Homura time. Let's go.
Eden's Zero #57: My Mother's a Machine
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And last page. What a tweeest.
i probably should've seen this coming
>you will never have a robot mommy with big brown boobs
cannot locate feels.exe
>I wanna touch her boobs
Is he /ourguy/?
I can't believe Homura is from Wano
Guessing Valkyrie was dismantled or something and turned into the Scarlet Eye or something
this fucking guy
if they get her mom on their side they will be rich as hell
I...am astounded by how well this backstory turned out. Mashima wrote THIS? He wrote something this good AFTER the Alvarez arc of Fairy Tail? This is Rave Master levels of writing right here.
In just this one chapter, he made Valkyrie--the "tough, cool girl we're expected to think is tough and cool"--into one of his most nuanced characters in years. She's a mother who struggles to call herself a mother because she's a.) completely unrelated to her "child", and b.) a persecuted minority. She's not someone who just puts up with prejudice by putting on a brave front and leaves it at that; someone she loves is caught up and suffering because of it, and that hurts her far more than some close-minded jackass ever could. And on top of that, she has to deal with people calling her a "pretend" parent because she's not only a different race, but she isn't related to her "child" PERIOD. That is a level of detail I never expected from Mashima.
And that twist at the end. I knew Kurenai would turn out to be Homura's mother, but I never imagined Homura not only learning the truth BEFORE the two even meet, but from a source she trusts. It's nothing like Erza and Irene, which was all, "Guess what, I'm your mother! Listen to my sob story and process how how evil I am at the same time while I try to kill you, because we have to move this story along!" I legit have no idea how this is gonna turn out when Homura and Kurenai meet face to face. Or for that matter, Homura and Valkyrie.
For the first time in I don't know how long, I'm on the edge of my seat wanting to know how this ends. Very...very well played this week, Mashima.
>wano ripoff
I was just joking but you're trying too hard
>implying both aren't an edo rip off from gintama
>yfw the first thing Homura asks Kurenai is “Have you seen Valkyrie lately?”
Were there any hints or foreshadowing about Homura's mom?
It only clicked like the 2nd to last page before the twist, but I don't see how you could see it coming before this chapter.
Yeah but then the emotional catharsis for this arc will be surrounded by Lucy getting all her clothes blasted off again and probably Homura too.
>chapter 57
>no starshine lewds of any sort
Should I read rave master?
>feudal Japan drama in space
>muh oppression by evil kids
Nah it’s garbage.
Fuck... I should have seen it coming. It's Erza and her mother all over again. She left to make money during a war, probably as a prostitute. ANd she made it...
Probably EZ gets an anime adaptation if we’re lucky, which should only be about 150 chapters from now, give or take
I really fucking hope its not A1
Damn, his art has really improved
How do we get madhouse to adapt this?
Sure it's pretty based, you'll also get to see why mashima has such a massive boner for jellal and why he got away with everuthing in fairy tail.
>The first villain the MC encounters becomes a good guy after fucking the MCs sister.
I mean, reader perspective wise, the only thang we've seen where people using some kind of nip get up were only those 2.
Should've seen the connection.
Best ship
>not Hermit + Weisz
Never gonna make it
Based Shuda.
Can you really say that you love your kid if you know that you're spoiling them yet you keep doing it anyway?
Different parenting styles for different folks, I guess.
I fucking knew it
People read this trash?
>Homura barges in on her mum banging another model
Make it happen, Mashima
why are you even here
Its just our usual seething shitposter
Guess this manga truly has a place on Yea Forums then.
He has some great ideas from time to time. The reason why we call him a hack is because he doesn't have the talent to develop them in a compelling way. This is going to end in the usual hurr durr muh nakama bullshit we've grown tired of watching.
Mashima is terrified of getting out of his zone of comfort.
I want to cum inside Homura and her two mothers
It better not be the empress
Dang, he cute
Neighborhood cat is the true antagonist.
Fuck yes.
At least space Jellal is autistic and irreverent.
Pino a cute
twintail Rebecca a best.
FT 100 year quest is actually pretty decent. Now that Mashima has every other week to think of the story. Guess the 1 year break he took before starting EZ and FT really helped.
Wonder if the personality was always there.
Modern day Victor Hugo.
If we look back on Fairy Tail's mommy reveal, we could assume she's going to get a backstory of being badly abused while trying to make money, and it ended up mindbreaking her so much she never went back to find her cute loli.
This manga needs more ryona.
This will end up in a uprising of the prisoners just like wano.
