7 > 3 > (8) > 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 6
You know it's true
7 > 3 > (8) > 5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 6
You know it's true
You hate part 6 because main jojo is a woman right? it's okay i hate her as well.
>jolyne all over giorno
What the fuck is this shit?!
I'm gonna kill that little blonde boyband reject. I'M GONNA FUCKIN KILL HIM.
Eh, Jolyne is the worst JoJo, but not by far. It's the worst part because the only redeeming parts of it are the Pucci fights and the rest is just boring.
That's just like, your opinion, man
How much fun I had:
6 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 7 > 1
Part quality:
7 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 3
7 > 1 > 8 > 5 ~ 6 > 3 > 4 ~ 2
All the fights in the prison are bad, except Jail House Rock. Green Baby is meh. Donatello is the only interesting Dio's son, but the fight wasn't that great. The Weather Report fight is good, but not great. The last 20 chapters are great, but they only make up an eight of the series.
>All the fights in the prison are bad
>Green Baby is meh
>Donatello is the only interesting Dio's son, but the fight wasn't that great
The Weather Report fight is good, but not great
>The last 20 chapters are great, but they only make up an eight of the series.
Only partially true statement in your post
1/4 try again
How can someones opinion be so bad? Fuck off retard you got caught by the pleb filter.
>4 that low
Nigga how?
I like all the parts, so it was really hard to find one that I would put that low, but 4 just didn't hook me like all the others did. I still liked it, of course, but I thought all the characters were pretty weak and without motivation besides Kira.
I’m not ranking 8 until it’s done
How does being a male feminist feel like?
>anything below 1
Opinion discarded
>anything above 1 besides 7
Opinion discarded
You write like a spic. Did you accidentally wander out of the dragonball thread?
Rare to see a ranking that is completely sensible & demonstrating excellent taste.
Go back to watching Hunter x Hunter whiteboi
7 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2
In regards to 8, this guy said it for me
Pretty good tas-
>7 that low
Fuck off
Can someone give me a non-meme explanation for why so many people dislike part 6?
>Irrelevant character flashback
>Rules reiteration
Ok dude
Did we read the same part?
>a non-meme explanation
Forced diversity
Without any shitposting, people's opinions on part 6 usually come down to their feelings on slow paced stories. Part 6 is incredibly meandering and some people like the nuances of it's drawn out fights and storylines, others hate them. Also, retards get a massive (hate)boner for it because it's cast mostly consists of women.
It suddenly occurred to me that you might actually be serious. That can't be right, right? The main characters being female was just a gimmick of the part and has nothing to do with politics. Araki had fags, niggers, and girls in plenty of other parts.
Thanks for confirming
So it's mainly muh manly shonen fags, is that it? I personally was glad for a story with longer fights because the stand-of-the-week of the earlier parts was a bit too rapid for me.
>mostly consists of women
Jolyne and Hermes are the only "women" F.F. doesn't count because it's literally plankton.
Incorrect on an infinite number of planes of reality
I'd love to see araki redraw part 1 in his current style. I think the contrast would be amazing.
But he did?
>asks for a non-meme explanation
>proceeds to immediately shitpost
She should've been a member of the part 6 crew.
Good list but for me, it's:
I wasn't shitposting. Maybe I went overboard with the "muh manly shonen" part, but it's true that CARfags are obnoxious. JoJo stopped being manly after part 3. And it was never more than a parody of manly manga at that.
>1 that high
>2 that low
but why? genuinely curious
M favorite villain is Kira and my favorite JoJo is Joseph but 2 and 4 are my least favorite parts.
Young Joseph's plot armor was too OP
Maybe I should stop posting until I can read my keyboard
There are a lot of people who like faster paced stories and don't expect JoJo to be manly shonen.
Jotarofags bitching about their favorite jojo dying, Giornofags bitching about their favorite jojo not being used.
also its an unspoken rule of jojotubers and plebbitors that part 6 is the worst and people follow that rule like sheep.
also people not understanding the ending which is not hard to grasp, people thinking that the main villain is just another goon of DIO with no personality and no personal motive, which is objectively false, etc etc speedreaders.
the only sensible reason as to why people think its not good is the mid pacing being horrible which i don't remember if it's true or not
Haven't read/watched three yet since I understand the plot through pop culture osmosis and stand user with no motives or depth doesn't seem interesting enough
>How much fun I had:
Imo, 6 is has consistent story but the wow-factor comes after the plant baby appears
>Araki had fags, niggers, and girls in plenty of other parts.
