When will Carolnein repair their bodies so they can fight in tip top shape again?
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
When she gets tired of GENOCIDE
So probably never ever
When will they get around to repairing Tsubasa so she can no longer be a heartbroken mess of sorrow and pain?
>page 10
What gives?
We've been having non stop threads for 7 weeks.
So why stop now? Keep going til the season ends
Because it hurts.
>less than a week ago everyone was complaining about the nothingburger episodes and bringing up the dolls would get you laughed at
>now everyone loves Shitrol and her shit dolls because HURR XV HYPE BANDWAGON and entire episodes where literally nothing happens are okay because MUH FANSERVICE
That was just you, user.
>you will never GO HARD with Maria
>Should I hold and help Tsubasa in her time of need?
>Nah Ill just pout about my own problems.
I'm not even a fan of the dolls, but seeing them again was a nice touch desu : makes you realize how the staff acknowledge the whole serie. I like it
I'm a sucker for these master/servant relationship, so seeing them brocken ass being all faithful made me weak
Personally I was complaining about the previous episode because it felt repetitive and pointless, the dumb fake cliffhanger was bad enough but then they felt the need to do a flashback to what everyone already knew. Just nothing to get excited or really be interested over.
This episode, on the other hand, has cool stuff happening even if it's not really advancing the plot. That's all I can ask for. And the dolls are great so fuck you.
They're dead, Jim. They're not coming back, for real this time.
I remember when I was retarded.
There's a giant repository of autoscorer bodies in the chateau for Elfnein to use once the fighting is over.
Where would you take your favorite geah if you were on a date with her?
>Chris image
>retarded post
It checks out.
>tfw no wrestling training match between Maria and Tsubasa with the latter getting her face pinned by those thighs
Are you ready for his comeback?
Not Karaoke.
I can only hope and dream.
So, is Chris straight?
Chris don't care, but she can only get off on being taken by force.
piss off
She's gay but she's stuck in an environment where every girl has their own partner already.
>His fucking full name is John Wayne VERCINGETORIX
How can you not love that HERO of a man?
Is there even a single Ignite remix better than the original?
A love hotel
Miku a shit
She likes dicks yeah.
Ver got to ravage Maria’s asshole
No, she loved Fine
>John Wayne
Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
I've spent four years believing they'd be back, I ain't stopping now.
g-beat and radiant force
Buttagiri is so cool. I'd never been a big fan of Shirabe's A-sides before, but this song is addicting.
Still can't believe we got a half-assed beach episode instead of an actual training episode in GX
you like dicks
I like Bikki's dick.
The only thing GX did right was bringing back Ver
I have no difficulty believing that
We got everyone (and Elf9) in swimsuits so I'm okay with it
Yeah these dummies don't get how many episodes you need to present, explain, and fight the custodians. A concept present since the shows creation. They basically have no room for error now and if they don't deliver this episode and the alchemists as a whole concept will be looked down on worse than they already were.
We really got a lot of big stuff to deal with and it worries me.
>still thinking custodians are the final boss
The fact that the mummy got vaporized in the second episode didn't tell you anything?
Don't forget to give this season a 1 on MAL to show the writers how you feel about it
>Still thinking we're getting Custodians
They'll either remain a mystery or appear as a deus ex machina.
That or will be set up to be taken on in the movie trilogy that'll inevitably come.
They confirmed custodians in interviews as far back as after S4 dummies. Say thank you to noble red for wasting your time.
>They confirmed custodians
And we really got them! Mummified. Also in a flashback at the start of the first episode.
But nope of course the villains of the season are to blame for them not playing a bigger role because took too much screentime, something that the people in charge of making the show somehow never planned to do, but did anyway because ???.
Don't get mad because I'm a better writer than Hackneko.
So without considering memelovers who can't stop whining about "writing", the most likely final bosses at this moment are
>Fudo fucking up and summoning or getting possessed by a Custodian
>Tsubasa (could also be Fudo's midboss)
It's impossible for it to be Tsubasa
Final boss might be Fudou or Miku
Ver final boss
Mikugear midboss
Why would it be Tsubasa?
Didn't Fudou say at some point that he's planning to give her the bracelet instead of using it himself?
>Elfnein transforms to faust robe
>Autoscorers appear in hat gems
>yfw Carolein starts using Autoscorer abilities/attacks
He's trying to set her up as it the big sentinel but you're mental if you think that's gonna take.
I got your circles
Swordbreaker is also still up for grabs.
>yfw Carol is the one who heals Zubaba
In all fairness, Hackneko and these retards creaming themselves over characters they hated for years just because MUH LAST SEASON HYPE [claps] really do deserve each other.