Should have seen this coming
It was fucking obvious
Remind me again, what kind of sad backstory Lucy got? Mashima will probably repeat it again with Rebecca
We already know her backstory
Rebecca backstory is that Happy one day got run over, he was her best friend, and to save him Weiss made him into a cyborg.
He could've add a bunch more if he wants
I completely forgot about this series, read only up to chapter 26, gotta catch up.
>tfw no EZ doujinshi
Will we get some after the anime starts?
>dude thinks a dude is cute
Your homo is showing
I'm a girl though
Keep telling yourself that.
>mommy is a psycho that enslaved you.
Yeah that was the same problems he had in fairy tail. Every once in a while hell introduce an interesting story line or plot point but instead of development for said ideas he used friendship to make up for it and solve them or just forget them and never developed them at all. Case in point God slayer magic.
Mashima said in Volume 4 that he's sick and tired of making villains so sympathetic to the point where his fans overlook every evil thing they do. It happened to him all the time with FT. That's why he's made all of EZ's villains so far the absolute scum of the universe, the kind of people we'd WANT Shiki and the others to defeat.
If Mashima actually sticks to his guns here, he's not gonna let Kurenai's actions slide just because she started with good intentions, just like how Sister didn't let Fake Sister's "I just wanted to save my comrades and got carried away!" slide, because she still stole her identity and used her reputation to build a criminal syndicate.
The one downside to this is that it risks making his villains boring, at least personality-wise. So far, the bad guys have all just been criminals and murderers who don't care about people's "hearts". It'd be great if we get a fleshed out villain whose motives are still completely inexcusable.
That's because FT had next to no planning put into it outside of certain character backgrounds. Mashima would come up with tons of ideas on the spot, then choose whether or not to pursue it later down the line. While he said he's still doing something similar with EZ, he also said there won't be as much of it, and that it will all fit within a more solid story frame. And sure, this story will more than likely end with something about the power of friendship and how blood ties don't matter, but if a backstory this well presented is a part of that structure, then it might actually end up being pretty damn good all the same. Because Mashima is at his best when he actually puts time into thinking things through.
rapably cute
People praise it cause nostalgia goggles, but is actually nothing better than FT and eden's 0.
They're both sluts. I should have seen it cumming
Lucy grew up in a wealthy family with a loving mother and father. Then her mother died, and her father became cold and distant, absorbing himself completely in his own work. Lucy eventually grew to resent her father and decided she wanted nothing more to do with the family name, so cast her name aside and ran away from home to strike it out on her own and form a new life for herself.
But seeing how every female MC from a Mashima story doesn't have quite the same backstory (Elie, for example), it's hard to say Rebecca's will be the same, minus maybe a few similarities.
It goes beyond that. Switching to digital drawing for his manga has practically doubled his free time compared to the original Fairy Tail. And since he was already an ultra-fast artist with great time management skills to begin with--not to mention he's just giving rough sketches and page layouts to Atsuo Ueda with 100YQ, which he does lightning-fast--he has more time for everything.
Homura a cute
He is like the only weekly author who has a healthy to 7-8 hours of sleep per day right?
I wonder what his secret is especially when he sometimes shits out 2 or 3 chapters out all at once just for shits n giggles.
Like there was an omake where the author of yankee-kun and megane-chan/yamada and the seven witches told that Mashima just came over and helped her out with her own release, because he has that much free time.
Mashima also bought all his staff Vitas so they could play monster hunter together, the guy is a total bro
Not really a sad backstory.
Mom dead but she was well taken care off. Dad was rich but he didn't gave a shit about her.
The tipical rich girl that ended bored and decided to go for adventure.
There is no drama forced in her past.
That dude really likes monster hunter doesn't he?
Didn't he make this during Fairy tail's run?
Ededn Zero feels like his early Fairy tail work when it was enjoyable so it seems he considered the story more this time. It doesnt have all the fluff of FT and so far friendship power ups aren't really present and there is limit friendship speeches. Its mostly just I have friends and that's it. I remember Natsu doing fuckjng Eulogies on friendship.
As I understand it, those extra chapters still require all-nighters.
This also reminds me of another omake where Mashima and his assistants had to crunch in time for a 30-page chapter of FT and a full chapter of FT Zero in the same span needed for a normal 20-page chapter. Even though Mashima goofed off with everyone playing games for 2 hours, he was still the first one to get all his work finished (drawing, inking and coloring), but only because he hadn't slept for three days.
I unironically liked it when it started. Great characters and extremely comfy space panels and of course the fan-service.
But now it's nothing but that, fan-service after fan-service and the story goes nowhere.
Actually there is some story progression and some developement every chapter.
Nope. Your argument is invalid.
>and the story goes nowhere.
