Killer Queen best girl
also it's wednesday, that means another episode featuring Kunai and his wacky supporting cast is dropping soon, yay!
Maou-sama, Retry!
Imagine going from
>pain throes of death
>ovulating waterfall
in the span of 5 seconds.
Aku episode soon
And pink Yunyun.
is this the older sister from buttslut number one?
I hope that the mangaka actually makes our isekai'd Cart Driver a recurring character.
I want to Yun her Yuns if you know what I mean
>pink Yunyun
Me waiting for the new episode.
Will Yu ever get to see shota Aku?
She is going to see other shota
I still wish Yu would turn her into a real girl that could get pregnant
Girlish boys can already get pregnant.
>Tags: futanari, trap, impregnation
It's too late. You can't unsee what you've seen.
I want a Killer Queen episode. I demand more fluffy.
Fuck Queen. Luna episode or we will riot!
R-18 OVA when?
When someone set FATE on fire.
Only after Holy Maiden Zero shows up again.
She is also a slut
I wamt to have baby making sex with Yukikaze
>they see me rollin', they hatin'
did someone say killer queen
Boy can't make a baby with another boy, you goof.
inb4 no
You don't have any proof
>Killer Queen has already touched your dong
>tfw new episode today
>god i wish that were me
What the fuck is wrong with ButtSlut and why is she smiling like that?
Perfect. What else do I need to know?
> I went to pick up my smokes and ended up covered in bitches
>Forgot to turn your swag off.
hahaha, does luna makes the best goofy faces ever or what
>the gothic loli is there too
Does Luna want the Demon cock or a daddy to spoil her?
She wants her butt plugged.
She's also unpopular.
Both. Like most women.
The scourge of the powerful.
I rather give Aku more money.
Dumb holy maiden, double dipping her allowance from the church and demon lords.
Is she really "holy"?
The user was volunteering to carry the baby. We're all little girls here on Yea Forums.
>mfw this is legitimately something you can never have
3 more hours
>Luna's tube legs
Is Luna secretly a 2hu?
>with a 10/10 body
she would smell really really bad.
Nah, Luna is buttslut Louise. Arifureta is the isekai this season that based half the characters on 2hus.
>reverse gangbang
not exactly, but close enough
ok, you know the deal
Me on the left
Me behind the ro
Me on the left
Me in the carriage, doing some business with Luna
>Mao Retry has quality hentai
Is this a good signal?
it basically the only proper lewd so far though
perhaps there could be some unknown ones from futaba threads like this one
Me in the pond
Me stuffing Aku's face.
Aku has awoken my inner sadist side. I never knew that I really want to punch Aku while making out with her. This show is corrupting me.
Should be starting soon
There are.
>This show is corrupting me.
Same. I hated traps and still do, with the exception of Yukikaze. Would do that little cock-hungry slut until both of us passed out.
you better provide a the full version fampai
and link to the threads too
>they didn't skip it
gib me link
I love Zero
hot take: I really dont like the opening prefer the ending, yet others seem to like it
Opening is really catchy after a couple listens, also full version >>> 90 second version
Bump for the buttslut
Episode when?
>[HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry! - 08 [720p].mkv
Zero-sama is so cool!
ok, so which amazon is "peanut untouchable"?
Chad as fuck
Jesus fuck please drop an imgur link for it at least cos is not in pixiv either
I thought this would be the one where he summons his second subordinate.
>Ded thread
What went wrong?
I will become the kind of man that Queen wants to hug.
Waiting for that onsen scene.
Who's the best buttslut?
>what went wrong?
Well, regardless of how much I like the manga, this cheap adaptation isn't that great. So yeah, I'm not exactly expecting that much hype in the first place. But at least it's fun, unlike Arifuerta.
Like fifty minutes ago.
How's her yandere level? Is she willing to share with other girls as long as she gets some?
She's cool as long as she's allowed to watch.
Pretty hot desu.
It's for science, after all.
She's more like Killer Queen than she cares to admit as they both like men that are hard to tame.
>a hot girl gets turned on by your dragon shirt
Nope, I can't do it bros. I literally cannot imagine it.
>demon lord
>demon king
Which retard is in charge of those translations?
I thought Zero was a chad? I appreciate he's not being a complete cuck but this level of betaness has cost him a lot of respect from me.
