Worst JoJo arc ever?

Worst JoJo arc ever?

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dragons dream is fun.

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>Worst JoJo arc ever?
Cinderella arc

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Any filler arc in part 3 or 4

It has F.F so no.
Probably the Boom family.

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she cute

That'd be the first iteration of the morioh saga

Worst Jojo arc is all of Part V

>first female protagonist
>fails and causes the end of the universe
Araki is really redpilling everyone with Part 6.

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part 4

>hating dragon's dream
OP unironically got pleb filtered

>fails and causes the end of the universe
That was Jotaro deciding to save Jolyne instead of bashing Based Priest

Id probably say like, part 1 arcs in general.

Wrong, speedreader-kun

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Dragon's Dream was average. There are a lot of worse JoJo arcs
>every arc from the beginning of part 4 where Akira or one of the Nijimuras isn't the antagonist, except Aqua Necklace

Alessi and sethan is the arc I was ready to drop the series.
Kill yourself. It was a good arc, it reminded me of XXX-Holic.

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Maybe if you're a retard

The one where the frog is transformed into a baby by a murderous pedophile

or the one where the enemy stand is defeated by plugging a frog into its brain

I enjoyed how Dragon's Dream was kinda "neutral" in giving advice. Seeing a stand user argue with their stand was cool.

God I hate how posting the colored JoJo scans is the norm.

I think Araki's black and white art is better, but reading the colored version can definitely make it easier to read the action, especially in complex action scenes.

What the fuck was this? She's plankton, I thought right after this page she was going to reveal that his drowning shit actually had no effect, or that it powered her up.

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wear your damn glasses

pleb status:
[ ] unfiltered
[X] filtered

Honestly I pity those who can't appreciate Dragon's Dream. It's peak "turn your brain off and enjoy the ride Araki takes you on." If you can forgive all the inconsistencies and asspulls in the series but dislike Dragon's Dream then you've only got half the JoJo spirit.

The colored scans are superior in every part except for 7/8. Why are you complaining, autist?

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>except for 7/8.
Why's that? Just started 7, should I switch to B&W

It's FF in Etro's rebuilt body. She's going to get some of the feedback from that.

Art-wise they aren't, but the scan quality is terrible.

Thanks for confirming it sucked.

Literally the best jojo character

That would be Golden Wind.

I don't know shit about stone ocean but I know I want to fuck that plankton

Get some taste.

I like the girl more than that retarded stand and I wished we had seen more of her or at least that she also be a JoBro (JoSis)


FFfags in a nutshell

>Can deage people
>We don't see the return of young Joseph.

Then the anime will come out and everyone will be saying it was a good fight.

name one time this has happened

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every fucking time

All the people who started to defend Part 5 after the anime came out.

he's right, Araki's action is just tasteless

boy do I have a game for YOU

Most of part 5's fights were already praised before the anime.

nobody said babyface or talking head were always good though

But now people are starting to praise arcs like Requiem and Sleeping Slaves, which were objectively terrible.

Which were always objectively some of the best in JoJo that went right over brainlets' heads. Which is saying a lot considering it's a fucking children's comic.
Kind of fuckers that think Sleeping Slaves sucks is the same kind that was forced to read like Hamlet in class and thought "ugh this is so boring I wish I could be watching anime" while playing with their DS in the back


Oops, meant for

Welp, this is gonna go nowhere.

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>it reminded me of XXX-Holic

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Both posts use that word

the mid section of part 6 is so bad, all the maxium security arcs are fucking terrible and yo yo ma is a fucking travesty

It's not even the worst fight in the part. It's better than like half the fights in part 3.

dark blue moon
is the the worst of part 3

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It was pretty bad, at least the smoke trick was funny

>he posts it again
kill yourself retard

damn, to think such a shitty fight was still enjoyable.
i love jojo

>every arc from the second half of part 4 where Kita isn't the antagonist, except Highway Star and Janken kid

holy shit what a forgettable character, first half of SC is really mediocre

That's not the entirety of Part 5
Note : If you disagree you're an anime only who needs todie

>it was bad because I don't remember it
Why do memorylets think this is ever a valid criticism?

Janken Kid was fucking awful

Fuck off Meti
Btw, am I the only one who considers Vento Aureo filler?

You serious? Enigma and Cheap Trick were both quality arcs.

>Cheap Trick

Vento Aureo IS filler

I don't even consider it to be canon.

>Koichi didn’t actually guess Yasuho’s eyes correctly and she just gave them back because she thought their highschool romance was sweet

That chapter was pretty good. One of the best things about part 4 is the small town charm from having the crazed enemy stand user turn out to be so-and-so from down the street just acting out of line. Cinderella is one of the straightest examples of it. It adds a lot of believability to the town when they just beat the shit out of enemy stand users to smarten them up instead of brutally murdering them. They’re neighbours after all.

>My stand can just do anything so long as I have a glass of water to sip on
F.F. fights were pretty awful. I also don’t care for her Pinocchio bullshit either but that’s more a matter of taste.

The end of the universe actually ended up being to everyone's benefit. Pucci majorly fucked up the world over the course of the post-prison segment in various ways, so the new timeline where his influence was entirely removed and the Joestars finally got to live in peace ended up being better. And she was the reason Emporio was able to go on to succeed against Pucci. If you insist that still counts as losing, then Jotaro is really the one to blame since he chose not once, but twice, to protect Jolyne rather than defeat the enemy in front of him. He could've defeated Whitesnake during its first appearance during the Manhattan Transfer fight and he could've ORA ORA'd Pucci's shit during the final arc had he not decided to save Jolyne from falling knives instead.

Koichi is such a drama queen, he knows damn well Josuke can fix his eyes no problem, he just wanted to play up the drama.

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How does one drown a plankton?

>hurrr filler
So, are Part 2, 4, 7 and 8 also filler since they have no connection to the main Joestars vs Dio Brando storyline, or do those not count?

Sleeping Slaves is a good arc. It’s everything in between it and Oasis/Green Day that was irredeemable dogshit.

Nobody said anything about the "main Joestars vs Dio Brando storyline". I don't know why you even brought that up.

Strangely, the "filler" parts are the best ones.

I'm in love with this plankton.

If the story has nothing to do with Dio vs the Joestars it's filler.

No u retarded piece of shit
Without part 2 in part 3 how do we get to know Joseph and the same with part 4 in part 5 with Koichi, also Part 7 and 8 are in another timeline
I think VA could work as a oneshot story also or in a way separated to Jojo

That's what the use of 'filler' implies dipshit.
The main overarching story of JoJo is the Joestar bloodline vs Dio Brando and those he has influenced.
The only Parts that actually relate to this are Parts 1, 3 and 6. You can also argue Part 7 does this as well, but that is a different Dio and a different universe entirely, unaffected by the Dio Brando we knew before.
And before you say
>P-Part 2 introduces Joseph and explains the vampires so it isn't filler
People have easily hopped onto Part 3 without having read Part 2. In fact, many were introduced to JoJo's by doing that.
Adding Vampire lore is more negligible than explaining where the arrows came from.
At least you're honest in your shit taste.
>Without part 2 in part 3 how do we get to know Joseph
See above. Knowing who Joseph is doesn't affect a viewing of Part 3 all that much, it just makes you think "Wow, that guy's hand is weird."
>and the same with part 4 in part 5 with Koichi
So Part 5 isn't filler now? I'm getting mixed messages here.
>also Part 7 and 8 are in another timeline
So, they're filler by the logic of the autists I responded to. They have no relevance to Joestars vs Dio Brando and thus shouldn't be read.
>I think VA could work as a oneshot story also or in a way separated to Jojo
That's why it's a standalone Part.

I'm excited for stone ocean because I live in Florida.

The Tonio episode will always be my favourite

Not him, but Part 6 had a lot of fights that would really benefit from an adaptation because of how dynamic and movement-based they are. Something like Jumpin' Jack Flash or C-Moon would probably look amazing in motion. I'd love to see a C-Moon fight animated that has the screen suddenly pitch one way and all of the characters fly with the screen all disoriented. Would need some good budget though.

Enigma was kino and I am fucking gay for forget it. Cheap trick is just lame. Even superfly and josuke trying to scam rohan was better than that

>Without part 2 in part 3 how do we get to know Joseph
Because he shows up in part 3 and does things and you read about it. Same way you get to know Avdol or Polnareff or any other fucking part 3 character.

Jojo parts don’t need to be tied to some grand overarching narrative to be worthwhile parts. If anything, the further divorces they are from the other parts the better they stand. Part 4 doesn’t give a shit about the earlier parts aside from reusing two characters and it’s all the better for it. Part 5 bringing the arrow back torpedoed the ending and Giorno’s forced DIO backstory means he as a character will always exist in DIO’s shadow. Part 6 bends over backwards trying to tie itself to Part 3 and the part is hamstrung by it. Part 7 is completely unfettered and its quality speaks for itself. I’d go so far as to say Part 3 is the only time an overarching narrative actually paid off for Araki.

Planet Waves was alright for a straight-up fistfight.

>That's why it's a standalone Part.
Yes standalone as in FILLER

Yeah, beating up your neighbor to straighten them out. Believable.

>That's what the use of 'filler' implies dipshit.
To you, maybe. For other people filler just means filler.

it was bad because it was a fucking shitty stand that could only swim fast in the sea and was defeated by an asspull

Part 5 is good. Not kino, but still good. Why all the hate?

By your logic, so are Parts 2, 4, 7 and 8. I have already gone over this.
People who cry about "filler parts" in JoJo, are fucking idiots. They're probably Shounenfags who read shit like One Piece or Dragon Ball Super.
So you're saying stuff is only filler if you don't like it, not for actual concrete reasons like what the overarching story is.
Christ, these newfaggot fans are a fucking cancer.

2 is meh aside from Joseph, 4 is pure shit aside from Kira

It is if they suddenly went through a huge power trip because they thought they were suddenly hot shit. Beating the shit out of them would make them quickly realize that their newfound power doesn't make them any better than their neighbors, especially if most of them also have crazy powers.

That might actually be something Josuke wouldn't be able to fix. They would essentially become one's natural eyes, so he might not be able to revert it as their is no "damage" to fix, like how Okuyasu's dad was stuck the way he was because his stand made him into something different.

You need a high IQ to understand that episode anom

It was a stand that could immobilize your own stand and drain its power in addition to using physical attacks. Not to mention the first half of the arc being dedicated to the suspense of not knowing who the user was. Not bad for the second enemy stand user in the entire series.