Confirmed for being a retarded speedreader
> fan-service after fan-service
What the hell? There was already tons of fanservice from the first arc
>Actually there is some story progression
That series started over a year ago and they haven't even reacher their grandline yet
>What the hell? There was already tons of fanservice from the first arc
tasteful fan-service, instead of naked escape or every female clothes getting melted away in every fight.
>nd they haven't even reacher their grandline yet
One Piece didn't reach the Grandline until chapter 100 which was over a year of serialization you stupid fuck
And pre-grandline One Piece is garbage. Your point?
I really hope you're baiting and not genuinely this shit taste
We're not totally blind to the similarities. Rave still has its fair share of nakama championing, fanservice, and yes, even fake-out deaths that make no sense how they survived (those are overlooked thanks to the heroic deaths that DO stick and leave a lasting impact). But the big thing that sets Rave apart from his other works is that it comes together much more tightly, especially towards the end, where all the mysteries built up from the beginning are actually paid off after real progression, not because the solution came out of nowhere and could have happened at literally any time without the heroes needing to do a thing about it (*cough*Igneel*cough*).
Rave is standard Mashima manga, yes, but it's by and far the most solid Mashima manga.
And Capcom loves him, since there's often Fairy Tail crossover stuff with the WSJ free DLC. An Acnologia Rathalos, a Happy skin + weapon for Palicos, and gear for Hunters.
At least i admit that toward the end FT totally gone down the shitter.
It already went downhill by the tournament arc especially with the anime. After that it was all downhill form there. The final arc just didn't give a fuck anymore. The anime is even worse. Its literally less animated than the last arc.
Fairy Tail's final arc was bad overall, but I wouldn't say it went "totally" down the shitter. It still had good moments towards the end, but they were just that: fleeting moments mixed into a clutter of plot points.
Lucy's sacrifice of Aquarius's key was great, and while Aquarius did come back, I appreciate that Mashima didn't just bring her back to stay right away; that Lucy has to make an effort to be with her again.
Everything between Gray and Silver's final scene was excellent. And it's ironic because Mashima was planning to make it so Silver really was Deliora in the body of Gray's dead dad, but a huge plot hole in the setup forced him to rewrite his plans midway. Good thing, because that twist would probably not have led to such a tender moment.
I enjoyed over half of the Spriggan 12 fights (most more in the manga, of course), like Erza vs. Ajeel, Wendy & Sherria vs. DiMaria, Natsu & Lucy vs. Jacob, Gajeel vs. Bloodman, Gray vs. Invel (minus the Juvia fake-out), Sting vs. Larcade, and the anime version of Gildarts vs. August.
While Erza tanking Natsu and Gray's attacks was a stretch, I liked that she was the one to make Natsu and Gray see their fighting was as pointless as any one of their bickering in the past. I also loved the resolution they had, since it made Natsu and Gray feel more human and vulnerable than they did in years.
Although it went nowhere, I still liked the twist of August secretly being Zeref and Mavis's son because it made him more than just some bland and less interesting version of Hades.
Pretty much everything between Zeref and Mavis (minus Mavis's physical appearance and huge lapse in judgment towards the end) was one of my favorite story threads introduced in the final arc.
All these moments are what drove me to give Edens Zero a chance, rather than write it off just because Mashima dropped the ball big time. I know that Mashima has good ideas, but it's when he uses them the right way that I enjoy them most.
Why is Shiki based? He'll beat your ass regardless of what your intent was or you were in the past.
>Have a 10/10 real girl in front of them
>Yeah, fuck robots. Let me fuck your robo-moms boobs.
Why were these guys such fags? They deserved to get their ass beat.
That's the main problem with the final arc. Some good idea turned into nothing.
Just August alone, and his backstory. Made it properly would have been awesome. But instead it literally blown up into nothing.
Mashima made dozens of plot twists and revelations to develope none of them at all.
Natsu's cancer (as Laxus poisoning) the most notable example. It just disappeared. every page i turned i could ear that bank employee from south park saying "...aaaaand it's gone! Please leave your seat to a plot twist/device that has still not been made pointless".
Pretty much this. The Natsu disease one is one of the worst. He just gives up both and then nothing happened. Gajeel sacrificing himself was made pointless, Actually any sacrifices made in that arc was just pointless. Makarov was the biggest one though. He already had too man near death experiences and fake puts to even care at that point.
That's what I'm saying, though. They were good ideas, but they weren't implemented well at all because Mashima didn't think them through properly. That was the ultimate failing of Fairy Tail's plot: it just threw in so many ideas without much thought and care put into them that it caved in on itself.