>But it's cute
Literally Yea Forums
Just how funny was that short story intermezzo with fido the dog? Holy fuck. Shit was great. Bonus points for fido stats sheet in the middle.
why did they give this guy a woman's voice? what a strange error
Was there really no moral to the story?
i get it. you think it's the anime saying, "don't think too hard about any of this, just turn your brain off and enjoy", but really it's a nihilist children's story about how life is meaningless
Did someone say Pochi, nano desu?
Is the girl Zero saved voiced by Nona from Amazing Stranger? I'd recognize that speech impediment anywhere. The lisp is cute though.
Yeah, it is Suzuna Kinoshita.
Someone forgot to turn their swag off.
my name is marshall arts and i was colored by deviantart
... pyon!
... usa!
I like Killer Queen.
>how life is meaningless
No, not at all. I thought the moral of the story was that everyone hates poorfags. Get rich and you get the bitch. Short and sweet. Easily digestible by a kid audience.
Jesus Christ
The short haired bunny is hitting all the right spots for me.
fuck Kyon, marry Momo.
ha, it totally is! amazing.
Tron a cute.
She sounds like she just bit her tongue all the time. Somehow, it's still kinda cute.
*smokes cig*
Why is he so cool?
this show looks like ass and it's isekai, but I fucking love it for some reason
I started out watching it purely for my weekly dose of isekai personally because nothing good was airing, but now it's the highlight of my week
Same. Every time I watch the OP, I realize the animation quality is subpar, and the isekai setting makes it even worse. But for some reason, it's entertaining and fun.
The manga is actually good. Like I'm reading around 200-300 isekai manga and I'm pretty sure if I made a top list Maou retry would be in the upper 10%, I was super excited when I heard it got an adaptation. The comedy is nice, TUEEE too by the way, I hope they don't fuck it up too.
Smoking is cool.
Smoking in front of children is not cool
>gently nibbling her ear all night long
Her voice is very cute and soothing
Literally me.
Yoi just posted her
I want to buttfuck Luna while her sisters are watching.
Truly the most devious of plans.
Why does he care so much about the poor and needy? Is he fucking jesus or what.
But that's illegal
And he is a Mafia boss.
He's a fairly nice dude, besides poorfags are his workforce and it's a good PR.
Me by the tree
well the explanation given this ep is that he just wanted to do something different from the nobles, but I think everyone can agree he's a moralfag at heart
That was the single best moment of this entire series
His daughter Aku is a poorfag and he wants to make the world a better place for people like her.
Did they just take the piss out of LNs? The whole pochi story felt like an allegory for Arifureta and its ilk.
This is what it makes this show so great
He's going for a cultural victory.
I want a poop loli daughter.
can you actually drop an imgur or something like that link for that? that would be nice thank you
Truly best dad of the season.
So soft pyon.
Only if he marries her in the future, otherwise it's Dale
Someone desperately needs to make this happen.
>her face when I request anal
I'm assuming that's her fetish
So when is she joining the harem?
Do people really like this???
Every episode keeps feeling like it's 10 minutes long.
Absolutely. It's like I'm a teen watching anime in the early 2000s again without caring about things like animation or overused tropes, just having fun. If you aren't from that generation you wouldn't understand.
>Get your cock out right now!
How do you respond?
That's the power of SOUL
Unironically one of my favourite anime this year.
So this is what watching fun anime feels like.
>tfw binge watched the existing episodes and now feeling like a smoker going cold turkey
I want more. MORE.
So when your boy get to fucking Luna one of these days, Aku would be in the same house I'm presuming, now she would be able to hear or at least be aware of something going on right? When she eavesdrops on the sweet lovemaking what kind of emotion is Aku going to feel? A daughter would feel kinda gross and leave right? Since Aku didn't grow up with him she wouldn't have that gross factor reaction, but would she just leave, or try to get in on the action? My dick has been thinking about this alot, I need a second opinion
Well, i can't see any fun in this, but that's subjective shit i guess
In the next couple episodes, when she visits the bunny village and subarashi things happen
Is it really gay if the boy looks exactly like a girl?
>200-300 isekai manga
Depends. No because human brains don't work off logic, they work off perception, and what you perceive is a female. Yes if you only count the literal perspective.
>3 loli
>1 hag
Not bad.
Indeed. And it was absolutely glorious.
Is it just me, or does she have the EXACT same crazy eyes like buttslut number one Luna, and her older sister buttslut two (or what not, counting is hard). You know. Purple. Same Form. One eye slightly lazy.