>So Part 5 isn't filler now? I'm getting mixed messages here.
I sat iy's filler cause it doesn't give any kind of more info in the other future parts (in this case only OC), not even any characters. It only stays in itself, which I'm not saying it's wrong just that it's there like a ornament. That's why also I don't like SBR having the Jojo logo, it could also work alone with, well "Jojo"lion, as another series.

Planet Waves is going to get fucked in the anime. People stopping to narrate and David’s slideshow approach to animating the source material are going to destroy any sense of pacing. I know this is a problem that effects all the stand fights, but Planet Waves being an extreme CQC wrestling match is going to exacerbate it. I doubt the Planet Waves match didn’t last any longer than 4 minutes in-universe.

Even small towns have bar fights, dude, and that’s before dudes get high on stando power.

>Not bad for the second enemy stand user in the entire series
weren’t kaykojin, polnareff and tower fo grey before him? Or you’re counting since polnareff incorporation to the party?

I've said it before, but I don't think DavidPro is a good studio and, despite some neat musical choices and the OPs/EDs, they really botched their adaptations for parts 3-5. 1 and 2 came out pretty well, but their animation has too much QUALITY and lacks the sense of movement this series needs in its adaptations.

>I sat iy's filler cause it doesn't give any kind of more info in the other future parts (in this case only OC), not even any characters.
That's fucking retarded and you know it. Part 6 gives us ZERO information on future parts as well.
>It only stays in itself, which I'm not saying it's wrong just that it's there like a ornament.
Which is why it ties back to Part 4 with the arrows, Part 3 with explaining who got DIO his stand arrow as well as bringing back Polnareff.
>That's why also I don't like SBR having the Jojo logo, it could also work alone with, well "Jojo"lion, as another series.
You're an idiot.
Again, people who call things "filler" in JoJo just don't get it and are probably the newest of newfags.

It drops hard in quality whenever Diavolo himself or Giorno are on screen and it’s all business all the time like part 3. Bruno, Narancia and Mista are all fucking solid though.

I agree completely. Part 2’s anime was hugely elevated by incredible sound design.

>Koichi didn’t actually guess Yasuho’s eyes correctly and she just gave them back because she thought their highschool romance was sweet
I don’t remember any selfcest in Part 4.

>So you're saying stuff is only filler if you don't like it, not for actual concrete reasons like what the overarching story is.
It's filler because it fills the space between Parts 4 and 6 without adding anything to the series. Part 5 has no consequences. None of the characters it introduces ever appear again, none of the events from the plot have any impact on other parts, none of the stand mechanics it introduces are ever used again, none of the "lore" that it adds to the part every becomes relevant again.

You can't say that of any other part, except 6, but 6 was the ending so the same standards can't apply. Part 2 introduces characters that are seen in future parts. Part 4 introduces plot devices which are seen in future parts. All the parts feed something into the next parts, except 5.

And yeah, you CAN read any of these parts out of order. You don't NEED to read Part 2 to enjoy Joseph in Part 3. But that doesn't mean that Part 2 is "filler", because it still introduces Joseph. Something that introduces important story elements can't be filler and nothing introduced in Part 5 was important.

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>That's fucking retarded and you know it. Part 6 gives us ZERO information on future parts as well.
That's why all the universe reset shit was for. That's why I'm saying SBR and JL could be better as non-Jojo stories.
>You're an idiot.

>Part 4 introduces plot devices which are seen in future parts
Yeah, in part 5. By your logic, nothing that happens in part 4 matters at all. The arrow only appears in part 5 and part of part 6, but part 6 already tells us that DIO gets his stand from the arrow, so it's appearance in part 4 isn't all that important.

>It's filler because it fills the space between Parts 4 and 6 without adding anything to the series.
It adds more lore on the Stand arrows, explains how DIO got his stand in the first place and explains what happened to Polnareff following Part 3.
>Part 5 has no consequences. None of the characters it introduces ever appear again, none of the events from the plot have any impact on other parts, none of the stand mechanics it introduces are ever used again, none of the "lore" that it adds to the part every becomes relevant again.
Outside of Stand Arrows, the exact same thing can be said about Part 4.
>You can't say that of any other part, except 6, but 6 was the ending so the same standards can't apply. Part 2 introduces characters that are seen in future parts. Part 4 introduces plot devices which are seen in future parts.
Arbitrary. You just don't like Part 5 and try to shoehorn the idea of filler into a series where it doesn't work. Part 2 doesn't fucking matter to the overarching story. You can skip it and go straight to Part 3 and you won't notice anything. Part 4 doesn't matter outside of stand arrows... which are also in Part 5 and explained better.
>And yeah, you CAN read any of these parts out of order.
Based partskipper?
Also, again, by your own logic, 7 and 8 are filler. Kill yourself Shounenfag.
>That's why I'm saying SBR and JL could be better as non-Jojo stories.
They still tie into the aspect of fate and using familiar names and stands is important to their story. They are JoJo through and through.
Because you are.

>Strangely, the "filler" parts are the best ones
No they aren't if it has nothing to do with DIO vs the Joestars it's filler that can be skipped.

Here are all the cancers that ruin JoJo discussion
>People who call Parts "Filler"
>People who shit on any Part for no well explained reason
>People who say "Jotaro has no character" and don't explain why
>People who say "Giorno has no personality" and don't explain why
>People who say "Jolyne is female Jotaro" and don't explain why
>People who encourage or participate in Part skipping
>People who haven't read the manga
>"People" who use Dub names
>Part 7 incels who claim Part 8 is shit

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If the arrow was important in Part 6, the part that introduced the arrow wasn't filler.

>It adds more lore on the Stand arrows,
None of this lore is important to future parts. It's actually never mentioned again.
>explains how DIO got his stand in the first place
That was Part 4
>and explains what happened to Polnareff following Part 3.
Again, this information is never relevant to future parts.
>Outside of Stand Arrows, the exact same thing can be said about Part 4.
But the stand arrows do exist. So the exact same thing can't be said about Part 4.
>Part 2 doesn't fucking matter to the overarching story.
It doesn't matter if it matters to what you decided the overarching story is. Part 2 introduces a character who is relevant in future parts. Part 5 does not.

>You can skip it and go straight to Part 3 and you won't notice anything.
>Based partskipper?
I'm going to assume this was a joke.

>Also, again, by your own logic, 7 and 8 are filler.
7 and 8 are a separate story from the first 6 and many, many plot elements of 7 are relevant to 8. You confused your own logic for mine.

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It has the best panel.

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Janken Kid is horrible though.

>None of this lore is important to future parts. It's actually never mentioned again.
Except it explains which arrow gave Pucci his stand and lays out how many stand arrows there are.
>That was Part 4
Part 5 explains who dug up the arrows and sold them to DIO.
>But the stand arrows do exist. So the exact same thing can't be said about Part 4.
Except Part 4's info on the Stand Arrows is completely pointless at best and it's better explained in Parts 5 and 6. Stand arrows is literally the only thing Part 4 has and you're reaching so hard just because you don't like Part 5.
>It doesn't matter if it matters to what you decided the overarching story is. Part 2 introduces a character who is relevant in future parts. Part 5 does not.
You can remove Part 2 entirely and nothing will change for the stories of Part 3 and 4. This is objective fact.
>I'm going to assume this was a joke.
It isn't. You're advocating for skipping Parts.
>7 and 8 are a separate story from the first 6 and many, many plot elements of 7 are relevant to 8. You confused your own logic for mine.
7 and 8 have no relevance to the main story dumbass. By your logic, they are filler as they have no relevance to prior parts, or Part 6 is filler since it has no effect on Part 7 and 8. It is one or the other dipshit.

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Bruh, Yo Yo Ma happens RIGHT after this, and that might not even be the worst fight in part 6.

Part 5 introduces dio having children, which is a plot point in 6, so its not filler.

>Except it explains which arrow gave Pucci his stand and lays out how many stand arrows there are.
This is not relevant information. Which arrow Pucci got his stand from doesn't matter. The amount of stand arrows that are out there isn't relevant either. Part 4 already established that there was more than one.
>Part 5 explains who dug up the arrows and sold them to DIO.
Sold them to Enya, you mean. Again, this is not relevant to Part 6.
>Except Part 4's info on the Stand Arrows is completely pointless at best and it's better explained in Parts 5 and 6. Stand arrows is literally the only thing Part 4 has and you're reaching so hard just because you don't like Part 5.
It introduced the arrows. You're the one reaching to try to dismiss that fact because you can't refute me.
>You can remove Part 2 entirely and nothing will change for the stories of Part 3 and 4. This is objective fact.
It doesn't matter if it changes the story or not. It introduced Joseph, who appears in later parts.
>It isn't. You're advocating for skipping Parts.
I wasn't. I was responding to your earlier comment
>People have easily hopped onto Part 3 without having read Part 2. In fact, many were introduced to JoJo's by doing that.
You were the one who said that people skip parts, and I said that just because you can skip parts doesn't make those parts filler.
>7 and 8 have no relevance to the main story dumbass.
Which is something only you care about
>By your logic, they are filler as they have no relevance to prior parts,
Like I keep saying, the important thing is having relevance to future parts. Part 7 introduces a lot of things that are important to 8.
>or Part 6 is filler since it has no effect on Part 7 and 8.
You do realize that Part 7 is not connected to Part 6, right?

It doesn't introduce any of DIO's children who are in Part 6. If Part 5 hinted at the possibility that DIO had more sons, you would have a point.

>This is not relevant information. Which arrow Pucci got his stand from doesn't matter. The amount of stand arrows that are out there isn't relevant either. Part 4 already established that there was more than one.
Arbitrary rule. I can claim Part 4 holds no relevant information as arrows are explained better in the following two parts.
>Sold them to Enya, you mean. Again, this is not relevant to Part 6.
It's relevant in that it explains how stands even started showing up in the first place.
>It introduced the arrows. You're the one reaching to try to dismiss that fact because you can't refute me.
Because you're reaching so fucking hard, just because you don't like Part 5.
>It doesn't matter if it changes the story or not. It introduced Joseph, who appears in later parts.
So I guess explaining what happened to surviving characters in prior parts doesn't matter then? Nothing Part 2 establishes matters in later Parts. Joseph matters in Part 3 the same way Polnareff matters in Part 5.
>I wasn't. I was responding to your earlier comment
Sure you weren't.
>You were the one who said that people skip parts, and I said that just because you can skip parts doesn't make those parts filler.
Okay newfag. The only way you could reasonably get JoJo's in English was through the tankobans of Part 3 (and only Part 3) or through the OVAs that only adapted Part 3. People wondered who Dio was, but didn't wonder what Joseph's story was.
>Which is something only you care about
No, it's something you care about since you keep calling Parts 'filler'.
>You do realize that Part 7 is not connected to Part 6, right?
Yes, so Part 6 is filler, by your logic. It doesn't connect to future parts in any meaningful way. Calling it an 'ending' is a copout at two more parts occur after it.
You are being arbitrary and letting hate blind reasoning. Go back to wherever you came from.