But just because he didn't plan enough with FT, that doesn't mean he can't at all. The big difference with EZ is that he's putting more thought into where his story is going, and the last time he did that was with Rave Master, his most solid and best work (though not so perfect that it's free of the flaws that dragged FT down).
I want to see Mashima pull himself together after what he did with FT, because I enjoy his work most when he has it together. And so far, EZ has is more together than I ever thought it would after FT.
RoboMILFs are a hell of a drug.
Yikes cringe and blue pilled.
I’m pretty sure zeref made god slayer magic. God did curse him afterall
They never explained how they got it just that it appeared and only two people had it where it was stronger than normal dragon slaying magic..... Then the undead dragons appeared and showed all that magic was shit as they couldn't even hurt them.
Is that ntr
I dont see the connection, could someone elaborate?
Hades gave them the power. Hades had a lot of research of zeref and forbidden/ magic in that library of his.
Hell naw. The girl was the hero's sister, and the hero only has the hots for this NTR'd girl.
It's kind of a stretch, but they're both the only fully Japan-esque characters we've seen, they have similar physical features like most Mashima characters do with their relatives (even the black-haired Ivan had the same eyes and eyebrow shape as his blond relatives), and they both have names with connected meanings ("Homura" means "blaze", Kurenai means "crimson").
>Hell naw. The girl was the hero's sister
Its still messed up to show him an image of you fucking his sister tho
That was her first kiss, btw.
I get it for Zancrow but what about the other two like the jack off fodder in Sabertooth and Wendy's friend.
Wendy's friend actually has an explanation in her profile on the cover of Chapter 353: she was such a gifted prodigy that the council chairman gave her a book on God Slayer magic as an award for academic excellence. He just never expected her to actually use it.
I think it was explained that Wendy's friend, Chelia learned the magic from a book in the anime, i'm not sure how canon this is though.
>from a book
Out of all the explanations for the others getting slayer magic this one just sounds incredibly bullshit.
The Sabertooth guy doesn't have an explanation for how he found out about God Slayer magic, but going by what his profile says in Chapter 350, he likely learned it because he thought it was cool.
It's actually hilarious. Just read about this cool magic and learn it by hand. What better way to learn magic?
>read book
>become stronger than Dragon Slayer who was raised and trained by dragon
>you also get OP self-healing
Any preg content yet?
Well... they all have been born from their mothers...
>anons chilling here talking about hot chick and how Fairy Tail was shit
Zeref wrote that magic in books then those books got lost through out time. I’m sure hades didn’t have all of them
This is the same series where Natsu eats other elements that were said could poison or kill him of he did and yet he eats it and instead gets power ups. Even keeping one as his mainstay secondary element.
Teenage Homura is too fucking cute, I hope she gets age regressed at some point.
Then there was the timeskip where her dad died and the stuff with Aquarious as well.
Mashima's sole weakness in the fanservice arts is his inability to draw pregnancy.
Well depending on when 100YQ ends, he'll have his chance with Levy.
I dont understand the android racism, its very obvious Pino, Witch, Sister, Hermit, and Valkyrie are self aware beings in mechanical bodie not just contraptions operating on some code.
how far her design has cum
Why doesn't Mashima draw nipples? He clearly can as seen with rave
racism is dumb like that
>racism is dumb like that
Do I need to pull up crime statistics and IQ charts again
well assuming robots are mass produced then most of them will be low IQ, bringing the statistics down. thus robots and androids are dumb as bricks.
Why settle for silver when you can go for gold?
I noticed Homura has a bit of an issue with substitutes, first the copy Valkyrie with her insisting she's nothing but a copy despite being more or less accurate enough, then here with her being her parental substitute and insisting she's "just" her master.
Maybe I'm looking too hard into this for a Mashima manga.
this could end up being better than the Guilst arc
The point is they consider robots to be objects, and likely respects homura as a fellow human being enough to not solicit sex that way
Sad stuff indeed, but that's not part of her backstory.
how old is shiki again assuming he's some normal human without any future plot twists like with natsu/the others like him
I don't think we have confirmed ages for anyone yet.
Probably 16.
That's always a safe bet
I assume Shiki and Rebecca are 17, Homura 18, and Weisz 20
No confirmations, but Hermit was around for at least 15 years after Ziggy found Shiki, so that's the youngest he could possibly be.
When this gets adapted I unironically hope they add a shitton of comfy filler with ambient space music
Yeah. There's literally no way hermit didn't get raped during her experimentation.
Pino got really moeblob'd
Still has a ways to go.
How did he do it do subtlely? I didn't even notice
That's fine by me, her initial design is kind of wonky, honestly. Her moeblob form now is far cuter.