How could you not like armpits? It's fairly impossible

How could you not like armpits? It's fairly impossible.

Attached: 1562186328073.jpg (853x1200, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But I do like them.

Attached: pit.gif (500x281, 2.13M)

>not hairy
Don't care.

Hairy is gross, proper pits are nice and smooth and smell of deodorant

Attached: 1564929578594.png (1095x615, 755K)

>fairly impossible
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>hairy pits

Attached: 1543699145834.png (350x320, 25K)

My midriff thread a couple days ago was way better than this.

Attached: 1502357986562.jpg (850x560, 79K)

All body part threads pale in comparison to “how big is too big” threads.

Now now, you can learn to appreciate them in any shape or form, despite the obvious differences both are pretty cute

How about both

Attached: 1559596509351.jpg (849x1200, 144K)

>smell of deodorant
Absolutely pleibeian taste.
Real men prefer natural womanly pheromones fermented with sweat. I can understand not liking hair, but not looking woman scent is horrible taste.
Hair is better anyway because it keeps in the scent and stimulates further.

You can never beat the small-breast-thread that had over 1000 replies in the battle of the breasts.

>not abs

guess I'm not that much of a degenerate yet

but licking a hairy pit doesn't sound nice at all, it doesn't smell any different, and it isn't pretty to look at, so where's the appeal...?

Attached: 1559541862016.jpg (541x800, 81K)

my guy

Attached: D0OiS-jXgAEoWVN.jpg (829x1200, 112K)

>Still no posted

Attached: 1565877472624.jpg (850x1313, 125K)

>not hips

I suppose both can work

Attached: 0f364e8b9575bfc6680c431409511141066c8e4c.jpg (400x400, 86K)

That was a good fucking thread.

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What the fuck is up with that nose? She's ugly.

She's an actual gaijin too, right?
Are those as spicy as Olivia's?

Attached: 1558901184437.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

>implying you can't have all three

Attached: 6e9b491fe73ab556ed891148ace8d540.png (800x1129, 460K)

>but licking a hairy pit doesn't sound nice at all,
Depends on what you like.
A shaved pit is smoother, but hairy pits are nice because you can grab the hair with your teeth and give it a little tug.
>it doesn't smell any different,
The smell is much more intense, the hair soaks up the sweat and keeps it fermented
>and it isn't pretty to look at
>so where's the appeal...?
It makes my dick hard, this isn't rocket science

Your godamn right it was.

Attached: 1566162277477.png (878x1240, 638K)


Attached: 1552231415632.jpg (567x800, 311K)

>hairy pits are nice because you can grab the hair with your teeth and give it a little tug.

Attached: 1539907403596.jpg (407x286, 13K)

Delicious zombie body.

Attached: 1545269322992.jpg (986x1368, 116K)

Attached: armpit cunny.png (800x800, 739K)




Attached: Original character by ranma (kamenrideroz).jpg (936x1184, 115K)

Honestly I don't understand the appeal. To me it'd be like getting turned on by the back of a girl's knee or something, it's just a joint area.

Very lewd

I'll choose the hairy unwashed anus, please.

I don't really get it either, but I'd guess it has something to do with the armpit being hidden most of the time by the arm but being revealed in certain poses? It's a little discovery or something.

>it'd be like getting turned on by the back of a girl's knee or something
Haha y-yeah that'd be pretty weird lol

Based and Repilled

Attached: Capture.png (538x595, 114K)

This is how a woman is supposed to look.

Attached: 1467754807870.jpg (848x1077, 568K)

Is this the midriff thread or the armpit thread?

Attached: 54964941_p0.jpg (600x1076, 134K)

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>that slight tanline
Gid fucking damn it, I've already masrurbated twice today.

This thread is just a rip off of this anyway.