Based FFat phone poster

All I can say to this is that Araki give a big fuck you for not including Giorno in SO, even he hinted us about it.

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>Arbitrary rule. I can claim Part 4 holds no relevant information as arrows are explained better in the following two parts.
It's not arbitrary. I'm not picking and choosing which things I think are relevant or not. I'm telling you when information is introduced and when it gets used in the story again. The existence of stand arrows introduced in Part 4 are featured as a plot point in Part 6. Nothing that Part 5 tells us about the arrows is mentioned in Part 6.
>It's relevant in that it explains how stands even started showing up in the first place.
When is this ever relevant in Part 6?
>Because you're reaching so fucking hard, just because you don't like Part 5.
It is not reaching to say that Part 4 introduced stand arrows to the series.
>So I guess explaining what happened to surviving characters in prior parts doesn't matter then?
Is what happened to Polnareff mentioned in Part 6?
>Nothing Part 2 establishes matters in later Parts.
It establishes Joseph and Joseph matters in later parts.
>Joseph matters in Part 3 the same way Polnareff matters in Part 5.
I agree with this. 2 is important to 3, and 3 is important to 5. However, 5 is not important to anything.
>Sure you weren't.
If you want, you can go back and read my post again (calmly) to see for yourself. I understand that you are feeling emotional right now and it's affecting your reading comprehension.
>No, it's something you care about since you keep calling Parts 'filler'.
Again, you are forcing your own definition of filler on me
>Yes, so Part 6 is filler, by your logic.
Part 6 was the last part. By my logic, it's not filler. You can't just say " by your logic" and then make up some random bullshit and expect me to forget what my own argument is.
>It doesn't connect to future parts in any meaningful way. Calling it an 'ending' is a copout at two more parts occur after it.
Parts 7 and 8 take place in a different continuity.

>It's not arbitrary. I'm not picking and choosing which things I think are relevant or not. I'm telling you when information is introduced and when it gets used in the story again. The existence of stand arrows introduced in Part 4 are featured as a plot point in Part 6. Nothing that Part 5 tells us about the arrows is mentioned in Part 6.
And Part 5 introduces the Beetle Arrow which is used to explain how Pucci got his stand.
>When is this ever relevant in Part 6?
It's relevant to all of Parts 3-6 as it explains where the arrows came from.
>It is not reaching to say that Part 4 introduced stand arrows to the series.
It's reaching to say that this one thing makes Part 4 essential information and totally not filler.
>Is what happened to Polnareff mentioned in Part 6?
Are the events of Part 6 ever mentioned in later Parts?
>If you want, you can go back and read my post again (calmly) to see for yourself. I understand that you are feeling emotional right now and it's affecting your reading comprehension.
See>And yeah, you CAN read any of these parts out of order.
Your words, not mine. Dumbass.
>Again, you are forcing your own definition of filler on me
The definition of filler in regards to anime and manga is content not written by the original writer or approved by them. Technically speaking, you're making up your own definition because you don't like Part 5, despite Part 5 adding new information to the series.
>Part 6 was the last part. By my logic, it's not filler.
Except it isn't as there are two Parts labelled Part 7 and 8, and Part 6 has no information relevant to them. It is NOT the last Part.
So, by your definition, Part 6 is filler.
>Parts 7 and 8 take place in a different continuity.
Different Universe more like. Again, Part 6 has no information relevant to future Parts, it is filler by your definition (which isn't even the definition of what filler is in regards to anime and manga).

>And Part 5 introduces the Beetle Arrow which is used to explain how Pucci got his stand.
The fact that it has a beetle on it is not relevant to Pucci getting a stand. He doesn't use it to go Requiem or anything like that, he uses it like a normal arrow.
>It's relevant to all of Parts 3-6 as it explains where the arrows came from.
They don't talk about where the arrows came from in Part 6. It's not part of the story. Not mentioned. Not relevant.
>It's reaching to say that this one thing makes Part 4 essential information and totally not filler.
See, you're projecting your own standards on to me again. I said that Part 4 introduces something that is seen again in later parts. Unlike 5.
>Are the events of Part 6 ever mentioned in later Parts?
No because 6 was the last part of the original universe. Unlike 5.
>Your words, not mine. Dumbass.
What do you think "CAN" means?
>The definition of filler in regards to anime and manga is content not written by the original writer or approved by them. Technically speaking, you're making up your own definition because you don't like Part 5, despite Part 5 adding new information to the series.
That's a term people use to talk about adaptations. We're talking about the source material.
>Except it isn't as there are two Parts labelled Part 7 and 8, and Part 6 has no information relevant to them. It is NOT the last Part.
It is the last part of the story.
>So, by your definition, Part 6 is filler.
Again, no.
>Different Universe more like.
Are you saying that you think 6 and 7 are in the same continuity?
>Again, Part 6 has no information relevant to future Parts, it is filler by your definition (which isn't even the definition of what filler is in regards to anime and manga).
There are no future parts after 6. Part 7 is a new story that does not continue where 6 ended. I can't believe that you would actually try to make this argument. Do you even believe it yourself or are you just desperate?

Good for him. The ending would have been so shitty if Giorno randomly showed up and used GER to instantly save the day.

>literally just going in circles with a guy who makes up arbitrary rules about what filler is because he doesn't like Part 5
Yeah, I'm done. It was a mistake to talk to the fillerfags.
This will be my last post in response to you, I'm not dealing with this autism any more.
Filler doesn't exist in the JoJo's manga. Everything Araki write he feels is important to the series. Claiming that filler exists means you completely missed the point so hard that the point is now fucking your mother on the other side of the world.
If you claim filler exists, than Part 7 and 8 are objectively filler as they have nothing to do with Part 1-6. This is objective.
Also, I believe you are that stupid, yes. You just deny it because that would ruin your headcanon about filler and other nonsense.
Go back to your One Piece threads or wherever you fucking nutters came from.

>If you claim filler exists, than Part 7 and 8 are objectively filler as they have nothing to do with Part 1-6. This is objective.
How? I don't even know what your thought process is anymore.
>Also, I believe you are that stupid, yes.
>You just deny it because that would ruin your headcanon about filler and other nonsense.
These aren't even responses to things I've said.

After seeing this, it's no surprise that you want to stop arguing. You've dug yourself into a pretty deep hole.

early on in part 7 sure, but overall it's some of the best. especially part 8

VAchads = high IQ individuals
VAhaters = stupid plebs filtered by the sleeping slaves arc

jotaro is retarded after part 3

>Jotaro has no character
He’s supossed to be a edgy CHAD that always successes due to his cold mind but yet he’s easily angered
>Giorno has no personality
He’s supossed to be vandal with s gold heart. Yeah maybe he would steal a little bit of money, but that doesn’t mean he would allow things like killing innocent people or selling drugs to kids. He wants to be a gang-star and will do anything to sucess by his own methods

This. That shit was just stupid and poorly written.
What hot babe would ever want Koichlet?

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Jotaro becomes a better character in part 6 when his age catches up to him and he actually jobs for once.
Giorno is a retarded 300 IQ mary sue that everybody likes. He figures out enemy stand abilities in two seconds and always comes up with some stupid bullshit that makes him win. Literally the worst character in Jojo, even Shigechi is better. Abbacchio was right for shitting on him.

>even Shigechi is better
What do you mean "even Shigechi"?

>Giorno is a retarded 300 IQ mary sue that everybody likes.
For once i thought you were talking about bruno

But dio is boring

Giorno didnt even beat the most enemies in his arc.
Mista had more wins.

Mista is a jobber.

Mista only has one kill in his first battle. The rest are stolen by Bruno or Giorno

Meestah did more in the arc that Giorno did. Beating Diavolo at the end was like the only thing he did.

>Mista had more wins.
1. Sale
2. Uhh... that's all.

>i kicked a bullet precisely into a helicopter blade and then into your head and turned it into a beetle even though gold experience needs to punch something with its hands for it to activate
>i turned a motorcycle into a hand into a piranha into a hand into a piranha into a motorcycle, aaaaand now you're on fire
>gold experience technically didn't touch the bullet that went into your head mista but it healed anyways whatever
Don't even get me started on the bullshit that is GER

>Defeat Bruno
>Kill Popplio
>Kill Ciocholatta
>Kill Di Moltonguy
>Kill gay boss mafia
He did goo

Giorno only had a legit win against Babyface.
All his other fights Mista did most of the work while the real strong enemy got soloed by Bruno.
Even Green Tea was more Mista

very true

>mary sue that everybody likes
it's all that brainwashing restaurant I tell you

Mista only had one win against Sale.

Only thing he did without massive help was beat Babyface.
Joseph soloed an invicible god in an exploding volcano while being just a guy with no stand.
Gioro isn't even close to as big a mary sue as Joseph.
And how about Jotaro.
>I put phonebooks in my jacket but the audience didn't see it

>>I put phonebooks in my jacket but the audience didn't see it
That's not being a mary sue. It's called being smart because the evil homosexual vampire who you're fighting had a shit ton of knives in his pockets. And it's actually good that Araki didn't show Jotaro putting them in his shirt because it makes the reader on the edge of their seat thinking how Jotaro will survive.
and at least Joseph is funny and does outrageous shit instead of being stoic 100% of the time like Gi*rno

Honestly this. DP needs to start showing more and telling less. Araki had an excuse some times because its hard to explain still images, but even then he puts in WAY too much exposition. Best example I can think of is the beginning of the Wammu vs Caesar fight, when they're out in the snow. The fight is put on hold as the narrator says "but, wamuu did something unexpected! all falling person normally tries to stop themselves, but wamuu fell backwards on purpose!" Why not just fucking show him doing that, does that REALLY need to be told to us? When jojo has rare moments of pure hand to hand, the choreography is told rather than shown, its retarded.

Did you know meti has a 6'2 girlfriend that pegs him daily?


HxH adaptation does this too. It's annoying and made the Chimera Island Arc unbearable.

I really hope Made in Heaven plays while the world is ending. I doubt David Productions will get the rights, but this song sounds so fucking powerful. It just sounds like the world is fucking ending.


>DP gets the rights to use it
>CR still calls it "Maiden Heaven"
>they even edit the song out and replace it with random tracks from the OST

So Made in Heaven is officially the most powerful Stand in the series, right? No other Stand was as utterly catastrophic.

