Is Violet hot?

Is Violet hot?

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She is more beautiful.

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A hot lesbian.

She is beautiful, inside and out like most characters in that anime.

Hot? Her body is undeniably pleasing to the eye but I'd say she's more beautiful than anything.
I can't see her as a woman in a sexual way.

Is that a fire joke?

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While her proportions are remarkably womanly for a 14-15 year old girl her beauty is closer to that of a field of flowers or ornate jewelry rather than one of carnal attraction.

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The Madonna-Whore complex is real with you incels huh?

Violet is the real Saber

She is definitely bonable. Just don't try to get a handjob from her since the cold from her prosthetic hands will make the experience less pleasant and she may accidentally rip it off.


She's ugly just like her show, but I still rape her silly just to make a point.

Would you rather stick your dick in Violet's mouth or make her smile?

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Would you rather smell Violet's ass or armpits?

Where you only either see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes. Men with this complex desire a sexual partner who has been degraded (the whore) while they cannot desire the respected partner (the Madonna).

Sound familiar?

And what's wrong with that?
Violet is too pure to taint with your dirty otaku hands. Only another pure soul is worthy of touching Violet, otherwise her beauty would be scarred.

Not at all. I just see Violet as a daughter character that I want to see blossom, pun intended.


Your just seeing things

Well I don't know how you got all that from I was just expressing that I find her design beautiful in a way I wouldn't necessarily call 'hot'.