Name one character in Jojo that is canonically gay, implied gay doesn't count i'm talking actually man on man woman on woman gay gay.
The amount of people I see thinking SBR is because of part 6s ending makes me think you're right.
Those dudes who betrayed passione
steel ball run will have the best adaptaion it was made to be animated
I mean a full redraw of phantom blood.
sorbet and gelato, also Valentine's wife is bisexual and a pedophile
Reddit and youtube love part 6 though.
It's never been confirmed or denied, but it is the most logical explanation for the SBR continuity.
>Sorbet and Gelato
>Squalo and Tiziano
>First Lady Scarlet
>It's never been confirmed or denied, but it is the most logical explanation for the SBR continuity.
You're fucking retarded. The "reset" universe is identical to the original one, and all the people who were not killed by pucci or other accidents during the reset survived over to the new universe. Also, nothing from before pucci started the reset was affected. Joseph, if he is still alive in the 2000s, Giorno, Josuke, etc are all still alive and well.
>Jotarofags bitching about their favorite jojo dying, Giornofags bitching about their favorite jojo not being used.
>the first important character to die is the only good character
why araki
No, it was that 2 is basically a filler part, although I tend to do that or go back and forth between that and Part 5. Either or parts don't really do it for me. 6 was pretty bad up until the ending, but that doesn't justify the part as a whole.
For me, 2 didn't really contain any significant development other than Joseph Joestar and Speedwagon, of whom the latter pulled out his ass a solution to every problem (we get it, you roped-a-doped Esidisi's veins and made him burn to death and he came back as a brain to mind-control your future waifu, nobody fucking cares) and Speedwagon was just there to carry on the legacy of Part 1 while barely contributing anything whatsoever.
Plus, the main villain and supporting cast were nothing to write home about. Sure, Kars created the stone masks so...that has to count for something, right? No. And Lisa Lisa, while seemingly somewhat decent, hadn't really come close to anything Joseph had so far. And don't even get me started with Caesar. He was nothing but a foil to Joseph in the first place.
Bottom line, Part 2 felt pretty much filler. Part 5, while feeling filler, at least had somewhat to contribute because tied itself as a midway between the last two parts and part 6 for the usage of the stand arrows, DIO's legacy, and Requiem stands (which were very short lived).
Plus, Passione at least felt more complacent and fluctuated compared to Joseph (did I mention this?) WORKING FOR THE NAZIS.
trips of truth shitting on a speedreading/watching fag. BASED.
obvious bait
Aside from Hermes, every character in part 6 was not just interesting, but had a good character arc. ESPECIALLY Jotaro and Jolyne
>part 1 goes to shit when zeppeli dies
>part 5 goes to shit when narancia dies
>part 6 goes to shit when FF dies
>Reddit and youtube love part 6 though
what alternate reality are you living in user
>it is the most logical explanation for the SBR continuity
there is no logical explanation to it, araki just wanted to reboot and he did it. also whatever you said is not logical since we know that MiH doesn't change history or people(unless they died while MiH was active). theres no reason for steel ball run to just pop into existence since it never happened in the OG-verse, stop spreading
your headcanons
>Part 6 goes to shit when F.F. dies
what the fuck are you talking about? Part 6 gets 10 times better after she dies.
Kill yourself, speedreader.
>part 6 goes to shirt when FF dies
Why do you hate the Nazis? Stroheim was a hero and a patriot.
>part 6 goes to shit when FF dies
I dislike mostly because of the artstyle and setting. I don't think there was anything objectively wrong with the plot of the arc, but I think that confining most of the part to a singular location was a bad move.
You're the speedreader here. SBR is a completely different story with only cameo references to the original JoJoverse. Made In Heaven only changes people who were killed while MIH was active, and it does not change history. In fact, the most logical connection between Phantom Blood JoJo and SBR JoJo is Dirty Deeds ability to reach into other universes with alternate events. SBR is it's own thing separate from MIH.