Consider the following, armpit hair gathers the strongest musk

Porque no los dos

Attached: 042de3980a175e0ef0fdf832baec154e.jpg (800x1126, 919K)

Attached: teambelly.png (800x800, 732K)

Attached: kay armpit.jpg (600x601, 57K)

Attached: kay armpit 2.jpg (800x972, 178K)

>not hairy midriffs

any shows other than this that show licking?

Attached: 1401974321501.webm_snapshot_00.35.771.jpg (848x848, 56K)

I want to force lalatina to slick my armpits

Asian girls don't even use deodorant.


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check out this sjw trash

Attached: giphy.gif (480x196, 2.35M)

fuck yeah

Attached: can't stop fapping.png (782x239, 125K)

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Attached: 1551091138636.png (1000x1000, 206K)

>hairy pits are nice because you can grab the hair with your teeth and give it a little tug

Attached: 1555383619262.png (245x369, 130K)

I can't pop a boner to a female armpit unless it has hair.

Smooth pits have no effect.

Attached: 1479085134427.jpg (1370x1690, 1.41M)


They don't need it, because of genetics most of them don't actually have BO.
Also why japan doesn't sell proper deodorant.

Closet fags need not apply. A woman should only have pubic hair below the neck.

>A woman should only have pubic hair below the neck.
>pubic hair before the neck
I... I should hope so too, that sounds like a medical anomaly otherwise.

I'm a genetic dead end for another reason, not for being an armpitfag

This guy gets it.

Attached: 1561875539752.jpg (505x439, 92K)

Attached: 552260 sample bang_dream! breast_hold megane naitou_kirara no_bra see_through wet_clothes.j (1060x1500, 180K)

cake pits...

Attached: tights_077.png (1430x2000, 1.6M)

...or JK pits?

Attached: 1563080729800.jpg (595x842, 299K)

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Armpits do absolutely nothing for me.

Thighs on the other hand, UNF.

You are still too young

Attached: 1539016072246.jpg (1200x1600, 155K)

Despite liking clean, shaved pits more, the hairy ones also appeal to me mainly because of
>the dirtiness
>the raw aspect
I mean, if we're talking about sex they seem more fitting, as the non-hairy are more for aesthetic appreciation but of course you should lick and smell them as well

It looks good

More like ruined

What's this?

Based shit taste user

Because I'm smart enough to actually like the thing and recognize the greatness of it regardless of it's state? And you haven't stated any reason for why I'm wrong yet.

Homosexual go fap to bara or something.

Pic related is better

Attached: 1549667116428.jpg (1280x1808, 351K)

>he can't handle a real woman
>hair equals men
Leave, whiny faggot

I bet you're also one of those faggots who claim that unless you fap to literal tubs of lard you "can't handle a real woman". Your fetish for slobs and unkemptness does not make you a man, it just makes you a faggot with shit taste.


Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_heitai_gensui__653d9677c5aeff1d935ce22dbb869da0.jpg (637x965, 480K)

Seeth more while I enjoy having more options

Attached: 1561518957481.png (900x675, 648K)

This user gets it

Always nice to see an user with superior taste!

Attached: __original_drawn_by_ereraero__cd6a4d794062c8adb972dbe7fab21c13.jpg (1364x1929, 509K)

The only thing you have more is dicks in your mouth.

good thing shit like this isn't realistic IRL or even 2D

Attached: 27015e80481ce219f29b4d6de5a00aef.jpg (2906x4096, 1.45M)

Fucking disgusting. Fuck off, make your own thread or whatever just leave.

I personally like both ways, but I must admit that the hair adds a special flavor to it, it makes me diamonds way faster

Attached: __riza_hawkeye_and_roy_mustang_fullmetal_alchemist_drawn_by_iku_ikuchan_kaoru__0d2cc072b459a20d05f65 (1720x2428, 701K)

Pits are pits, you dumb fuck
Also, stop samefagging and go fap to whatever vanilla shit you use to on hentai heaven or something

you can stop replying to yourself now

Attached: Jesus Christ.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

Liking slobs does not make you an interesting person.

