In a real life scenario would she just have been bullied until she is driven insane?

In a real life scenario would she just have been bullied until she is driven insane?

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in a real life scenario she would have gotten her harem sooner

tomoko is hot as fuck, i dont get why she was unpopular

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The truth is she isn't. It was all in her head. Nobody gave a fuck about her because she never made an effort to approach anyone until she did. Her attempts at get popularity were forced and based on unrealistic expectatives (being the new class idol). Once she finally chilled out and approached and let approach people more naturally she started making friends and admirers up the wazoo without even noticing.

she wasn't even bullied in the show speedwatcher-kun. all others saw her as was an introverted shy girl.

she was bullied in middle school

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The original idea was to make Tomoko a very tall and thin girl and the story full of bullying, but shit was too dark for the author and the artist to handle

No one gives a fuck about her

A few names over the years isn't really bullying, and given the way she generally acted in Tomomote I bet she got some of those from when she was being a cunt to someone.

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Not all loners are bullied.

You have to be especially autistic to attract bullies

That's the point of the show that for a change the unpopular kid isn't bullied or ugly; just so socially phobic that no one talks to him because he talks to no one. Several other characters also note that Tomoko is pretty cute.

I still think the præmise is flawed though; if there's a cute kid talking to literally no one sitting in class eventually someone is going to want to try to attempt to start a conversation but I like it; it's an interesting anti-moe attempt of doing a cute character in a very different way.

Tomoko is like an oddly cute Chihuahua.

She didn't make herself very approachable to be fair, the long messy hair covering her, the bags under her eyes, the way she's often sleeping in the day (or pretending to) and her general demeanor really make her seem like someone who doesn't want to be bothered.

She wasn't approachable but people knew her as that girl. If she had been more assertive like during the entrance exams with the fist bump, she would have at least been friends with Nemo and Itou but she immediately regressed once she got into homeroom.

Maybe but then people _would_ be talking; they just act like he exists not. There was also a scene where Tomoko becomes deluded that everyone is talking about him when he's not here which to be fair is a realistic assumption to make in that case so he secretly records it to find out they care not.

I find the præmise to not be plausible at all. Even if one not be cute the way the show narrates it is as if he's completely invisible and no one cares nor notices; that's not that realistic; the silent kid that says nothing is going to get some kind of reputation in practice; especially when looking cute but also disorganized and messy. People are going to wonder if there's like some form of autism or whatever going on.

It depends on the place really. Sometimes kids are so bored they pick on anyone for whatever reason. Other times they're too focused on their own business to mind spending time on someone who won't talk back. Sometimes they're curious but doesn't approach because of politeness, etc...

I find it pretty plausible since I remember at my school there was someone who gave of a similar impression and people didn't talk much about them, they were just the quiet kid and that was about it.

She would have turned slut the moment she tasted my dick.

In a real life scenario she would have been a background character in her own life until graduation in which she would be quickly scooped up and married by some average looking beta provider guy.

Thats what happened to all of the shy girls when I was in school.

Remember this is Japan, minding your own business is a pretty big sentiment over there.

No honestly, just ignored until she went insane.

I do not know in what kind of shithole you study but people do not actually harass the shy loners like in your Hollywood movies. Instead, I will tell you that there is always somebody there who will find you attractive. Of course I can not guarantee you they will tell you that.

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From this post I can gather that
1. You are not American
2. You are not male

You have to go back.

Of course I dont meant amerimutts.

She's also going to a fairly good school, the kind you have to pass a specific entrance exam for, so there's not gonna be many idiots around that would cause trouble.

A tall girl would have been able to defend herself.
Seriously, Tomoko is shorter than a middle schooler and timid, she just happens to have a school devoid of bullies and she's extremely lucky for it.

>A tall girl would have been able to defend herself
Not in Japan. They would socially destroy her.

Japan isn't that backward anymore.

In a real life scenario she would have had at least 3 nerds orbiting her

>what is Wada, glasses and fat nerd-kun.

characters that aren't interested on tomoko

Bullying would go against the whole idea, just look at the title.

IRL she'd become Nevada Tan.