He really makes this great. Having the MC be an older guy instead of a teenager was a brilliant idea.
That hag is a product of eugenics, so I bet her body is perfect. One of those wouldn't be too bad to round out the loli harem
You're talking nonsense. Aku would stand ready, as the good daughter she is, and take good care of the buttslut afterwards. Buttcare. With cremes and stuff. It's a pretty good job.
He is 20 before getting isekai'd.
Even Overlord's MC was older.
>cultivated, middle aged patrician
>he is 20
the powers of smoking, everyone!
Was he? I thought they said he was the admin of some game for like a decade and was shutting it down when he got isekai'd. So I'd expect him to be mid to late 20s at least.
I just assumed it was your typical librarian dyke.
I don't know. They don't have any money or power. They're useless. Only good as fuck toys for butt perverts.
>Only good as fuck toys for butt perverts.
Well that explains it
>That wicked laughter...Papa is back!
hehe, yeah, that was great. just gotta love this shit.
>just finished watching that anime about that loli who wanted to conquer the world and hated smokers
>now watching this which is making smoking look cool
I'm so conflicted
It's cool isekai smoking so, it's alright.
Fuck Kate
>bunny girls just managed to finish setting up the crop field
>MC just builds a spring resort right on top if it
Loli is right though. Maou is just an old shut-in with bad habits.
No-one is saying smoking isn't cool user, it's just really fucking bad for you and everyone around you. If you're alternate universe demon lord however, you can probably mitigate its effects.
How the fuck this and Arifureta became the best shows of the week for me?
Why doesn't he just sell Luna and Aku's holy water?
Is simple, low budget, not trying hard and you can have some laughs on the QUALITY.
Is superior japanese cigarette. Filtered over 1000 times and no bad smokes.
This is something that bothers me. He's clearly going to change their town and their culture drastically which is bad enough. But before he does that he gives them free water and fertiliser to grow crops. And now he's going to make all that work pointless.
The worst thing is that those carrots are only farmed on that field. Nowhere else in that world has carrots
Overlord's MC is a manchild so it balances things out.
I unironically believe in the power of SOUL some anime have
Dang the manga art looks pretty nice
Cute. SICP edit?
Hello there Daikichi, how is Rin?
I wish I was Zero.
Imagine being as daughterzoned as Aku
>best weekly show
So when does he use the fucking ring?
I wish i was Killer Queen.
>Sasuga Chief-sama!
now give me your seed, Chief
When do they fuck?
>asking for permission
>I wonder what Aku meant when she said she wanted to read this together
Needs Eurasia falling in the sky.
I'm about to pick up smoking. Which brand should I start with?
you are better off Vaping
Vaping won't help me pick up lolis
You know why he looks grumpy in this pic
It's not worthy, user. Trust me.
Neither will smoking
most people dont like the smell of smokers dude and dont bother really, memes and preaching aside shit is really bad
God I really hope this won't lead to super lung cancers in the future. This trade off seems way too good.
Um explain Kunai then atheist scum.
Kunai is a demon lord, you're not
>God I really hope this won't lead to super lung cancers in the future. This trade off seems way too good.
It's already happening and I'm glad. Zoomers deserve everything bad that happens to them
nicotine still bad overall, you simple now get the relative pure poison into you instead of the gazillion byproducts that normal tobacco has in it
You try and help millenials and gen-xers and zoomers then get caught in this vaping trap. There's just no winning. As much as I shit on zoomers, they don't deserve this.
True. And vaping makes it easy to take in shittons of nicotine so there's one negative already.
Only a retard smokes before being tied to a 12 hours a day office job, they do deserve this.
Also, I think kunai's cigarrettes are actually a healing item, so it's fine on isekai world
Relief work.
>Kunai's face when
user we've been over this.
just hold a pokky like a fag
Haha good thing that won't be illegal there haha
>No uncensored link
>the Japs basically shitpost the same shit we do
Through dick unity friends
It's like they're already married.
they like the anime?
Wish I knew how to read Kanji
just stop
I tried to keep the book binding and wear and tear from the scene, enjoy user.
they like it enough, either those that want something else than your average isekai thing or the seiyuu-fags and views wise is doing rather ok-enough knowing there are series that cant even break up the 100k views after episode 2
we gotta wait another week for ep 9
the threads should take away some of the pain away
>tfw the world sees you as satan incarnate but all you want to do is create jobs
Wonder how often anyone ever speaks to them in this library.