I doubt she's going to be the real final boss as well, at most we might get berserkbasa or possessedbasa before the final confrontation if her plotline isn't solved by then.
>>Fudo fucking up and summoning or getting possessed by a Custodian
I feel like that's the most likely outcome. Then Tsubasa has to stab her gramps to finish off the custodian.
Careful not to pop a blood vessel.
I thought the exact thing when Pharah showed up. If Tsubasa is thinking she's a sword again then a philosophical sword breaker is the perfect way to stop her if Fudo is making her do shit.
Everything points to Fudou succeeding in getting god power and becoming the last boss, so definitely not that.
dumb nothingburger poster
So this is the new meme, huh?
Fudo is going to get his ass kicked by his daughter, son, some slav cat and a fucking ninja for that true family pottery. Anyone who doesn't think that God-Miku and the Custodians are the final boss is a moron.
At least one person really wants it to be.
It's just what he posted earlier.
>The new Carol song is probably gonna be released alongside that Elf9 song
>have to wait until fucking December
its not fair
I will post this every thread until they dock.
Next episode is about G, it'll feature Maria and end with a Ver cliffhanger
The one after will be about S1 and will deal with Tsubasa
If it's G based than that gives Chris a good lead in to do something to help senpai.
Not happening. Elf9's song is coming out with the 3rd BD along with Hanasaku Yuuki Amalgam.
Maybe because you had the set up for the custodians back in episode 3 with the Fudo reveal? Alchemy is general seems to have plagued the show it would have helped if Carol and the Hibiki power up was just in the same episode.
Its January
>next episode is about G
just because this episode was a direct callback to a previous season doesn't mean any of the rest will be. is there anything that would indicate that next episode will be a direct G callback?
Why the hell not? They shouldn't have been able to come back in the first place. Also, there were a hundred spare bodies.
>"G-gay? Ew, gross! Hahaha. Miku and I are the best of friends, but we don't see each other that way, silly! We're girls! Right, Miku?"
I'm putting money on them being reassembled in the epilogue. The wrecked bodies aren't any good for fighting gods (It's frankly amazing they fought terrorists), but I'm guessing we're getting an Elf9 with Carol's backbone, and the last thing she's going to do is leave behind the most loyal comrades she's ever had.
The red stitching on the short overalls are cute.
blessed post
eh nandatte
>"I love you too, Miku! You're my best friend!"
Some combat functionality would be nice. While world-ending events should stop once this season is done, the gears can't gear forever, they need lives that don't revolve around conflict
Fine probably programmed in an age limit since she preyed on young girls. Maria is about to expire
I'm betting that Miku will let out a burst of God power and fix a bunch of shit, as well as having the intent to make failure trio into normal humans and this blast will also encompass the Dolls, making them real as well.
>Fine probably programmed in an age limit since she preyed on young girls. Maria is about to expire
What? Where is this stated?
Miku should ditch Hibiki and get a girl who's not emotionally retarded
You are getting meme'd
What kind of crime she will commit next?
After her Mexican boyfriends no woman could satisfy Chris
what about Fine?
My 'probably' implies conjecture, but it's just a fantasy of mine
Hibiki needs to find some self worth that isn't tied to being a gear. I think every other gear but her would be fine if heretical tech and alchemy induced problems just vanished one day
Jobbing so Carol9 can get over as a face.
Fine was probably a spic at some point so she acquired their Latin loving abilities
I hope noble red gets GENOCIDED harder than the Armenians did
There's no reason not to rebuild them to spec.
Of course, this leads to Genjuro spending the greater part of a week scouring through his VHS's, bursting triumphantly into the main hall holding "Terminator 2" and giving the Autoscorers a thumbs up.
I'm finally caught up. But even though I re-watched AXZ, there are some things I don't get.
Why is Hibiki the God-slayer, again? Longinus's lance isn't Gungnir. Did the writers just say "in the Symphogear universe, it is, so fuck you"?
Also, what's the Alexandria incident, again?
Lastly, I thought America isn't a big shot anymore after the "Fall of America", so why did the world want to give the Annunaki corpse to them? Guess they're still influential enough for that?
>Longinus's lance isn't Gungnir
Prove it, nerd.
>Why is Hibiki the God-slayer, again? Longinus's lance isn't Gungnir.
No but Gungnir is associated as Odin's spear, which in turn was able to fuck up gods
that single concept gives the Gungnir gear the same ability
>self defense against a rebellious minority
Alexandria has to deal with the game XDU.
Choking Miku to death with her thighs
It's conceptual weaponry. The legend of Longinus has given the Relic spear the meaning to slay Gods.