If they can't get the rights, I hope they still steal the opening riffs and implement it into a different track.
I mean earthbound got away with it

Every chapterwith the alien from part 4.

It was the most utterly catastrophic stand in the series.


Being catastrophic doesn't necisarilly make it powerful. Star Platinum: The World directly hard counters it. The problem is that Jotaro had to protect Jolyne at the same time.

So wait, am I right in thinking that Diavolo is the incarnation of the Devil that inserted himself into the world via a random prison chick and as such is Doppio's father?

And if that's the case, what did Araki mean by having Doppio grow up in a church?

Useless jobber

>So wait, am I right in thinking that Diavolo is the incarnation of the Devil that inserted himself into the world via a random prison chick and as such is Doppio's father?

Jotaro can only catch Pucci in timestop thanks to Annasui tanking hits for him in the first place

Its the only viable explanation for how the chick got randomly pregnant in a day and you can't deny that the dude's name is literally Devil.

I like to imagine that he used King Crimson as a sperm to end up in her womb without the father impregnating her.

How is it a viable explanation? It doesn't even make logical sense.

Attached: hair.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

>he's a disembodied ghost with a stand that floats around
>finds this chick, inseminates her with his ?soul? then cuts 9 months worth of time just for her womb so she's instantly pregnant

Diavolo was a human. He was the boss of the Italian mafia. I know this because I read Jojo Part 5.

>logic in jojo
How else would your "logic" explain an instant unfathered pregnancy then?

I too have read Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind

>logic in jojo
Did you not use logic to create your theory in the first place? If you didn't think logic matters in Jojo, then you wouldn't be trying to explain something which is supposed to be a mystery.

you didnt even read stone ocean faggot lmao

What is the worst Stand and why is it Justice?

Attached: Justice.png (746x1018, 1.74M)

>an instant unfathered pregnancy
It was a two year pregnancy and he had a father.

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What I used are the facts and augmented jojo logic that allows for everything depending on how Araki feels.

That's not even a question. It's either Yo Yo Ma or Death 13.

I like how Dio said that Survivor is the worst Stand of all time, but it's so fucking useful compared to Death 13.

But FF can't drown and the body is long dead, it wasn't breathing. She's a hivemind of plankton shouldn't even have effected them on individual level.

You joking?

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I thought Justice was really cool but man the end of that fight was a letdown

>Wound someone
>You gain complete control over their body

The fuck kind of drugs are you smoking and where can I get some?

That's actually a really great stand, seeing as you can essentially puppet anything with a hole

Death 13 was only shit because that dumb baby kept letting Kakyoin wake up again and again. If he had just waited for everyone to fall asleep in the desert he could've killed them all easily.

This stand is so forgettable that after all these years only just realized that funfunfun has the same power

Then quit trying to hide behind the
>logic in Jojo
excuse. I'm telling you that your theory is dumb and doesn't work even within Jojo's own internal logic.

>I have a bad memory and I am stupid

Death 13 is a Stand that can only attack you in the dream world. It can't protect you in any way. Not only can it not protect you, but Stand users can manifest their Stands in the fucking dream world.

Death 13 is shit. It's just pure shit.

Well human pregnancies aren't two years long and it would have shown long befoee the birth, which was expanded upon in the anime, stating that she wasn't looking pregnant the day before that, implying the baby developed (or appeared to have) in minutes. The vague explanation for the father is what the woman would have probably made up to explain it, since she couldn't understand it herself. Then again you have the fact that he's called Diavolo and I don't particularly believe the 2 different personality shit.

To me its much more believable that Doppio was the son of the Devil and had been possessed by him, resulting in Diavolo. The same Diavolo that wanted to bring misery and corruption where he went by running a mafia that sold drugs to children and facilitated crime, very evil things akin to a demon. Doppio was also raised in a church (couldn't be random) and was ultimately defeated by the son of DIO (which translates to God). These are too many coincidences for it to be random, but P5 was a mess so who the fuck knows.

yoyoma is probably the worst but I'm going go away from that say Sky high sucks especially compared under world and Bohemian Rhapsody. I am a rock is an ugly stand.

So what bands/songs do you want referenced in Jojo, Yea Forums?

Personally I want Big Iron, The Trooper, All-American Rejects, The Killers, Ring of Fire and Aces High.

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>and I don't particularly believe the 2 different personality shit.
Uhh... you don't get to choose which facts from the manga are real or not. Araki said he has two personalities, so he does.

Well if that's the case and you want to believe everything that's written, then sure the mom was 2 years pregnant and randomly insta-preggoed and went into labor. Sure. The dual-personality thing was implied by the characters but never once was directly stated by either character of Doppio or Diavolo, as in flashbacks where Doppio develops Diavolo as a result of severe trauma.

>To me its much more believable that Doppio was the son of the Devil and had been possessed by him, resulting in Diavolo. The same Diavolo that wanted to bring misery and corruption where he went by running a mafia that sold drugs to children and facilitated crime, very evil things akin to a demon.
I take it you aren't very religious because this sounds nothing like any kind of devil I've heard of.

>The dual-personality thing was implied by the characters but never once was directly stated by either character of Doppio or Diavolo
But your devil theory wasn't stated or implied.

Do you think Araki is lying to us?

Stands can only be manifested if the stand was out when the user fell asleep. If the user doesn't know about the stand attack he's fucked.

>It can't protect you in any way.
There are other stands like that that are more useless than Death 13.

>Doppio develops Diavolo as a result of severe trauma.
You mean Diavolo develops Doppio

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The most useless stand is that vampire in DIO's Manor that can make any face he wants on the back of his head.

That's not a stand

He needs a vessel in the mortal realm so he literally creates one using this woman. And also the identity thing, he didn't want anyone to know who he really was. Wouldn't that make a lot more sense if he was the fucking Devil hiding in our world, instead of some extremely careful mafia boss?

The whole issue here is how limited information Araki gives on Diavolo. No motivations, no real backstory that details the interaction between the "personalities" or as I see it the Devil and his vessel.

I feel like this is bullshit as well, no priest would name his adopted son Diavolo.

user I don't think you know what the Devil is.

The implication here is possession, and instead of trying to possess a fully formed person who would resist him, he creates a new vessel, one that would allow him to hide perfectly (since Doppio looks so young) and looks nothing like him and would not resist him and fight back against the "headaches" and the "ringing".

>He needs a vessel in the mortal realm
>so he literally creates one using this woman.
How? He's not a human so how can he impregnate anybody? And how can he be his own baby? And who is Doppio?
>And also the identity thing, he didn't want anyone to know who he really was. >Wouldn't that make a lot more sense if he was the fucking Devil hiding in our world, instead of some extremely careful mafia boss?
No. That doesn't make any sense. Why would an immortal demon fear assasination by humans? If they killed his mortal form or whatever you think he is, he could make a new one.

What scripture is this based off of?

If you're going to call canon facts bullshit then there is no point in trying to discuss anything.

DD is genuinely pretty good. Just because you didn't understand it doesn't make it bad.
Most of the first half of SC for me. It's just so fucking boring.

I changed my mind, sleeping slaves is the worst. So bad that I blocked it from my memory. Pointless extra arc that does nothing except make the whole part meaningless.

You redeemed yourself quite well user.

No, that would be the part 5 finale

so you're a pleb and your opinion is worthless got it

Should you watch the anime before or after reading the manga?

Ah yes, every caring loving priest would name his adopted son fucking "devil". Suck me off retard.


Based and redpilled

Well to be fair, Death 13 wasn't born yet.

What about King Nothing? It's literally just a flying dog

In terms of function I thought Green Day was pretty stupid
>Go down you die
>Go up you live
Just weirdly specific

Also that guy's stand in part 6 that lets him control those flying creatures
>Create some new species of thing that conveniently nobody has ever seen before
>Attack a very specific part of your body
>Manifests as a gay-ass bracelet
Why didn't Araki just make the flying flatworm things the stand, seemed like just an unnecessary layer of convolution.

>Not liking every part of its own qualities instead of ranking and putting them against another them like a pleb
Stuff like, Part 5 is the closest JoJo ever got to be a pure battle manga. Part 4 being this Conan esque detective story with charming characters. Part 6 is anime Hogan's Heros and what not. I don't see how you can directly compare them to each other like that.

>turn your brain off
this is bullshit

>create some new species of thing
rods have always existed as a cryptid
>attack a very specific part of your body
no they don't, they can attack all parts of your body
>manifests as a gay-ass bracelet
I guess, I don't know why it looks like a frog.

are you retarded

>rods have always existed as a cryptid
I'd never heard of them, that actually kinda redeems the Stand a bit for me.

Alessi is a character in that old ass CPS3 fighting game and one of his moves is actually the de-aging power. He can use it on every character in the game and it produces various results to their sprite and moveset (like turning Mariah into that one random old lady during her arc or turning Jotaro into a grade schooler). Needless to say Old Joseph's de-aging effect is actually him turning into Young Joseph (who's also a character in that game).
It was also the first piece of media that gave Midler an actual design.

Attached: MidlerFull.png (768x1024, 1.06M)

Giorno vs Babyface
A lot of people shit on this fight, but it's fucking amazing in the anime.

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Well there's no use trying to make any bloody sense of the stand/fight, might as well just assume Araki knows what he's doing.

I'm still holding out for a Fall Out Boy stand even though I know it probably won't happen

Imagine having such a shit taste.

As far as stand names:
Wrathchild, Offspring, Anthrax, Maneater, Faith No More, Widespread Panic, Social Distortion, Square Hammer, Fu Manchu, and Paralyzer (yes the maroon 5 one)

So I'm not the only one who hated the alessi arc.

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Fuck off. It was nice having an actual physical fight again.

I think the warm colours in part 7 coloured makes it more rustic feeling.

>Part 7
>no connection to Dio vs Joestars

At least DP actually seems to be fucking animating Fire Force. We can only hope they take this approach going forward.

Fuck off Shigechi was great.

Wonder if Tusk 4 could disable it.

Sorry Yukako but Koichi-Kun belongs to me.

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>comparing shitting slaves to hamlet
opinion discarted


Possibly, it worked reasonably well even against The World which is pretty much one of the only stands that could possibly fight MiH, especially if it was Dio's The World since he can stop time far longer than Jotaro.

GER probably cucks it, but since MiH in universal, it could possibly activate outside of GER's range, but then again GER could also potentially nullify MiH's affect on itself, meaning Giorno and GER are brought into the new universe completely untouched.

That's his canon birth name, yeah.