>isn't realistic IRL


>no u
The mediocre will always try to drag the free to their ignorance cave

Stop being gay any time you want.

Feel free to post under 20 year old women with more hair in their pits than a 30 year old man
You can't, but even if you could, you'd get banned for it

>more hair in their pits than a 30 year old man
Only in your effeminate country, whatever it may be

>he doesn't pluck out strands of his arm pit hair when he's masturbating

feels good.

like I said, feel free to post irl examples of these abominations
I doubt any of them are young, beautiful, white or asian

If the thing that attracts you in this image is armpits there's something seriously wrong in your head

What’s wrong with being gay?

Attached: 57AAEA53-BA4B-4B96-A682-ABB6C0BAD6AC.jpg (384x382, 26K)

It's for faggots.

Look at the galaxy brain on this one, realizing being gay is being a faggot

thank you that shits so disgusting
Only cause it's a stitch I made from the original
If you want here it is

Attached: 1401974321501.webm (848x480, 2.93M)


Darkness is low testesterone.
She's completely hairless.

Disgusting. The only hair acceptable on a lady is on their head and eyebrows/lashes.

I'm more of a steamy pits guy

Attached: 1533932661189.png (752x1062, 463K)

Pleb taste

Almost all women treat armpit hair like acne, it's natural but disgusting to look at and smells bad, so they usually just keep it clean. Only retarded "strong" women nowadays who still growing it thinking it makes them looks powerful or anything.

>The only hair acceptable on a lady is on their head and eyebrows/lashes.
You're confusing ladies with girls.
Girls don't have pit/pubic hair.
Ladies and women do.

and this is why tanishi is my favorite artist
deliciously thicc milf's with lovely hairy pits and pubes

Very nice taste.

Hairlessfags need to be purged. I refuse to associate with hairless child fuckers such as yourselves. You all stay on your side of the boarder and us hairy chads will stay on our side.

Attached: 1541808930072.png (1024x576, 1.14M)

what about an armpit nipple?

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Patrician taste
Fuck off with your degenerate fetish

Attached: kuronekodisgust.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

Attached: Dxa__VKU8AAuY8r.jpg (600x800, 80K)

I like looking at well defined armpits, but to actually be able to cum I need them to be hairy.
Bonus points when it's a doujin and someone mentions how lewd and inappropriate they are.

Attached: sample_bfba8151ff9d02385c0f68c572d182eb[1].jpg (850x824, 142K)

Beautiful pits
Powerful bulge

who is the artist for this semen demon

Attached: 1499718818967.jpg (248x288, 38K)

I'm the same way. Best parts are when the milf shoves his face in them.

fucking based thread

Attached: bunny_pits.png (804x727, 543K)

haidara, sadly not much more from him

> not much more from him
what a goddamn shame, those pits and pubes look so fucking soft and fluffy i could bury my head in them all day

not anime but this bitch has the best armpit pics

Attached: ferry2.jpg (850x1183, 301K)

Attached: sample_9b4f075cdfea0e0556b530cbdd13e6aa[1].jpg (850x940, 324K)

I love pits!

Whatever you say gayboi.

I bet you haircucks are into futa """girls""" too

Yeah, so what if I suck dick?
Maybe you should try it, though guy.

she should use that blade to get rid of these lips, gross


yes i love girlcock too, so what

Attached: DjH9KK8UYAIHUUS.jpg (750x1200, 140K)

God it looks so soft and warm

if you ain't reading futanari no elf already, get on that
(not a doujin, just ecchi and is on mangadex)

Attached: 1555177577228.png (1184x984, 783K)

I am, gotta read the latest chapter though.
I want to comfort Tanri and shove her tiny cock into my mouth and tell her how big it is that I'm nearly choking on it.
Mara's cock would be great to massage and lick up and down.

Why must futa fags ruin everything?

Attached: 1539813368582.gif (600x450, 89K)

> being afraid of girlcock
just how fragile is your masculinity user?