>"The Devil told humans how to become intelligent on there own by eating of the forbidden tree"
> "God got assblasted cos they are now starting to get into equal footing on him"
Of course there was. If you fuck up a bunch of shit, better find some rare loot.
That's a great moral.
Based Maou-sama.
I could only find one thread on futaba and it wasn't this one.
It's a power play, gain the support of the masses and the wealth of the rich.
High priestess mind = broken. I like how MC changes his speech into ultra-formal roundabout Japanese sometimes when he's talking with someone with status.
was that a boy or a girl?
>he's been T posing for 5mins now
they put up and as soon as they hit limit it gets pruned since they dont have archives, I was there to see if there was a lewd on it because seems will never give us the less censored version of it
I saved the page of the last thread if anyone wants to read it or amuse themselves with Japs talking about the show
Don't settle for anything less.
>I was there to see if there was a lewd on it because seems will never give us the less censored version of it
That's why I was looking for it too.
Removed "book" so we can use it in anime and manga threads.
I am about to watch the new episode and I am drunk as fuck
wish me luck
thanks m8
very nice
damn until you pointed it out i didnt even notice
Woah japs post a shitty versions of lenny face?
Goku pls.
I think you're a massive fag for not being able to appreciate Kaori Ishihara's singing, but that's just me.
You're a man of fine taste who loves lolivamps
Also possibly an unashamed chuunilord
pink anal dork
I wonder if Zero knows he's an alt.
Imagine how fun it would be
Are they even the same person? Their personalities are different.
i think he does but he doesnt care either way
Go away Bernie Sanders
I don't think he does user. If he knew he's the same guy as the leader of the empire he hates he'll probably commit sudoku.
im pretty sure the irony is the point
>Fight against evil Empire
>Learn you are another personality of the evil emperor.
I don't think his heart could take it
>evil emperor is doing the opposite of the empire now
>I did this!
Aku isn't for sex, that's Tron's job.
The daughter factor makes it sexier.
Tron is only useful for weird floating sex.
But they're both daughters.
So who is the 3rd saint sister going to fall for?
Aku being headpatted gives her a stronger daughterwife power.
She clearly wants the demon dick
Good he wasn't there to see it.
>get isekai'd in another world
>go full jew
Sasuga, onii-sama
WTF? this show is a fucking scam!
They say it is a 20~ minutes show but it last only 5 minutes per episode.
Explain this shit now
The moral of Pochi's story is it is not enough for you to succeed; you must also prevent others from winning.
What is wrong with her voice?
all i could imagine here was an actual pochi doujin
I don't see anything wrong with it.
sounds weird.
Strangely, this is a comfy series
That's what happens when you have 0 expectation and accept it for what it is. Overpowered MC isekais have always been a guilty pleasure.
It's so laid back and old man MC okay in my book
How do I get a floating half-devil daughterwife
>fuck, marry butt rape
Probably the first series I've watched where I don't want to fuck the lolis.
I kinda want to protect them only and spoil them
An educated man would touch a woman in private.
why do everyone keeps flying when they get hit
>a poorfag Koume lookalike
>a literal buttslut
>a floating living ponytail
I don't think that's going to happen to me any time soon.
The other world natives don't know anything about jews so they are bad at profiting and subverting nations. Gotta abuse the real world knowledge
I want to spank Luna, but nothing else
driver-san is pretty fucking stern
the ost sounds like someone trying hard to play the flute
shitty recorder tunes are always the best. see the stupid snek show for reference.
not that i don't like it.
I want more luna
Wasn't the hag into shota's though?
or when a sudden rock-like music blasts?
who you callin hag?
That song just automatically makes me crack up every time it starts.
Plot of arifureta?
Mao sama should follow the same business pattern snek did.
Making butt slut and Aku into vtubers and beg for 2k DVDs sales for a S2
That could work. Maybe add some piun piun bunnies on top, and you've got a deal.
Made for spanking.
Sounds like your average edgy isekai
>they butchered this scene
I am unironically mad.
Why did Maou-sama just casually pat Luna's butt?
Just for fun.
I actually find Aku cuter in the anime
>not torrenting on mobile
different user here, same
there is an genre of this type of stuff already
I have a pet hypothesis.
Basically, Kunai in games is Chaotic Evil.
While Kunai in anime is Chaotic Good.
Does this mean the alignment of his aides changes accordingly?
Sure, Yu might be crazy, sadistic mad scientist. But she seems to be less inclined to kidnap and torture people in anime.
