaze?

Fair point
Shimakaze's AL counterpart can't beat his KC version

>AL Ayanami
sexual abuse bait
>KC Ayanami
ugly as fuck ship just like KC Fubuki

Is this rape

Depends on whether or not she shows up.

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Why is this deranged and completely insane yandere so cute?

It's a shame we won't be seeing Baltimore.

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the Tarzan Boy singer?

That is unfortunate. I'm glad that Hornet looks pretty good in the design drawings though.

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Queens orders is boring as fuck. And the brat queen is insufferable

Praise Big E!

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It reminded me of the collab with Kancolle. Those were the times.

>Charming smile of Tomboy
Her Cleaveland are my weakness. I wonder if Cleaveland will at least make it.

Cleveland is almost assured to be in this.

Same reason she is

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Thinking mobage will get a decent anime. Azur Lane has no story, the only mobile game with congruent story had a fucking kuma anime.
How FUCKED is this anime? Is the question. Can it overcome this degree of fuckery?

>Thinking mobage will get a decent anime
The adaptation of the retarded dragon girls was a masterpiece.

>that voice
Very disappointing, especially when her whole design is extremely appealing to me.

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>KC is about telling a story about how you're suppose to feel sorry for the ships and their history

Touhou has a more complex story.

But Touhou has no anime

>chinese bootleg
>still has more soul than the original game

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If they go the 'Historical Recreation' route, Laffey will perish as a true hero as she bashes Hiei and others in the head with a cracked bottle of Special Coolant.

And we can't have our main heroines perishing, now can we?

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Friendly reminder that she has the same VA as the Devil of the Rhine. The two characters sound completely different, but if you listen really closely then you can kind of hear that it's the same person.

>Laffey goes down as an angry drunk in a bar brawl gone wrong

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she has a name, aoi yuuki
she has an excellent voice range

user, she's also Madoka, in case you don't know.

Aoi has range and is one of my favorite VAs, it's just that the voice they made her do for Taihou is not one I like very much nor the kind I would have chosen from the character. Aoi can deliver a better Taihou but was hired to do what with got.

Male Shikki = Kino AOTY
Female Shikki = Shit
No Shikki = Shit

If they are actually going for the real History instead of the nip-washed bullshit, I would be very interested in seeing the reactions of basically tearing down the IJN and pissing off the geezers as much as possible.

Probably not though, but at least if they go full Nazi, the few Weherboos would be happy.

Attached: Tip Toes over my fucking traps.webm (1920x1066, 606K)

Thanks gook moot.

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It's going to be wank bait, KC has soul and actual weight behind the characters.

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>actually going for the real History

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Don't know which is worse, noskk since it fucks completely with lore and themes, or femskk since /u/nigger cancer.

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We gonna get Kangaroo Court and Spaghetti Alliance as new factions to promote the anime?

>wank bait
based bong
>KC has soul and actual weight
See pic

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Unfortunately it's true that Azur Lane has basically no plot.
They should just focus on making a SoL of inside the base, with the boats shenanigans with their beloved SKK. Might throw several references to events of the game, and have the boats wearing different in-game skins too.
Nobody will take the anime seriously, they might as well just make it harmless dumb fun and full of Ecchi.

Why couldn't we have gotten a Girls Frontline animu instead of this?

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I have no hopes, we didn't see the shitcan in the promo so there's a high chance it'll just be yurishit with or without a female MC. If that's the case, INSTANT drop.

I'm pretty sure it got an adaptation recently.

>Azur Lane

As if this knock-off Chink shit was good to begin with. What kind of Commie drug have you been smoking?

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Kancolle girls are so unoriginal, they even look the same

not with shitty animation like this!

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Yeah and its just a series of comedic shorts. I dont know where this trend from mobile gachas to just be fanservice animes instead of adapting the game story coming from

well given that sister ships are supposed to look similar.

Is this yuri?

Go ask /alg/, pack a helmet.

Because apparently they must have thought that the story of GFL would be too grimdark for audiences.
So they went for the low hanging fruit, to appeal to the audience that was already there, and just made a comedic short series.
It's sad, GFL could've been a 40K of anime. I really believe so, bringing in NEW fans to the mobile game. Instead it'll stay as another mobage wank material with same old focus of 404 and anti-rain.
An anime adaptation would've been excellent for highlighting one of the other teams, bringing new depth to a another set of T-dolls.

I don't really play GFL, but what would be cool is have the entire story be anime original, revolving around some OC Donut Steel T-dolls... and then have an in-game event that ties into the anime. Have it update once every week, a few hours after the episode has aired so that the recently aired episode and the new event content tie into eachother. Then have the anime-original dolls as event-only construction dolls.

I was kind of looking forward to these but they are not even anime, they are chinese animation, with chinese voice acting. What a disappointment. AL similarly got CN roots but they comissioned an actual anime at least.

Both are souless and are shit

Nano is based.

Girl's frontline should have been first. The last waifu shooter I watched was gunslinger girl and that was a long time ago.

I just hope the story will be just about Cute shipgirls doing cute things and best maid and akagi appear a lot.

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Is shark in this?

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Cute waifu, is she main girl?


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>being a newfag

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Or so he says while posting a tumblr gif and calling an anime girl >waifu.

If doujins are anything to go by, yes.

Botes are to be fed a strict diet of semen

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There is an actual serious anime going to be made. It was announced along with this one.

funny bunny

and saratoga, colorado, probably a few others


I can think of mulitple

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>Saratoga and Colorado
Delusional kcnigger

family :3

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do you think someone would buy a kc account

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>ringed more then one ship


Probably, if it's got collector value and you know where to put it up.

i admit

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Azur Lane doesn’t have Hibiki so loses by default

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no paleboats, no deal

Look at those losers

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