I'm 31. I remember enjoying Yu Yu Hakusho as a 14 year-old, but stopping because Adult Swim ran out of new episodes. Would I get anything out of watching it again now?
I'm 31. I remember enjoying Yu Yu Hakusho as a 14 year-old, but stopping because Adult Swim ran out of new episodes...
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Damn dude, you are as old as I am. You should have stop watching adult swim around 15 when limewire became a thing.
Yeah, just for closure, but watch it subbed.
It's still pretty good.
Yes, i'm watching it for the first time and its very fun
I rewatched it a couple years back and I'm only a couple years younger than you, I thought it held up pretty well. It's a battle shounen, but it's pretty free of filler and episodes aren't ridiculously padded, the pacing feels nice and steady. The last arc is weak, but overall I think it holds up as a good show.
I'm reading the manga right now and it's okay, but I don't think it's necessarily worth making time for unless you're already curious about it.
The anime is better than the manga.
Anime and the english dub. The bluray release really was decent on it and the animation/style holds up.
Check out the movie too. The proper one with Hinageshi.
You're 31 years old yet haven't figured out what you enjoy yet? What mental illness is this?