They retcon a bit in the keywords, specifying that there's something specific about HIbiki. (Which ties somewhat into Longinus's legend as the man who ended Christ's suffering and later became a convert.)
America is still a world leader; they just lost a lot of global goodwill as the FIS came to light.
>Gomen, Maria. I'll never push your hand away again.
>No, Im sorry, Tsubasa. I promise I'll never not be there for you again.
>I'll never let you go.
>Maria....It's been 2 hours.
If you're reading this you can have that for this shinnais, Kaneko!
She should also sit on her face and force her to eat her out that would be the worst haha
This is going to end in a darling of the Franxx way. Sudden dinosaurs fighting the aliens or custodians
Bleeding all over Carol's robe.
Vampire: I'm fighting for my family.
Hibiki: The UN pays me to punch their enemies.
Don't forget who the real good guys of XV are.
Don't worry, i haven't.
>Odin's spear, which in turn was able to fuck up gods
Was it, though? I believe Maria(?) specifically mentions that there are no god-slaying myths associated with Gungnir.
But even then the only connection I see is both being spears. So people associating a spear with the death of a deity means that another relic based on a spear is also associated with the death of a deity on account of both being spears? And so as a conceptual weapon, it gets that god-killing power.
If that's the explanation, it's a bit more spurious than I had hoped.
Anyway, thanks for answering my questions.
They're going to somehow not get instagibbed and manage to daedalus end her, only for her to tank it and break free with her zoid
>waaaaaaaaaaah why can't I murder 70000 thousand people
You're missing the WWII guy connection. That relic was originally in their possession because they were looking for alternately the Lance of Longinus or Gungnir depending on who you ask, or simply both. So the relic becomes conflated.
>People that didn't bail out when it said 'And Maria'
They are the only real human beans.
100% worth it
>Holy shit we have an animation budget
>they were looking for alternately the Lance of Longinus or Gungnir depending on who you ask, or simply both. So the relic becomes conflated.
Ah, well. I guess I somehow expected that they'd need to be conflated by the public consciousness of the world at large, I guess, and not just a bunch of Nazi researchers. But I'll take that explanation.
you can thank the gachafags for that
Is there a Tsubasa one?
Conceptual weapons man. Apparently Vanessa either just thinking to herself her hand was kinda sorta like a sword or maybe even just primed to briefly think that way due to Phara mentioning it was enough to invoke Sword Breaker and blow her hand up.
Hug the sword
Hug her now!
Hibiki uses big bang punch.
It's actually a bit opposite: In Geah, the relic inspired the myth, not vice versa.
Longinus's Lance and Gungnir may have been the same weapon, filtered through millennia of mythological telephone, one with a spear that was used in a war between gods, and other with a spear granted power as the lance that slew God as man.
Don't think too much about the actual timing for that, but it's the general gist: Relics are ancient devices of the Annuki or their pet Lulu Amelu; and the legends associated with them grant them power.
Hibiki has to recharge.
This was the most satisfying attack of the season thus far. Get dunked, Alchedorks.
I want Tsubasa to have her character development already.
I don't even like Tsubasa. I just want this retard samefagging spammer to just shut the fuck up for once.
Hibiki has to recharge.
Hibiki has to recharge.
Go fuck yourself.
Learn to fall faster.
Don't you have 300 retarded "HUG DA SWERD" copypaste posts to be making?
I like him more than
>HURR 70k
Maria... rabu
I hope we can last the three days until the next episode airs.
Being Miku is suffering.
I too have an irrational fear of dying before Nymphoqueer ends.
I wonder how many anons have passed away since Symphogear started, never getting to see the end
fucking Chris
There's at least one who hasn't who should have.
You wish.
This is actually important since Maria is starting to combine Muh Serena with Tsubasa... which means her solution will be coming up soon.
You want a hug as well user? Just say so
Army of memory powered dolls when?
>The resolution of this arc is Tsubasa and Maria crying, hugging it out while Kanade and Serena eat popcorn alternating bandying stories about their clueless counterparts and admitting they're glad it ended without casualties.
The potential for the shinnais are gold
I love futanon.
>not loving the dolls
I love Phara.
I don't like Micha.
I'm not some shitty newfag bandwagoner, no.
There are people who have loved them ever since GX, but you wouldn't know that, you shitty newfag bandwagoner.
At least since the shinnais anyways.
What did she mean by this?
This. Nobody else got an autistic funeral tribute video.
>he fell for autistic generalfag pastas
Everyone liked the dolls from the jump. You've been caught, young blood.
What's your current symphojam? For me it's pic related.
Gekko no Tsurugui when Im glad, Sora E...when Im sad.