I'm pretty sure Tusk Act 4 could also beat GER. The whole point of infinity was you can't nullify it, which was why Valentine was still getting hit by it in universes where Johnny never hit him with it.

Honestly I wish we saw more of Tusk 4 in it's crazy predator mode. It's a pretty scary looking stand.

Hey man, he could have solved the Kira issue easy. Harvest was an awesome stand and he made great use of it in battle. We need more swarm stands, since Harvest and Bad Company were both cool.

Yuya could have solved the Kira issue easy.
>Josuke goes to Yuya because Koichi is missing
>Doesn't ask for him to track Kira

Attached: dum.png (278x259, 73K)

Act 4 still needs to be shot and hit a target, GER would never let it hit giorno.

I think Araki was addressing power creep in part 6. Like end of the world scenario would be the result if someone just didn't care and wanted to destroy the world with the right combination of stands.

The connection is sort of there, like how Johnathan is fated to lose to Dio, but it's a completely different Dio whereas Parts 1 and 3-6 showed the reverberations of the original Dio.

>The whole point of infinity was you can't nullify it, which was why Valentine was still getting hit by it in universes where Johnny never hit him with it.
It was that "infinity" crossed dimensions, so Valentine couldn't body swap to get rid of it because it would follow him infinitely to the other dimension, and he also wasn't immune to it during Love Train, which was an "9n-between" dimension that usually makes him invincible while he's inside it, even if he's been hurt critically.

The way GER works obviously is that it negates any effect a stand user applies to Giorno/itself, so I feel like if GER can see something like King Crimson during erased time and epitaph then it wouldn't have any probably stopping Tusk Act 4 before it applies the rotation.

Maybe if Johnny was actually able to land the shot it might, but he had severe trouble landing it on Dio never mind a stand that can completely nullify those time based stand users like GER could.

true, it was garbage. only pseuds like it

Stopping Johnny from firing the bullet is one thing, stopping Tusk itself is another. We've seen that it can just straight up rip bullshit like Love Train apart and move within stopped time. It seems to be able to just straight up overcome the effects of other Stands.

Even Tusk 4 doesn't have a stand page as bullshit as this, there just isn't a stand that could beat it, sorry m8.

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The smoke trick and the star finger trick are pretty based. There's hardly any truly bad fights in SC.

based hairposter

About 85% of shitdust's fights are truly bad


Thank god Araki rebooted jojo after part 6.

its a fine fight, but the fact that they didn't go for the thing with somebody with 50 iq would've thought "being young joseph's return) is fucking stupid


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hftf gang rise up

Jotaro's a better character after part 3 because he's not infallible. The stoic type like him always seems to work better as a side character.

Alessi knows that targeting an old man has the risk of making them more powerful.

no he doesn't, hes a fucking dumbass

and even if it was, thats a shitty excuse for something cool to not happen

He’d need to have a single digit IQ to take that risk.

Yeah, all of the stuff in those chapters where Sky High was introduced were actual theories that people held in real life about the possible existence of rods.

Why do normies dislike Alessi so much? Is it because of the shota dick?

Wheel of Fortune is one of the worst and ends up being a fairly disappointing fight. It's not a terrible fight, but the stand itself is kind of stupid. It's just a weird, all-purpose car that can weaponize gasoline. It's not the weakest stand, but it's just not very memorable or creative. I do like that the name is just a bad pun though.

His only means of defeating someone in combat is by de-aging them. He's too weak to beat Joseph unless he makes him a child, so if he wants to pick them all off one-by-one, then he'd have to take that risk eventually.

color definetly helps, first time reading it in monochrome it was really difficult to understand the art, but honestly its because i am retarded

He doesn’t need to kill them all to get paid by Dio. Even if he only killed Polnareff and Jotaro, he’d cripple the team and be greatly rewarded for it.

Probably because it's shit.

Jotaro was fallible in Part 3.

>Range: None
So Giorno survived Made in Heaven intact like Emporio?

I'm pretty sure he could have survived Made in Heaven regardless of GER's range.

That's what I'm saying, obviously in melee range he could survive and probably just nullify and kill Pucci, but say he's in Italy while Pucci is in Florida using MiH (which is universe wide range), does this "none" for range also mean infinite, so he'd nullify MiH's effect on himself and get dragged into the new universe un-altered like Emporio?

Not nearly as much, and he held up his stoic demeanor for nearly the entire part. He was clever and acted as a good straight man, but being the focus of a story as long as part 3 (even though Polnareff got nearly as much or more at times) can be tiresome. His usual way of doing things was just punching harder or faster. There were few times he had to think outside the box and do more than punching once he figured out who the enemy was. Parts 4 and 6 give him some genuine "oh shit" moments where he might actually die because someone got a leg up on him. His punching schtick doesn't get old there either because he's not a major focus of the story and is instead treated as the veteran combat stand user with an extremely powerful ability as well as experience. It's harder to take Jotaro seriously in part 3 because he goes from not knowing how stands work at all or what he can really do to mastering his stand save for the time stop that he doesn't develop until later. in part 3, he's a 0 to hero within the first few chapters whereas his power and skill in parts 4 and 6 are more believable, but he still makes some mistakes.

Made in Heaven doesn't effect people, it only effects the world around them. All you need to do to survive it is not get hit by a speeding car or exploding building.

He probably didn't even have GER at the time. It's an ability he has to conscious take steps to activate by stabbing Gold Experience with the arrow again as it's only a temporary ability. Unless he immediately thought to shank his stand with the arrow, then he likely just got thrown into the new world the same as everyone else. Also

Giorno was probably sleeping, since he lives in Italy.

With how crazy shit was going, he probably woke up. If not when his mouth started to get exceedingly dry then probably when the building he was started to crumble.

There were still moments where Jotaro just straight up gets fucked and had to be bailed out by another character.

>Giorno's bed and clothes disintegrate, causing him to wake up
>by the time he wakes up, he laying in a grassy field
How would he react?

Reminder that Giorno had a vibrator in his ass when MIH was activated, and he wasn’t able to figure out what was happening before the sped up vibrator killed him by tearing his anus apart.

Man what was up with part 6
The first arc is also basically just a giantess dom antagonist
I'm sad that we barely got to see more gwess, i think she was really cute

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The Stand cry will be " DU DU DU DU HAST"
nvm that sounds stupid

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Reminder that, on the original universe, the real JoJo is only the Dio Brando vs Joestar Family storyline, therefore, the rest is just either filler or spinoffs. By that, only parts 1, 3 and 6 are important, the rest just adds a little bit of lore into the stand powers and that's it.
>muh shit taste!!!!
Yeah, good luck with using your time watching retarded episodes about a metrosexual commiting estelionate or a 15 yo becoming the mafia leader because "drugs bad killing ok"
>muh skipping parts bad!!!
Yeah, I never skipped a part, I read/watched to make sure I'm not one of you plebs who can't see through Araki writings.
It's pretty simple how he, for example, thinks he made a mistake making part 5, since those italian niggas never showed up to help, even tho Giorno was being called by Dio's bone through Pucci and Giorno was in Florida during the C-Moon events.

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Gwess best girl, just a little bit misunderstood, literally did nothing wrong, Jolyne is just a mean bully

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I thought she would join the team when she showed up in Jail house lock

Please fucking tell me Mania made you want to blow your brains out user

She’s a tranny


Shut up meti

Why do ESL retards do this?

>Jolyne is female Jotaro
How did this meme even start? She has these moments of Jotaro-like toughness, but her personality is more than just that.

Speedreaders and animeonlys are the cause of all strife within the JoJo's community. They should be purged

Where does it say that contact activated stands can only be activated via hand contact

Unless you’re a 14 year old girl this is very sad.

>Where does it say that contact activated stands can only be activated via hand contact
In its goddamn name itself
Besides, Bruno himself said that GE only works by touching it with its hands, that's why all the Notorius BIG arc had its tension

Sky High is great. It can literally give you cancer.

Nah, it was a fun fight, Dragons Dream was a really creative idea that felt refreshing but not too OP, led to an interesting fight that was basically just FF trying desperately to work within the 'luck/feng shui' rules and hints to defeat the enemy.

Also Annasui's intro/attack was a great way to end it, definitely a strong entrance, even if he was underused overall.

Fun Fun Fun is just a weaker Justice.
And it’s still pretty strong unless you can erase your foot steps

GER vs Tusk Act 4 is just an unstoppable force versus an immovable object.

Fun Fun Fun is garbage in basically every situation, and god forbid if the enemy knows what your power is, you're fucked.

The amount of preparation/environmental advantage you need is just ridiculous, like if all you want to do is drown chicks at the beach, sure you do that, but in any actual fight you'd be screwed if you didn't have heaps of time to work with.

That’s the point, Fun Fun Fun isn’t a direct combat power stand, it’s an ambush stand that requires preparation. Just look at the difference between when Ojirou attacks Josuke versus when he attacks Jobin and Tsurugi, with merely some glass windows he managed to put them in a tight spot. If Gappy hadn’t erased his footsteps, Ojirou would have drowned him.

>Giorno was probably sleeping, since he lives in Italy.
Didn't Araki say Giorno was in Florida at the time of Part 6? Also GER is subconscious, it protects him no matter what.

That probably got retconned. If he was in Florida, then he is currently in the new world with all of his memories of what just happened but no idea why it happened.
Also, the arrow fell out, he'd need to shove it back in first.

Giorno was at Disneyland with his best friend Mista.

I love her sexy bee colored prison uniform

What did they do when Mickey disappear?

That'd be Whammu's cry for his Stand,「Sandstorm」

>was being called by Dio's bone through Pucci and Giorno was in Florida during the C-Moon events
The ones who showed up all lacked something in life such as motivation or fulfillment. Giorno is lacking neither of those things and likely only felt a slight compulsion to go to Florida. Fucker probably just thought he wanted to go to Disney World or something. Rikiel, Ungalo, and Versace had major issues that were roughly satisfied by answering the call of their father's spirit.

What chapter was this explained?

I think Annasui ended up kind of overused in that Araki kept coming up with new capabilities for Diver Down as it went on. Thing can do fucking anything.
>hide inside of objects
>change the structure of objects
>transfer impacts/damage
>is a strong punch ghost on its own
>add or remove things inside of objects like when he gave Yo Yo Ma brain surgery in a split second so that it had frog-like compulsions
There are so many actual applications that it's crazy.

