I like pink anime girls

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I like anons who like pink anime girls.

For me it's Blue

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I just like dark sclera.

Blue is the way to go.

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What’s that?

I like anime girls with inhuman features preferably with short hair and jaws

White of the eyes being black instead.

me too!

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If you put your dick inside of her it would probably melt right off.

She can control her quirk so it's fine.

Good taste

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But wouldn't her bodily fluids dissolve your pp?

No unless she wants to.

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Blue is fucking best, holy shit


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You're goddamn right

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Anyone else have folders of images sorted by character despite having never watched the show, or read the manga?

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Enjoy this prime pink specimen then. Peak pink girl right here.

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Oh yeah, a fair few. It's just good testament of good character design

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Fuck lads, where do I find a Mina gf?

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Want to hook up?

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Mina is the pinnacle of the merge of cute and sexy.

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Now that's an interesting setup for a doujin.

Since Mina is pink and acidic that got me thinking. Curious is blue but explosive. So this begs the question: are explosives alkaline?

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Perhaps? No idea
I wonder what would happen if they mixed their juices together

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Love the angle.
Hint of mound of venus, thighs, cleavage, and butt all in one shot.

Salt. Literally.

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Imagine licking the sweat off her back and neck after a long nights fucking

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I like see trough girl

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She ain't pink tho

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How would you know? Besides all girls are pink on one place

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Here I fixed her for you

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until she cums

Semen is slightly basidic, so you just need to literally cum buckets and you are safe.

That's not a problem if it's Mina

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>touches abs
So now I can touch a certain set of muscles of her, whichever I want? I mean it's only fair.

Still worth it

Mina should have been main girl. Uraraka is vanilla shit.

Actually does the xeno blood fluid only applies to her vagina or not? Can you buttfuck her without a risk?

Good thread.
pls more lewds

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unf yes

And this is the last of my collection. Hope everyone enjoys them!
Please post more!

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>be sad that KitaEri becomes irrelevant
>suddenly gets one of the most generally like characters in one of the biggest shows in recent times
I'm so happy.

I can assure you that no one here is going to be making mina cum

Speak for yourself

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>hfw you cum right on insertion and you quickly pull out and leave

>when you go to ask her out and drop all your spaghetti all over the floor

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Those faces sure as fuck aren't jesus christ

Red is good too.
I'm so sorry I only looked at the thumbnail

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I love how they look so thotty but a single kiss on their exposed pubis mons would make them visibly blush which is already a big accomplishment but they would also break down in a hysterical fit trying to protect their chastity.

Pink, Blue, Red, Green, I love girls of any color!

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Black too?

Pink is lewd.

This is a good thread.

I bet you Hori has folders filled with smut of the characters that will probably never see the light of day.
Imagine, MHA porn made by the mangaka himself, never to see the light of day.

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>Mina in Karen's clothes
I have no idea why this happened but holy fuck is it good.

Good man.

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I am 99.9% certain Hori has drawn hundreds of chapters of porn with his characters that will only be revealed 50 years after his death

Hori's porn would either be top-tier orgasmic or absolutely unfappable - there is no in between.


She's not that flat, she has great milkers.


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I like pink anime guys

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>Find some hot blue to jack to

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There needs to be more blue

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jfc, what a semen demon

she's so hot

Don't forget the sweat from her underboob.

Here's a long hair variant of that one.

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I'm glad she'll be getting more screentime this next season. Hopefully it will spawn more doujins of her too.

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Imagine combing/braiding her hair after sex.


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I like catgirls

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I love pink anime girls too

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Mina is the inspiring story about how far you can make it with a mental disability and adorable personality

>literally saves a kid from his bullies through breakdancing and friendship.

I for one welcome this baka hero.

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So any clue on how her butthole looks like? Serious question.

>I'm glad she'll be getting more screentime this next season.
Will she? I don't follow the manga but I'd heard she was still really sidelined.

Men of taste.

For me the triforce is Pink, Blue, and Chocolate.

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Mina is underrated as it goes. Someone better wife her quick.

She's part of Kirishima's backstory and the dance instructor for the culture fest. It's not major story points, but it's more than she's gotten prior.

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>dance instructor for the culture fest
This is especially good, from what I remember. The Kirishima stuff is great for making her appear competent, which I love, but she takes a big role in the comedy and general interactions during the festival

That's good, acid wife always needs more screentime. All the girls do (except Ochako maybe) but she's got it worst, except for invisigirl.

she can self lubricate.

literally perfect for anal.

She's clearly Hori's waifu. It seems like he's trying to give her a bigger role but just can't find a good moment to really let go shine.

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>That one doujin where Mina becomes Deku's fuckbuddy and does nothing but anal until he makes her feel so good, she gives him her virginity.

Diamonds everytime.

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Hori is a pedo

Yeah, I was just thinking of that
Goddamn, she has a perfect body

Probably like any other butthole just daek hot pink.

Damn it. When the hell are we going to get her figure? I need it... for research.

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That's a cute Froppy.

Nonmutie version is best

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>you'll never be in a pink/green threesome
Why live bros?

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That's illegal

What about brown?

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As a ass man these two have gotten so much semen from me

when the two mofu rub together the static charge generated rivals Kaminari's discharge

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Even more illegal

Cutie Muties with cute booties

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will Mina ever get a figure, is she popular enough to warrant one?

I don't really mind brown.

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>Hand placement
The madladchad

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Catboys you mean you delusional 2011 faggot

>implying the manga is valid in any way

She's just as mad, so it's okay.

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They have the same seiyuu

>You will never have a genki gf to cheer up your usual sour puss mood

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I feel like I should have known that. Hell I probably did but forgot. Still I'm glad for the crossover.

I saw one in previous mha threads. For some reason I can't find it in.

But could she win an Oscar for My Mother Was a Teenage Spider Queen from Mars?!?

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I could have sworn I heard news about her and momo getting figures, but I can't find any source for that info anymore. Either way, I don't shell out money all that often for figurines these days, but I would gladly buy a Mina.

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Do you think she has pink pubes?

Why wouldn't she?

Well... She doesn't dye her hair as far as we know.

Meh, It's not like anything they make now will ever surpass the Hagakure figure. That figure is a work of art.

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Why would she not?

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Might have no pubes - whether due to shaving or as a result of her mutation. She might have no body hair at all.

I hate this

L-lewd! How did they get away with that?!

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For me, its blue.

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I hope she doesn't shave

based and pinkpilled

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You know, "downstairs"

White and pure for me.

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