Synchrogazer aufwachen
Cuddle and pillow talk when? Shirabe proved Maria is the warmest under the blankets and sword needs some warmth
You mean garbage?
Someone post the image of them under covers and writing songs while naked for some reason, please
Are we going to get a Systems Red?
Systems Gold when they add Amalgam to the end
Well we where saying Tsubasa would before her first transformation but that didn't happen. It still could she's been getting worse at not having her soul crushed
Once God Miku pulls the plug
imagine if:
>Ver returns for the 3rd time in a row
>SSJ Miku returns
>Genjuro gets to fight again
>Fine somehow comes back
Would this be kino?
fuck fine
Only the last three.
Only the first one.
I don't give a fuck what happens for the rest of the season, but if Genjuro gets an all out brawl that wrecks the landscape around him and whoever he fights, this season will be a 10/10.
I really want Carol9 to join the final battle with the other Gear users, but chances are she's either going to job beforehand or become useless otherwise (doesn't want to burn memories/bridge tasks).
>carol 9 has to lay low for fear of burning memories.
>Big crisis attacks the sub. Carol9 steps up again and starts fighting.
>"Memories? Why do I need those when we have an infinite supply of new ones!"
Why are her shoulders exposed like that. It just makes me wanna lick em
I really wonder how strong Daurudabura (or however the fuck this thing is spelled) is when it runs exclusively on phonic gain.
She really wants Maria to slobber all over her
Dur Da Bla
Simple answer; Probably not nearly as it does running on centuries of memories, but also probably better than expected since it's not trying to dissect the planet at the same time. I'm assuming good enough to repel Noble Red, but not good enough to retrieve Miku.
I wanna fuck Miku
My attempt at the full version of the ED. Pray for Miku, please.
Lasting Song
I feel you in my song
It surely is approaching The moment of the end
Even if I pretend to not notice it Can't resist anymore
Transient dreams are not allowed
I can't run away anymore Countdown
Entangled illusions Endless regret goes on
Call for grief I'm falling deep inside
My extended hand reaches no one
Crying heals nothing
Hey, if I could
Aah go back
To that day again
I would never let go of your hand
Those tearful words remain incomplete
Even though I keep chasing and asking
Tomorrow comes when you are still not here
Leaving me wandering without any answer
Even so, only this miracle that I tightly grasped
Even if it's damaged, even if it's lost
Within this song,
Its breathing will continue
It will keep living
You quitely smile Inside the memories
Your kindness hurts Can't face it properly
Feelings stuck in my throat
I can't swallow them down, but I can't spit them out either
[Tomorrow will come again] Too many excuses
I keep putting it off But time won't wait for me
Even though it's a tomorrow
That was promised to no one
Now, if only
Aah you were
Here with me
I would be able to say it again and again
Your words engraved within me
Even if I'm to burn out, even if I'm to disappear
The sky that I looked up to, where my prayer went
Will continue to shine on to the distant future
The meaning of the miracle that was passed to me
Even if it is hidden by the darken moon
This song in my heart
Will make me strong
Will keep me moving
Would it be easier
If I could just forget?
But that melody,
The footprints will never disappear
Those tearful words remain incomplete
Even though I keep chasing and asking
Tomorrow comes when you are still not here
Leaving me wandering without any answer
Even so, only this miracle that I tightly grasped
Even if it's damaged, even if it's lost
Within this song,
Its breathing will continue
It will keep living
I feel you in my song
Good Bye Miku.
Episode 9, and prepare for disappointment.
And make it double.
Remember what happened last time Chris tried to help Tsubasa and reconsider.
Remove monsters
Hibiki has to be one of the densest characters in Anime.
It's like she is in denial or something.
Let's be fair to Hibiki here: Miku definitely said some truly galaxy brain things during this conversation.
I like dense boy-girls.
I love Micha and I hope she gets rebuilt.
What if Hibiki dies leaving Miku alone?
Ill be happy so long as she's happy.
Symphogear suffers from a constant tension where what gets people hyped and what's good for the story are often not the same thing (I don't think there's anyone who doesn't think it would be both awesome and stupid if Kanade or Ver got screentime again).
Thankfully it'll all be over soon.
Micha crushing Elf9's stupid face with one of her cool hands.
They look like such good big strong hands.
if XV doesn't go magnificent full edgelord and carolnein lives there will almost certainly be a shinai where she/they are attempting to rebuild the autoscorers yet again
Look. We're making fun, but Miku low key reached out and removed the ground beneath Hibiki's feet. She gets Miku causing her trouble (All the way back to G); but she just posed utter chaos to her.
