Where were you when Hina was delivered the ultimate losing flag?
Domestic na Kanojo
Hina a best
Rui a shit
So, where is the loser flag?
Hina already won gallons of semen from multiple men inside her womb
Rui is still in the States and Hina has now decided to start playing the role of girlfriend instead of sister. She's going to make a move on Nat before Rui enters the picture again and next girl is losing girl. Hinafags in pure despair.
Hina is getting a bit impatient recently. Even since the stabbing, feels like she is clinging a lot more to Natsuo, and it's becoming quite the opposite of when they first dated. If she were to confess now, I'm sure she would get rejected, considering how mature Nat is becoming. That is, unless Sasuga pulls another hack, which is quite possible as she clearly wants to make Hina win.
I'll just repeat what I've been saying for the past threads:
Better not cry victory before the end. That still applies for both sides.
Time to wrap it up sasuga.
Friendly reminder that Hina was riding the cock carousel before being with natsuo
And rui has only been with 1 man
How is this impatience? Go look at how Rui handled things then talk about impatience. If Hina was impatient, she'd have been pulling his peni# under some pretense. Hina has allowed him to recover with no pressure from her unlike Rui.
If she got rejected, it won't be a big deal - at least he would know how she felt.
>Ruifags in full cope
>cock carousel
How are you conflating riding one other cock to riding in a cock carousel?
My heart owww
Natsuo is so happy with Hina
>She still loves him
it's not big new for Rui or the readers or Hina fags or Hina friends.. .
Now she didn't do any actions to be losing fags!!
She not confess to him but she only confirmed her feelings towards him in her mind monologue
Free Hong Kong nino chink
>Hina has now decided to start playing the role of girlfriend instead of sister.
Decided? Start to playing his girlfriend role?what this bullshit!!!!
>Hina stopped her denial about her feelings and about what she really wants but she never tells that she will start to go after him
>She's going to make a move on Nat
She 's going make on Natsuo ?? Hina??it's impossible. She will do the opposite because now she knows that she still have feelings for him that why she apologize for her feelings .She will be weird towards Natsuo and Natsuo will notice that something boring her
Stop trolling or are you this stupid? She's realized it's time to start acknowledging her feelings so she's going to... Be weird around him? She doesn't have the emotional maturity of a high school girl you dipshit. She's obviously going to start going after what she wants (Nat) with the intent of getting it.
I want Hina to be with Natsuo not only because she's best girl, but because she has destroyed her own life only out of love. Rui can be a master chef or whatever; Hina literally has nothing besides Natsuo and Rui.
Geez, her life is NOT destroyed. Her degree and her ability to speak English did not disappear when she got out of teaching. She can still go on to do something completely different, career wise. She is intelligent and capable. Stop taking the 'facts' from reddit as truth.
Ruitards often like to push the narrative that Hina has nothing left, obsessed etc. It's such a sad look on them when 1) it's so far from the truth and 2) it's the only delusion they have left in hoping that Hina doesn't win.
I hate everyone. Natsu is a faggot, Rui is a retarded and manipulative bitch, but Hina is both of these AND an attempted homewrecker
>festival episode
>child rearing episode
>AND one shot goons flirting over the heroine
The pairing teasing is so unsubtle it's annoying.
>tfw like both sisters
>people constantly shit talk one or the other
>know the ending is gonna make one sister feel despair and the other happiness
anyone else?
Or, both sisters could lose for REAL best girl
she would be if she hadn't sucked and fucked 100+ dicks.
Separately. She's a pure girl to whatever dick she's on at the time. She's just been pure to a lot of guys, that's all
Its like They Married Couple!!!!!!!!!!
Many NatsuoxHina moments in this chapter. I was fainted when I saw them acting like a happy family
>the difference between Rui actions and Hina actions is mehhh
This is the reason you gotta love Hina. Even after she knows that Rui X Natsuo broke up , she still thinks it would be unfair to Rui. But when Hina broke up with Natsuo , Rui knew Hina still loves him but bitch didn't give a damn and made her move on Natsuo.
Hina is the best
>she's selfish bitch vs Hina angel girl
I remember when Rui told to Momo how she is selfish person to get Natsuo even if she knows about Hina feelings and her bad situation
Here but I lean more towards Hina
Christ this whole chapter was like one big massive trope.
The mother knows/accepts - trope
helping a missing kid - trope
being seen as a family - trope
love boat - trope
Hina is also the "summer festival" "fireworks" girl. more tropes.
My only problem is that there are so many that it could be a setup for a massive heartbreak. That Hina now has had her fun and the joy she wanted but is not able to keep it for some reason.