Just don't look at the bulge lol. There's still a vagina underneath, so you're good.

exactly, happy I got the tank poster, gona hang it up on my front door

I prefer tomboys, still sans cock
>having a benis

Attached: 6kRJ0M4.jpg (1200x1600, 810K)

the main reason i like futa is because i hate seeing males, but i also find regular yuri hentai just lacks oomph without a dick in the mix
enter "futanari on female" - "yuri" but exciting

Girl cocks are great for sucking on as she pats your head for being a good boy.
And then grabbing the back of your head and forcing her cock down her esophagus, letting out a torrent of hot girl cum that scalds your esophagus.
When she pulls out she expects you to lick her shaft clean.

ITT: patricians

What's fun in masturbating to regular hentai with relatively normal features? Just go watch porn or have sex yourself

>regular yuri hentai just lacks oomph without a dick in the mix
Then find more stuff with a double dildo or strap-ons?
>being an M

Attached: cucumbers.jpg (642x781, 71K)

>Then find more stuff with a double dildo or strap-ons
Not him, but it's just not the same. Cocks are raw and powerful. They're hard, warm, and sticky. Most of all, they're organic: part of the body. They're primal and domineering.
Strap-ons and dildos are just plastic, look weird, and are just a tool.

sextoys can't feel pleasure, they can't ejaculate, they can't really be used to start a doujin scenerio (ie girl a suddenly grows a cock and gets her best friend girl b to help her with it) - they're completely useless

"futa on female" + "impregnation" + vanilla is top tier and you can't change my mind and sextoys can't be used to start a happy family

you understand me user, thank you


it's only smellz

Attached: 74814132_p0 (1).png (918x1581, 1.31M)

>plenty of great doujins and art made worse by this shit, along with excessive/ugly pubic hair
>veiny breasts and thighs/ass are becoming a thing too
Fuck this timeline, even based Pochi got hit by the latter, what the absolute fuck.

Attached: absolutely disgusting.jpg (600x450, 78K)

hairy pits and a nice bush only improves doujins
i do agree veins are fucking gross though

I actually think subtly veiny breasts are quite nice.

Now we're talking

>he doesn't like a good bush

Apart from loving feminine women and finding men sexually repulsive, I am indeed basically gay.
You got me.

>feminine women
Philistine, please.
Girls are hairless.
Women are overflowing with pheromones and sport full patches of pubic and armpit hair.

Good, I'm not a nonce.

Attached: 017.png (1104x640, 641K)

So what then, of men who shave?
are they not men? no, they are Devo

That's in fact wrong, I've seen plenty of pretty girls with armpit hair. And besides, women are aware of such fetishism, and given their attention seeking nature it's not hard ro imagine some of them letting it grow so they can harvest more slaves.

Good post

>I've seen plenty of pretty girls with armpit hair
feel free to prove me wrong etc

True suffering is having a pubic hair fetish but armpit hair being a total turnoff. I swear there are no artists who share the fetish for massive bushes WITHOUT also ruining it all by adding pit hair.

Attached: I don't know anymore.jpg (405x344, 45K)

That sucks. Maybe you could crop/shop the pit hair out

It's even worse because ass hair is also a turnoff and I love anything to do with anal.

Attached: saatanallinen epätoivokatze2.jpg (318x313, 10K)

I just want all of mommy Darkness, man.

Attached: mai armpit.png (1000x1385, 669K)


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Attached: 1566369250513.jpg (1364x1929, 394K)

Diet as well, the scent of your sweat is heavily affected by how much spice, grease/oil, or meat you eat.

What the fuck are you doing user??
You ruin such great images with your purity faggotry.

Attached: b6ab0ac4c5f8db10218227a6807f1c37.jpg (1026x1500, 982K)

That image makes me want to puke.
Hairyfags have no taste.

I want to huff Youmu's fetid pits and suck the sweat and filth out.

They are the same as scatfags.

There's literally nothing wrong with scat.
Anything that comes out of a 2D girl's body is divine. I would gladly savor their brown morsels like they were a gift from God.

