Would you a tsundere snek?
Also monster girl thread.
Would you a tsundere snek?
>tfw translations maybe
What is this?
I haven't read the newer chapters yet. These are the Echidna subspecies right?
I do like the redesign though.
It seems like Crab respected the fan created character Piper, and did not use the same design from the end card. The end card design looks like a city girl Echidna.
The new one from these chapters looks more like the aggressive tribal origins they should have. Looks great.
Are the zig-zags on the faces scales or paint, does it specify?
Oh, but also, would.
Go on.
Sneks are cold.
Yes for the love of God yes. She could have literally any personality and I would love her. All I want in life is to marry a snake girl.
Absurdly tall wolf lady with the strength to twist a mans head off like a bottle cap one handed decides to sexually harass and assault edgelord mc for lolz
just need some translators, or for the translators who claimed they were gonna to get on it
Just learn Japanese, reading isn't too hard.
cute demon
no u
>Don't bully me, naga..Tall Wolf Lady
Must fug Mosquito.
you want to be bullied, dontcha user
How long until we see the moms animated?
What's she complaining about? She wasn't putting her hand when she had the chance.
If you saw your mom groping your boyfriend I'd imagine you'd have a few complaints
It's just a demonstration of what she should be doing. She clearly needed some more education.