What she's really saying is "If you have to chose me or the world, I want you to chose the world." And frankly, it's a good thing Hibiki didn't understand, because if she understood Miku properly in context with the situation, she would scream herself hoarse for the next three days.
There are two exalted joys in Hibiki's life: Holding hands with others, and holding hands with Miku. She has been directly instructed to destroy the greater to protect the lesser.
This is not good for her psyche.
She'll probably survive with a minor case of sever amnesia.
But Kiritsugu was wrong. Shirou was right choosing Sakura instead of the world.
Against her will?
How would Miku live with that decision?
When Miku ascends and puts this right; what can she do with the realization that Hibiki is not the tender soul she wishes she could be?
>no reveal episode about not chile getting exploited by liberators after the geahs fought off their evil government
Just want to rest on her lap while she sings apple
So I got this idea, and it honestly scares me to think about it, but what if Tsubasa's mind flaw has driving her to an obsession with protecting "The weak" so strong she suddenly perceives any act of the strong attacking the weak as something to interfere with and this actually has her try and protect Noble Red.
Whats the name of the slowed down version of Chris' song that plays at the end of S1?
Bark at the Moon.
Like the Ozzy Osborne song?
She's gonna choose Miku once it she realizes what's at stake.
Well, yes... More precisely "BARK at the MOON"
I love Maria and I'm laughing so much hearing her so mad in Granbelm.
I don't even like mecha and I'm liking it, wish they fought in their magical girl outfits because fights are kinda watch to watch
Seiten Galaxy Cross > Angelic Remnant > Fushichou no Flamme > Orbital Beat
Is that how it's in the ost? I can't find it.
S1 OST, disk 3, Track 8.
BARK at the MOON (Makyuu Ichaival)
But then where will they live if the world is destroyed? The moon? Or is it just the human that will be wiped out so we have Girls' Last Tour - HibiMiku version?
Thanks. Was lookinh at the wrong season for some reason
The fact you are thinking rationally is inherently opposed to the problem.
Coin goes up: Miku on one side, World on the other. Hibiki wants it to land world side down, and if she can't cheat the coin sidewasy, she's going to.make sure she gets her way.
>Hibiki brokes down completely and Miku just drags her around
On her face.
Miku has enough problem with guilt already. Her mind would break in that case.
Ah, but there lies the solution, user. What if, through some absurd twist of fate, you throw up a coin and it lands, just this once on it's side.
On the topic of Gungnir and the lance,
Gungnir as described in myth is a reverse causality weapon. Once thrown it will always hit it's mark.
In the Symphogear universe it was either the Lance of Longinus by pure chance or was somehow conflated with it over the years, memeing into it god killing power on a conceptual level.
And on top of that, something about Hibiki's desire to reach out to people, doubles up on Gungnir's inverse causality nature.
Considering the divine power's main method of defense is retconning damage taken by picking a possible timeline where that shit didn't happen and superimposing it onto reality, the Gungnir/Bikki combo is a triple layered fuck-you to that shit.
Then we would have our first taste of that terrible illusion, hope.
You and me are nigs.
>Against her will?
>How would Miku live with that decision?
Just build 2 grav well generators which with subtle nudging allows the coin to land on its side.
So could Phara kill someone by running up to them suddenly and yelling 'sword says what' and then invoking sword breaker on them as their brain processes all that?
>I now have two Symphogear picture folders because I forgot I had the first one
Would Phara tap dance on my head if I paid her money?
depends how swordy they are
I've had this happen before. I've got folders going back over a decade that I've managed to keep hold of.
How hype were you when this happened?
I try not to hold onto things but this folder does have a fair few pictures I enjoy.
Maria, unless you plan on healing Tsubasa with your abs you really need to focus.
Do you think the Geahs come up with the lyrics for their own songs?
No, they come from the heart so the lyrics are already there, they just act as the conduit for them to come to life.
If I call my dick Excalibur could Phara destroy my dick?
The lyrics are pulled from their subconscious.
I think so.
No, but it'd be funny to picture Tsubasa writing down stuff about slicing Buddha's throat, or Shirabe being inspired as she does her homework
How to instantly improve any harem: replace the MC with Tachibana Hibiki
Yeah but doesn't that mean they're basically coming up with them on the fly? If it's their feelings and their subconsciousness giving them the lyrics then that's writing them. I mean do you really think so far ahead while posting here? I think most conversations like this are pretty form.
She'll break Milaarc's curse by punching Tsubasa so hard that she will snap out of it
I don't think it's merely a thought ona conscious level. It has to have sword characteriatics like "it cuts" and the like.
It's literally doing it on the fly. They get into battle, their heart cries out with the lyrics, they sing and noise, alca-noise and bitches drop.