I dont see Rui and Natsuo getting back together, but there is so much Natsuo Hina stuff it makes me wonder if the possibility is being buried by the current direction and Natsuo is going to choose Rui just to make the whole thing more heartbreaking?
this chapter can literally go either way.
Why even bring him to the festival if you were just going to do him like this? This is a prime opportunity for someone to kidnap him.
Well I guess this chapter solidified Rui's inevitable victory. Admitting that she still loves him before the final drama is a massive loserflag for Hina.
Glad we could get this out of the way. Can you Hinafags piss off now? You've been delusional cancer for way too long.
What the fuck are you talking about retard?, the fact that Hina has nothing left is more a reason to her to win than a reason to lose.
I know Ruitards may be annoying at times but that doesn't mean that every single shit you disagree with is a Ruifaggot.
Longwinded way of saying she's used goods
I also like the panel that is almost a recreation of the classic one where he gives her a back hug from the first fireworks festival. This time his arms go around her as he tries to prevent himself from tripping.
I see absolutely no loser flags you degenerate. Rui's still losing.
Every new chapter is a loser flag for Hina according to Ruifags, nothing new here. Not sure why you all keeps getting triggered.
Now if Rui suddenly supports Hina and Nat that will be the real loser flag, which won't happen considering her character.
Is this the new ruitard cope?
This isnt even low tier bait. Try harder.
I'm pretty sure this is the ultimate winning flag, the girl who was rejecting it over and over ends up finally accepting her feelings.
You had one job.
Yeah, no shit. Ruitards have just been shifting goalposts every week. It's their new cope.
Meant to quote
Wont think that will happen. Sasuga said she will make both Hina and Rui happy. She even repeated that recently. That leaves only one possible solution. Rui has already been shown to be more happy with chef. It's only her lingering feelings for Natsuo that prevents her from moving on. Natsuo has always been shown to be more happy with Hina. This chapter solidifies that even further. As for Hina, she can only be happy when she follows her heart which has been reinforced by Shuu and Marie. So far she has been lying to herself for the sake of Rui but this chapter she finally admits it that she was lying to herself. It's clear which way the narrative is headed.
You think Rui can just come back from US and win in the last moment when Natsuo has clearly moved on from her? You must be a special breed of Ruitard.
>You must be a special breed of Ruitard.
He's just the usual Ruiautist.
This chapter really does confirm Hina's most obvious secret - a secret that is known to everyone else except Natsuo and apparently Hina herself. If she is admitting this so late in the game, then when can she open her heart to someone else?
Rui seems more than anything that she feels obligated to get back with Natsuo rather than out of love. They have both been in healthy relationships with others - I hope they can admit that it isn't working if it doesn't.
Well Ruitards are dumbfucks but they have been saying that for Hina to have a chance she has to be true to her feelings and drop the sister act. And now that she has done exactly that, this ruitard is crying losing flag.
>Sasuga said she will make both Hina and Rui happy
really? i must of missed that. but if your right then yea, Hinas happiness is connected with Natsuo now more than ever. And when Rui sees how much pain she's put Hina under i doubt she'll be eager to put Hina through more pain again, especially for all Hina has done to support a relationship that she ended. Hard to say because unlike Hina who, in this very chapter, shows she's held back for Rui and even apologizes for it, Rui has never held back or apologized, so thinking she might for Hina to be happy is unnerving.
>Rui has already been shown to be more happy with chef. It's only her lingering feelings for Natsuo that prevents her from moving on.
i noticed that too. Hell, i began to like Rui again because of how she is with Chef. It made me realize that i still like Rui, just not how she is when she's with Natsuo. they truly are better as family.
>So far she has been lying to herself for the sake of Rui but this chapter she finally admits it that she was lying to herself
some people actually think she lies to herself because she's a shitty character. strange how they never reference that its for Rui that she does so.
>Sausuga said she will make both Hina and Rui happy.
Holy shit dropped. I was only reading this out of spite for the characters. All 3 of these people are awful human beings, the only exception being when Natsuo gets a crackwhore to save written in specificaly to make him look good. The only people who deserve to end up happy are the dad and mom.
Have sex
Sticking to the flowchart I see. How original.
That's not a flowchart you retard.
I like both sisters. Why can't we get a harem ending, Sasuga? It'll make everyone happy.