Attached: 62e4b30b7c39bd82d0b84d40a7e30452.jpg (437x800, 150K)


Attached: 1566370377252.jpg (1720x2428, 368K)

OP here. You are the best poster on this thread. Keep doing this until the hairfags degenerates kill themselves

Just killing time, plus hairfags are cancer. Fixed

Attached: 1566409559999.jpg (1026x1500, 330K)

Maybe you should kill yourself instead?

Attached: 8095ec39ca227977a09f0a61d590d0ef.jpg (565x800, 241K)

I like hairy pits but the art quality of everything this guy is posting is fucking dogshit bad, smell will always be complete fucking shit-tier as far as fetishes go though. Where's the Tanishi? The Matou?

Attached: 1559032762468.jpg (850x1200, 120K)

INMOU is quite possibly the most erotic compilation i've ever had the pleasure to experience

Attached: aHU7ckU.png (671x507, 314K)

hair is offputting, but a greenish stink cloud is not?

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I love you

I liked fixing this one.

Attached: 1566411201476.jpg (565x800, 69K)

I miss Heroman so much

Attached: 1554134390375.jpg (1280x1529, 146K)

I'm just removing the hair, don't care about the rest. Feel free to remove it.

Attached: 1288732680939.jpg (1280x800, 139K)

I will defeat you!!

Attached: c6393975863e66a2ee800aef4028e1ce.jpg (900x1200, 281K)

Too bad such a good artist has a shit fetish

Attached: 1566411537211.png (671x507, 327K)

Fuck off, Yea Forums.

i could actually fucking kill you for your sacrilege
if i ever saw you in person i would shave off your skin layer by layer then drown you in lemon juice

Attached: Blank+_ed874294abec3e2ceb2da5fb073a9e66.jpg (500x803, 71K)

>imagine cumming into your waifu's hairy pit

Attached: 836333721.png (800x1120, 1.08M)

Attached: hairy armpit pussy.jpg (944x824, 223K)

>not posting the real and superior one

Attached: 51858049.jpg (800x1120, 628K)

>shit taste user suicide

Of course you would, big boy.

see you in 3 days you absolute fucking faggot

i had no idea that there were that many armpitfags here.

Attached: 1454170122279.gif (496x281, 1.76M)

Based and heroicpilled

Cringe and degeneratepilled. Kys.


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more like 3 minutes lmao

Attached: dHeBS0ma6Wkvaoqt8skUSvhS.jpg (1134x1577, 385K)

you ban evading fuck

Attached: whitehot.png (424x470, 139K)


Attached: 1566413464764.jpg (900x1200, 118K)

irl armpit is fucking gross

Glad to see another user making justice. God bless you

3DPD, thanks for stating the obvious user

Attached: 1555798350229.jpg (707x1000, 255K)

Hairfaggot finally died rejoice!

Attached: 1560728507798.jpg (724x1024, 87K)

>not fixing the manba gyaru

Attached: 1559989128143.jpg (900x1260, 844K)

Her body is ridiculously sexy.


Attached: weirdchamp.jpg (128x128, 3K)

I have nothing against it tho.

>hates armpit hair
>doesn't hate gyaru
You make no sense anonymous!

Attached: __night_phlox_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_chikokuma__4495853fd3ea4ebd9b20df067ffe72f4.jpg (800x1200, 664K)

They are both differents things. You are the one making no sense.

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Attached: 1546754311081.jpg (348x522, 35K)

You're doing God's work, user. Saved all your edits. Have a wonderfull night.

Attached: DxNbqUKXcAA7hTh.png (788x468, 251K)

absolute legend

Attached: 1565310980613.webm (744x720, 112K)

Best posts in this thread

Attached: 1546955090939.png (786x662, 516K)

Never return to any pit threads in your pathetic life pls.