Right but that still counts on the songs being theirs.
I can feel no custodians present, instead the final threat is Custodians arriving and how if they do arrive, its game over. Final boss is their spaceship or something
Ah I see where the confusion has come in. "Do you think the Geahs come up with the lyrics for their own songs?" sounds like you're asking if the Geahs take time out of their day to write the lyrics to a song.
So to remove any ambiguity "Yes, they do" is the answer to your question.
I want to do terrible things to this creature
Miku is love.
why am I getting such an extremely strong "I can't believe Miku is fucking dead" vibe from these lyrics
>forgetting Gyakkou no Flugel
Baka as fuck
Because the song is practically screaming that someone is going to die and Miku has been raising death flags at a rate of at least one per episode since the start of the season.
You seriously think they'd actually kill Milu off for good? If she does die, she'll be resurrected by the end of the show.
I would be very surprised if anyone important actually died for real.
No I don't, I fully expect that if Miku does somehow legitimately die Hibiki summon up one last asspull and sing her back to life with the power of Love, God and Phonic Gain.
>But then where will they live if the world is destroyed
>Divine Power (Lit: Power of God(s))
>A general term for an aggregate of high-dimensional energy with no particular directionality.
>Having enough informational density to create an entire world, this exceptional energy boasts quantity and quality that are certainly worthy of the name "divine."
She's also an overpowered automaton more than capable of fighting a gear on equal footing. The sword breaking is just a middle finger to any chuunis she runs in to
Hibiki is selfish, so she'll choose both.
In G ep10, there is a moment where Hibiki deliberately overwrites the lyrics of her subconsciousness with pure love and will power.
The second to last line of Rainbow Flower as it is in the song is
>そしてッ! また会うその日まで笑顔の 「サヨナラ」だ!
>And so! Until the day we meet again, let's say "farewell" with a smile!
Which implies that Hibiki was fully prepared to die alone at the end of the song there. But in the show, instead of singing that, she responds to Miku and and goes screaming
>I will not let you go! I will never let you go again!
As she dives them both into SSJ's light.
And then she went and let go of her in XV. What a liar.
Miku x Carol
A lot of men (And Chris) have done that
Probably one of the hypest moments in the series.
Everybody knew it was coming, but the build-up and execution were still hype as fuck.
Reminder that Elf9 could've saved Miku if she weren't so weak minded.
Reminder that Elf9 is absolutely fucking adorable.
She's gonna murder the living shit out of the subhuman trio. That ain't adorable.
don't worry, noble red's thick plot armor will defend them from Carol9
she would make a perfect daughterwife for some lucky girl
I can't stop rewatching this scene
if they don't bring Kanade back for one song after they brought back the fucking autoscorers, this show will die for me.
I can't believe Carol is a fucking murderer.
cute micha
reminder carol killed like five billion people technically
>distorted Kanade singing within Tsubasa's fractured mind while she turns on her friends
great idea bro, make it happen
Only 5 billion? She should aim for a high score next time.
Imagine being Miku.
is there a version of this picture without jpg artifacts?
This desu. Even getting one episode of the Autoscorers is enough, just a little cameo for the sake of the final season. Kind of like how we got St. Germain earlier.
I miss Cagliostro.
this or ,emory of Kanade can bring her back or whatever, its formulaic as fuck but it's Symphogear so that's fine.
Kazuma dess
we give Hibiki too much shit for being dense here, imagine how confusing/shocking it would be if the person you love the most just all of a sudden drops
>if it comes down to me or the world, choose the world
especially to someone like Hibiki who is struggling to juggle her handholding fetish and her love for Miku. Miku knows Hibiki would choose her over the world and she's trying to tell her to choose the greater good. the dense part is Hibiki trying to understand why Miku feels that way
>tfw your main source of power is memories and forgot to extract them from a trillion of your failed doll projects before your final stand
mmmmm bikki dikki
>Hey Tsuchiya, can I borrow your lore homework?
>Sure Kaneko, just change it a bit so nobody will notice.
And that's the most charitable explanation I can give.
Someone hold this poor girl's hand
Where's Hibiki when you need her?
Micha is a miracle.
No wonder Carol keeps letting her die.
>everyone disappeared
>everyone came back
>nobody remembers
>it was like nothing happened
Doesn't count. Blu-rays fixed everything. Carol is innocent.
the discussion is about her morality not the actual events
> Carol might get attack cards this time
> maybe even for her Giga Drill Breaker
She got better now. She understands her papa wouldn't want her to become a genocidal maniac just to finish her alchemy homework.
yeah carol9 is different than just carol i think
Who cares?