>Now if Rui suddenly supports Hina and Nat that will be the real loser flag, which won't happen considering her character.
well, Ruifags biggest defense of Rui getting back together with Natsuo is because "shes the developing character" or "she tries to better herself".
if she actually did, she realized the pain she's put Hina through, realize that Natsuo and Hina can truly be happy together (like she thought) and that she and Natsuo are better as family.
what Ruifags fail to understand is that improving yourself as person is not the same as improving yourself in a relationship. and Rui actually giving Natsuo and Hina approval is the most selfless thing she can do after all the selfish things she's done, and this time she wont have to hate him for it and re enforces a happy ending.
I wonder if Hina let go though. Maybe the reason she cant give up is because Natsuo never gave her the rejection she gave him and if he did, it would probobly be the last time he hurts her to open her life up to happiness.
But even if she could, just like Natsuo, it wont be as strong. Natsuo was in love and happy with Rui, but it clearly wasn't the same level as with Hina.
when it comes to happiness, i believe that the story points out that Hina and Natsuo are at their most happiest in life when they are with each other, and while they can still find happiness with other people, it will never be as strong.
As for Rui, she has shown to be just as, if not more, happier with Kajiba from simple gestures and compliments compated to Natsuos grand gestures and massive commitments.
"relationships are like a fart. if you have to force it, its shit"
Their reasons for hating Hina are so forced.
One of their most ridiculous reasons is that Rui told Hina that she might like Natsuo after Hina caught the two kissing. Apparently this means that Hina stole something from Rui.
They never mention that Rui did not deserve consideration because Natsuo was not in love with her, he was in love with Hina. He did not want to continue their kissing game but was guilt-tripped by Rui when she cried after he almost drowned.
They always leave out that originally Hina was moving out to get away from Natsuo not to have a love nest with him. They completely leave out that she did not want to go to the fireworks festival and how hard she tried to get away from Nat only to be physically restrained by Master and made to listen to Nat plead his case.
They misinterpret the scene where Rui asks Hina to stay but says that she can't control her feeling for that guy. Hina tells her she can't stay so she should do what she wants. Apparently telling the volatile, angry Rui that the guy she liked was in love with her sister was going to make everything better.
Because she's already shown a chapter that Natsuo is married when he's older.
the only people who want a harem are the same that want 2 endings. those who know the heroine they ship has lost.
if it was to be a harem end though, it would have to be something that brings the three together in a way their friends and family can approve of. Like if all their parents where killed in a storm/tsunami and in their grief Natsuo, Hina and Rui stay together as the only family they have left.
>Their reasons for hating Hina are so forced.
more than forced, its hypocritical. they will give Rui a pass for everything on the grounds that she's 'improving her self' but say nothing about her failures. When Hina tries and fails, they all say she "needs to move on" or that shes "obsessed" and "emotionally dependent" and that Hina is "subconsciously making Natsuos act to make her happy". As if Rui never did any of that.
some even think that Natsuo was the one with the issues that made them break up and that he's the one who needs to improve. the guy who made every gesture and effort to make a relationship work with the one who always ran away is the one with the most issues?
only westerners. Chinks, gooks and Japs are actually happy extreamly happy with this chapter. the odd Rui supporter here and there but theres like 5 Hina shippers for every Rui.
Look at the ma's face. shes not worried because she knows and supports them.
The only ruitards I still see are the ones on reddit and discord who have established a coping group in order to survive.
damn, when was the last time Natsuo looks so happy?
Well said.
Maybe he was in love and happy but the relationship itself was unhealthy. It seems too they had reached the limit in terms of how much they could help each other grow.
This idea too of Rui being the developing character is so stupid. If development is professional then it's been staring them in the face that Hina has her beat. She's been there and done that. At 20, Hina was probably preparing to go or in the States, working on finishing her degree. She did that and was so impressive that she managed to score her 'dream job'. They are trying to compare them at different stages of their lives and that's not right.
big whoop. who didnt know? no need to apologize to Rui, she broke up with him. This also proves that Rui is the reason why Hina has always been lying to herself and holding back. i doubt she'll do anything next chapter to seduce him, but she'll probobly move out now. As marie said, as long as she lies to herself she can stay by his side. Now that she cant, she's gonna stay away for a while. probobly until Natsuo finds the rings or Rui comes clean to Natsuo about Hina always loving him.
Yeah, I've seen that too - that he should be a better boyfriend. They think like Rui does that Natsuo is weak. Why would anyone want to be with someone who is so weak and easily tempted?
Are they saying that are they? Good to hear if so.
>Plot twist: he gets gay married to the yakuza gay who gets a post-op and adopted a kid.