Not one exact chapter for them all, but each of them had a moment in their fights where they came to some kind of resolution about their lives because of their newfound powers. Rikiel was proud to work for Pucci because it gave him the strength and confidence to do things for himself and overcome his health. Ungalo felt like he had finally become someone worth something thanks to obtaining Bohemian Rhapsody because he had lived his life up to that point as a loser with no skills or prospects. Immediately becomes catatonic and loses the will to live once he's defeated and his ability is basically perma-countered. Versace was resolved to take his fate into his own hands and to take happiness for himself after gaining Under World. I believe there was a chapter where they all met in a hospital in Florida briefly and Pucci talked to them about how it was their fate to find fulfillment in assisting their father's ambition. I'll look for the exact chapters now.

>even if he was underused overall
A lot of the secondary cast was. Ermes disappearing for half of the story was a real shame because she had a neat stand ability with a lot of potential. Annasui, F.F., and Jolyne had great group chemistry though. Weather Report was always a treat, but mostly after he got his memories back.

Jolyne, Ermes and FF had great group chemistry and then Araki had a stroke.

The Marilyn Manson arc was one of the best ones pre-prison break because of how relevant everyone was for it, but then soon after the Max Security arc started and Ermes got shelved for Annasui. Then F.F. got done in and one of the better parts of the team was gone. Would've been nice if Ermes could've come back for the Jail House Rock arc so that the next time we saw her wasn't after the prison break. She technically appeared on a couple pages at the end of the arc, but that really doesn't count.

WR/Annasui and Jolyne/Ermes/Emporio should have left the prison together instead of getting separated

The cast treatment in 6 still disappoints me. Araki had something good going and then it gets broken apart

It probably would've been more difficult to write fights for them all together. All of them together could've probably defeated just about anything.


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Chapters 103, 111, and 112 have Pucci talking about how they were pulled toward him for a purpose. For Rikiel, chapters 114 and 115 cover his resolution the best. For Ungalo, chapter 110 has him talking about how he owes Pucci his life and how he'll do whatever it takes to protect him for giving him his newfound motivation to mess things up. For Versace, chapter 122 has him talking about how he suffered because he had an ability he had no idea about and how it's because he is a son of Dio and was drawn to Pucci that he can finally turn his life around and take his happiness for himself. All three of them had an issue where they lacked fulfillment in life and were finally only satisfied once they found purpose related to Pucci. For Rikiel and Versace, they had an unknown ability that had been fucking with them their whole lives that they had no idea about, but they were able to utilize it because they came to Florida and met Pucci. Giorno never really had a problem like that because he already had a dream and his own fulfillment in life. Ungalo was just a loser on his own.

Ok, so why was he on Florida

Araki forgot

you happy now look what you made me type

Ungalo? Because he also lacked purpose and was miserable, just not because of having a latent ability he was unaware of. The three of them were drawn to Florida because they needed something to do. Giorno already had shit going on in his life. I mean look at the info cards for Rikiel, Ungalo, and Versace. They're all listed as aimless bums with no ambition.

I meant Giorno. Araki gave a hint he was on Florida as well, but not because of the father's call. It's obvious Araki just retconned it because GER could revert MiH

b&w is better because the colors they use for 7 are ugly

>you happy now
I'm never happy

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I read that bit about him kind of just making a joke about Giorno as Dio's son not being there. He never really confirms or denies Giorno being there and just says that he could be. And there's nothing saying GER would have any effect on MiH. MiH affects the universe as a whole and does nothing inherently harmful nor anything targeted at Giorno. MiH is entirely meant to be a beneficial thing, so there is reason to believe that GER couldn't do anything to it unless Pucci attacks him directly. Giorno would also need time to reactivate GER, and super fast priest moving at incredible hihg speed may prevent that entirely.

It was just a reference he added in the volumes.


There are very few times where Araki actually seemingly forgot something, like lmao2coffin. Most of them time when character abilities change without warning it's because he made them too strong or decided being able to do a certain thing either wasn't interesting or didn't fit the story he was writing. Giorno not appearing isn't Araki forgetting.

I wish Ungalo had gotten more development, Bohemian Rhapsody is my least favorite fight in Part 6 because it doesn't feel like a stand fight. Rykiel and Versace had much stronger motivations and backstories, making them more compelling villains.
Araki does say he makes his special abilities first and develops the rest of the character around that, but Ungalo feels so under developed. His ability doesn't tie into his personality or design either.
If he had some kind of backstory, like he attempted to become a mangaka or some shit but couldn't crack it and turned to drugs he might be a more compelling character.

it's just corpse overriden by plankton

Ungalo really is the least compelling of Dio's sons. He just shows up and does his thing, but isn't even present for most of the fight. I think it's like the sixth chapter of the Bohemian Rhapsody arc where it's finally revealed he's on a plane getting ready to fuck off. Bonuses points for wasting Bohemian Rhapsody on a kind of dumb stand. Araki himself later stated he wished he'd named it something else so that he could use Bohemian Rhapsody as the name for a more fitting stand at some point.

The core concept of stealing fictional characters and using them to attack people is solid, the issue is the execution.
If the ability required Ungalo to physically pull the characters out of some source material, it would have been an infinitely more interesting fight.

Blue Oyster Cult seriously has so many good names such as Astronomy, Flaming Telepaths, Don't Fear the Reaper.
I also want more King Crimson references. The album Red has such good names. Fuck I wouldn't even care if Araki used Elephant Talk I just want more KC

Yeah. Having involved with the fight at all would've given him a better chance to shine. Rykiel and Versace were tested by their fights, but Ungalo just sat back and had no idea what was happening during his. He just eventually knew he lost and went catatonic. You're right that the core idea for the stand is good, but the stand itself is lacking in restrictions and conditions for use. It just runs automatically and starts waking up every fictional character and then fucks with people in weird ways.

Having him actually involved in the fight makes him have to use his brain more as well, as he has to quickly analyze the person he's fighting against and try to figure out what fictional character they like.

Well, Dio is megalomaniac enough to keep 2 coffins in the ship
He could take down Pucci, therefore stop MiH
Ungalo is one of the most shitty characters from JoJo, Versace is the best Dio son hands down

>Versace is the best Dio son
After Giorno, of course

>He could Take Down Pucci, therefore stop MiH
I'm not confident he could. Infinite speed priest could just give him the run around, plus it's hard to imagine Giorno finding a way to get to Pucci through C-Moon unless he goes the same way as Jotaro.

I mean, I'm sure mist would get shot at least twice but Jotaro and Giorno could develop a strategy, given their intellects

There never was two coffins. Don't confuse fan memes with reality.

>Araki kept coming up with new capabilities for Diver Down as it went on
I wouldn't say it's like asspulling new abilities, its more like its a versatile stand that has many uses. It's essentially "phase through objects", everything else is a extension of that.
And at least it's not like Gold Experience
>can fuck up your consciousness
>can detect where his brooch is
>can turn things into bodyparts to heal people
>can turn a gun into a mole and have the mole track down other pieces of the gun

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>Araki himself later stated he wished he'd named it something else so that he could use Bohemian Rhapsody as the name for a more fitting stand at some point.


Part 4 was peak aesthetic out of all the parts, prove me wrong.

Yes that was completely intentional on Araki's part, he literally did not want to give you what you wanted because this is Jotaro's story, not Joseph's. He even said he was reluctant to include Joseph at all, even as an old guy, until he realized he would have changed a lot with age, and HP was written to make him more of a supporting role which imo is better for him

>he literally did not want to give you what you wanted because this is Jotaro's story, not Joseph's.
>arc focuses 90% on naked baby Polnareff

You mean designs? No, half of the main characters (Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi) are just wearing ugly school uniforms and they themselves look dumb, and everyone is wearing ugly ass baggy nigger clothes.

Awful example because guess who saves the day at the end.

So it really is true that if you post it for long enough it becomes good bait

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Diavolo is Satan on a purely metaphorical level. He is not actually a demon, he is not Satan possessing Doppio. He is Doppio/Doppio is his second personality.

Then by that logic it could have focused on Joseph as long as Jotaro showed up by the end.

So you want Joseph to have his awesome badass young self back only to lose so Jotaro can step in?

MiH would have disintegrated the arrow too

One of the smartest posts in these threads

> I’d go so far as to say Part 3 is the only time an overarching narrative actually paid off for Araki.
Most likely cus JoJo was originally meant to end at 3, and it shows. Tho I have absolutely no problem with it continuing afterwards with new characters, cus the family shtick is a lot of fun but it's evident Araki was struggling to come up with excuses and his bad writing gets in the way.

What about
>tHe SaMe tYpE oF a sTaNd As sTaR pLaTiNuM

I can't decide which song I like better, Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town or Great Days.

That's the point. The fact that he popped up in the same coffin is one of the genuine "Araki forgot" moments. Very few times has he actually forgot something, but that was one of them.

Based and phantompilled

Weird since 4 is better than 1-3 combined

>4 better than 1 or 2

Putting someone on the edge of their seat only to solve the situation with something that wasn't at least implied earlier and happens seemingly without warning is what people commonly refer to as an asspull. It's actually less satisfying because it can feel like a cop-out. Now had Jotaro been seen grabbing at a stack of phonebooks or been thrown near some earlier, but the detail is downplayed, then it would feel more satisfying because it would've meant a minor, seemingly unimportant detail actually ended up being important.

Neck yourself

They aren't that good you idiots

Part 4 is the worst part easily, and of course the worst part outside of the real JoJo (Dio vs Joestar storyline).
Only antisocial neckbeards like you love those retarded slice of life, just neck yourself, please.

Well 4 is actually one of my favourites and Araki was clearly in his comfort zone of writing a mystery based around a small town in Japan. It was a good change of pace after 3. Part 5 is where he really dropped the ball imo, Giorno was a great concept for the next JoJo but it was all so poorly executed and barely relevant to anything. Forever a waste of potential.

We call that "kino"

Imagine needing every single thing spelled out for you.
Thats because Dio has Jonathan's body while Jotaro has Jonathan's ghost. Star Platinum even resembles Jonathan, just look at the face and the giant pauldrons. Even then it doesn't really matter because the battle of Dio and Jotaro was much more about belief and strength of will rather than actual power.

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>The world

>Jotaro's entire shtick throughout the entire part is moving so fast its like time's stopped
>He caught a bullet in midair without even trying in his intro, Dio discovered he could stop time when Enya shot a bunch of bullets at him

There was foreshadowing

Read the manga. Star Platinum is Jotaro's stand, a manifestation of his fighting spirit.

>Imagine needing every single thing spelled out for you.
Has this phrase ever been used in conjunction with the actual truth?

Part 4 is dogshit, just directionless filler for 85% of it.