6 > 7 > 4 > 2 = 3 > 5 > 1
>part 6 goes to shit when FF dies
I think part 6 is the best
>Part 6 goes to shit when FF dies
>He didn't like Dio's sons, Heavy weather, C-Moon and MiH
>user posts a pic to prove his point
>the pic completely proves anons point wrong
top kek, look at what Pucci says in that pic speedreader
>it will be a different future
the guy literally spells it out for you, how can you miss this point this much. only future events will be altered, not the past
Oh no no no
You caught me i surrender.
As I said in my original post, it's never been confirmed or denied whether SBR happens in MiHverse. And even though Made in Heaven is supposed to only change people who where killed while it was active, the process got interrupted while it was still ongoing. So it created a different timeline than the original where at least some events have been changed (as evidenced by the end of part 6). SBR could very well just be a completely different timeline with no connection to the original, but we have an in-continuity explanation in the alternate different timeline created by MiH.
He says that there will be a different future if he is killed "before cape canaveral". And since at the end of the part, none of the cast know each other and aren't in jail, it's more likely than not that the future he was referring to was the future from the perspective of the accelerated time, and not the future from the perspective of the point in time he left off at when Made in Heaven was first activated.
No, because there is no reason to assume SBR was ever connected to MIH. You're twisted, convoluting, and contradicting important parts of both things in order to make up an explanation that never needed to exist in the first place. SBR is it's own separate thing and doesn't need a "cause" for its existence relative to the main timeline. Made in Heaven has nothing to do with Steel Ball Run in any way whatsoever.
I immediately discard any opinion that doesn't place 1 at the bottom.
Except Pucci literally created a different timeline with MiH, and if your retard brain can't see how that could even possibly be connected to SBR, kill yourself.
braindead poster
wtf was araki thinking
>He didn't like Dio's sons
people did ?
Get out of here, redditor.
Don't you fucking laugh about Part 1. Part 1 is a work of art. Dracula in manga form.
Delet this
>reddit spacing
You're projecting way too hard. And yeah, it's a fucking snorefest.
part 1 is top tier until zeppeli dies
No, that isn't what MiH did. If you want to know the truth, I used to think that was how SBR happened too, until I realized how MiH actually worked and how contradictory the SBR universe was to even the tiny parts of the world we saw after MiH. The very existence of Emporio and Pucci means that MiH absolutely does not work that way.
5 > 3 > 7 > (8) > 4 > 2 > 1 > 6
It was a different time.
I see...
the reason the main cast don't know each other is that Pucci of the previous reality didn't exist in the new reality, he died in the previous one. his nonexistence had a butterfly effect which caused the "main cast" to never meet in the Irene-verse in the first case, since in the OG-verse they met because of Pucci.
also the future he is refering to in that pic is the future he let people see when he first accelerated time. if he died there the future of the next universe would be different because of said butterfly effect
Pucci literally created the SBR universe.
I don't understand why so many people hold 7 in such high regard
I mean it was good but I had way more fun reading 6 and 4
have sex
No, he didn't. He barely changed anything at all.
this guy was enough to elevate it to godlike status in my eyes
>since in the OG-verse they met because of Pucci.
Hermes and Anasui went to jail for reasons unrelated to Pucci.
found the shiteater
Gyro, Valentine, Diego, and the best stands of any part.
Can someone make an infograph explaining the discrepancies between how MiH works and the SBR universe?
>I don't understand why so many people hold 7 in such high regard
>I had way more fun reading 6
Obviously, the problem is with you.
No, because even though the SBR universe is not related to Made in Heaven, you guys will still find a way to fuck up the graph and weaken your own argument.
You dumb baboon nigger, I want it made so I don't have to explain to people why SBR is not MiH every time.
Anasui ruined part 6, foo fighters should've killed him
Sure, those are both fair points, but neither actually disprove that SBRverse is MiHverse. First of all, all of the main cast is not in jail, which means that some things other than Pucci changed. Second, we know so little about the overall bloodline in SBRverse that it's impossible to say that Jolyne Kujo couldn't exist in SBR. And obviously most of the universe would have been recreated with a similar 'fate' to some degree if MiHverse was SBRverse, as evidenced by the fact that the characters in SBRverse share a lot of similarities with their pre-SBR counterparts.
but jolyne, weather report and emporio met because of pucci, whats your point
My point is that Hermes and Anasui went to jail for reasons unrelated to Pucci.
Because he fucked up your heterophobic carpet munching mentally ill fantasies? Stay on reddit, please.