Its just that, whenever he saw Hina in a lewd position, Yakauza ass was what he had to think of to turn off his nosebleeds.
i get the fireworks, summber fesitval, being seen as a family and missing kid stuff from other mangas. but what other manga supports a love boat development
the losing flag was Rui telling Kajiba she could move on from Natsuo yet and leaving him a note saying she wont lose next time, meaning they will meet again.
Rui effectively left the door open for a KajibaxChef ending. now Hina and Natsuo have a fun chapter together showing how they're already like a family. nothing lost at all.
Ngl Rui has better looking eyes than Hina does.
Snake eyes
Constantly. Stop speedreading so much, Hinafag.
Delusional cope.
Maybe but that's sexy af.
Rui a shit
Are there only five chapters left due to her contract with her publishers about getting 25 volumes?
how do I get a Hina GF?
No, she already confirmed that isnt the case. We are gonna see another 40 chapters or so before the end.
Got a link or anything?
I'm sorry, Setsuna...
No romantic conclusion or everyone loses
This reminded me so much of White Album 2 and that's why it's fucking amazing.
The thing is where does it go from here and how does Kei drag this out? Shes not gonna have Hina and Nat together or Nat fall for Hina again until the end as it'll anally devastate the ruiniggers and they'll drop it before the end, which Kei doesn't want. So now we have to read a number of chapters of Hina avoiding Nat because she admitted her feelings and then:"oh look Ruis coming home".
Haha, nice cope
i forget, in white album, was Setsuna the one who lost when Touma went for the MC?
So are these images supporting Hina will win over Rui like Touma won over Setsuna? or am i missing something? its been so long i can remember.
Who cares if some discordniggers drop the manga. They pirate it anyways.
i guess all those times he looked upset whenever Rui got upset dont matter to you? or that Rui broke his heart when he was already sad and upset?
So white album essentially supports a Hina end by its comparison then? cool. any other way they do so?
>now we have to read a number of chapters of Hina avoiding Nat because she admitted her feelings and then:"oh look Ruis coming home".
Exactly though this would be the time period where Natsuo realises his actual feelings/shifts his loyalty again. I'm guessing he will find out about Hina's rings the moment Rui comes back for the final showdown.
Rui a shit
Well, Setsuna did have her true end too but yeah it's rubbish compared to Kazusa's true end.
>Who cares if some discordniggers drop the manga.
She does reply and retweet a decent amount of their tweets etc so Sasuga might. But I wasnt on about those retarded sperging niggers. They could fuck off for all I care. I'm on about her Ruifags from Japan, the ones that matter. She doesnt want a portion of her fanbase to drop it before it ends. The Hina end is coming, thats obvious but she doesnt want to alienate a fanbase before she has to. That just why I was curious where shes gonna take it.
>how does Kei drag this out?
good question. i think she'll make Natsuo go through another arc with a new character, while Hina puts more distance between them.
Maybe Natsuo gets his writing back by some other means than Hina, or we focus on his Drama club activities, or we turn back to Rui for a bit.
>Shes not gonna have Hina and Nat together or Nat fall for Hina again until the end as it'll anally devastate the ruiniggers and they'll drop it before the end
you never know. If she does put Natsuo and Hina together, she'll probobly make Rui try to intrude on the relationship again to give Ruifags reasons to come back. If they're denying that the story and its tropes all direct a NatsuoxHina end, they'll definitely deny that Natsuo and Hina being together will last, and poke every hole they can to suggest it will fail.
Some already believe that Hina will become just as obsessed and controlling of Natsuo than Rui was if they got together. That Hinas lack of development compared to Rui is why Hina will never be happy or satisfied even if she gets together with Natsuo.
Not impossible, but not supported by the story either.
>So now we have to read a number of chapters of Hina avoiding Nat because she admitted her feelings and then:"oh look Ruis coming home".
no guarantee she will confess. She might, but this chapter only establishes that she cant lie to herself anymore. thats not the same as saying she'll confess. its 50/50
As for Rui coming home, that should be soon. i don't think Natsuo and Hina will be together before that. Hina might confess and give Natsuo time to think while avoiding him, but either way he will wait for Rui to comeback before doing anything. He owes both Rui and Hina that much.
she literally jerked him in hospital tho
i think the rings will be found by Rui. That Hina moves out before Rui comes back, but the rings fall on the floor and when Rui comes back to talk to Natsuo about being together again, she see's them and realizes just how much Hina has been in pain because of her.
Whether that will be what makes Rui support Natsuo and Hina, or if Rui hides them to have a crack at Natsuo again can be debated.
but i think the Rings would have a bigger impact on Rui since they would make her realize just how serious and committed they where, and that Rui ruined their chances of being happily married, making Rui's approval of them being together a redeeming quality.
no she didn't. that was all "look ma, no hands" Natsuo.