>Jotaro's entire shtick throughout the entire part is moving so fast its like time's stopped
Not him, but that's just speed, and Silver Chariot was as fast or faster. Time stop in JJBA has nothing at all to do with speed. It's just an absolute stop that handwaves the effects that would have on shit like light or air resistance for the person stopping time.

>Get pierced by the stand arrow
>Don't die
>Get a stand
>It's fucking Cheap Trick

Attached: Tfw.png (240x240, 86K)

>Imagine needing every single thing spelled out for you
>proceeds to spout his stupid headcanon

Why did Giorno or Josuke never turn up again after their parts? Like Joseph turns up 3 different parts, Jotaro 4 different parts, Polnareff even got to popup in 3 and 5.

Why were we introduced to this cast of charaacters in Morioh and Italy, only to never see them again? I can understand the support cast like Mista or Okuyasu... but not the protags? And even then: KOICHI IS IN PART 5

I know I rationalise it by just understanding that its a new part, its not necessarily a straight continuation of the story, its just another unrelated story in the same universe. But still, would have loved to see Josuke and Giorno turn up in part 6. Especially when its the literal conclusion of the universe

I can see why Araki wouldn't want Giorno in part 6.
It would be a very unsatisfying ending if he showed up and just beat the shit out of Pucci no effort with his literally invencible stand.

Yes but wouldn’t that make it all the more satisfying to watch if Giorno did show up and failed?
Like the theories of GER not actually preventing MIH because its not actively harming him, or maybe he gets caught off guard without GER activating or something. Like it would be a good opportunity to lower the power level of GER just by showing a flaw or showing a weakness

Just like Jotaro falling to Sheer Heart Attack and whatnot

Also: Just would have been nice to see an older Josuke as well. Crazy Diamond is always fun to watch

>first half of SC is really mediocre
It's a shame because it's precisely this part that was adapted the best, even more than the Egypt part.

Are any of his videos good? The only thing I know about him is that he's second-in-command in some manga reaction guy's discord and said guy has like 1/10000 his amount of subscribers.

A proud victory for us early SDC chads

>Are any of his videos good?

What the fuck is it with everyone saying Yo Yo Ma is a shit stand. Its fucking busted as fuck. It literally cant be fucking destroyed and you literally cant beat it in a 1v1 fight. It only lost because Diver Down is busted as fuck and D n G didnt know that Annasui had a stand ability like that, otherwise Yo Yo Ma would have fucking merced him from the start instead of Jolyne

It and 7 are the best parts.

When people call it the worst, they usually mean in that it's kind of boring and its fight isn't terribly interesting, not that it's the weakest. There are plenty of weaker stands, many of which are also in Part 6.

>He caught a bullet in midair without even trying in his intro, Dio discovered he could stop time when Enya shot a bunch of bullets at him
>There was foreshadowing
Dio discovering that he could stop time by catching bullets was only shown DURING the final battle.

i'm not saying that SP is Jonathan, its just that Jotaro inherited his fighting spirit or soul, which connects him to Dio, who inherited Jonathan's body.
Like i said though, its not all about the battle of power, but much rather the battle of will. The way i see it, Araki's style isn't as grounded as others, it deals a lot more in metaphors and concepts like fate, the power to grow beyond oneself and the immortal soul. A big reason as to why Jotaro was granted the ability to stop time, was because he believed that he had the strength to achieve this, just like Enya talks about Dio needing absolute conviction that he can master time when he first discovers the World. Its why Jotaro's SP is weaker than the World at the beginning, but still shatters it at the end. Its because his will, and the will of his companions and forefathers were strong enough. Araki does this alot, wether its the heart of justice in part 4, or sleeping slaves in part 5, the Joestar bloodline in part 6 etc. Does that sound a bit cheap to explain things like this? Sure, but i think its perfectly fine as long as its entertaining.

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SP looks like Jotaro in the manga.

Are you referring to the first or second reset?

> Baby Face
animeonly detected
the original fight in the manga was based

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>i'm not saying that SP is Jonathan,
Ok but you really should have phrased it better

Highway Star fucking sucked but yeah Janken Kid was fun

Heritage for the Future is based and we direly need a sequel/new game in its style.


These punk ass kids were ready to beat a foreigner because they've never eaten Italian food before

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Kira was the best JoJo villain. In fact, he was one of the only 3 good main villains in Jojo.

The worst arc will permanently be Heavy Weather with the fucking snails. I don't think anything will ever be worse even if they fucking tried.

The worst part about Highway Star is the setup for it with the room in the tunnel, everything else about the fight is really enjoyable

Kira was the most pathetic fucking villain ever. Should've been a fucking comical sidequick to the real villain that fails like the buffoon he is all the time
Diavolo > Valentine > Dio > Pucci > Kars > Kira
That part with Rohan was actually my favorite. It's chase scenes and the like that I don't care for

Dio Brando is based
Pillar Men are ultra based
DIO is based
Kira is ultra based
Diavolo is shit, Doppio is based
Pucci is ultra based
Valentine is ultra based

Jojo has only one bad main villain.


>Kira was the most pathetic fucking villain ever. Should've been a fucking comical sidequick to the real villain that fails like the buffoon he is all the time
Finally someone who understands. Kira was disappointing as fuck.

I just need one fucking Frank Zappa reference. Just one. Araki please.

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Oh I actually like the scenes with Rohan in the tunnel, just the fake room ability seems so oddly specific to have on top of Highway Star's tracking/succing ability

Part 8 will have an ultra offensive arab stereotype called Sheik Yerbouti

Off yourself.
I agree.

when it comes to Part 6 in particular, Part 6 looks so fucking bad in black and white it's impossible to tell what's going on even with high quality scans.

>it changes the ozone
Oh cool, so he will make it really hot
>actually makes snails

Part 6 has high quality BW scans?

Oh shit

Not in english but you can get Japanese raws iirc
even they look like shit because Part 6's artwork is straight up bad.

It fucking better.
> tfw Stand is named 「Uncle Meat」or something equally ridiculous

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If anything, 6 is filler because it literally got retconned out of existence.
5 is the thematic conclusion to the series, and the true ending to the original universe.
It builds on the themes of legacy introduced in Part 1 and developed in Part 2, 3 and 4 in a brand new direction.

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Room temperature IQ posts.

Part 6's ending should have been renamed versions Johnathan, Dio, Giorno, Jotaro, and Jolyne in the car picking up Emporio and Josuke going past in the background on a motorcycle instead of just renames of the Part 6 cast
would have been kino

What could he possibly have meant by this?

I'll never accept colorfags

Still fighting myself through part 3. It's so God damn boring

secondaries should not have a say

Pleb filtered

would have been a cool shoutout to the previous parts and felt more final as an ending to the series.
Also Part 6's characters are weak and Foo Fighters didn't even show up.

Based high IQ post.
With Diavolo revealed as the one to blame for the arrows it also closes that plot from part 4 as well. Part 6 just adds a new villain over it

It gets better but it's still the overall weakest part.

>With Diavolo revealed as the one to blame for the arrows it also closes that plot from part 4 as well.
Diavolo didn't make the arrows.

if you find Part 3 boring there is no hope of you ever enjoying this series

>but it's still the overall weakest part.
Who said anything about GW?

Yeah but that was still before Jotaro stopped time
At that point if you were really paying attention you could think “Dio could catch bullets, wait Jotaro could catch bullets”, especially since Jotaro already commented that the stands are similar earlier on

SDC is the lowest point of the series

*Highest point

I never said he did

>With Diavolo revealed as the one to blame for the arrows
He didn't make them, so he isn't to blame for them.

But I really like part 1 and 2. I will rewatch both of them at one point.


Oops, meant for

You can think that even though Parts 1 and 6 are worse but he specifically said he was -bored-

Part 3 is the most fast paced and wacky in the whole series, they kill a new stand user almost every chapter and they're always going somewhere different in the world. It has batshit crazy scenes like the toilet pig and fake Kakyoin.
If you are getting BORED during the most fast paced, gimmicky part of the whole series, the series will not work for you, you will just be MORE bored by every other part.

I like him as a character. Having this super powerful guy with a super weird fetish involving murdering women genuinely feel like nothing's wrong with him because it's fate's fault he's like that and wanting nothing but a reserved quiet life in a small town is a really cool concept. It's his function as the antagonistic force of the story that I have a problem with. He just fails and escapes by sheer luck too often

nigger go fuck yourself

He is to blame for everything they did in JoJo because he dug them up and sold them you mongoloid speedreader. He is to blame for their presence in the world outside of being covered by sand somewhere in Egypt

t. read the manga once like five years ago

At least he read and didn't watch it

My bad. I meant read. I'm going to start reading part 4 right now. Fuck part 3. I will just read the summary of it on Wikipedia.

The cast from previous Parts were not affected by the reset. Only the events of Stone Ocean and the people Pucci directly killed were affected, and of course Pucci, who was deleted from reality entirely. The ones he killed had their souls reborn and lived peaceful lives instead of the troubled ones they previously had. The events of Stone Ocean naturally didn't happen because of this. Regarding Jotaro, I'd argue he's unaffected because he's older than Pucci, therefore not affected by Pucci's deletion, but it's really weird considering that if you were killed by Pucci you would get replaced. Basically there is a reason Araki put off showing him in Ireneverse.

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This is the average Part 3 hater summed up.

don't worry the summary is better than slogging through the actual part

Kira is actually the most honest villain. Every villain is unfair as fuck like being a vampire who can stop time, a dude which skip (??) time, another that rewrites the fucking universe and THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM. Kira is just a normal guy which a weird fetish that implies killing. He only can make bombs, the heart attack and za dusto. He needs to use his IQ to get out of the way instead of having a broken ass stand. And even when he’s defeated, he’s still thinking how to get out of the situation.
He’s based

The entire conceit of his character turns me off, because he wants a quiet life but also wants to put in the bare minimum effort to make that happen. He has to be supported by his dad, luck, and the narrative to actually get anywhere. There are other small reasons I dislike him like his character design.

Sorry but if you read the manga you would know that Diavolo dug up the arrows by coincidence while he was working with an excavation team. The arrows are drawn to people by fate so even if he didn't dig them up, someone else from the team would have and the arrows would have been guided to Enya regardless. In conclusion, revealing the identity of the part-time archaeologist who dug up the arrows and sold them to Enya does not explain anything about the mystery of their origins and therefore does not close off any plots from Part 4.

