She's right you know
She's right you know
The bitch is just afraid of competition. God forbid guys will stop paying attention to 3D thots, it's the end of the world for these whores.
cool twitter post OP
>10/10 people who watch it are unemployed and are never moving out of their mother's house
So she's saying that people who are 10/10s and watch it aren't moving out of their mom's house? And here I thought i was a 3/10.
3DPD cope
>Naming yourself after a prolapsed anus
Atleast she isn't complaining about lolis or female characters having big tiddies
Why do Yea Forumsedditors like twitter posts by literal whos?
The people who say stuff like this always spend inordinate amounts of their time on some other stupid thing.
That's cool, Rose, but I live in my own house and was mortgage-free by 29
>Thots are realizing people dont care about 3D women anymore
She's literally holding off the normalfags from anime all on her own, god bless this 3DPD.
who the hell is this bitch and why would I care what she says?
I don't know why she cares?
I feel like a man wrote this
i bet you are a 6/10 faggot
because they're niggers
>Lives with parents
I'm living testament to nether of those being true.
I'm not unemployed
This unironically
yes mam I'll stop having this hobbie you don't like, I guess I have to completely change my interests so you will think im cool
3dpd is afraid she’s losing potential costumers
Those pigs can’t compete with 2D
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
What do people who don't watch anime even watch?
The news
Honestly i've never met anyone who is really into anime that isn't a complete freak/weirdo or disgusting subhuman life failure, even myself, that's why i kinda quit watching and hit the gym, improve your life Yea Forumsnon, there's still time
The latest HBO or AMC series.
Disney movies
I'm not one to normally pick on grammar and spelling, but I've found that people who form plurals like this are invariably the dumbest shits I've ever run into.
>10/10 people who watch it are never moving out of their mother's house
Good thing I'm a 4/10 haha
I don't give a shit about this
You are not Japanese, you will never be Japanese, and no, spending your life as a shut-in playing videogames and consuming garbage repetitive media doesn't make you special, maybe retarded if something. even worse if you belive you are better than others for being one, even people who have a healthy relationship with the anime medium consider you a deluded freak, humans aren't made to be isolated, that's how it works.
Get your life in order, because tik tok time is running out and it runs out faster when you spend your entire days doing the same and the same thing, that's just how the brain and memory works, don't you wonder why time seems to go so fast and you don't remember most of it? why oh suddenly another year has passed? yeah that's because your memory isn't saving anything, that's what life is about.
At least get a job, save some money and visit Japan.
The gym is desperately overrated.
They talk about Netflix shit and how they binge watched X show and then forget about it after a few days
this but unironically
You're probably a 6.5/10 loser-ass
The twitter board is over there buddy
Stop having this hobby, normalfag.
Agree, calisthenics is way better.