What the fuck does Rui even know about the ringd?
No she didn't. She was going to i think but Nat busted one before she could.
>no guarantee she will confess
Oh I dont think she will. But knowing Hina she'll feel guilty about still loving Nat because of Rui, she fucking shouldn't, and want to put distance between them. And then bam Rui comes back. Giving the Ruifags hope yet again.
As this user said , doubt Rui knows about the significance of the rings. I mean she could probably guess it but it'll take a lot of the impact away. Seems to me that the rings will forever be an intimate thing between Hina and Natsuo.
The whole chapter is a winner flag. Stop selectively reading shit, ruitard.
Its not that she knows about them right now but i feel like she'll learn by seeing Natsuos ring with the "N+H" initials on it.
Just like when Hina found Rui's hairpin in Natsuos apartment and when she saw it again in their parents bathroom, thats when she knew they were dating.
One thing that worries me about this chapter, I'm sure Hinas gonna win but Natsuo was NOT seeing Hina as a romantic interest at all. Not once. He even casually jokes about them playing "mommy and daddy" which something he would not do before because he would feel embarassed by simply thinking about it. One interesting thing of late is that we dont have access to Natsuo's thoughts anymore: we see his actions, his expressions, but no visual on what he is thinking. I wonder if that is on purpose.
This chapter was mainly from Hina's pov so Natsuo's aren't shown.
He seems pretty embarrassed to me.
he showed more emotion than he did with his phone call with Rui, which also didnt show his thoughts.
The last few chapters are to set up that the sisters are hoping to be with Natsuo again, leaving his own thoughts out to make his eventual decision more dramatic and nail biting.
so yea, i'd say its intentional.
but as for seeing whoever as a romantic interest, its clear he's having fun and is happy with Hina, since most of Natsuos dates with Rui usually had something come up that caused drama or ruined the mood for a bit.
not saying its whats makes Hina more preferable over all, but it is interesting that when Natsuo and Hina are together, they just have fun, but with Rui there was always a risk of something happening.
Cant argue that he isn't looking at her with Romantic interest. but then, he's believed that everything she's done is because she's trying to be a big sister, and he wasn't convinced that she lied back in Oshiwa when she said she had 'no intention of getting back together.'
Even so, he still is shown blushing and being embarrassed and forcing himself to calm down by thinking of the most unsexiest things possible when he's with Hina. if he knew she loved him, or better, knew she lied about not wanting to be together again, he'd probobly see her with more romantic possibility because until he knows the truth, he thinks everything has to be platonic.
>One interesting thing of late is that we dont have access to Natsuo's thoughts anymore: we see his actions, his expressions, but no visual on what he is thinking. I wonder if that is on purpose.
>I wonder if that is on purpose.
>I wonder if that is on purpose.
>I wonder if that is on purpose.
No shit fucking genius. If we saw Natsuo thinking something like: "wow I really wish I could become lover again with Hina" or "Hina is a good neesan, but Rui is the one I love the most".
We could end the manga right here.
That's the whole point from now though since we're in the endgame. It's intentional that Natsuo's feelings aren't explicit and ambiguous for that drama.
Cute couple!
Nips and gooks in full support of Hina now. Will Sasuga get away with a Hina end now without death threats from rabid Ruifags.
Rui got BTFO last week in KnY and this week on DnK. Being Rui is suffering.
Are they in full support are they? That's great. Where can I see it?
You can check sasuga's twitter.
>Will Sasuga get away with a Hina end now without death threats from rabid Ruifags.
No that's still gonna happen, at least from western Ruifags, idk if they're actually underage but a lot of them act like it. From nip Ruifags? Idk how the nips usually react to these sorts of things. I'd hope they'd be better than is degenerates.
This. I can see that all the salty comments on her twitter are in English.
A couple I noticed were saying: "why do you hate Rui sensei?" And I'm just thinking how brain dead can you get? These are the types of people that are going to 100% send death threats or nasty messages when Hina wins.
>I'm sorry rui
>rui who broke up with him
What's hina's malfunction?
Rui made her promise so she was trying to keep it.
Rui a big steaming pile of shit
Wow, you guys actually like the whore who drowned in another's man cum. And I thought that only redditors were cucks...
Fuck off Philip.
Based. Sasuga Kei is a roastie who likes to make roasties win in her stories
Have sex
Philip, you really have lost your touch. You were at least a bit entertaining before but now it just feels boring.
Hina is Sasuga's self insert, she made her character as pure as possible