Why does Araki keep giving Jonathan the scarf and band when both are Joseph's?
>6 that low
>3 that high
At least you got 8 right
>3 that high
It should be higher.
This is the level of post quality I expected from you.
>First of all, all of the main cast is not in jail, which means that some things other than Pucci changed
reread the post, i clearly said that pucci's nonexistence had a butterfly effect, hence why jolyne for example isn't in prison
>recreated with a similar 'fate' to some degree if MiHverse was SBRverse
the fuck are you talking about, what do you mean similar 'fate', youre pulling shit out of your ass with no basis
>i clearly said that pucci's nonexistence had a butterfly effect
Which isn't a legitimate argument
elaborate user
Because anybody could use "A butterfly effect" to explain whatever nonsense they wanted to claim and it would be just as valid. You might as well say "Pucci being gone created a butterfly effect that made the SBR universe".
Gyro barely had a stand to begin with
Diego didn't even have his own stand until the second half and that was from part 3.
Valentine's was interesting.
>Pucci not being the same in 2000s made 1890s change
user i...
If the butterfly effect can go back in time and change unrelated people's names you could just as easily say it could change anything else.
Why you talking about every jojo part, that doesn't make sense
Kek @ all the SBRedditors desperately coping. Part 7 is good but it's not as good everyone makes it out to be. It has many underwhelming and boring arcs, D4C goes on for too long, and a lot of characters just don't have the same charm as past ones.
If you actually read it more than once you'll see all the flaws.
>change unrelated people's names
speedreader they changed because they died in the OG-verse, even Jotaro's name would have been different
So now you admit that there was no butterfly effect? Their lives were changed because they died during Made in Heaven.
>dude why are they talking so much I want to see cool explosions like in SO
Pleb filtered.
Part 7 contains the best characters in Jojo and the best characters of all time. Gyro qualifies for the latter. He's hilarious, but he also has a tragic backstory that offers him plenty of motivation while keeping him a mystery. Diego is a unique spin on Dio from Part 1, and his Stand Scary Monsters is awesome. Lucy and Steven are a great duo. Steven is barely in the story, but he's a well written and unique supporting character. While Lucy doesn't come into play until the finale, she is still compelling. Wekapipo is one of the finest side protagonists and works well as a foil to Gyro. Part 7 also contains my favorite side villain, Ringo, and though his time spent in the story is brief it is arguably the pinnacle of of the entire series. As for the Jojo and main villain, they're unquestionably the best of the best. Johnny is a tragic lightning rod of Shakespearean proportions. It's not only impossible to not root for him; it is immoral. He possesses one of the greatest and most significant character arcs I've ever experienced, and his Stand Tusk is awesome to boot. He is my favorite Jojo bar none, despite being one of the most depraved ones. Johnny is immoral and sinful and honestly can be considered the villain of Part 7, but he is still a compelling force of nature. Valentine can be considered the hero to an extent and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Valentine is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like an improved version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Valentine will stop at nothing to make America great again. As said by the man himself, his "heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They represent those of JUSTICE.". D4C also has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Stand and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.
Everything said here is true by the way.
this is the last post ill make for your retarded ass, ill leave the task of being baited to other anons.
alright let me spoon-feed you some information. after the first reset we see alt-world jotaro and jolyne in prison, can you guess why? because Pucci and his actions still existed in that reality. their names could have been different too, who knows. now look at Irene-verse, Pucci and his actions are erased, this causes a butterfly effect of jolyne not going to jail, simple right?
>focusing on the picture instead of what i wrote
So this is the best """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""sbrchads"""""""""""""""""""" can do.
Also part 7 is a pleb catcher, which is why every redditor and their mother puts it as their favorite part because if they don't they risk being outed by the other faggots who do the same.
Nice copypasta
>now look at Irene-verse, Pucci and his actions are erased, this causes a butterfly effect of jolyne not going to jail, simple right?
Pucci's actions are not what gave Anasui his name or what caused him to go to prison, so you just made a fool of yourself.
Pucci never exists = Jotaro not fighting Dio followers so much = better relationship with his daugther = she meets Annasui before he kills a slut
Very disturbing implications here considering their age gap.
Thunder McQueen cemented part 6 in my top 3, part 7 was too bleak for me idk it wasn’t what I expected of jojo
no, because he survived instead of foo fighters
so based