Who cares?
>Elf9 bullying
Who cares?
>Destroying this smile
Haha, time for genocide.
In any case, if the henshin is any indication, should Carol9 have all the autoscorers and Elf9 in her, we should for the first time be seeing the true Carol.
imagine raping her in her sleep
shut up Miku
Miku doesn't have to imagine that.
I hope they follow up on the miracle slayer line and show Carol having a new interpretation of what it means. Like it being a love for knowledge over ignorant superstition.
i imagine raping miku in her sleep
So will this tattered, uncool and weak hero be able to save her wife?
Chris, please.
No. Her songs can't save anything or anyone.
Only people who pussy out and raise like 1-5 death flags will die though.
Chads like Miku who raises all the death flags cannot die.
I got the impression she understood just fine. She just doesn't give a fuck.
I don’t have to imagine
>Miku and Hibiki are both unconscious
>entertainment increases
Really phonic gains your brain.
Carol is your new MC. Hope you rike it.
You're right, this would be better as a Maria series.
Or a Chris series.
ElfCarol and her dolls anime when?
It's Carolein.
Maria on Chris series.
Half the series is already Chris' story, might as well make the other half too.
I like your way of thinking
True. I should have said she gives a fuck now. At least I hope she does. For one it's always fun to see seething MUH REDEMPTION fags complaining.
Kiss her, you fool; use your tongue.
>haha Carol's not coming back
>Carol a shit
>dolls a shit
>Genocide a shit
>GX a shit
What's with the sudden 180?
That's unlikely. Hibiki is dumb.
Carol haters all killed themselves.
Would impregnate
People like Carol, the dolls, and GENOCIDE
GX's use of them is what people have a problem with
The 180 from your made-up narrative?
>Miku's face after this scene
She looks so angry and unsatisfied. I guess it's safe to assume that Hibiki sucks at sex, too.
A obsessive loser denied her love
I don't give a shit about the dolls but Carol has always been fun.
Who gets the best grade in Sex Ed Hibiki or Shirou
shhh, God is sleeping, don't wake her
Hibiki doesn't attend.
other than CHANGE THE FUTURE and both being titty monsters I don't understand this pairing at all.
god carol is so hot
It's the breasts.
Push her down! Get on top! Move it woman, don't just stare in her beautiful, beautiful bedroom eyes.
It's just Mariahaters trying to bully her with the cumsock.
also heigh difference
They're competitors for the most fertile geah.
Both of Chris and Maria's B-sides this season also have a heavy emphasis on becoming an adult and living in the present.
I can't believe Meek-san is fucking gay!
I thought Maria was 23?
As cute as she is Elf9 is also a fragment of Carol's personality engineered to be weak living inside of a mass produced meat shell. I'd be surprised if she even had genitals.
Don't be mean to the poor cake.
"Being an adult" has little to do with age.
Change the future was awesome, I wish they had more duets
Elf9 only had a peehole, Carol9 is a real girl since you can't wear a Faust Robe without being one.
Maria's a head over Chris. Damn, Chris is fucking short and Aoi Yuuki is fucking shorter.
They are more than just tits!
They're also sweet tomatoes.
they have nice thighs and butts and kissable lips too
But tits are important too
Yeah, they are filled with men's hopes and dreams.
Chris isn't.
The only geah willing to date you is Maria. Do you accept?
I'd accept your suicide, user.
Of course.
Since I am obviously Tsubasa, I feign innocence but enthusiastically date her nonetheless.
Eh, i guess, but she will pay for food and tickets.
This cute vampire tells you to forget the useless woman and date her instead.
I am clearly Tsubasa today so I'd stick my sword in both their bums.
>image is 399x399
>ancestors are from Chernobyl
Does she glow in the dark?
My only complaint about Millarc's character design are her giant man hands. Otherwise she's top tier fap material.
Maria is the best, sexiest, and my most favorite geah, so of course I accept!
and there's even vampires
Is Carol going to burn through her own memories again?
El Erufu > Elf9
Hello guys, Yea Forumsrother here.
Can you stop making Symphogear threads on Yea Forums? Yea Forums is for videogames, not for anime and you seem to have a healthy ongoing Symphogear thread on Yea Forums making the invasion of other boards unnecessary.
Seriously, stop with this bullshit. We have enough with the Lain and Ranma autists.
How about you kill yourself.
I don't need to be told to never visit Yea Forumseddit.
What a coincidence, she's the only geah I wanted to date
go home Yea Forums, you're all fags
Absolutely! She's a damn fine lady.
How about you say that on the Yea Forums thread?
I'm sure at least 90% of the people here have no idea what you're talking about.