Why not?
she is literally his propriety now.
Kunai was not sure how Yu was going to behave once she were summoned, so he asked Luna and Aku to seek for shelter in the house.
He also has stated how different she is from the Yu he programmed in the past, so maybe your theory is right and the NPCs are summoned based in the alignment the MC has.
I mean most of her original setting is there, She is just not full aggro unlike other characters from other series like for example Albedo/Demiurge that is always full aggro towards humans
This is the best anime of the season.
>ridiculous plot that jumps the shark without feeling like it's jumping the shark
>incredibly off model characters -- look at the manga. It's not even in the same universe.
>janky animation that puts Deen to shame
It's like a feast of junk food.
You guys don't even know what she's doing offscreen all the time.
>not selling Mild Heaven cigarettes as promo material
Missed a huge opportunity there!
Moral: if people get mad at you, shut them up by proving you're better than them.
She's so hot god damn fuck me
Probably making her own dolls just like that baka sukeban.
You forgot the part where he has twice now, saved her life from Satanists, while wearing said dragon-coat.
>sauce never
Imagine still looking so chad into your 60s. Or even having that much hair.
>Baldness genes
Surely he'll deliver before the thread falls off the board. Let's just wait.
But does she fight for the users?
What is she so smug about?
Kunai cares about Aku more then Luna
Aku's daughteru
Luna's buttslut
She got relegated to third place now that Tron is in the game.
I dont think its happening
>Quick, get the camera, the cat is gnawing on the power cable!
Responsible pet keeping. Someone will be a great dad one day.
Strands, Tareytons, Belomorkanal
Recommended reading: J.M. Barries' My Lady Nicotine.
but what if you want to smoke cock?
You know, for as obviously low budget as everything is, it actually doesn't look "bad"
Like there's not a ton of animation, especially during fight scenes, they use a lot of simplified character designs when they can get away with it, lots of copy pasting for crowds, hiding movement like Kunai lighting his cigs after turning around or with the camera pointed somewhere else, shit like that, but it mostly all actually works. Whoever is in charge is doing a pretty good job, given their resources.
>for as obviously low budget as everything is
animation wise, since its obvious that like 70% of the budget went to the AAA seiyuus this show has
I find it crazier how its almost all actually drawn instead of CG.
Don't. Don't be the idiot who fell for such a cheap and obvious product placement ad. There is no value in that drug. Except as pesticide.
Smoking is a vice that most likely stays with you for life. Tobacco is highly addictive. Makes you pay $5 to $10 tribute to the tobacco corporations every day, for the rest of your life, while your health goes to the dogs. With a tobacco addiction you have a 75% chance of dying of smoking-related health damage long before other systems fail. Chronic cardiovascular and respiratory issues and cancers as early as in your 40's. I work in the health sector, mostly with old people, and it's rather uncommon to meet a smoker who is older than 80. Most of them don't make it to 70. Natural selection.
And forget vaping too. It's dangerous and stupid. We have kids with permanent lung damage now.
Why is Pochi such a chad?
Japanese desire to be rewarded even if people are chad
When did we get so overrun with unironic, puritanical /pol/fags? On /gif/, at least Anal Avenger's a laugh. You lot are worse.
Jeanne Calment was a smoker and lived to 120, but who the hell wants to live forever? If you dont want people slowly killing themselves, why not make life not miserable, eh?
Sure, cigarette companies were champions of progressive causes, from civil rights to womens sufferage. But even if you despise those causes or their use of propaganda – sorry, "public relations", you don't have to support the industry so long as you steal it or grow your own. It grows like a weed – here its harder to find a freeway or overpass without it than not.
That sound effect as she made contact was gold.
Show reminds me of stuff such as Rosario+Vampire back in the days, story's all over the place but the characters are good and there's one for everyone, also Koume is best girl
I suppose in your particular case tobacco is one of the lesser problems.
Seek help. Seriously. You don't look cool. You look like a driveling hobo nigger.
Super Mario jumps?
>womens sufferage
Now if only the animation quality weren't ass. Shows with older male MCs are almost always better than the usual high school bullshit, but there are so few of them around nowadays. Tiger and Bunny is a great example.
>they don't have archives
But they do
>Tiger and Bunny is a great example.
t. fujoshi
Isekai of the season. Arifureta is bigger garbage than I remember it.