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>He has to be supported by his dad
It's almost as if though family is one of the biggest themes in the series

>Knights of Cydonia
>A meta name like Bloody Stream or Stand Proud
>Lemon Demon

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>He takes minimum effort to make that happen

I thought that was part of the point though. He’s like an entitled child. His stand was born out of, not his desire for murder coz he could already do that perfectly well, but because he left big bloody corpses everywhere and his dad picked up after him. He literally got a stand to clean up his mess for him. He even got an automatic tracking substand (sheer heart attack) to do his fighting for him.
He believes he’s entitled to killing because nobody can stop their base impulses and desires, so rather than fight it, he just lets it happen. He wants to live like a plant so he makes decisions like one: Just follow the natural flow of things

Great days is better, both are still amazing

There is no if. As you said, it was fate, it couldn't have been any other way.

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I always wondered from watching the anime why Diavolo went from massacring his village in italyto going on an archaeological dig in egypt.

The answer is part time cash? Thats it?

First, you get the money.

Fate led him there

Crystal castles, purity ring, arcane roots, slipknot
Death Grips would make an amazing stand name

Mystery like everything to do with him.
He erases traces of his past so well even the audience must get to barely know it

That doesn't change my point. Fate simply used him as a vehicle. He's not the one to blame for the arrows any more than Jonathan's mom can be blamed for the mask.

>Fate simply used him as a vehicle.
Fate isn't an entity.
When Diavolo sold the arrows, he was already fully aware of what they were capable, unlike Jonathan's mother was with the mask.

So JJL Kira develop Killer Queen+SHA as surgery tools?

Pretty much.

No stand is worse to get than Cheap Trick.

That’s still too late for most people.

>muh stoic bad
What's wrong ?

I think the issue most people have is more with Jotaro moving in the frozen time than being able to stop it at the end.

Is a priest trusting a maneating vampire that kills woman for fun a plothole ? Pretty sure He knows he's dealing with a serial killer

>having a moral compass
Pick one.

Divine Styler would be the coolest stand name ever

he operates on a pretty normal compass before Dio's plan comes in

A normal priest would have hanged himself or fall to depression and alcoholism after sending the KKK after his brother and making his sister commit suicide

>contradictory trait = plot hole
nigga open a book

Dio has that Shoko Asahara Charles Manson Jim Jones level charisma that can brainwash almost anyone to do anything.
I mean ffs Vanilla Ice was so devoted to him he cut his head off on command and Vanilla Ice had a stronger Stand.

He admit himself that's a mistake
But what mental gymnastic does he go through regarding Dio vampiric nature and the dead body of woman he finds coming home

He didn't knowingly dig them up, and he's not responsible for what other people do with them. Unlike the mask, the arrows aren't inherently bad.

>A christian being hypocritical is a plot hole

A christian not being hypocritical would be more of a plot hole

DIO is a vampire. Subtle mind control and brain washing is a classic vampire thing

The same logic anyone feels when encountering dio alone.
Look at avdol, he had to run so fast the gay thoughts couldn’t catch him

Most people liked Baby Face better in the anime.

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I think it was a fine arc

I don’t blame, but you should still try to finish it

I dislike how incompetent Alessi was. The fight was utterly hopeless for Polnareff, there's no way he should have won even against an idiot.

When's All Star Battle 2 (this time featuring fucking Ghiaccio and White Album)?

based Avdol

I want Abbacchio and Diego playable

Yes, but he still unleashed them on the world without a care for what could possibly happen, the greedy motherfucker.
Part of makes Diavolo evil is his not caring for the people he considers below him, his apathetical behaviour causes the suffering of countless people.

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After part 5 airing, people be in up in arms about no abacchio in the roster now

Moody blues would be such a fun character for a fighting game too, so much potential

Remember when Polnareff nearly wiped out all life on earth and nobody held him responsible for it?


I really liked ASB, I wouldn't mind a sequel.
Some people want a "proper" fighting game, but ASB was good enough for me, unlocking everything was actually a lot of fun, considering how many colors, outfits and victory poses/quotes there were and how those are actually interesting/desirable in the context of JoJo.
If making a DBFZ like game would mean limiting the roster I wouldn't mind a return to ASB. But anything is better than EoH.
False equivalence. That is a part of who Diavolo is and is built up through the backstories of the gang, like Bruno's and Narancia's, how he deals with Trish and his dialogue with Bruno.

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He didn't unleash them on the world. He sold them to an old lady. I don't understand why you're calling him "greedy" either. Is the problem that he gave the arrows away, or that he did it for money?

Probably never. We will get Eyes of Heaven 2.0

Part 6 still has 'legacy' theme with Jolyne sacrificing herself to let Emporio leave or Jolyne giving him Weather's disc to defeat Pucci like his brother wanted to.
It even ends by making Jolyne and Jotaro free from the cursed fate of the joestars.

Remember when Jotaro sent an arrowhead into the prison unsupervised and gave a bunch of random people stands as a result.

>nobody held him responsible for it
we dont really know that

>Ghiaccio and White Album
it is shocking to me that they still have not appeared in either game and yet Joshu made it into Eyes Of Heaven.

It's okay when you have protagonist status.

> not Heritage 2
Why even live?

All Star Battle is underrated and with a polished up sequel could be something truly special. Plus 3D means bigger roster.
though Heritage 2 would of course be amazing.

What are they gonna do to him, just toss the key away?

>False equivalence. That is a part of who Diavolo is and is built up through the backstories of the gang, like Bruno's and Narancia's, how he deals with Trish and his dialogue with Bruno.
None of that is anywhere near as bad as what Polnareff did.
Mista briefly gets angry at him, but Bruno tells him that he shouldn’t be.

>That is a part of who Diavolo is and is built up through the backstories of the gang, like Bruno's and Narancia's, how he deals with Trish and his dialogue with Bruno.

He sent it to Jolyne, he couldn't have imagined he would she would toss it away.
>None of that is anywhere near as bad as what Polnareff did.
How could Polnareff know? He had no idea the arrow could literally cause an apocalypse. And did it actually have any consequences? Fuck off.
Diavolo already had gotten godly powers from the arrow when he sold them, he knew they could be used for crazy stuff.
Not an argument.

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>How could Polnareff know? He had no idea the arrow could literally cause an apocalypse.
He didn’t know how bad it would get, but he knew that it would be very bad.
>And did it actually have any consequences?
Not an excuse.
>Diavolo already had gotten godly powers from the arrow when he sold them
We don’t even know that.

>Part 6 still has 'legacy' theme
That's true. But I don't like how they sort of escape from their fate. In Part 2, Joseph learned to proudly inherit his legacy, in Part 5 Giorno and Bruno learn to live with and surpass the shit fate they were given upon birth.
In the end of Part 6, Jolyne gets "freed" from her fate through death, considering how identity is presented in Stone Ocean, Jolyne is indeed dead, which is a different direction, but one I don't like as much. What I was saying is that Part 5 could have been a conclusion to the first universe just fine, and that calling it filler is delusional.

Diavolo sold them to Enya, he couldn't have imagined she would use them to give DIO a stand.

>We don’t even know that.
Well, no, he's right about that. Diavolo did get King Crimson through those arrows.

But we never learn exactly when he got King Crimson from the arrow.

>Not an argument.
You didn't make an argument. You wrote out incoherent gibberish. Narancia's backstory doesn't talk about Diavolo selling the arrows.

You're trying way too hard to push this as being more significant than it is. Diavolo selling the arrows is just a piece of fun trivia.

I watched part 1-4 anime then i started to read the rest in the manga

>The answer is part time cash? Thats it?
You say this like its a weird thing. Diavolo was always obsessed with the past and people need money. I mean imagine being paid to explore historical egyptian sites, that sounds fucking cool.
Its either that or work at McDonalds.

>reading comprehension
Narancia's backstory isn't directly connected to the selling of the arrows, but both paint a picture of Diavolo causing harm through being apathetic to what happens as a consequence to his actions.
Narancia got fucked over by a Diavolo affected society, as did Bruno, whose father was killed because of the drug trade. Read The Mystery of King Crimson again.

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Part 5

>Narancia got fucked over by a Diavolo affected society
It literally had nothing to do with Diavolo. Diavolo was the one who saved Narancia

The reaching is real. Bruno's dad wasn't killed because of Diavolo's drug trade, or else Passione would not have protected his life.

Bruno and Fugo saved Narancia.

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>>reading comprehension
You need to write better. I read what you wrote just fine.

On Diavolo's dime.

>The reaching is real. Bruno's dad wasn't killed because of Diavolo's drug trade, or else Passione would not have protected his life.
Pic related.
Okay, note taken. I admit it wasn't written very well.

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Diavolo isn't god, you know? You can't blame him for every little thing that happens in the world.

So you're saying Diavolo is a good person because Bruno, who is a good person, is part of his gang? Crime ridden fucked up Italy is, partly, Diavolo's fault. I can't find it but there is a page during the Coliseum sequence where Polnareff explains how crime rates have risen after Diavolo took over.

I'm saying that Diavolo is the reason why Narancia didn't die of that infection. There is no evidence that Narancia's friend was directly influenced by Passione, but we do know that he was only saved thanks through Passione's influence.

That page makes no sense. What do muh drugs SPECIFICALLY have to do with Diavolo and not the fucking criminal business as a whole? I swear japs treat coke as worse than murder or some shit. And also this contradicts Polnareff's statement about the gang's drug trade being a huge deal way back when he investigated them in like 1986. and not some more recent venture.

>I swear japs treat coke as worse than murder or some shit.
A voice actor for one of the Yakuza games tested positive for coke and they removed him from the game.

Wish the part 5 delved more into Diavolo taking people into his organization and ensuring protection of them/their family. Though Araki's writing style didn't really become more morally grey til part 7.

Would of been nice if the anime added something though.

Not directly but it's not hard to see how one thing could lead to another. And as I said earlier, Bruno's actions are not representative of Diavolo's character.
I suppose Bruno was just lied to.
>What do muh drugs SPECIFICALLY have to do with Diavolo and not the fucking criminal business as a whole?
I suppose what he was going for is that, if the boss was virtuous and oriented his gang to not sell to children shit like this would not happen. Still, things like what happened Bruno's dad could have happened anyway. It is sort of contradicting, I suppose. You can't really expected the whole gang to be virtuous, even if the boss is.

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>I swear japs treat coke as worse than murder or some shit.
They really do.
It gets worse. Your example was a guy who had it in his system and even had some found at his home.
This guy from Yakuza 4 was only ACCUSED of doing cocaine, had none found on his person, tested negative for it, and they still removed him from the remastered version. They even went out of their way to cast someone completely different looking so he didn't look remotely similar.
This actor also completely quit the entertainment industry because of the bullshit and it's surprising he didn't kill himself.
cocaine is worse than rape in Japan.

Drugs bad main characters good

That's all we get

fuck dropped the picture.

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