Lads id take Mamu at this point
Only if she lets me do it raw
Seethe and cope
She's the only one I can date without being arrested anyways so okay.
These characters came out of nowhere and weren't explained . Why do things just happen in this show for no reason? Do the producers really expect you to watch 14 seasons of anime to know whats going on?
Ebin XV hype bandwagon, that's what happened.
Just wait until Mamu comes back and the retards here start pretending she was their favorite FIS and they always fapped to her all along.
Yes. I thought you knew that already.
>this desperate revisionism
I've always liked Mamu. Not enough to fap to her, but she is nice
Don't play dumb
Don't pretend that this thread was about videogames
We have enough off-topic cancer already
>Muh sekrit club
Lmao keep thinking you're special for liking this trash
>browsing Yea Forums
>browsing Yea Forums during summer no less
Anyway, I'm sure the wonderful Smash roster speculation thread it replaced was such a tragedy
Mamu was the reason Maria was even going along with Ver. While she promoted child abuse, she honestly sought to save humanity and persevered despite being on her deathbed after Ver blasted her into space
Go back
Are people going to pretend no one liked Ver either once he comes back?
You might have a point if it was a long thread full of shitposting, but 0 replies? You came to Yea Forums to bitch about a thread with no responses? I think there are better ways you can spend your time.
>0 replies
Why you crying?
le epic trole
fuck off
Yeah, no one liked Ver at all. It's all muh """hype bandwagon"""! No one liked Fine either. Trust me guys.
Symphogear isn't videogames. Smash roster shit, as cancerous as it is, is videogames.
You're warned.
>You're warned.
Is there a wiki so I don't have to bingewatch 6 years worth of anime?
>can't google
How do you go through life, user?
Wikipedia then tvtropes is a good replacement for watching the thing.
The dolls and Carol were good character designs, too bad they were used for a shit plot.
>pls hibiki, i wanna smash
>comparing Fine and Ver to total shit
Dollfaggots have no shame.
Protect Mikus
Yeah, comparing Ver to shit is an insult to feces.
>doll bandwagoners unironically trying to talk smack
You're trying too hard, newfag.
God I wish
>he's back
How does some mere mortals protect a god?
11/10 body.
>0 Maria doujins
>10+ Chris doujins
Yes, and?
>both elfs
Uhh how can they get away with this?
Miku is gonna be OK.
Maria is pure, unlike Chris.
>0 Chris Maria doujins
There are a couple of Tsubasa x Maria doujins. There isn't greater honor than being fucked by Tsubasa
>complete package
>shortstack has more doujins
It's not fair, Mariabros.
How drinking with Maria would be like?
Those are just an urban legend. Can you imagine anyone liking Maria irl?
>drinking in front of the gaybies
Maria, no!
They're already so retarded that it won't make any real difference.
This looks exactly like my family's birthday parties
>just finished marathoning seasons 2-this one
and I'm totally going to drop it if tsubasa doesn't murder either the vampire and/or her grandfather(father)
How can a girl be so alpha without even noticing?
It's the only way for her to go to bed alone while having to listen to their moaning all night long.
Mirror that image and check these numbers
Yandere is a shitty archetype
Miku a shit
dess this thread to its grave
Elf just means 11.
She will be reincarnated as a penguin.
As a fellow slav, can confirm.
Same, except I'm the one drinking and nobody else is there.
Wait, that's every day.
>this thread
Would you stick your dick in Garie?
Boo! You missed!
Of course
Only if the hole down there is the same as the hole in her face.
Why is she so attractive?
Shark teeth.
This is your hero.
What an uncool hero.
#not my hero
Which geah would be a better MC?
>Adult Serena never
>even in XDU
it hurts bros
And that's a good thing.
Hagfags need to go back to Facebook.
Are you ever going to grow out of this shit?
Serena would be an eternal loli like Shirabe regardless.
Fine Shirabe
Go home
Not with these sweet ukranian Eve genes
You have to go back.
>no Serena/Nepgear jokes that would have definitely made it into the show if she was still around
delete this
is this how slavs do family bonding?
Serena would murder all the other geahs to stop the custodians
Every John is just the same
I'm sick of their city games
I crave a real wild man
I'm strung out on John Wayne
Carolein will go John Wick on their asses for killing the dollies.
Carol can't burn memories, she will be weak
Wait, can she burn Elf9's memories?
just use phonic gain bro
Fuck you retard
go back to Yea Forums
She's the biggest fag around.
She's pretty strong with just her standard alchemy tricks alone. I don't think she needs to burn memories for those. Did the Illuminati girls (boys) burn their memories when shooting alchemy beams?
Probably, the question is would she?