Attached: 1566224256182.jpg (313x382, 93K)

> hating a completely natural part of a womans body so much

Attached: 1527125249593.jpg (713x720, 92K)

So are boogers, puke, poop, bellybutton fluff, earwax and drool.
>those are hot too!
kys yourself disgusting neanderthals.

>>those are hot too!

So you admit you have shit taste, good.

Attached: 1554093114668.jpg (708x1000, 108K)

She should really powder her pits if she gets such bad chafing.

if only she had some form of natural protection...

Please fuckn die

>Beta hairfag kept posting her nasty ass fetish pictures to raid the chad hairlessfag thread
>Get btfo when all of his pics get edited for the glory of the hairless gang
>In his extremely low IQ he believed posting more pics will have a different
>Get btfo so hard he ragequit

BASED. How will hairfag ever recover?

Attached: 1566012336289.jpg (413x525, 72K)

Attached: 1536899442934.jpg (441x557, 72K)

Pretty lousy thread if you ask me

Attached: 1562634435601.jpg (708x1000, 592K)

Anons, here me out.
What if girls kept one pit clean shaven, and let the other grow out.
Hairfags can take one side, hairlessfags the other.
We are both united in our love for pits. There's no reason to fight amongst ourselves.

no bargaining,
only shaven, smooth pits are allowed

Attached: 1551118311580.png (1106x1400, 1.58M)

Let it be known that peace was attempted, and subsequently rejected by hairlessfags.

Someone say something about pits?

Attached: 1478243141447.gif (480x270, 1.13M)

Super based and extremely redpilled


We dont bargain with animals

i don't get the appeal

Then go to /y/ you homo

>not appreciating the intimacy of an unshaven pit
go back to your normal, superficial life

if you get the appeal of thighs, you get the appeal of armpits

Attached: 017651de11e6840a0cb5461b8516c8a199031e00.gif (450x597, 563K)


Attached: soyjak.png (231x218, 9K)

I want to marry those pits

Attached: 1565088750955.jpg (1280x1628, 258K)

Attached: IMG-20181122-WA0008.jpg (717x1280, 89K)

Attached: 397629fb5759bc84a46bcb0d815ef615.png (549x800, 362K)

>Anons, here me out.
>What if girls kept one butt cheek clean shaven, and let the other hairy and with shit.
>Scatfags can take one side, chadfags the other.
>We are both united in our love for butts. There's no reason to fight amongst ourselves.

This is how you sound like

Attached: 1498501933257.jpg (512x600, 59K)

>This whole thread

Attached: 1565484006423.gif (498x272, 1.09M)

Fine by me, I'd be more than happy to share with an Yea Forumsnon. That's what bros are for.

faggot. you are gayer than the futa and trapfags

>No armpit_hair
No no
>No visible pubes
A redeem factor

>We are both united in our love for pits
This guy gets it.

We're already a niche, we don't need to get into factionalism. Let's be nice to each other frens

There is hope for man after all.

Kys faggot

>Also why japan doesn't sell proper deodorant.
I'm going to need some proofs.

Attached: 1548051562269.jpg (1078x1548, 161K)

>Hair is fair
>Shave is deprave
>Hair is fair
>Shave is deprave
>Hair is fair
>Shave is deprave

Attached: 1545171185292.jpg (1139x616, 85K)

We prefer the term "pit boys"

Attached: 1445231381401.jpg (1280x720, 437K)

whenever i see VD, i must post this

Attached: valkyrie drive docking.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

>nipple on nipple creampie
jesus fucking christ japan

Attached: 1421940082466.png (598x564, 394K)


Nipples do not work this way. Especially underage nips that never dealt with pregnancy.

Actually it is "Hairfags are not people"

> bringing 3DPD shit into 2D
it's just anime, chill out dude

Attached: Thanks for the fetish.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

who are you talking to?

keyword is subtly. Don't want breasts looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>Don't want breasts looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Haha y-yeah that'd be so gross lol

She wasn't kidding

Attached: 1548466009622.png (438x398, 158K)

but those are hairy