Well I tried, but I still couldn't find it. There's no easy way to check by the file's timestamp either given that they tie every file URL to that individual thread's number.
bitch I'm a wizard.
Still a good anime with a good MC even if there is some fujoshit here and there.
Counterpoint: Cop Craft is also airing this season and it's terrible.
The budget and animation is lacking but Cop craft is still fun.
The animation is the least of CC's problems, the utterly retarded story and characters are far more egregious.
>not watching it for silly cop shenanigans
You are watching it wrong user.
I included "almost" in there for a reason.
That's a little much no? Granted I'm only watching like 3 other shows.
>all these anons wanting shitty fan art of Yukikaze jerking it
It was from last week's 2ch thread anyway, doesn't seem like this archive goes back that far. I'm only seeing today's threads.
Absolute disgusting taste kys.
>somebody asked the author on twitter who made the dolls
>author wouldn't give a straight answer but hinted it was either Queen or Mount Fuji
>since its obvious that like 70% of the budget went to the AAA seiyuus
Good choice when both the show and the source material are comedies anyway.
Is Aku a half-demon like Tron??
Presumably not since Luna could immediately sense that Tron had demon blood in her.
Kunai still does this "comically exaggerated emotional expression" thing, but at least he's doing it with a minimum of dignity most of the time. Except the constant cigarette-lighting, this makes him look like a try-hard teenage delinquent from 50 years ago.
The MC in the other demon daughter show is 18, he's constantly yelling, screeching, flailing and running around over banal non-issues which I don't give a tired fart about. Maybe teenagers and Americans find all that noise funny or attractive somehow, I can't see the appeal. Dropped that show 2 episodes in.
A sweet flavor will definitely capture them lolis attention.
Winston's or Pall-Mall.
Just tried to do some serious research into the ancient art of loli trapping and loli baiting and to look up some typical, time-proven loli trap designs. Turns out this is next to impossible in the English language. For obvious reasons. I bet Yea Forums did that.
Do people honestly like breathing in smoke? I never got the appeal. Feels exactly like what you would imagine of trying to breath in a house burning down.
Cigarettes are for losers. Smoke either cigars, if you have a lot of money to waste, or pipe.
Choose your meido.
How wet was she at that point?
Chocolate cigarettes for kids. You'll offend everyone in your vicinity, whether they're pro smoking or against.
Actual smoking is for retards.
Yu will just fit him with a healthy lung from a "donor".
Just watch from the beginning, and you'll be back here in no time.
> Your buttwife and loliwife will never poke and play until your worm jumps up at them
God I haven't seen taste this bad since I last lurked the Arifureta threads.
I like the OP a lot.
That whole convo with waga MAOU and pink yun yun at the start was so awkward haha
Thanks user
Better Maou than Ainz Ghoul. Woah.
I rewatched this very recently knowing the ending and it is true that she never treated him like a father and even refused to be adopted. I becomes a lot less shocking when you watch it with that knowledge. I also remembered it being more dramatic, when in fact she starts acting normal from episode two.
if you read the manga, you can see more signs in there both child and skip timelines, I did after my second and third re-read of it, specially the way She address to him along other stuff, they put alot of emphasis Rin doesnt see him as father figure but someone She just like to live with and trust enough
desu Aku doesn't really look like Rem. People are too focused on the one eye is covered that they think that means she is a Rem clone. *shrugs*
Right eye covered vs Left eye covered.
Clone theory flaggots btfo
Rom clone then.
I mean, her previous works already dealt with some topics, just checks those tags
Imagine having taste this bad
>Smug douche vs daughteru
>Cloning a sub top 3 character
Just give up my conspiracy minded friend. It's very cringe
>wants to spend money to ruin his teeth and lungs
The "who wants to live forever" argument doesn't work with tobacco, because not smoking won't make you miserable like following a very strict diet or some other life prolonging methods would. If you never smoke, you'll live longer, have more money and better health. Everything is an advantage. Smokers argue that having a smoke relaxes them, but that's only because of their addiction. It's like artificially inducing a terrible itch so you can enjoy scratching it, only the itching comes at a premium price, slowly destroys your body and bothers everyone around you.
>. If you never smoke, you'll live longer
then why are the long-lived ones are the bastards who always chainsmoke cigars?
The rare exceptions make the news because they are the exception.
>abusive lover
>abusive ex-boyfriend
Is this what a sequel would look like?
Koume looks like Chaika LMAO
Sample bias. You never see those who didn' t make it.
Cop Craft takes itself too seriously so the quality is not fun, and the old guy is too emasculated by the fake loli with superior fighting skills so he can't be as cool as Kunai.
I can't believe someone could have such shit taste.
They made the design better, her hair is too short in the manga.
>smoke shit
>get sick
People can also get sick from eating vegetables if they were grown in contaminated soil, but that's not a reason to ban them.
Toribakohausu sounds absolutely infuriating just from that premise.
It would be a good reason to ban vegetables sold in contaminated soil, which is generally in practice, you idiot.
Are you calling me an idiot when you couldn't even understand a food analogy? The article clearly states that they don't know the origin of the vaping liquid they used (or if that was even the cause). People put all kinds of shit into their e-cigs so it's not surprising if someone gets sick. To blame vaping as a whole because of that is just moronic.
also alot of chink made parts could have alot of bad shit from the get go since well, its chink shit, they wont have proper standards for shit like lead and other heavy metals in the stuff they sell usually
>told you need to work
>immediately jumps to who do I kill
What the fuck is wrong with her?
She was raised by satanists.
Gravity is really low on this world. Explains why there's so many girls 1.7m and taller, and how Zangiefuji could leap so high into the air onto the skeletons.
>people unironically enjoying others blowing off-key whistling notes
Truly, as a Gen-Y, it's painful to know this.
She was raised for demons and satanists. Probably she's not even a virgin anymore.
Actually rocking hair down to my chest. Will probably cut it after my 40th, salt and pepper long hair is ugly.
Little or no cheek mouth either.
Her daddy is the demon Lord user. She has many reasons to be smug about
Good work ethics. I mean, he is the Demon Lord. What would you expect?
Nah. The memories are arranged like photos. Aku is most prominent, no narration box or other photos cover her face and she gets the biggest memory focus. Luna is 2nd, you can clearly see her face. Tron's face and body is covered not just by a narration box but by Aku's photo.
Luna, despite her appearance, is a powerful mage with a legendary weapon in her arms. Aku instead is just a little girl without means to protect herself...
>passive skill: Main heroine
I assume it's the same thing as watching anime ironically.
This anime is so much fun. The writing is so bad it's already a great joke by itself. The characters are all so shallow and MC is so contradictory, it makes it even better. The best of all is that, the dogs picture book in that latest episode basically says "yeah this is all on purpose, enjoy the shitshow".
The thirst is real, she doesn't even seem to mind random loli threesome
Is this the case when anime being aware of itself but still delivers?
What a cute dork
>Went from being the town's scat bitch to hanging out with the demon king and one of the saints
40 days and 40 nights
I can't believe someone could have such correct taste.
I have an important question user: is this a girl?
Sounded like one
Do you think she's wearing pantaloons under her librarian robes?
Not that user but I dont get it
We can only hope
That's communism.
>Charging the rich more to get more cash
More like common sense
>common sense
Was she excommunicated or not?
How is she gonna run an entire hospital by herself?
>cureall powers
With ease.
I believe that you should delete this user.
>by herself
No, Bunnies and the dork trio are going to help
i really like the donut loli
It's not like she can cast area of effect healings, so she'll have to be there all the time treating people one by one instead of being with Kunai. And if she can already cure everything with her hands there was no point in having a hospital in the first place. He should have saved those points to summon the next helper sooner.
I assume it heals you just by lying down on a bunk or something.
Will we have 12 or 13 episodes?
Check your premises.
I forgot they're bullshit items and not real buildings. If the well can create infinite water out of nothing I guess the hospital could heal people just by being inside of it.
> if she can already cure everything with her hands there was no point in having a hospital in the first place.
Is already state she can. But the main point for the hospital is not cure people. Kunai's plan is make the nobles think he has a place with the tech/magic to heal any disease so the nobles would have to lend political power, information and of course, money in order to get this service.
Doesnt Ram's hair face the other direction, why not just say she is yellow Ram
ffs I just got this. Now she's gonna be called that forever in my books
>tfw the nickname you gave her has stuck
>donut loli
Now i get it
What does her blood taste like?
I thought it was a reference to Luna's prolapsed anus.
>fucking unbearable
Like coffee I would imagine.
American beer.
12 according to the BD pre-order stuff.
Wrong girl
See ya next week fellow isekai degenerates
>he doesn't know
She will forever be the floating loli for me.
But this also sounds interesting.
>next week
you can be sure a new thread will pop up soon
>you will never be this happy